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Journal : Jurnal Daur Lingkungan

Hubungan Keanekaragaman dan Keberadaan Plankton Terhadap Faktor Fisika Kimia Sungai Batanghari Marhadi Marhadi; Ira Galih Prabasari; Ria Pratiwi
Jurnal Daur Lingkungan Vol 1, No 2 (2018): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (726.726 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/daurling.v1i2.11


Water pollution can not only be measured only by chemical and physical parameters, Plankton have properties that are always moving so that they can be used as indicators of water pollution. Plankton play an important role in influencing the primary productivity of river waters. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the diversity and presence of plankton to the quality of the Batanghari River. The study was conducted in February 2018 in Jambi City. Primary data taken in the form of concentrations of physical and chemical parameters include turbidity, pH, TDS, BOD, COD, DO, Phosphate, Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia, Lead, Chloride, Sulfate and the amount of plankton abundance (ind / L) on the Batanghari River. The time of sampling was in the morning and evening on the same day.  The results showed that the relationship between the existence of plankton and the quality of the Batanghari River showed the condition of the Batanghari River in Jambi City was in phase a - Mesosaprobic (heavy pollutant level). Parameters of pH, COD, Phosphate, Nitrite, Lead and Chloride are moderately correlated to phytoplankton, while TDS, BOD, DO, Nitrate and Ammonia are weakly correlated with phytoplankton. And for temperature parameters it is strongly correlated with phytoplankton. For correlation to zooplankton, parameters of pH, TDS, BOD, COD, COD, DO, Phosphate, Nitrate, Nitrite, Lead, chloride are very weakly correlated while ammonia and turbidity correlate moderately to zooplankton.
Desain Gambar Teknis IPA Kapasitas 20 Liter/Detik Anggrika Riyanti; Mitra Edyatma; Marhadi Marhadi
Jurnal Daur Lingkungan Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Februari
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/daurling.v3i1.40


Meeting the need for clean water is very necessary, especially in remote areas, or areas that are difficult to get water that is suitable for consumption. Clean water treatment, in order to meet the needs of customers where the installed capacity is often used in rural areas or small cities, namely WTP 20 L / sec. To plan a 20 L / sec IPA it is necessary to calculate first, which is usually prepared by the government through the Indonesian National Standard, its function after calculating so that an IPA 20 L / sec unit is obtained, and can determine the budget plan. This study aims to make a picture of the operating units of the IPA capacity of 20 L / sec with the calculation standard of SNI SNI 7507-concerning Complementary Building Specifications for Water Treatment Installation Units, and SNI 19-6774-2002 for planning procedures for water treatment installation package units. Includes calculation of intake, pre-sedimentation facilities, coagulation treatment processes, flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration, disinfectants and reservoirs, so that later they can be applied especially in rural areas or small cities in order to obtain clean water that is suitable for consumption.
Analisis Daya Tampung Beban Pencemaran Air Sungai Asam Kota Jambi Ridho Renaldi; Marhadi Marhadi; Anggrika Riyanti
Jurnal Daur Lingkungan Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/daurling.v4i2.80


The Asam River is one of the rivers that crosses the sub-districts, including Kota Baru, Jelutung and Pasar Jambi. Asam River is located in Jambi City with a length of 10.68 km, and a watershed area of 2,930 Ha. The Asam River is generally polluted by waste originating from activities, office areas, hotels, trade centers, prominent figures and residential areas. To determine the quality of acid river water, it is necessary to analyze the load carrying capacity of water pollution. Methods that can be used to analyze the load carrying capacity of water pollution include the Mass Balance method and the Streeter-Phelps method. Based on the results of the calculation of the carrying capacity of the river pollution load using the mass balance method on the parameters, pH, TSS, BOD and COD. The Asam River which cannot accommodate the pollution load is found in the TSS parameter of -110.129 mg/l with a quality standard of 30 mg/l according to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Number P.68 of 2016 concerning domestic waste quality standards, while for the parameters pH, BOD, and COD still below the domestic waste quality standard. The results of the calculation of the carrying capacity of the pollution load using the streeter-phelps method show that at 4 sampling points the BOD concentration can still accommodate the pollution load in the river which does not exceed the quality standard. the effect of DO concentration on AP1 Upstream to AP4 Downstream is still available in sufficient amount of DO.
Pengolahan Sampah Organik Menjadi Biobriket Sebagai Energi Terbarukan G M Saragih; Marhadi Marhadi; Yulia Defriati
Jurnal Daur Lingkungan Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/daurling.v3i2.55


