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Metode Promethee Pada Penyeleksian Resto Dengan Index Preferece Multicriteria Akmaludin Akmaludin; Mohammad Badrul
Bahasa Indonesia Vol 5 No 2 (2018): Bina Insani ICT Journal (Desember 2018)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Bina Insani

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Abstrak: Menentukan sebuah keputusan tentunya membutuhkan alat bantu berupa metode, banyak ragam dari metode pengambilan keputusan. Proses seleksi sangat penting sekali bagi seorang pengambil keputusan. Pengambil keputusan dalam hal seleksi tempat peristirahatan berupa resto tentunya berdasarkan parameter berupa sejumlah kriteria, yang memberikan gambaran dalam penilaian secara kuantitatif. Metode yang digunakan dalam proses seleksi resto menggunakan promethee, yang dituangkan dalam beberapa tahapan yaitu promethee-1 dalam bentuk parsial dan digabungkan dengan menggunakan promethee-2. Dari tiga resto yang diseleksi memberikan gambaran hasil yang sangat menarik untuk dipahami untuk menambah pengetahuan para peneliti yang membahas permasalahan yang identik dengan pembahasan ini. Adapun hasil yang didapat dari pembahasan promethee ini adalah dengan melakukan kombinasi pengurangan yang dihasilkan antara entering flow dan leaving flow dengan nama net flow dengan besaran nilai seleksi peringkat pertama di ditempati oleh Resto-B dengan bobot 0,64; diperingkat dua diduduki oleh Resto-A dengan bobot (-0,36) dan peringkat terakhir dari porses seleksi diduduki oleh Resto-C dengan bobot (-0,28). Kata kunci: Keputusan, Promethee, Seleksi, Resto. Abstract: Determining a decision requires method in the form of method, many kinds of decision making method. The selection process is very important for a decision maker. Decision makers in terms of selection of resting places in the form of restaurant must be based on parameters in the form of a number of criteria, which provides an overview in the assessment quantitatively. The method used in the restaurant selection process using promethee, which is poured in several stages of promethee-1 in partial form and combined with using promethee-2. Of the three selected restaurants provide a very interesting outline of the results to be understood to increase the knowledge of researchers who discuss issues that are identical to this discussion. The results obtained from the discussion of this promethee is to do a combination of the resulting reduction between entering flow and leaving flow with the name of the net flow with the value of the first rank selection in occupied by Resto-B with a weight of 0.64; rated two is occupied by Resto-A with weight (-0.36) and the last rank of selection selection is occupied by Resto-C with weight (-0.28). Keywords: Decisions, Promethee, Resto, Selection
Pelatihan Internet Pembuatan Blog bagi Guru-Guru HIMAPAUDI Kecamatan Kemayoran, Jakarta Akmaludin Akmaludin; Popon Handayani; Laila Septiana
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 4 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (696.508 KB) | DOI: 10.30653/002.201942.144


INTERNET TRAINING OF BLOG MAKING FOR TEACHERS OF HIMAPAUDI OF KEMAYORAN DISTRICT, CENTRAL JAKARTA. In the current era of Digitization 4.0, all data and information must use technology based on a fully computerized system, where output is displayed and produced in electronic form. Thus the need for internet for HIMAPAUDI Teachers is in dire need and necessary for Internet training. Especially in the case of making BLOGs. Blog creation training using Blogspot by following the rules for making Blogs. Before the training process, the pretest test was conducted, the results of which were decidedly less than expected. After going through the training process, participants were asked to fill out instrumentation in the form of a questionnaire, and the results were processed using the direct rating method, method combined with pure mathematics, using five variables and 10 question indicators, it turns out the results obtained using a combination of these two methods give the predicate value very well and through the graphic line the results are scoring 87.27. Thus it can be said that there is an increase in learning outcomes through this training. Thus the training process can provide a significant improvement in the achievement of the progress of HIMAPAUDI teachers in the Kemayoran District, Central Jakarta.
Peningkatan Kreativitas User dengan MS-Word dan Canofile dalam Manajemen Dokumen Surat Masal bagi Guru dan Santri Remaja TPQ Nurul Huda Sunter Muara, Jakarta Utara Akmaludin Akmaludin; Cepi Cahyadi; Erene Gernaria; Linda Sari Dewi; Rinawati Rinawati; Ester Arisawati; Wulan Dari
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 5 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (991.418 KB) | DOI: 10.30653/002.202052.325


