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INVENTORY OF FISHING GEAR IN KECAMATAN TUNGKAL ILIR, TANJUNG JABUNG BARAT, JAMBI Lisna, Lisna; Vincentia, Agnes; Noferdiman, Noferdiman; Amelia, Jasmine Masyitha
AQUASAINS Vol 6, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Jurusan Perikanan dan Kelautan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (228.95 KB) | DOI: 10.23960/aqs.v6i2.p615-620


This research was conducted at Tungkal Ilir, Jambi on May to July 2017. The aims of this study were (1) to determine the types of fishing gear that operates in Tungkal Ilir, (2) fishing area and (3) the dynamics of operating fishing gear in Tungkal Ilir. Data collection was done by interview and observation. The data will be analyzed descriptively using tables and graphs. Based on the results of this research, the fishing gear used in Tungkal Ilir are gill net, trawl, togok, sondong, trap and long line. Gill net is the largest fishing gear used with 15 fishermen. While the least used fishing gear is trap. The dynamics of fishing is strongly influenced by the season and the type of fishing gear used by the fisherman. The fishing area in Tungkal Ilir ranges from 1 mile to 30 miles
Kontribusi pendapatan usaha ternak sapi potong rakyat pada pola usahatani terpadu Noferdiman Noferdiman; A Novra
Media Peternakan Vol. 24 No. 1 (2001): Media Peternakan (Supplement Edition: SocioEconomics)
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University

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Kontribusi pendapatan usaha ternak sapi potong rakyat pada pola usahatani terpadu
Penggunaan Bungkil Inti Sawit dan Enzim Mannanase dalam Ransum terhadap Performa Produksi Telur Puyuh (Coturnix coturnix japonica) Noferdiman Noferdiman; Sestilawarti Sestilawarti; Zubaidah Zubaidah
Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal : Journal of Suboptimal Lands Vol. 8 No. 1 (2019): JLSO
Publisher : Research Center for Sub-optimal Lands (PUR-PLSO), Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (186.598 KB) | DOI: 10.33230/JLSO.8.1.2019.361


Noferdiman et al, 2019. The use of palm kernel meal and mannanase enzyme in diets on the production performance of quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) . JLSO 8(1):11-19.The objective of the study was to investigate the effect of the levels of palm kernel meal and mannanase enzyme in diets to get the best performance of quails. It was used the 180 female quails in treatment combination using the completely randomized design in factorial arrangement of 2 x 3 with 3 replications. Each unit study consisted of  10 quails. The treatment consisted of 2 levels of mannanase enzyme, i.e. 0.00, 0.10 % and 3 levels of palm kernel meal additions, i.e. 0, 10 and 20 %. The results of the study showed that the use of mannanase enzyme and palm kernel meal and their interaction were no significant (P>0.05) affected feed consumption, eggs production, feed conversion, egg weight, egg shell thickness, and haugh unit (HU). The use of mannanase enzyme highly significant (P<0.01) affected on eggs production and feed conversion however there were no interaction between the treatments. It was concluded that the addition of 0.10 % of mannanase enzyme in diets consisting 20% palm kernel meal can improve the performance egg production of quails.
Kandungan Nutrisi Lumpur Sawit Hasil Fermentasi dengan Jamur P. chrysosporium Noferdiman Noferdiman; Ahmad Yani
Jurnal Agripet Vol 13, No 2 (2013): Volume 13, No. 2, Oktober 2013
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (110.152 KB) | DOI: 10.17969/agripet.v13i2.820


The nutritious content fermentation of palm oil sludge by P. chrysosporiumABSTRACT. This research is aimed at observing the nutritious content of palm oil sludge fermentation by P. chrysosporium. The experimental design used completely randomized design in factorial (3 x 3). The first factor is the inoculum dosage, namely : (D1). 3 %, (D2). 6 % and (D3). 9 % of substrate weight. The second factor is the length of fermentation, namely : (L1). 4 days, (L2). 8 days and (L3). 12 days. Every treatment is repeated for three time. The data found is scrutinized by mode print and it is followed by distance test of multiple Duncan (Steel and Torrie, 1989). The variables observed in research are dry materials, crude fiber, crude protein, cellulose and lignin. The research on the influence of inoculum dosage and the length of fermentation on dry materials content and crude protein shows insignificant interaction (P0.05). On the other hand, crude fiber, cellulose and lignin show significant interaction (P0.01). The inoculum dosage of 6 % and the fermentation length of 8 days is the best combination treatment and it can reduce the crude fiber amounting to 40.86 %, an increase of crude protein amounting to 30.75 % and a decrease of cellulose and lignin amounting to 39.78 % and 36.40 % respectively.
DOSIS INOKULUM DAN LAMA FERMENTASI JAMUR Pleurotus ostreatus TERHADAP KANDUNGAN NUTRISI Azolla microphylla Noferdiman Noferdiman; H. Syafwan; Sestilawarti Sestilawarti
Jurnal Peternakan Vol 11, No 1 (2014): Februari 2014
Publisher : State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/jupet.v11i1.2325