One of the uses of organic waste is processing it into biomass briquettes which can later be used as energy. Organic waste received is dry organic waste such as dry leaves, dry twigs, inorganic waste such as plastic waste which can be used as an adhesive in making waste biobriquettes. The purpose of processing organic and inorganic waste into energy is to benefit from the waste in the city of Jambi. The benefit obtained is to reduce waste which can be used as energy. The kerosene to LPG conversion program has resulted in a rapid increase in LPG consumption which domestic production cannot meet. This causes LPG imports to increase rapidly, so that if in 2007 the volume of LPG imports was still at 137 thousand tons, in 2011 it increased to 1,992 thousand tons or an increase of almost 15 times (Outlook Energi Indonesia 2013). The highest calorific value with the optimum composition is found in biobriquette sample 3 with a variation of the composition of 75% organic waste: 5% inorganic waste: 10% water: 10% glue, which is 19361 J / gr. The lowest ash content with the optimum composition was found in sample 3 with a variation of the composition of 75% organic waste: 5% inorganic waste: 10% water: 10% glue, namely 5.06%. The lowest water content with the optimum composition is found in sample 1 and sample 2 with a water content of 0.92%, this is already in accordance with SNI for biobriquettes. The lowest CO content with the optimum composition is found in the biobriquette sample 1 with a variation of the organic composition of 85%: 5% inorganic: 5% water: 5% glue, which is 60.33 μg/Nm3.
Perencanaan Sistem Plambing Air Bersih dan Air Buangan Gedung SMK Negeri 3 Kota Jambi Anggrika Riyanti; Marhadi Marhadi; Noviardi Wijaya Saputra
Jurnal Daur Lingkungan Vol 1, No 1 (2018): Februari
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (864.146 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/daurling.v1i1.7


Plumbing system installation is an important part of building design.  To built SMK Negeri 3 Jambi City needs a good plumbing installation design in order to meet the proper resident’s sanitation.  The purpose of this study is to design plumbing system for clean water and wastewater at office building SMK Negeri 3 Jambi City.  The design of plumbing system based on SNI 03-7065-2005 about Plumbing System Design Standard (Tata Cara Perencanaan Sistem Plambing).  The clean water resources is pumped from ground water  to the roof tank, then distributed to plumbing units by gravity.  The water capacity in office building is calculated at 34,2 m3/day.  Roof tank capacity  collects clean water in amount of 7600 liter a day, using double roof tank with each capacity is 5000 liter.  The roof tank placed on a tower with 1,71 m high.  Diameter of clean water pipes are 50-65 mm.  The power of water pump is 0,77 kW.  The wastewater distribution system uses a separate system, where grey water delivered to Wastewater Treatment Plant and black water delivered to septic tank.  Diameter of grey water pipes are 65-75 mm, while diameter of black water pipes are 100 mm.  Type of pipe used in this plumbing installation is Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC). Key words : Clean water; Wastewater; Plumbing system.
Perencanaan Pengelolaan Sampah Pasar Pelita SK 17 Desa Bangun Karya Kecamatan Rantau Rasau Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur Jonyyus Adi Putra; Guntar Marolop Saragih; Marhadi Marhadi
Jurnal Daur Lingkungan Vol 1, No 2 (2018): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (589.09 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/daurling.v1i2.13


Management is a systematic, thorough and continuous activity which includes the reduction and handling of a substance or an object. Garbage is a remnant of human daily activities or natural processes shaped solid. This research is a research that aims to calculate waste generation and plan waste management in the SK17 lamp market planned for the next 10 years. The population in this study is all traders and settlements that exist in the market of Lamp SK 17 Bangun Karya Village, while the sample is the pedangang and the community around the market. Garbage generation for traders is 11, 875 liter / lapak / hari, shop 2,578 ltr / org / hari, settlement 0,969 ltr / org / hari. The volume of waste for 2016-2026 projected pedestrian street 926.25 ltr / day, store 959,016 ltr / day, settlement 2273,274 ltr / day. For Pelita SK 2015-2026 waste market planning requires 50 liters of organic reserves of 26 units for traders, 20 liters 93 units for settlements and 31 units for shops. Inorganic garbage collection is 26 units for traders stalls, 31 units for shops and 93 units for settlements each measuring 20 liters. Wastewater residual waste measuring 20 liters for traders' shanties amounted to 26 units, shops 31 units and settlements 93 units. Garbage B3 / B2 found only in the source of waste settlements, for waste b3 waste / B2 using bins measuring 20 liters amounted to 93 units.
Variasi Ketebalan Arang Cangkang Biji Karet dengan Metode Filtrasi Downflow Dalam Penurunan Parameter Fe Air Tanah Dalam Andri Rhomadon Ritonga; Marhadi Marhadi
Jurnal Daur Lingkungan Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Februari
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (823.631 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/daurling.v2i1.18


Water resources generally cover surface and ground water. Surface water will be more easily polluted than ground water, because surface water is more easily contaminated with sources of pollution so that people use water sourced from deep ground water.  In Jambi city particular the Kenali Asam Atas area, is included in a residential area with a moderate density of approximately ± 6,903 Ha. PDAM service area coverage is still 2%, from the service area coverage of 10965 SR. The purpose of this study was to reduce Fe and pH parameters in deep groundwater using downflow and aeration filtration methods on variations in thickness of rubber seed shell charcoal by filtration method and variation of processing time in the aeration process using bubble aerator. The results of the downflow filtration method using variations in the thickness of 15 cm and 30 cm rubber seed shell charcoal for Fe parameters of 0.302 mg / l and pH of 5.08, while in the aeration treatment process using a variation of processing time of 30 minutes and 60 minutes for Fe parameters amounting to 0.354 mg / l and pH of 5.23.
Ketersediaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) Taman dan Hutan Kota di Kota Jambi Marhadi Marhadi; Hadrah Hadrah
Jurnal Daur Lingkungan Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Februari
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/daurling.v3i1.38


