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Viscosity Measurement of Blended Patchouli Oil at Atmospheric Pressure and Room Temperature Yusibani, Elin; Woodfield, Peter Lloyd; Ardiah, Lena; Surbakti, Muhammad Syukri; Rahmi, Rahmi
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Vol 51, No 5 (2019)
Publisher : ITB Journal Publisher, LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (310.369 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/j.eng.technol.sci.2019.51.5.6


Patchouli is an essential oil used in perfumes, cosmetics, soaps, insect repellents and also a candidate for biodiesel from non-edible oil. Patchouli oil from Aceh Province, Indonesia, is generally produced using a distillation process. The relationships between physical properties, i.e. the viscosity and quality, of patchouli oil from Aceh Province and blends with other oils, were investigated. The mixture oils used were palm oil, kerosene and lubricant oil SAE 40. The mixture compositions were 100:0; 75:25; 50:50; 25:75 and 0:100 (v/v). It was found that mixing palm crude oil (25%) or lubricant oil (25%) with patchouli oil increased the viscosity by about 41% and 72%, respectively, compared with pure patchouli oil. A 53% decrease in viscosity was observed when the patchouli oil blend contained 25% kerosene. Natural variation in patchouli alcohol (PA) and iron (Fe) content in the patchouli oil sample was found to increase the value of viscosity by up to 1.5%.
Remote Sensing Satellite Imagery and In-Situ Data for Identifying Geothermal Potential Sites: Jaboi, Indonesia Isa, Muhammad; Cesarian, Dwiky Pobri; Abir, Ismail Ahmad; Yusibani, Elin; Surbakti, Muhammad Syukri; Umar, Muksin
International Journal of Renewable Energy Development Vol 9, No 2 (2020): July 2020
Publisher : Center of Biomass & Renewable Energy, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/ijred.9.2.237-245


Remote sensing makes it possible to map potential geothermal site for a large area effectively using thermal infrared. The purpose of the present research is to overlay ground temperature, resistivity and satellite retrieved temperature in identifying geothermal potential site in Jaboi, Sabang-Indonesia. The data of acquisition of the DEM imagery was January 3rd, 2009 and the Landsat 8 imagery is July 18th, 2017. The satellite data were applied to extract the land surface temperature and land classification across. Two supporting data in situ were used to validate the results from remote sensing. First dataset was ground temperature measurements with total 114 points and second dataset was vertical electrical sounding (VES) with total of 51 points. Satellite, VES and ground temperature data were processed and analysed using the Envi 5.3, PCI Geomatica 2016 and ArcMap 10.4. The results from each data were integrated to produce a map shows geothermal potential. Its integration produced four areas which were considered to have high geothermal potential. However, these areas vary in term of the clustering of the features of interest, for example lineament and drainage density of the area, high temperature in the surface area, fault existence and low resistivity subsurface. All the features must take into consideration to rank potential area which has higher potential. Finally, a map of geothermal potential across were successfully created as an insight for future reference. 
Viscosity Measurement of Blended Patchouli Oil at Atmospheric Pressure and Room Temperature Elin Yusibani; Peter Lloyd Woodfield; Lena Ardiah; Muhammad Syukri Surbakti; Rahmi Rahmi
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Vol. 51 No. 5 (2019)
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/j.eng.technol.sci.2019.51.5.6


Patchouli is an essential oil used in perfumes, cosmetics, soaps, insect repellents and also a candidate for biodiesel from non-edible oil. Patchouli oil from Aceh Province, Indonesia, is generally produced using a distillation process. The relationships between physical properties, i.e. the viscosity and quality, of patchouli oil from Aceh Province and blends with other oils, were investigated. The mixture oils used were palm oil, kerosene and lubricant oil SAE 40. The mixture compositions were 100:0; 75:25; 50:50; 25:75 and 0:100 (v/v). It was found that mixing palm crude oil (25%) or lubricant oil (25%) with patchouli oil increased the viscosity by about 41% and 72%, respectively, compared with pure patchouli oil. A 53% decrease in viscosity was observed when the patchouli oil blend contained 25% kerosene. Natural variation in patchouli alcohol (PA) and iron (Fe) content in the patchouli oil sample was found to increase the value of viscosity by up to 1.5%.
APLIKASI SENSOR SHT-11 SEBAGAI ALAT PENDETEKSI KADAR AIR PADA BIJI KOPI Ulfa Ulfa; Saumi Syahreza; Irhamni Irhamni; Muhammad Syukri Surbakti; Fauzi Fauzi
Jurnal Komputer, Informasi Teknologi, dan Elektro Vol 6, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/kitektro.v6i2.21195