ENHANCING USER CREATIVITY WITH MS-WORD AND CANOFILE IN THE MANAGEMENT OF MASS LETTER DOCUMENTS FOR TEENAGE TEACHERS AND SANTRI OF TPQ NURUL HUDA SUNTER MUARA, JAKARTA UTARA. The conditions that are seen today, many small agencies at this time so easily become worse because of data processing constraints that are not or have not yet adapted to technological advances resulting in very rapid setbacks, because they are unable to keep up with technological trends. even middle and upper agencies can experience the same thing that will experience a downturn. Thus the implementation of this community service provides solutions for small institutions such as TPQ Nurul Huda Sunter Muara to be able to adjust to wrestling about computer technology, especially in word and database Canofile applications. Starting from the results of the free test process, it was seen that on average many did not know it, after going through this training process with high enthusiasm and enthusiasm, participants were asked to return to fill in the instrumentation in the form of a questionnaire as a barometer post test and the results were processed using the Direct Rating Method, which is processed mathematically, by using five variables and ten indicator questions. The results obtained and processed using a combination of these two applications, given good results seen from the graphic display with an average weight is 4.61 and 76.93. Thus, through computer training activities which are bridged in the form of community service, it can be said that there is an increase in good learning outcomes, although there are still psychomotor variables that must be improved, so that these psychomotor variables require routine and continuous treatment.
PROSISKO: Jurnal Pengembangan Riset dan Observasi Sistem Komputer Vol. 5 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Serang Raya

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Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional (BKKBN) Merupakan lembaga pemerintah Non Departemen Indonesia yang bertugas melaksanakan tugas pemerintahan di bidang keluarga berencana dan keluarga sejahtera. Salah satu aspek penting penunjang kelancaran setiap program yang diusung BKKBN adalah kelancaran dalam bidang komunikasi, sementara itu pada BKKBN pusat saat ini terdapat beberapa kendala yang dirasa cukup serius dalam bidang infrastruktur komunikasi, yaitu kurang optimalnya jaringan komunikasi pada BKKBN pusat dengan wilayah Indonesia bagian timur yaitu Provinsi Maluku Utara dan Papua Barat yang masih menggunakan media telepon konvensional biasa untuk melakukan komunikasi antar Provinsi yang dirasa belum optimal dari segi pemberdayaan jaringan yang ada. Untuk mengoptimalkan jaringan komunikasi pada BKKBN dengan Provinsi terkait, maka diperlukan implementasi jaringan komunikasi VOIP pada BKKBN Pusat dengan Provinsi Maluku Utara dan Papua Barat. VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) adalah teknologi yang mampu melewatkan trafik suara, video dan data yang berbentuk paket melalui jaringan IP, dan menjamin keamanan jenis komunikasi yang dilakukan dengan jaringan komunikasi VOIP tersebut.
PROSISKO: Jurnal Pengembangan Riset dan Observasi Sistem Komputer Vol. 6 No. 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Serang Raya

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Pertumbuhan pengguna internet di Indonesia sangat signifikan, Namun, peningkatan peningkatan pengguna jaringan internet tidak didukung sepenuhnya dengan peningkatan mutu jaringan internet yang sebanding. Kebutuhan pengaturan jaringan tidak bisa dipungkiri lagi di perusahaan PT. Samafitro merupakan perusahaan digital printing yang memiliki beberapa cabang di berbagai daerah. Saat ini PT. Samafitro masih menggunakan 1 ISP dari Provider CBN. Permasalahan saat ini adalah sering terjadinya putus koneksi internet pada Kantor Pusat yang mengakibatkan pada Kantor Cabang tidak dapat mengakses aplikasi. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, diperlukannya suatu koneksi alternatif apabila terjadinya putus koneksi pada koneksi utama, dan koneksi alternatif (backup connection) akan menjalankan fungsinya dengan baik menggantikan koneksi utama secara otomatis, sehingga tujuan bisnis perusahaan akan tetap berjalan dengan baik. Metode tersebut itulah yang dinamakan failover koneksi yang perlu diterapkan pada perusahaan. Solusi ini menggunakan 2 Internet Service Provider dalam perusahaan dan menjadikan Mikrotik sebagai failover hal ini berfungsi untuk dapat mengoptimalkan failover saat terjadi putus koneksi pada ISP utama. Kata Kunci : Failover, Mikrotik, Samafitro.
PROSISKO: Jurnal Pengembangan Riset dan Observasi Sistem Komputer Vol. 6 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Serang Raya

