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Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB Vol 7, No 4 (2019)
Publisher : Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB

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Penelitian ini menguraikan tentang perbandingan kinerja simulasi pada buck-boost converter dual output dengan buck-boost converter konvensional. Buck-boost converter adalah rangkaian penaik dan penurun tegangan DC. Merancang DC-DC converter dengan dual output adalah salah satu peran elektronika daya untuk meningkatkan kehandalan pada suatu industri. Konfigurasi rangkaian buck-boost converter dual output berbeda dari konfigurasi rangkaian buck-boost converter konvensional. Perbandingan dilakukan untuk mendapatkan tegangan keluaran yang menghasilkan tegangan keluaran boost sebesar 24 V dan tegangan buck sebesar 5 V dengan tegangan masukan sebesar 12 V pada setiap rangkaian dengan duty cycle yang telah ditetapkan. Dalam penelitian ini, buck-boost converter diuji dengan perubahan nilai beban pada 100 Ω, 300 Ω dan 500 Ω serta perubahan nilai duty cycle. Hasil pengujian ini dilakukan perhitungan efisiensi pada setiap rangkaian dengan mengasumsikan nilai ESR (Equivalent Series Reisistant) untuk mengetahui nilai efisiensi dengan dipengaruhi nilai rugi rugi. Hasil pengujian perbandingan kinerja buck-boost converter dual output dan konvensional akan mengalami perubahan nilai tegangan ketika terjadi perubahan nilai duty cycle dan buck-boost converter dual output memiliki efisiensi lebih rendah dari buck-boost converter konvensional pada pada beban 100 Ω, 300 Ω dan 500 Ω. Kata kunci : buck-boost converter, dual output. ABSTRACT This research describes the comparison simulation performance of  buck-boost converter dual output with conventional buck-boost converter. Buck-boost converter is DC voltage circuit that can drops or gain voltage. Designing DC-DC converter with dual output is one of roles power electronics for increasing reliability in an industry. The configuration of buck-boost converter dual output circuit is different from configuration of conventional buck-boost converter circuit. The comparison is done to get output boost voltage of 24 V and buck voltage of 5 V with input voltage of 12 V each circuit with specified duty cycle. In this research, buck-boost converter tested by the change value of the load on 100 Ω, 300 Ω, and 500 Ω with the change value of duty cycle. The result of this research is done by efficiency calculation at each circuit with assume the value of ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance) to discover the value of efficiency affected by the value of losses.  The result of comparison simulation performance of buck-boost converter dual output with conventional buck-boost converter will change the value of output voltage when the value of duty cycle is change and buck-boost converter dual output has lower efficiency from conventional buck-boost converter with the value of load on 100 Ω, 300 Ω, and 500 Ω. Keywords : buck-boost converter, dual output.
Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB Vol 8, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB

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Sinar matahari menyinari sepanjang tahun pada negara yang beriklim tropis, salah satunya adalah negara Indonesia. Energi matahari menjadi salah satu energi alternatif yang sangat besar potensinya di Indonesia. Untuk dapat mengkoversikan energi matahari menjadi energi listrik, dibutuhkan Photovoltaic (PV). Intensitas cahaya matahari tentunya tidak akan sama setiap harinya, intensitas cahaya matahari yang fluktuatif sangat mempengaruhi perubahan tegangan keluaran yang dihasilkan oleh PV. Energi listrik hasil dari PV umumnya disimpan terlebih dahulu dalam baterai. Pada proses pengecasan baterai, dibutuhkan tegangan yang konstan sebesar 12 V. DC-DC converter dibutuhkan untuk dapat menghasilkan tegangan yang konstan. Zeta converter mampu menghasilkan tegangan keluaran lebih besar maupun lebih kecil dari pada tegangan masukan tanpa mengubah polaritas. Sliding Mode Control (SMC) umum digunakan untuk sistem yang memiliki respon yang non linier seperti Zeta converter. Pada penelitian ini, SMC akan diimplementasikan pada Zeta converter, sebagai pembanding akan digunakan pengendali PID. Kata Kunci – Zeta converter, implementasi, SMC, pengendali PID. ABSTRACT Sunlight shines throughout the year in tropical countries, one of them is Indonesia. Solar energy has become one of the most potential alternative energies in Indonesia. In order to convert solar energy to electrical energy, a Photovoltaic (PV) is needed to do so. The intensity of sunlight will certainly not be the same all the time. The fluctuating of sunlight greatly affects the change in output voltage generated by PV. Electrical energy from PV is usually stored in the battery. In the battery charging process, a constant voltage of 12 V, to produce a constant voltage, DC-DC converter is needed. Zeta converter is able to produce output voltages above or below than the input voltage without changing the polarity. Sliding Mode Control (SMC) is commonly used for systems that have non-linear responses like the Zeta converter. In this study, SMC will be implemented in the Zeta converter, as a comparison the PID controller will be used. Keywords - Zeta converter, implementation, SMC, PID controller
Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB Vol 8, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB

