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Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 13, No 1 (2011): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v13i1.1338


Abstract: The objectives of the presents study was  to explore mathematical models that could be used  to  estimate  the  number  of  accidents  on  interurban  toll  roads.  Preditive  models  were developed  by  relating  traffic  exposure  (average  daily  traffic  and  road  section  length)  with  the number  of  accidents  per  unit  of  time.Accident,  roadway  section  and  traffic  volume  data  were obtained  from  Jagorawi,  JakartaCikampek,  padaleunyi,  and  palikanci  toll  road.  Accident  rate models were developed from those data using  generalized linear modelling (GLM) techniques. The conclusions  from  the  study were:  (1)  linier  regression model was  not  appropriate  to  be  used  to predict  accidents  number,  because  accident  occurence  did  not  follow  normal  distribution,  (2) Poisson regression possessed accident occurence characteristics: descrete, rare and random, and (3)  Negative  Binomial  distribution  was  more  appropriate  to  represent  accident  occurence phenomenon with overdispersion. Keywords: accident rate, generalized linear modelling, Poisson regression, nagative binomial regression.  Abstrak: Penelitian  ini  bertujuan  untuk mengeksplorasi model matematis  yang  dapat  digunakan untuk  meramalkan  jumlah  kecelakaan,  pada  suatu  ruas  jalan  tol  antar  kota.  Model  prediksi dikembangkan  dengan  menghubungkan  paparan  lalulintas,  yang  dinyatakan  dengan  volume lalulintas dan panjang ruas jalan, dengan keselamatan, yang dinyatakan dalam jumlah kecelakaan per satuan waktu. Data  jalan, kecelakaan, dan  lalulintas selama dua  tahun, diambil dari  jalan  tol antar  kota  Jagorawi,  Jakarta0Cikampek,  Padaleunyi  dan  Palikanci.  Model  tingkat  kecelakaan dikembangkan dari data tersebut dengan teknik generalized linear modelling (GLM), dan dikalibrasi dengan  menggunakan  teknik0teknik  statistik.  Beberapa  kesimpulan  yang  dapat  ditarik  dari penelitian  ini  adalah:  (1)  Model  regresi  linier  dengan  distribusi  normal  tidak  memadai  untuk memprediksi  kecelakaan;  tingkat  kecelakaan  tidak  terbukti  mengikuti  distribusi  normal;  (2) Penggunaan  regresi Poisson  lebih mencerminkan karakteristik kejadian kecelakaan: diskrit, acak, langka;    dan  (3)  Distribusi  Binomial  Negatif  paling  baik merepresentasikan  kejadian  kecelakaan dengan adanya gejala overdispersi pada data. Kata kunci: tingkat kecelakaan, generalized linear modelling, regresi poisson, regresi binomial negatif.
PEREDUKSIAN FRAUD AKUNTAN Wicaksono, Satria Budi; Haryadi, Bambang; Lisa, Oyong
PRIVE: Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Keuangan Vol 3 No 1 (2020): Maret
Publisher : Program Studi Akuntansi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Islam Majapahit

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (56.213 KB)


This study aims to uncover the efforts of accountants to reduce fraud. The study uses an interpretive approach with a phenomenological method to see phenomena that are directly related to the symptoms that arise around humans that are organized in the sphere of interaction between the accountant profession, clients, and third parties. The data in this study were obtained from observations in the field by actively participating in each activity, in-depth interviews related to efforts to avoid fraudulent practices with people who are directly involved in the world of accountants. Data analysis was performed using noema and noesis analysis. The results showed that there were three efforts that accountants could make when they were employed, such as religiosity, professionalism, and materialism. After formulating the results based on an analysis of conversations with the informant, it can be concluded that what must be done by the accountant is to combine the three efforts and apply them to the work culture. Keywords: Fraud, Accountants, Phenomenology, Religiosity, Professionalism
Menakar Potensi Penerimaan Negara atas Pajak E-Commerce, Tarik Ulur Regulasi dan Hambatan Penerimaan Pajak: Suatu Kajian Literatur Haryadi, Bambang; Sari, Agus
Jurnal Riset dan Aplikasi: Akuntansi dan Manajemen Vol 4, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Jur. Akuntansi, Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33795/jraam.v4i3.009