Saat ini, alat ukur kadar air (KA) masih kurang pemanfaatannya. Selain kurang populer, alatan ini juga terbilang relatif mahal dipasaran. Kurangnya pemanfaatan instrumen pendeteksi kadar air tersebut, berpotensi menimbulkan kerugian finansial bagi petani kopi ketika menjual hasil panennya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeteki kadar air biji kopi melalui pengukuran suhu dan kelembaban. Untuk mengaplikasikan hal tersebut, maka single chip sensor suhu dan kelembaban SHT11 dan mikrokontroler ATMega 328 (Arduino-Uno) digunakan sebagai elemen utama dalam sistem pengukuran tersebut. Proses perancangan alat ukur dibagi dalam 2 tahapan, yaitu tahapan perancangan perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak. Hasil pengukuran kedua parameter juga dapat ditampilkan pada layar LCD. Pengujian dilakukan dengan mengukur suhu dan kelembaban pada tiga sampel gabah kopi yang telah dikeringkan /biji kopi yang telah dikelupas kulitnya, yaitu gabah kopi yang sangat kering, gabah kopi kering sesuai standar serta gabah kopi yang masih memiliki kadar air yang cukup tinggi/basah. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa gabah kopi sangat kering memiliki rentang suhu antara 34,7oC-34,9oC dengan kelembaban relatif udara 68,5%. Gabah kopi kering memiliki rentang suhu 33,6oC-33,7oC dan kelembaban 69,4%, kelembaban ini telah memenuhi kriteria umum nilai kadar air biji kopi kesetimbangan lingkungan, yaitu 12.5%. Gabah kopi basah dengan suhu pengukuran berkisar antara 34,7oC-34,8oC dan kelembaban 70,7%. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran tersebut, maka rancang bangun alat ukur kadar air berbasis SHT11 ini dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mendeteksi tinggi rendahnya kandungan air dalam gabah kopi.
Performance Analysis of Database Synchronization on DBMS MySQL and Oracle by Using Event-Driven and Time-Driven Data for Monitoring Weather Nurhanif Nurhanif; Yuwaldi Away; Muhammad Syukri Surbakti
Journal of Aceh Physics Society Volume 10, Number 4, October 2021
Publisher : PSI-Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jacps.v10i4.20084