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Kebutuhan pengaturan jaringan tidak bisa dipungkiri lagi di perusahaan. Banyaknya jumlah pengguna dalam sebuah jaringan dapat menyebabkan terjadinya kemacetan trafik sehingga mengakibatkan pengguna tidak bisa mengakses jaringan tersebut. PT. Mitra Adiperkasa memiliki banyak store yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Masalah yang sering terjadi saat ini adalah banyaknya jumlah pengguna yang menggunakan jaringan komputer di perusahaan tersebut yang disebabkan tidak ada pengaturan sehingga dapat mengakibatkan pengguna tidak dapat melakukan akses terhadap jaringan tersebut. Quality of services (QoS) memungkinkan aplikasi atau layanan dapat beroperasi sesuai yang diharapkan dengan melakukan pengaturan bandwidth. Quality of services (QoS) dalam sebuah jaringan dapat membantu mengatasi ketidaksinambungan bandwidth yang diterima client. Hierarchical Token Bucket (HTB) merupakan salah satu metode yang dapat memaksimalkan bandwidth yang tidak terpakai dengan konsep Queue yang berhirarki. Kata Kunci : Quality of Services (QoS), Bandwidth, Mikrotik, Trafik
PROSISKO: Jurnal Pengembangan Riset dan Observasi Sistem Komputer Vol. 7 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Pogram Studi Sistem Komputer Universitas Serang Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (685.306 KB) | DOI: 10.30656/prosisko.v7i1.2129


Pendapatan utama yang diperoleh koperasi ditentukan oleh besarnya jumlah angsuran yang dibayar oleh nasabah, sedangkan permasalahan yang sering dihadapi adalah banyaknya nasabah yang menunggak dalam membayar angsuran bahkan tidak jarang nasabah yang kabur sehingga menjadi piutang tak tertagih yang pada akhirnya menyebabkan kerugian. Hal tersebut terjadi akibat kurang akuratnya manajemen dalam menentukan pemohon mana yang layak dan tidak layak diberikan pinjaman. Oleh karena itu, penulis menerapkan metode data mining untuk mengklasifikasikan kelayakan nasabah dalam kategori layak dan tidak layak berdasarkan data historis nasabah di masa sebelumnya, kemudian digunakan dalam memprediksi kelayakan nasabah di masa depan, yaitu dengan algoritma Naïve Bayes. Penulis menggunakan aplikasi RapidMiner 8.1 untuk menguji tingkat akurasi algoritma tersebut. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menyiapkan data training sebanyak 438 dan data testing sebanyak 146 data yang diambil dari database nasabah di tahun 2015. Hasil pengujian akurasi yang didapat menggunakan aplikasi RapidMiner maupun perhitungan manual dengan empat kali proses diperoleh akurasi tertinggi yaitu 78.08% dengan presentase eror 21.92 %. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Algoritma Naïve Bayes dapat diterapkan untuk memprediksi kelayakan pemberian pinjaman pada Koperasi Anugerah Bintang Cemerlang. Kata Kunci: Data Mining, Kelayakan Pinjaman, Klasifikasi, Naïve Bayes
Collaboration of Profile Matching and MCDM-AHP Methods on Employee Selection for Promotion Akmaludin Akmaludin; Erene Gernaria Sihombing; Linda Sari Dewi; Rinawati Rinawati; Ester Arisawati
Sinkron : jurnal dan penelitian teknik informatika Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): Articles Research Volume 7 Issue 2, April 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Ganesha Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33395/sinkron.v7i1.11203