Green open space functions as a supporter and enhancer of the value of quality in the environment and culture of the city so that it can be allocated and shaped in its use in accordance with its needs and interests, Jambi City Regional Regulation No. 9 of 2013 concerning the Spatial Planning for the Jambi City Region in 2013-2033. Jambi City with an area of 205.38 km² requires minimum public green open space of 4,107.60 ha and private green open space of at least 2.05.38 ha. Based on DLH data from Jambi City. In 2017, the City of Jambi still lacked 2,220.13 ha of public green space and 774.36 ha of private green space, the research objective identifying the extent and availability of urban parks and forests based on population and water demand approach. The research method uses data analysis criteria identifying the needs of parks and urban forests, population and water consumption. Identify the number and extent of urban parks and urban forests as many as 45 city parks and 2 urban forests in Jambi City and the largest urban parks are in the youth arena park located in Kota Baru District with an area of 2,008 ha, public open space city parks and urban forests jambi has a total area of 72,922 ha. The required green space in Jambi City is 4,107.6 ha, it is obtained that the area of public green space identified is only about 1.77% of the total area of the city. The needs of urban forest area based on the water approach that requires land until 2028 covering an area of 5,614.47 ha are less fulfilled, because the total available land is 58 ha with potential land of 79.85 ha, only 94.32 ha has been developed, but it can only meet the needs of the area of urban forests based on the water approach only in 2018 of 2,495.32 ha
Evaluasi Kinerja Ipal Produksi Industri Crumb Rubber (Studi Kasus: PT. X Kota Jambi) Marhadi Marhadi; Hadrah Hadrah; Sri Wahyudi
Jurnal Daur Lingkungan Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/daurling.v5i2.118


Wastewater treatment is the main element in the success of a business in environmental management and monitoring, for this reason it is necessary to carry out maintenance and evaluation so that the sustainability of environmental protection continues. The crude rubber industry (crumb rubber) generally processes rubber in several stages, starting from sorting raw materials, cleaning bokars, macro mixing, pre-drying, crushing, drying and pressing, of course, this produces waste. The research method is evaluating the quality of wastewater from each treatment unit at the WWTP production of crumb rubber, as well as evaluating the WWTP units based on design criteria that are planned and described analytic descriptively. upon admission, namely COD of 12.876 mg/L, TSS of 1.112 mg/L, BOD5 of 980 mg/L, Ammonia 2.3 mg/L, Nitrogen 96 mg/L, pH 6.3. The results at the outlet are COD 19.35 mg/L, TSS 58.67 mg/L, BOD5 35.1 mg/L, Ammonia 0.2 mg/L, Nitrogen 10 mg/L, pH 7. While the WWTP unit design inefficient in terms of design criteria, this is because the residence time is calculated too quickly, therefore it is necessary to analyze the suitability of dimensions in order to meet the required design criteria.
Evaluasi dan Redesain Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (Studi Kasus: Hotel X Kota Jambi) Monik Kasman; Marhadi Marhadi; Imam Mahdi Azwar
Jurnal Daur Lingkungan Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/daurling.v5i2.155


Hotels produce wastewater as much as 80% of the total use of clean water, the wastewater is categorized as domestic wastewater. Hotel X is a 4-star hotel with a need for clean water of 64,396 m3/day and the waste water produced is 49.33 m3/day. Based on observations and evaluations, it was concluded that Hotel X's wastewater was treated at the WWTP with performance that was still not optimal. So that the method used in this research is descriptively analyzing primary and secondary data, then proceed with evaluation and redesign of certain WWTP units based on existing conditions in the field. Laboratory test results show that the parameters that do not meet the quality standards are TSS 136 mg/L, BOD5 56 mg/L, and COD 174 mg/L, so the units that need to be evaluated based on existing conditions consists of grit chamber units, equalizing tanks, anaerobic tank, aerobic tanks, sludge tanks and sedimentation tanks. Based on the results of the evaluation on the existing WWTP unit at Hotel X, there are WWTP units that need to be optimized, namely equalizing tanks and aerobic tanks, where the detention time exceeds the design criteria. Redesign of dimensional changes to the equalizing tank and aerobic tank units. Based on the calculation results, the detention time in the equalizing tank was 8.5 hours and in the aerobic tank 14.38 hours. The equalizing tank unit has been modified to a depth of 2 m to reduce detention time in the initial processing to 6.8 hours, while for the aerobic tank 2 unit, it is modified to a width of 2.5 m and a length of 2.5 m, the length and width of the aerobic tank unit 2 is equated with the size of tube 1 to reduce detention time in processing to 7.6 hours.