AbstractThis research aims to assess the tax potential for e-commerce, to assess the controversy about taxation rules; to assess the barriers to tax. The research approach employed was descriptive qualitative and this research can also be categorized as literary study.The research results show: (1) tax potential from digital trade is very large; (2) tax contribution is verysignificant; (3) the controversy over the determination of the e-commerce tax has caused losses, because the tax is only based on turnover and only for those who have an tax identity number (NPWP); (4) the barriers are low business awareness, weak law enforcement, no specific regulations, and lack of ability to identify online businesses.Tujuan riset ini adalah untuk menilai potensi pajak e-commerce, untuk mengurai kontroversi tentang aturan perpajakannya serta menilai hambatan penerimaan pajak transaksi digital. Pendekatan riset yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dan jenis penelitian adalah studi kepustakaan. Studi diarahkan untuk analisis potensi pajak atas perdagangan digital. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) potensi pajak atas perdagangan digital Indonesia sangat besar; (2) kontribusi pajak e-commercesangat signifikan hasilnya; (3) tarik ulur penetapan pajak e-commercemenimbulkan kerugian, dikarenakan pengenaan pajak hanya berdasarkan omzet dan dikenakan hanya bagi yang memiliki NPWP; (4) hambatan meliputi kesadaran pebisnis, lemahnya penegakan hukum, belum ada peraturan khusus, serta belum memiliki kemampuan mengidentifikasi pebisnis daring.
The Effect of the Application of Interprofessional Education (IPE) Simulation Using Role Model Method Towards the Knowledge and Attitude of Nursing Undergraduate Students in Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Stevany Kii Londong, Refenia; Hadromi, Hadromi; Haryadi, Bambang
Journal of Vocational and Career Education Vol 4, No 2 (2019): December 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jvce.v4i2.25586


The lack of knowledge and attitude of the students toward interprofessional education make the students have a hard time to communicate effectively because they come from different health program, need an approach and knowing the habit of the other students that they will communicate to and work with in increasing the health service. The aims of this study are (1) analyzing the effect of the application of interprofessional education simulation using role play towards the knowledge improvement about the interprofessional education for the nursing undergraduate students in Unissula, (2) analyzing the effect of the application of interprofessional education simulation using role play towards the attitude about interprofessional education for the nursing undergraduate students in Unissula. Quasi-experimental methods was used in this study. This quasi-experimental research design is pre-test and post-test without control group. The instruments used in this research were questionnaire. The type of the questionnaire was the closed questionnaire which was a questionnaire with provided answer. The data analysis used in this research was paired sample t-test analysis by doing analysis towards the pre-test and post-test. The result of validity test by using product moment correlation in the application of interprofessional education using role model method towards the knowledge about interprofessional education for nursing undergraduate students in Unissula was that from 28 items of question in the instrument, there were 3 invalid questions which were the question number 12, 14, and 21. The reliability result by using Alpha Cronbach in the application of interprofessional education using role model method towards the knowledge about interprofessional education for nursing undergraduate students in Unissula was 0.877 from 25 items of question. The validity test result by using product moment correlation in the application of interprofessional education using role model method towards the attitude about interprofessional education for nursing undergraduate students in Unissula was that from 12 items of question, all questions were valid with reliability point of 0.960. The research result show that the usage of interprofessional education using role play method towards the nursing students may improve the student’s knowledge in the effort of increasing the health service that centered on the patient because there are (1) an improvement in the pre-test and post-test result as many as 16.55 for pre-test and 25.82 for post-test; (2) data distribution (standard deviation) in pre-test is 5.370 with the error standard of 0.767; and (3) data distribution in the post-test is 0.486 with error standard of 0.069. Besides, the application of interprofessional education using role play method may affect towards attitude because the average student’s attitude shows the result of satisfying attitude category with 33 students (67.3%) and quite satisfying category with 16 students (32.7%).
Optimization Analysis of The Strength Capacity and The Economic Value Comparison of Castellated Steel Beam and Its Equivalent IWF Beam Budi, Listiyono; Widodo, Aris; Haryadi, Bambang; Endroyo, Bambang; Wicaksono, Dimas; Subagio, Triono
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 23, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v23i2.31942