This research aims analyze the effect of inoculum dosage of Pleurotus ostreatus and the length of fermentation on the nutritious content of Azolla. The experimental design used completely randomized design in factorial (3 x 3). The first factor is the inoculum dosage, namely : (D1). 3%, (D2).6% and (D3).9% of substrate weight. The second factor is the length of fermentation, namely : (L7). 7 days, (L14). 14 days and (L21). 21 days. Every treatment is repeated for three time. The data found is scrutinized by mode print and it is followed by distance test of multiple Duncan (Steel and Torrie, 1989). The variables observed in research are dry materials, crude fiber, crude protein, cellulose and lignin. The research on the influence of inoculum dosage and the length of fermentation on dry materials content, crude protein and cellulose had not significant effect (P>0.05). On the other hand, crude fiber,and lignin had significant effect (P<0.01). The inoculum dosage of 9% and the fermentation length of 14 days is the best combination treatment and it can reduce the crude fiber amounting to 48.80%, an increase of crude protein amounting to 39.31% and a decrease of cellulose and lignin amounting to 49.86% and 27.66% respectively.
Pastura : Jurnal Ilmu Tumbuhan Pakan Ternak Vol 8 No 1 (2018): Pastura Vol. 8 No. 1 Tahun 2018
Publisher : Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (933.683 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/Pastura.2018.v08.i01.p05


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pengunaan tepung Azolla dan enzim selulase dalam ransum untuk mendapatkan penampilan produksi dan nilai ekonomis itik lokal Kerinci jantan yang terbaik. Itik lokal Kerinci umur 1 hari sebanyak 144 ekor, secara acak dibagi ke dalam 6 kombinasi perlakuan dengan mengunakan rancangan acak lengkap pola faktorial 3 x 2 dengan 3 kali ulangan, masing-masing terdiri dari 8 ekor. Perlakuan terdiri dari 3 tingkat penggunaan tepung azolla yaitu: 0, 10, dan 20 % dan 2 perlakuan penambahan enzim selulase, yaitu: 0,00 dan 0,10 %. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat penggunaan tepung azolla dan enzim selulase serta interaksinya memberi pengaruh yang tidak nyata (P>0.05) terhadap konsumsi ransum, pertambahan bobot badan, dan bobot karkas. Penggunaan tepung azolla dan enzim selulase memberi pengaruh yang sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap konversi ransum dan nilai ekonomis IOFC, namun tidak terdapat interaksi antara kedua perlakuan tersebut. Penambahan enzim selulase 0,10 % dalam ransum yang mengandung tepung azolla dapat meningkatkan penampilan itik lokal Kerinci jantan. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian ini adalah penambahan 0,10 % enzim selulase dalam ransum yang mengandung tepung azolla 20 % memberi penampilan itik lokal Kerinci yang terbaik. Kata kunci: enzim selulase, itik lokal Kerinci jantan, tepung Azolla microphilla
Pelatihan Manajemen Pemeliharaan Itik Kerinci Menuju Kawasan Sentra Produksi Di Kabupaten Kerinci noferdiman noferdiman
Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 3 (2019): Dinamisia: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat: Special Issues 2 "Semangat Perguruan
Publisher : Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/dinamisia.v3i0.2934


The community service program (CSP) aims to: (1). Increase productivity of Kerinci ducks which are germplasm by utilizing the potential of food crops (rice bran) and plantation waste (palm kernel meal) which can be used as Kerinci duck feed resources with biotricho technology, (2). Increase Kerinci ducks population using breeding center technology with simple selection and hatching machines. The CSP activity was carried out by the method of active interaction between the implementers and the target groups involved in this activity, namely: Keluarga Damai and Maju Jaya Mandiri Farmers Group in Tanjung Harapan Village, Kerinci Regency. Some of the implemented programs are: (1). Conseling and training, including: biotricho technology, breeding center technology, utilizing potential local feed stuffs, duck rations, duck selection, and hatching machines, (2). Practicing directly the application of biotricho technology to make formulation of local feed stuffs and breeding center technology with hatching machine technology and simple selection of Kerinci ducks at the Farmer Group level. The results of the activity indicated that the CSP program can be implemented and responded well by the Farmers Group in Tanjung Harapan Village, Kerinci Regency and the implementation of the CSP program is very beneficial for farmers, and Implementing Institutions because it can be a medium to transfer Knowledge and Technology especially the local Kerinci duck which is not done much yet and is not focused. Therefore, the results of studies and the efforts to develop local Kerinci ducks in the countryside are not optimal.
Analisis Faktor Penentu Tingkat Kepuasan Pemberi Kerja Alumni Universitas Jambi Noferdiman Noferdiman; Firmansyah Firmansyah; Fachroerrozi Hoesni; Yusma Damayanti; Indra Sulaksana
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Vol 22, No 2 (2022): Juli
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/jiubj.v22i2.2489