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Penggunaan peralatan dan komponen elektronik yang menggunakan catu daya DC saat ini semakin banyak. Mulai dari tegangan rendah hingga tegangan tinggi. Catu daya DC yang ada saat ini seperti baterai ataupun panel surya memiliki tegangan keluaran yang tidak konstan. Oleh karena itu diperlukan catu daya DC yang mampu bekerja dengan efisien dan berkualitas baik. Konverter Cuk, jenis konverter DC-DC, salah satu yang dapat mewujudkannya. Konverter Cuk juga merupakan sistem yang tidak linier. Oleh karena itu, untuk dapat mengatur ketahanan tegangan keluaran dari gangguan yang tak dapat dihindari, konverter Cuk perlu dilengkapi pengendali. Pengendali sliding mode (SMC) merupakan pengendali yang umum digunakan untuk sistem tidak linier seperti konverter Cuk. Pada penelitian ini, respon pengendali sliding mode pada konverter Cuk akan dibandingkan dengan respon konverter Cuk dengan pengendali PI. Kata Kunci – Konverter Cuk, pengaturan ketahanan, tegangan keluaran, SMC, pengendali PI. ABSTRACT Today, electronic equipment and components that use DC power supplies, from low voltage to high voltage, was increasing. Batteries or solar panels, commonly use as DC power supplies today, has non-constant output voltage. Therefore, it is required a DC power supply that has a good quality output and work efficiently. One type of DC-DC converter, Cuk converter, was the one that can make DC power supplies has a good quality output and work efficiently. But, Cuk converter was not a linear system. So, to be able to adjust the output voltage durability from unavoidable interference, it was need to be equipped with a controller such as Sliding Mode Controller (SMC) that commonly used for non-linear system. In this study, the response of SMC in the Cuk converter will be compared with the response of the Cuk converter with the PI controller. Keywords - Cuk converter, adjusment, output voltage, SMC, PI controller
Transmisi: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Vol 22, No 3 Juli (2020): TRANSMISI
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Elektro, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/transmisi.22.3.80-87


Penggunaan peralatan dan komponen elektronik yang menggunakan catu daya DC saat ini semakin banyak. Mulai dari tegangan rendah hingga tegangan tinggi. Catu daya DC yang ada saat ini seperti baterai ataupun panel surya memiliki tegangan keluaran yang tidak konstan. Oleh karena itu diperlukan catu daya DC yang mampu bekerja dengan efisien dan berkualitas baik. Konverter Cuk, jenis konverter DC-DC, salah satu yang dapat mewujudkannya. Konverter Cuk juga merupakan sistem yang tidak linier. Oleh karena itu, untuk dapat mengatur ketahanan tegangan keluaran dari gangguan yang tak dapat dihindari, konverter Cuk perlu dilengkapi pengendali. Pengendali sliding mode (SMC) merupakan pengendali yang umum digunakan untuk sistem tidak linier seperti konverter Cuk. Pada penelitian ini, respon pengendali sliding mode pada konverter Cuk akan dibandingkan dengan respon konverter Cuk dengan pengendali PI.
Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB Vol 9, No 5 (2021)
Publisher : Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB

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ABSTRAKPenyulang Pujon adalah penyulang tipe radial yang diberikan pasokan daya listrik oleh Gardu IndukSengkaling, Malang. Kajian lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk kestabilan sistem saat sistem diberi penambahan pembangkit tersebar dikarenakan dalam suatu sistem atau plant yang besar dimana lebih dari dua generator yangbekerja secara bersamaan, dapat menyebabkan kerugian yang besar jika kontinuitas penyaluran dayanya tidak stabil.Pada saat terjadi gangguan hubung singkat yang terjadi secara tiba-tiba dan dalam waktu yang cepat, maka acuan kestabilan transien dalam suatu sistem kelistrikan harus diperhatikan yaitu, dengan melihat respon frekuensi,tegangan dan sudut rotor pada sistem. Berdasarkan kajian penelitian sebelumnya didapatkan bahwa Penyulang Pujon dapat diberikan penambahan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Angin dengan kapasitas sebesar 2,5 MVA, dengan lokasi diLapangan Songgokerto Kabupaten Batu. Sedangkan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikrohidro (PLTMH) Pujonsekarang ini telah dibangun dengan kapasitas 15 kVA, dan mempunyai potensi untuk ditambahkan pada PenyulangPujon. Penelitian ini mengkaji kestabilan pada saat sistem diberikan penambahan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Angindan PLTMH tersebut dengan menerapkan skema pengamanan (defence scheme) pada saat operasi islanding (islandoperation). Operasi islanding adalah mekanisme dimana terdapat pembangkit yang terpisah dari sistem distribusi,karena adanya gangguan hubung singkat pembangkit tersebut mampu menyuplai daya ke beban sesuai dengankapasitasnya dan mampu mepertahankan kestabilan sistem jaringan distribusi pada saat grid terputus.Kata kunci: Kestabilan transien, operasi islanding, pembangkit tersebar, skema pengamanan, Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Angin dan PLTMH.ABSTRACTThe Pujon Feeder is a radial system that the electricity power is provided by the Sengkaling substation,Malang, East Java-Indonesia. the addition of a DG requires further study, especially on the aspect of power systemstability because addition of a DG with more than two generators working simultaneously can cause large losses ifthe continuity of the power supply is unstable. In the event of a short circuit disturbance occurs that causes changein the power system structure, which happens spontaneously and in a brief moment, then the transient stability in anelectrical system have references to be looked forward into which are the response of frequency, voltage, and rotorangle on the power distribution system.Based on previous research studies it was found that Pujon Feeder can beadded with Wind Power Plant (WPP) with a capacity of 2,5 MVA, located at Songgokerto Field, Batu District. Onthe other hand, the Pujon Micro Hydro Energy Power (MHEP) has been built with a capacity of 15 kVA, and hasthe potential to be added on the Pujon Feeder. This study examines the power system stability when the system isadded by WPP and MHEP with a defense scheme during the islanding operation. The islanding operation is amechanism when there is a DG isolated from the distribution system, due to short circuit disturbance the DG stillproviding power supply to the load in the capability of the DG so that the stability of the distribution network systemremains in a good shape when the supply of the grid is none.Keywords: Transient stability, island operation, distributed generation, defence scheme, wind and micro-hydropower plant.
Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB Vol 9, No 7 (2021)
Publisher : Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB

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ABSTRAKBuck converter adalah salah satu DC-DCconverter yang dapat menurunkan tegangan sehingga menghasilkan keluaran yang lebih kecildari masukannya. Konverter ini banyak digunakan pada sistem charging baterai dimana membutuhkan tegangan keluaran yang lebihkecil dari tegangan masukannya. Pada penelitian ini mengkaji tentang analisis perbandingan unjukkerja buck converter yang dirancang untukmampu menyesuaikan tegangan keluaranterhadap nilai duty cycle dan beban bervariasisecara adaptif. Tujuan dilakukan pengujianterhadap buck converter adalah untuk meneliti,merancang, membangun sebuah buck konverteragar sesuai dengan prinsip kerja nya dan dapat bekerja dengan baik pada duty cycle dan bebanbervariasi. Pengujian pada buck converter meliputi pengujian tegangan keluaran padabeberapa perubahan nilai duty cycle dan beban,menggunakan PWM dengan frekuensi 20KHz.Rangkaian buck converter sudah dirancangmelalui perhitungan parameter komponen untukmenghasilkan buck converter yang dapat bekerjasebagai sistem pengecasan baterai pada PLTS(Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya). Berdasarkanhasil pengujian dan analisis yang telahdilakukan, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwaperubahan nilai duty cycle dan beban pada buckconverter mempengaruhi tegangan keluaran yangakan semakin tinggi jika kedua parameter ituditingkatkan.Kata kunci— Buck converter, Duty Cycle,beban, tegangan keluaran.ABSTRACTBuck converter is one of a DC-DC converterthat can reduce the voltage so that it produces anoutput that is smaller than the input. Thisconverter is widely used in battery charging systems where it requires an output voltage thatis smaller than the input voltage. This researchcompares and analyzes the performance of buckconverter which is designed to adjust the outputvoltage to the value of duty cycle and load variesadaptively. The purpose of testing the buckconverter is to research, design, and build a buckconverter that is compatible with its workingprinciples and determine whether the buckconverter can work properly according to theneeds of varying duty cycles and loads.Experiment on the buck converter includestesting the output voltage at several changes inthe value of duty cycle and load, using PWMwith a frequency of 20 kHz. The buck convertercircuit has been designed through the calculationof its parameters to produce a buck converterthat can work for the battery charging system ina Solar Power Plant. Based on the results of testsand analyzes that have been done, it is concludedthat the changes in the value of the duty cycleand load on the buck converter affect the outputvoltage which will be higher if the twoparameters are increased.Keywords— Buck converter, Duty Cycle, Load,Output Voltage.
Application of direct MRAC in PI controller for DC-DC boost converter Lunde Ardhenta; Ramadhani Kurniawan Subroto
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS) Vol 11, No 2: June 2020
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (483.266 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/ijpeds.v11.i2.pp851-858