The research is aimed to figure out the comparison of the strength capacity and economic value comparison of castellated steel beam to its equivalent IWF beam. The profile of the castellated steel beam in this study included all profiles of castellated steel beam on the market based on the products catalog of the castellated steel beam from PT. Gunung Garuda. The finite element method was used in this study with the aid from Abaqus program to get a comparison of the strength capacity of castellated steel beam to its equivalent IWF beam. The next stage next involved the calculation of a comparison of the economic value of the castellated steel beam with hexagonal holes with to its equivalent IWF beam. The results of the study showed that the castellated steel beam experienced an increase in the strength capacity of 1,189 up to 2,330 times compared to its equivalent IWF beam. The comparison of the strength capacity between the castellated steel beam and its equivalent IWF beam is at 1,010 up to 1,539. Based on the combination between the comparison of strength capacity and the economic value, there are 14 (58.33%) profiles of the castellated steel beam which is categorized as efficient in terms of the design of the structure and cost, there are four (16.67%) profiles of the castellated steel beam which is categorized as efficient in terms of the design of the structure but not efficient in terms of cost, and there are 6 (25.00%) profiles of the castellated steel beam which is categorized as inefficient in terms of the design of the structure and cost. The results of this study indicate that the castellated steel beam can replace its equivalent IWF beam. Selection of profile of the castellated steel beam is appropriate to provide efficiency in terms of weight of the structure between 58.5% to 15.1% and can provide efficiency in terms of cost of between 48.4% to 0.9%.
The Development of Sanggul Gala E-Modul at Beauty Study Program of Vocational High School J, Kuswidyaningrum N.; Haryadi, Bambang; Widjanarko, Dwi
Journal of Vocational and Career Education Vol 6, No 1 (2021): July 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jvce.v6i1.34901


The implementation of the Sanggul Gala learning is identical to the exploration of understanding, creativity, and imagination in order to produce a bun according to the desired theme. The limited references to books and modules, as well as the lack of Sanggul Gala learning media cause students' low understanding of the learning material. This is contrary to the factual condition, that vocational high school students in beauty study program are required to think critically and imaginatively in the Sanggul Gala learning process. The research questions of the present study are: 1) How is the development of Sanggul Gala e-Modul? and 2) how effective is the Sanggul Gala e-Modul in increasing the creativity of students in beauty study program?. The aims of this research are: 1) developing Sanggul Gala e-Modul; and 2) testing its effectiveness in increasing the creativity of beauty study program students. The research uses the RD (Research and Development) method referring to the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The research sample was students Beauty Study Program of SMK Negeri 1 Tegal. Based on the results of the validation of learning media experts, it was found that the results of the development of the Sanggul Gala e-Module learning media had met the following criteria: 1) validity level: 81.67% (valid); 2) the level of feasibility: 3.56 (feasible), (3) the level of reliability; 0.364 (reliable). At the trial stage of the Sanggul Gala eModul and the video for students of beauty study program, it was found that the average score of students increased by 29.7% in all aspects (cognitive, affective and psychomotor). This shows that the Sanggul Gala e-Modul learning media is significant in improving the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects of students in beauty study program.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 13, No 1 (2011): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v13i1.1338