Abstrak. Data cuaca berupa suhu udara, kelembaban udara, curah hujan, dan kecepatan angin memerlukan proses penyimpanan yang baik supaya data cuaca dapat direkapitulasi selama satu tahun. Untuk itu membutuhkan proses penyimpanan data melalui Database Management System (DBMS). DBMS dapat mengelola, menyimpan sekumpulan data secara baik. Pengguna DBMS dapat membuat, mencari, memelihara, serta memiliki akses terkontrol terhadap data. Penyimpan data pada pemantauan cuaca menggunakan hardisk eksternal dalam format Comma Separated Values (CSV), penyimpanan data seperti ini kurang efisien diakibatkan data direkapitulasi secara manual ke dalam computer. Kinerja sinkronisasi database dianalisis menggunakan metode Event-Driven dan Time-Driven pada DBMS Oracle dan MySQL untuk pemantauan data cuaca. Hasilnya, pada saat proses penyimpanan 100 data (record), MySQL memiliki kemampuan yang lebih cepat yaitu 166 detik dibandingkan dengan Oracle dalam waktu eksekusi 188 detik. Pada saat proses penyimpanan mulai 200 sampai 1000 data (record) membutuhkan waktu eksekusi rata-rata pada Oracle yaitu 203,56 detik sedangkan pada MySQL waktu eksekusi rata-rata 1163,89 detik. Jadi, kinerja DBMS Oracle lebih baik dibandingkan dengan DBMS MySQL dalam proses penyimpanan data cuaca, namun DBMS Oracle belum bisa menyimpan data secara langsung dari mikrokontroler karena belum adanya program yang mendukung ke dalam DBMS Oracle. Abstract. Weather data in the form of air temperature, humidity, rainfall, and wind speed require a good storage process so that weather data can be recapitulated for one year. For this reason, it requires the process of storing data through a Database Management System (DBMS). DBMS can manage, store a collection of data well. DBMS users can create, search, maintain and have controlled access to data. Data storage in weather monitoring uses an external hard drive in Comma Separated Values (CSV) format, this kind of data storage is less efficient due to the data being recapitulated manually into a computer. Therefore, the author wants to analyze the performance of database synchronization on Oracle and MySQL DBMS by using Event-Driven and Time-Driven methods for monitoring weather data. As a result, when storing 100 data (records), MySQL has a faster capability of 166 seconds compared to Oracle in 188 seconds of execution time. When the storage process starts from 200 to 1000 data (records) the average execution time in Oracle is 203.56 seconds, while in MySQL the average execution time is 1163.89 seconds. So, the performance of the Oracle DBMS is better than the MySQL DBMS in the process of storing weather data, but the Oracle DBMS has not been able to store data directly from the microcontroller because no program supports it into the Oracle DBMS.
Instrumentation of realtime monitoring system towards level of C6H12O6, C2H5OH, CO2, temperature in tapai fermentation process Yuliani Yuliani; Khairi Suhud; Dedi Satria; Lelifajri Lelifajri; Binawati Ginting; Yuliani Aisyah; Fauzi Fauzi; Muhammad Syukri Surbakti
Journal of Aceh Physics Society Volume 10, Number 3, July 2021
Publisher : PSI-Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jacps.v10i3.19161


Abstrak. Tapai merupakan makanan yang dihasilkan dari hasil fermentasi, salah satunya berbahan dasar dari ubi kayu. Fermentasi oleh ragi (saccharomyces serevesiae) menjadikan perubahan kimia pada substrat karena aktivitas enzim yang dihasilkan mikroorganisme. Parameter-parameter yang ditinjau adalah perubahan kadar C6H12O6, gas C2H5OH, gas CO2, suhu dan kelembapan dalam proses fermentasi melalui sistem pengukuran elektronik berbasis mikrokontroller Arduino Uno. Rangkaian sensor mengandung modul input yaitu sensor FC-28, sensor MQ-3, sensor MG-811, sensor DHT-11 dan modul pemroses mikrokontroler ATMEGA238 dengan sistem Arduino Uno dan pada komponen output menggunakan layar LCD 2X16. Kadar karakterisasi berdasarkan keluaran ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) untuk C6H12O6 adalah 535 untuk tapai ubi kayu. Kadar C6H12O6 akan terus menurun dari hari pertama sampai hari keempat yang mencapai 175 pada tapai ubi kayu. Diperoleh nilai akhir kadar gas C2H5OH yaitu 582. Kadar gas CO2 406 untuk tapai ubi. Selanjutnya nilai suhu 31oC untuk tapai ubi dengan nilai kelembaban 95RH. Waktu panen tapai dapat dipersingkat yaitu dari 7 hari menjadi 4 hari. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi pemakaian yang dapat dipergunakan untuk tampilan komposisi tapai secara komersial atau untuk tujuan kesehatan. Abstract. Tapai is food produced from fermentation, one of which is made from cassava. Fermentation by yeast (Saccharomyces serevesiae) causes chemical changes in the substrate due to the activity of enzymes produced by microorganisms. The parameters reviewed are changes in levels of C6H12O6, C2H5OH gas, CO2 gas, temperature and humidity in the fermentation process through an electronic measurement system based on the Arduino Uno microcontroller. The sensor circuit contains an input module, namely FC-28 sensor, MQ-3 sensor, MG-811 sensor, DHT-11 sensor and ATMEGA238 microcontroller processing module with the Arduino Uno system and the output component uses a 2X16 LCD screen. The grade based on the ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) output for the C6H12O6 is 535 for cassava tapai. Levels of C6H12O6 will continue to decline from the first day to the fourth day reaching 175 in cassava tapai. Obtained the final value of C2H5OH gas content is 582. CO2 gas content of 406 for cassava tapai. Furthermore, the temperature value of 31oC for cassava tapai with a humidity value of 95RH. The harvest time for tapai can be shortened from 7 days to 4 days. This research is expected to provide usage information that can be used to display tapai composition commercially or for health purposes. Keywords: fermentation, tapai, cassava, FC-28, MQ-3, MG-811, DHT11, Microcontroller.
Design of Hydrogen Gas Sensor based on Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) Ahmad Arif Hasibuan; Elin Yusibani; Muhammad Syukri Surbakti
Journal of Aceh Physics Society Volume 6 Number 1, March 2017
Publisher : PSI-Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (313.134 KB)