To give appreciation to every employee who has been able to understand the journey of the system in a company, it is appropriate to be given appreciation in the process of changing leadership and as a form of motivation for all employees in the company as a form of promotion. The promotion process must be carried out objectively, so that a good leadership change system can be seen as a strength in the company's survival for each period. The process of changing leadership through promotions is at the forefront of running a sustainable company. With so many employees, the biggest obstacle that often becomes crucial is how to select the leadership relay holder through promotions in the company that can be carried out objectively, thus a method is needed. worthy to be used as a benchmark for selecting employees in terms of promotion. There is a method that can be used for employee selection as a form of promotion, namely the profile matching method through the assessment of the weight of the Aspects and the magnitude of the GAP value with the concept of determining the largest rank as the winner in the selection process for promoted employees. Of the six employees who are appointed as candidates for leadership candidates through promotions, they will be selected consistently with a number of criteria as a barometer of the selection process. The results obtained through the promotion of positions in the leadership change process were the first rank was elected KR02 (4.67), followed by the second rank KR01 (4.65) and the third rank KR05 (4.46). Thus, it can be said that the combination of profile matching and MCDM-AHP methods can be used to carry out the employee selection process as a form of promotion.  
AHP-SMART Method as Evaluation Decision Support for Employee Promotion Akmaludin Akmaludin; Adhi Dharma Suriyanto; Nandang Iriadi; Toni Sukendar; Budi Santoso
Sinkron : jurnal dan penelitian teknik informatika Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): Articles Research Volume 7 Issue 2, April 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Ganesha Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33395/sinkron.v7i1.11228


Evaluation of the quality of employees in an institution is very necessary, especially for promotions which are the rights of every employee in leading a company that is full of competition. The purpose of this paper is to contribute in terms of the evaluation process in selecting employees who are ready to be promoted in a particular institution. With the support of various parties, a consistent and optimal method is needed to carry out the evaluation process, which is a popular priority, it is recommended to use the AHP-SMART method, where this method will be collaborated to become a core unit of problem solving, especially in terms of promotion as evaluation and selection material. Selection of the best employees, The AHP method will be used to conduct an assessment of the criteria used with the concept of Multi-criteria Decision Making (MCDM) which utilizes the results obtained from the eigenvector through iteration to minimize differences in the assessments of a number of respondents, while the SMART method is used to determine the results of decisions in collaboration with the AHP method, especially in terms of benefit utility and cost utility. The criteria used as an assessment measure consist of Planning, Solution Capture, Knowledge of Job, Reaction Behavior, Quantity of Works, Failed of Jobs, and Depandibility. The final result of the collaboration process of the two methods AHP and SMART gives a ranking of 26 employees with the highest score and being selected through an evaluation process for promotion won by K23 with a ranking weight (73.19) and the second is followed by K2 (76.17) and ranked the third was won by K3 (56.95). Thus the selection and evaluation process for promotion can be recommended and used as an optimal process from the selection stages of employee selection for promotion in every company agency.
Comparison of Selection for Employee Position Recommended MCDM-AHP, SMART and MAUT Method Akmaludin Akmaludin; Erene Gernaria Sihombing; Linda Sari Dewi; Rinawati; Ester Arisawati
Sinkron : jurnal dan penelitian teknik informatika Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Research Article, Volume 8 Issue 2 April, 2023
Publisher : Politeknik Ganesha Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33395/sinkron.v8i2.11843


In a company, employees are high-value assets, therefore it is necessary to select employees for the continuity of the company, of course, by getting quality human resources. The purpose of this paper is to refute the difference in the number of rankings in selecting the best employees through a comparison of the SMART and MAUT methods. Many methods can be used in the selection process. This article describes in detail about the selection of employee promotions using the MCDM-AHP collaboration method which is used to provide an assessment of the main criteria through eigenvector values ​​based on joint decisions by company leaders based on consistent and optimal questionnaire instrumentation which is not set based on percentages manually based on wishes leader. The SMART method is used to provide a sub-criteria assessment based on a balanced weighting utility according to the number of criteria used, with an assessment weight starting from zero as the lowest value and one as the highest value. The MAUT method will be used as a comparison against the results of the SMART method, where the MAUT method has differences in determining the weights on the sub-criteria based on the perception of understanding the criteria, so that they are arranged in an orderly manner and then determine the utility value of the criteria, so that there are similarities between the two methods. The ranking results obtained from the comparison of the two methods are that they have the same rating, so that the decision support taken also has similarities between the two SMART methods and the MAUT method. This can happen if the standard of measurement is carried out consistently through the MCDM-AHP method by not changing the assessment range in determining the interval range of each criterion.