This study aims to analyze the satisfaction level of Jambi University alumni employers and aspects of higher education services that must be optimized to increase Jambi University alumni job satisfaction. The research method used is a survey method with a sampling technique that is Stratified Random Sampling, each strata is selected one sampling unit with a simple random sampling technique. Measurement of qualitative variables using a questionnaire in the form of questions with Summated Rating's Scala Likert which was tested for validity and reliability. Aspects of satisfaction analysis include: Integrity (ethics and morals), Expertise in the field of science (main competence), Broadness of insight between disciplines, Leadership, Teamwork, Foreign language skills, Communication skills, Use of information technology, and self-development. To analyze the determinants of the level of satisfaction of the Jambi University alumni employer used Path Analysis. The overall satisfaction index of Jambi University alumni is still lacking with a score of 73.78 or C. Then, the satisfaction index of Jambi University alumni who work in Government agencies (Provincial and Regency/City Governments) is still lacking with a value of 73.50 or C. Furthermore the satisfaction index of Jambi University alumni who work in companies (Private, BUMN, Foundation) is still lacking with a score of 74.76 or C. The ability of Jambi University alumni who work in government agencies and companies to solve problems is the biggest or most decisive factor on employer satisfaction Jambi University alumni.
Retensi Zat Makanan Pada Ayam Kampung yang Mengkonsumsi Ransum Mengandung Tepung Azolla (Azolla microphilla) Difermentasi dengan Jamur Pleurotus ostreatus Noferdiman Noferdiman; Zubaidah Zubaidah; Sestilawarti Sestilawarti
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan Vol. 20 No. 1 (2017): Mei 2017
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (286.352 KB) | DOI: 10.22437/jiiip.v20i1.4363


Abstract This study was aimed to determine the retention of dry matter, nitrogen and crude fiber of Azolla Meal (Azollamicrophilla) fermented with Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom as a mixture of kampung chicken rations. The experimental design used was Completely Randomized Design which consisted of 4 treatments and 5 replicates; P0 (Ration 0% Azolla Meal Fermentation (AF), P1 (Ration containing 5% AF), P2 (Ration containing 10% AF ) and P3 (Ration containing 15% AF). The observed variables were dry matter retention (DM), nitrogen retention (N) and crude fiber digestibility (CF). The data found were analyzed using variance analysis. The evident effect of the treatment on the observed variables then tested by Duncan's multiple range test. The results of the research presented that the use of fermented Azolla starch up to 15% in kampung chicken ration had no significant effect (P> 0,05) on the retention of dry matter, nitrogen and crude fiber. The fermentation of Azolla Meal with Pleurotus ostreatus (AF) mushroom improved the quality of Azolla as feed ingredients up to 15%. This research concluded that the use of fermented Azolla Meal with Pleurotus ostreatus (AF) mushroom in kampung chicken ration up to 15% can be used without affecting the retention of dry matter (DM), nitrogen (N) and crude fiber digestibility (CF). Keywords : Nutrient retention, Azolla Meal Fermentation (AF), and kampung chicken
Kualitas Fisik Dan Organoleptik Daging Ayam Broiler Yang Diberi Ransum Berbasis Pakan Lokal Berprobiotik Arya Hangga Prayoga; Ella Hendalia; Noferdiman Noferdiman
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan Vol. 24 No. 1 (2021): Mei 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (359.446 KB) | DOI: 10.22437/jiiip.v24i1.12727


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pakan lokal berprobiotik terhadap kualitas fisik dan kualitas organoleptic daging ayam broiler. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Farm Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Jambi. Pengujian kualitas fisik dan kualitas organoleptik dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Jambi. Sebanyak 200 ekor DOC strain platinum dimasukkan secara acak ke dalam 20 kandang, terdiri atas 5 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Pakan Perlakuan yang diterapkan adalah P0 (100% P-kom +0 % P-pro), P1 (75% P-kom + 25% P-pro), P2 (50% P-kom + 50% P-pro), P3 (25% P-kom + 75% P-pro) dan P4 (0% P-kom + 100% P-pro). Pakan diberikan ad libitum selama 35 hari. Pada hari ke 35 dilakukan pemotongan ayam dan pengambilan sampel dagi dada. Parameter yang diamati adalah kualitas fisik (Daya Ikat Air, susut masak, dan pH) dan organoleptik (warna, rasa, tekstur dan aroma) DAGING. Data kualitas fisik dianalisis dengan sidik ragam (ANOVA), sedangkan kualitas organoleptik dianalisis dengan uji Hedonic Kruskal-Wallis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian ransum berbasis pakan lokal berprobiotik memberikan pengaruh tidak nyata (P > 0,05) terhadap kualitas fisik dan organoleptic daging ayam broiler. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa daging ayam broiler yang diberi ransum berbasis pakan lokal berprobiotik memiliki kualitas fisik dan organoleptik yang relative sama dengan daging ayam broiler yang diberikan pakan komersil dan dapat diterima dengan baik oleh konsumen. Kata kunci : Daging ayam broiler,pakan local berprobiotik,,kualitas fisik,,kualitas organoleptic