Sebuah perancangan sensor untuk mendeteksi kebocoran gas hidrogen pada saluran pipa tertutup telah berhasil dilakukan. Sensor yang digunakan berbasis bahan semikonduktor berbahan metal oksida. Sistem yang dirancang adalah dengan membandingkan nilai resistansi awal sensor tanpa gas hidrogen (Ro) dengan resistansi pada saat terdapat gas hidrogen (Rs). Nilai perbandingan tersebut akan dikonversi untuk menentukan kadar konsentrasi gas dalam skala ppm menggunakan persamaan yang diperoleh berdasarkan datasheet sensor yang telah diberikan. Pada saat kebocoran gas betekanan rendah, yakni pada konsentrasi (ppm) rendah, diperoleh waktu respon sensor bernilai 300 s sedangkan pada kondisi gas betekanan tinggi, yakni pada konnsentrasi tinggi, diperoleh nilai kurang dari 150 s. Akurasi pengukuran resistansi didapatkan masih berada dalam jangkauan karakteristik sensor. Design of hydrogen gas sensor to detect hydrogen gas leakage in the pipe has been done. The sensor is based on metal oxide semiconductor. The typical working system of the semiconductor sensor is based on comparison of the resistance in the system, i.e. resistance without hydrogen gas (Ro) and with hydrogen gas (Rs). The gas concentration (ppm) is determined by using an equation derived from the datasheet given. The response time for low concentration is 300 sec and less than 150 sec for high concentration. Furthermore, the measurement accuracy of resistance is still on the range of the characteristics refer to the sensor. Keywords: Gas, Hidrogen, waktu Respon, Sensor, semikonduktor
Effect of Continuous Working Fluid Flow Direction on Power Generation from Piezoelectric Sensors Elin Yusibani; Farah Dina; Cut Khairunnisa; Fashbir Fashbir; Muhammad Syukri Surbakti; Bambang Joko Suroto
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika Vol 8, No 1 (2022): March
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/jiteki.v8i1.22700


This paper presents an experimental study to support the concept of generating energy by a continuous flow of water using piezoelectric sensors. This study is aimed to determine the effect of external force direction of continuous water flow, i.e., vertical and horizontal, on the output of the piezoelectric sensors. The piezoelectric type of ABT-441-RC is used and arranged in parallel. IC MAX471 as an amplifier and Arduino Uno R3 to read the flow rate, voltage, and current were employed. Flow rates with variations of 0.00011 up to 0.00030 m3/s are set to study the voltage and current of the output. The numbers of piezoelectric sensors used are 4, 6, 8, and 20. As a result, it is found that the pressure in the vertical direction differs up to 68% from the pressure in the horizontal one. The voltage and current in the vertical direction, compared to that of the horizontal direction, differ as much as 85% at a low flow rate and decrease down to 63% at a high flow rate for voltage and 86% to 34% at a low to high flow rate for current. In conclusion, the current generation by the present arrangement is within the micro-ampere range, and the voltage is in a volt range, respectively.
Analisis Kerentanan Situs Heritage Terhadap Ancaman Letusan Gunung Api Sinabung Nazli Ismail; Muhammad Yanis; Lucki Armanda; Muhammad Syukri Surbakti
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jg.v11i1.11049