Almost all electronic components require a DC power supply at present days. The needs of DC power supplies from low voltage scales, medium voltages such as generators, to high voltage scales for high voltage electricity transmission. The improvement of PI controller performances is presented in this paper. The adaptation gains improve transient response of DC-DC Boost Converter several operating conditions. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) rule is applied as an adaptive mechanism to determine the optimal control parameters in some conditions. The used adaptive control technique is Direct Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC), this method as able to control system in some various input voltage. The proposed method has a stable response and able to reach the model reference smoothly. However, the response of the system has instantaneously overshoot and follows the response back of model reference. The responses of proposed controller have short period of rise time, settling time, and overshoot.
Comparison of sliding mode controller application for buck-boost converter based on linear sliding surface Lunde Ardhenta; Tri Nurwati
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS) Vol 13, No 1: March 2022
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijpeds.v13.i1.pp423-431


In the utilization of photovoltaic (PV), the output voltage produced is unstable because the conditions of irradiation received by PV is not uniform. Therefore, a direct current (DC) voltage converter is needed as an output voltage regulator. In this research, buck-boost converter is proposed to regulate the desired output voltage. The proposed controller in this research is a sliding mode controller (SMC) and employ a linear sliding surface to maintain the regulated voltage stable. This research was conducted by determining the component parameters and state space model of the buck-boost converter. Proportional integral derivative (PID) controller with integral of time-weighted absolute error (ITAE) method is used as a comparison of the proposed method. The performance results were observed from the buck-boost converter by performing 3 fault scenarios, variation in supply voltage, resistor in load side, and the desired output voltage. The results obtained of SMC has a faster settling time than PID controller. The voltage deviation of buck-boost converter exhibits that SMC is smaller than the PID control. In addition, under some experiment conditions, the PID control could not or did not fit in some scenarios while the output control values of SMC matched the changes in the entire scenarios.
Photovoltaic Array Modeling under Uniform Irradiation and Partial Shading Condition Lunde Ardhenta; Wijono Wijono
International Journal of Applied Power Engineering (IJAPE) Vol 6, No 3: December 2017
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (636.751 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/ijape.v6.i3.pp142-149


Wind energy and solar energy are the prime energy sources which are being utilized for renewal energy. The performance of a photovoltaic (PV) array for solar energy is affected by temperature, irradiation, shading, and array configuration. Often, the PV arrays are shadowed, completely or partially, by the passing clouds, neighboring buildings and towers, trees, and utility and telephone poles. Under partially shaded conditions, the PV characteristics are more complex with multiple peaks, hence, it is very important to understand and predict the MPP under PSC in order to extract the maximum possible power. This paper presents the development of PV array simulator for studying the I–V and P–V characteristics of a PV array under a partial shading condition. It can also be used for developing and evaluating new maximum power point tracking techniques, for PV array with partially shaded conditions. It is observed that, for a given number of PV modules, the array configuration significantly affects the maximum available power under partially shaded conditions. This is another aspect to which the developed tool can be applied. The model has been experimentally validated and the usefulness of this research is highlighted with the help of several illustrations.
MPPT control of PV array based on PSO and adaptive controller Totok Winarno; Lucky Nindya Palupi; Agus Pracoyo; Lunde Ardhenta
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 18, No 2: April 2020
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v18i2.14845