Abstract: The objectives of the presents study was  to explore mathematical models that could be used  to  estimate  the  number  of  accidents  on  interurban  toll  roads.  Preditive  models  were developed  by  relating  traffic  exposure  (average  daily  traffic  and  road  section  length)  with  the number  of  accidents  per  unit  of  time.Accident,  roadway  section  and  traffic  volume  data  were obtained  from  Jagorawi,  JakartaCikampek,  padaleunyi,  and  palikanci  toll  road.  Accident  rate models were developed from those data using  generalized linear modelling (GLM) techniques. The conclusions  from  the  study were:  (1)  linier  regression model was  not  appropriate  to  be  used  to predict  accidents  number,  because  accident  occurence  did  not  follow  normal  distribution,  (2) Poisson regression possessed accident occurence characteristics: descrete, rare and random, and (3)  Negative  Binomial  distribution  was  more  appropriate  to  represent  accident  occurence phenomenon with overdispersion. Keywords: accident rate, generalized linear modelling, Poisson regression, nagative binomial regression.  Abstrak: Penelitian  ini  bertujuan  untuk mengeksplorasi model matematis  yang  dapat  digunakan untuk  meramalkan  jumlah  kecelakaan,  pada  suatu  ruas  jalan  tol  antar  kota.  Model  prediksi dikembangkan  dengan  menghubungkan  paparan  lalulintas,  yang  dinyatakan  dengan  volume lalulintas dan panjang ruas jalan, dengan keselamatan, yang dinyatakan dalam jumlah kecelakaan per satuan waktu. Data  jalan, kecelakaan, dan  lalulintas selama dua  tahun, diambil dari  jalan  tol antar  kota  Jagorawi,  Jakarta0Cikampek,  Padaleunyi  dan  Palikanci.  Model  tingkat  kecelakaan dikembangkan dari data tersebut dengan teknik generalized linear modelling (GLM), dan dikalibrasi dengan  menggunakan  teknik0teknik  statistik.  Beberapa  kesimpulan  yang  dapat  ditarik  dari penelitian  ini  adalah:  (1)  Model  regresi  linier  dengan  distribusi  normal  tidak  memadai  untuk memprediksi  kecelakaan;  tingkat  kecelakaan  tidak  terbukti  mengikuti  distribusi  normal;  (2) Penggunaan  regresi Poisson  lebih mencerminkan karakteristik kejadian kecelakaan: diskrit, acak, langka;    dan  (3)  Distribusi  Binomial  Negatif  paling  baik merepresentasikan  kejadian  kecelakaan dengan adanya gejala overdispersi pada data. Kata kunci: tingkat kecelakaan, generalized linear modelling, regresi poisson, regresi binomial negatif.
Optimization Analysis of The Strength Capacity and The Economic Value Comparison of Castellated Steel Beam and Its Equivalent IWF Beam Budi, Listiyono; Widodo, Aris; Haryadi, Bambang; Endroyo, Bambang; Wicaksono, Dimas; Subagio, Triono
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 23, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v23i2.31942


The research is aimed to figure out the comparison of the strength capacity and economic value comparison of castellated steel beam to its equivalent IWF beam. The profile of the castellated steel beam in this study included all profiles of castellated steel beam on the market based on the products catalog of the castellated steel beam from PT. Gunung Garuda. The finite element method was used in this study with the aid from Abaqus program to get a comparison of the strength capacity of castellated steel beam to its equivalent IWF beam. The next stage next involved the calculation of a comparison of the economic value of the castellated steel beam with hexagonal holes with to its equivalent IWF beam. The results of the study showed that the castellated steel beam experienced an increase in the strength capacity of 1,189 up to 2,330 times compared to its equivalent IWF beam. The comparison of the strength capacity between the castellated steel beam and its equivalent IWF beam is at 1,010 up to 1,539. Based on the combination between the comparison of strength capacity and the economic value, there are 14 (58.33%) profiles of the castellated steel beam which is categorized as efficient in terms of the design of the structure and cost, there are four (16.67%) profiles of the castellated steel beam which is categorized as efficient in terms of the design of the structure but not efficient in terms of cost, and there are 6 (25.00%) profiles of the castellated steel beam which is categorized as inefficient in terms of the design of the structure and cost. The results of this study indicate that the castellated steel beam can replace its equivalent IWF beam. Selection of profile of the castellated steel beam is appropriate to provide efficiency in terms of weight of the structure between 58.5% to 15.1% and can provide efficiency in terms of cost of between 48.4% to 0.9%.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 9, No 2 (2007): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v9i2.1611