AbstrakSumber daya arkeologi sebagai wujud pemikiran dan tingkah laku kehidupan manusia pada masa lampau sangat penting bagi pengembangan sejarah sehingga perlu dilestarikan. Bencana alam merupakan salah satu actor yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan dan kepunahan terhadap sumber daya arkeologi. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pemetaan terhadap sumberdaya arkeologi di Kabupaten Karo yang dioverlay terhadap peta risiko bencana Gunung Api Sinabung. Proses ini dilakukan untuk analisis tingkat kerentanan sumber daya arkeologi terhadap dampak bencana gunung api. Hasil observasi menunjukkan sumber daya arkeologi tersebut masuk dalam tingkat kerawanan sedang atau relatif membahayakan. Dampak dari abu vulkanik yang diakibatkan oleh letusan gunung api Sinabung masih berpotensi memberikan kerusakan jangka panjang. Oleh karena itu pengelolaan cagar budaya yang berdamapak pada pelestarian harus membuka ruang keterlibatan setiap pemangku kepentingan termasuk masyarakat.Kata kunci: bahaya Gunung Api, Konservasi Cagar Budaya, Mitigasi Bencana, Peta Bahaya.AbstractArchaeological resources as a form of thought and behavior of human life are considerably important in developing of history so that it needs to be preserved. One of the factors that cause damage and extinction of archeological resources is natural disasters, in this study we have mapped archeological resources in Karo District and overlaid them on the Sinabung volcano hazards map. This process was carried out in order to analyze the level of vulnerability of archeological resources to the impact of volcanic disasters. The results show that vulnerability of the archeological resources is categorized at low to moderate levels. However, the influence of volcanic ash produced by the Sinabung volcanic eruption is expected as the most potential hazard to provide long-term damage. Therefore, efforts for conservation are urgently needed. Keywords: Volcano hazards, Cultural Reserve Conservation, Disaster Mitigation, Hazard Maps.
Development of Arduino Uno-Based TCS3200 Color Sensor and Its Application on the Determination of Rhodamine B Level in Syrup Muhammad Syukri Surbakti; Muhammad Farhan; Zakaria Zakaria; Muhammad Isa; Elly Sufriadi; Sagir Alva; Elin Yusibani; Leni Heliawati; Muhammad Iqhrammullah; Khairi Suhud
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry Vol 22, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ijc.69214


The use of the notorious synthetic dye, rhodamine B, in food and beverage products has been widely reported. This application urges the need to develop an analytical method that can provide reliable rhodamine B data with an easy operational technique. Therefore, this research is aimed to develop an Arduino Uno-based TCS3200 color sensor and study its application to determine rhodamine B levels in syrup. The design of the analytical instrument included TCS3200, an Arduino Uno microcomputer, an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) software, a black box container, and a 24 × 2 matrix display screen, where samples were prepared via absorption using wool thread. With a linear range of 1–20 mg/L, our proposed colorimetric sensor had recoveries of 96.25–110.3%, which was better compared to that was obtained from the UV-vis (81.8–100.6%) method. The detection and quantification limits of the sensor were 2.766 and 8.383 mg/L, respectively. The syrup samples used in this study were purchased from the local stores in Banda Aceh. Based on the proposed TCS3200 color sensor, the highest rhodamine B concentration from the syrup sample was 16.74 mg/L. The t-test analysis in this study revealed that the Rhodamine B levels quantified using the newly developed TCS3200 color sensor were not statistically or significantly different from the UV-Vis spectrophotometer method.