In general, photovoltaic (PV) array is not able to generate maximum power automatically, because some partial shading caused by trees, clouds, or buildings. Irradiation imperfections received by the PV array are overcome by applying maximum power point tracking (MPPT) to the output of the PV array. In order to overcome these partial shading problems, this system is employing particle swarm optimization (PSO) as MPPT method. It optimizes the output power of the solar PV array by Zeta converter. Output voltage of MPPT has high rate such that it needs stepdown device to regulate certain voltage. Constant voltage will be the input voltage of buck converter and controlled using adaptive PID. Adaptive control based on model reference adaptive control (MRAC) has design that almost same as the conventional PID structure and it has better performance in several conditions. The proposed system is expected to have stable output and able to perfectly emulate the response of the reference model. From the simulation results, it appears that PSO have high tracking accuracy and high tracking speed to reach maximum power of PV array. In the output voltage regulation, adaptive control does not have a stable error status and consistently follows the set point value.
Co-Authors Adharul Muttaqin Adrian Adam Indrabayu Agus Pracoyo Akiyat, Muhammad Haekal Aldias Rizaldi Alief Aulia Pradika Wijaya Ananda, Andhika Dwi Andy Surya Adi Angela Sembiring Ardi Moh. Yusuf Arghanata Cahya Nugraha Arsy Rahmat Syahbani Bagas Azzanazaki Nurbyantoko Bambang Siswojo Banu Hermawan Yuditya Bhawiko, Alekhin Muhammad Azhar Brilian Mukti Alnajib Censa Widianing Mulya Baskara Darryl Octaviyanto Kusputra Dimas Alfian Wahyudi Edypoerwa, Mugni Labib Edypoerwa, Mugni Labib Eka Mardiana Eka Maulana Eka Maulana Maulana Fadhil Ilma Fira Utami Fransiskus X. H. Keraf Gede Teguh Adi Wedangga Genheart Giovanno Daniel King Sitanggang Giofano Gerrenlie Hadi Suyono Hafidh Fadhlir Rahman Haidar Ali Yafie Hasanah, Rini Nur Hery Purnomo Ikhsaniyusuf Alfiansyah Putra Indra Setyawan Iqbal Achmad Gautawa Irfan Madani Pratama Ismail Abdan Syakuro Firmansyah Ivan Pascal Al Ghafiky Izzul Islam Putra Nusantara Khatijah Sofia Surya Putri Suharyanto Lalu Iradat Aryadwinata Lucky Nindya Palupi Marcelino Dendy Ramadhani Miranda Christine Moch. Dhofir Moch. Dhofir Mochamad Shofwan Rizqulloh Mohammad Fathurrahman Surya Pratama Muhammad Alaudin Tri Kurnia Muhammad Faris Hizrian Muhammad Fathu Nur Hidayat Al Haq Muhammad Fauzan Muhammad Haekal Akiyat Muhammad Mursyid Albanani Muhammad Raihan Hasnul Muhammad Ridho Ansyari Muhammad Rif’at Nor Imami Muhammad Ryan Al Hafidz Muhammad Syukri Abdul Jalil n/a Soeprapto n/a Wijono n/a Wijono Nararya Berlianti Nisrina Rania Habibah Nurwati, Tri Nuzul Aurora Arthagiga Pristian, Candra Adha Rafi Ilham Ramadhani Kurniawan Subroto Refinur Amir Muhammad Ridhwan Athaya P. Rifdillah Zulafa Rini Nur Hasanah Rini Nur Hasanah Rini Nur Hasanah Rini Nur Hasanah Rini Nur Hasanah Riswandha Yusuf At Tamimi Riswandha Yusuf At Tamimi Rusli, Mochammad Sabila Nur Fitria Sari, Sapriesty Nainy Shidiq, Mahfudz Suyono, Hadi Taufik Miftaks Teguh Utomo Tri Wahyu Prabowo Unggul Wibawa Utomo, Teguh Waru Djuriatno Waru Djuriatno Wijono Wijono Winarno, Totok Wira Raja Sitinjak Yudhistira Rizal Firmansyah