The development of a city usually is accompanied by traffic congestion and air pollution problems. The appropriate strategy to solve these problems has been debated for long time. The proponents of new urbanism believe that the problem can be improved by forcing more people and more cars into smaller areas . They assume that by forcing densities higher, public transit can be provided better and more efficient, so that people will be more inclined to abandon their automobiles and use public transit, bicycles or walking as an alternative. On the contrary, anti-urban traditions believe that densifying urban areas will only worsen traffic congestion, and in turn will worsen air pollution. So that the best approach to solving the problem would to let urban sprawl, to dispersetraffic and to make it move faster. This paper describes both approaches and the impacts, and discuses which one is the best from Indonesian perspective.Keywords: urban density, urban sprawl, new urbanism, smart growthPerkembangan kota biasanya dibarengi dengan masalah kemacetan lalu-lintas dan polusi udara. Strategi apa yang harus ditempuh untuk mengatasi hal tersebut merupakan perdebatan yang panjang. Para pendukung new urbanism percaya bahwa kemacetan dan polusi bisa ditanggulangi dengan memaksakan lebih banyak orang dan kendaraan dalam kawasan yang sempit. Dengan lebih terkonsentrasi, penyediaan angkutan umum bisa lebih baik dan efisien, sehingga orang akan mengurangi penggunaan kendaraan pribadi  dan cenderung menggunakan angkuatan umum, bersepeda atau berjalan kaki. Sebaliknya budaya suburban dengan gagasan urban sprawl menganggap bahwa kemacetan disebabkan karena terlalu banyaknya kendaraan di wilayah yang sempit, dan pada gilirannya kemacetan memperparah polusi. Oleh karena itu kota harus dibiarkan berkembang menyebar, untuk menyebar lalu-lintas. Tulisan ini membahas kedua pandangan tentang kepadatan kota, dampaknya, serta mengkajinya dalam perperktif geografis dandemografis, yang manakah yang terbaik untuk Indonesia.Kata Kunci: kepadatan kota, pemekaran kota, new urbanism, pertumbuhan cerdas
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 11, No 2 (2009): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v11i2.1721


Accident prediction models is related to the quantification of the relationship betweenaccidents that occured at certain location with factors that influence it at a particular time. Themodels could provide ideas how each variable contributes to the accident that occured at aparticular location. The purpose of the strudy was to develop toll road accident prediction models byconsidering hourly traffic flow. Microscopic analysis result shows that the relationship betweenaccident frequency and hourly traffic can be represented by exponensial step-functions. Up to 700vehicle/hour accident frequency increases exponentially, then it decreases exponentially as trafficflow increases furthermore. This trend was common for total, single-vehicle, and multi-vehicleaccidents. Model prediksi kecelakaan merupakan kuantifikasi hubungan antara kecelakaan yangterjadi pada suatu lokasi dengan faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh pada waktu itu. Model prediksidapat memberi gagasan bagaimana masing-masing variabel tersebut berkontribusi menyebabkankecelakaan yang terjadi di lokasi tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan modelprediksi kecelakaan yang terjadi pada ruas jalan tol dengan berdasarkan volume lalu lintas per jam(hourly traffic flow). Analisis secara mikroskopik dengan menggunakan volume lalulintas per jamsebagai variabel bebas menunjukkan bahwa hubungan antara besarnya frekuensi kecelakaandengan volume lalulintas per jam berbentuk eksponensial bertingkat. Sampai dengan nilai volumelalulintas 700 kendaraan/jam hubungan frekuensi kecelakaan dengan volume lalulintas per jamdapat dinyatakan dengan fungsi eksponensial positif, sedangkan di atas nilai volume lalulintas 700kendaraan/jam hubungannya dapat dinyatakan dalam bentuk fungsi eksponensial negatif. Hal iniberlaku baik untuk kecelakaan total, tunggal, maupun jamak