Yennike Tri Herawati
Program Studi Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Jember, Jl. Kalimantan I No. 93 Jember Jawa Timur

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IKESMA Vol 6, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : FKM - UNEJ

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Being transvestites is not merely bringing a biological problems, but also psychological and sociological. Most transvestites were having a low self concept due to their confusion on their sexual identity. The ambiguity place them isolated from community. Social pressure forms stigmatization and discrimination toward thisgroup of people, which lead them to have more risky sexual practice. This study aims to analize the sexual life style of non-commercial transvestites in Semarang. It was a qualitative study involved informants aged 25-54. Most of them reconstruct their face and body in order to maximize their sexual appeal as a female. Most of respondents were having steady single or married partner. However, the status was not limiting them to have sexual relationship with others. Less respondent found their partner from chatting, hang-out in a hot spot (cebongan), and using gigolos services. All the respondents only needed a few of time to finally engage in sexual intercourse with their partner. First sight, first date and sexual intercourse were occurred in a quick encounter. The reasons of having sexual intercourse (anal and or oral sex) were to show their love to their partner and just for fun. They were mostly prefer anal or oral sex, however, some of them also practicing petting with “es gosrok” style of commonly called clamping style. Although most of them negotiate with their partner to use condom, there were some of them were not because they did not practicing penetration anal sex. Keywords : transvestites, non-commercial, sexual lifestyle, sexual script
IKESMA Vol 10, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : FKM - UNEJ

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Cost benefit analysis is an economic analysis that is used to evaluate economic resources usage so that the scarce economic resources can be used efficiently. In 2014, Balung General Hospital suggests some program to central government in order to support operational activity in Balung General Hospital. However, not all suggestions can be realized because the limitation of fund given by government. The purpose of the research is doing calculation of Cost benefit analysis between suggestion of CT-Scan device purchasing or suggestion of Laser dioda photocoagulator in Balung General Hospital of Jember. This research is quantitatif descriptive with analysis unit in Radiology Installation and Eye Poly. Based on the calculation of each step of Cost benefit analysis, we know that each suggestion has different Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) value where BCR value of Laser dioda photocoagulator device purchasing suggestion is 0,858 that is bigger than BCR value of CT-Scan device purchasing suggestion which is 0,078. Based on the BCR value, so the first prioritized suggestion is the Laser dioda photocoagulator that brings bigger benefit for Balung General Hospital of Jember.   Keywords: Cost Benefit Analysis, BCR (Benefit Cost Ratio), CT-Scan, Laser dioda photocoagulator
Manajemen Program Pengelolaan Penyakit Kronis di Puskesmas Praja, Bravianty Agustine; Herawati, Yennike Tri; Witcahyo, Eri
HIGEIA (Journal of Public Health Research and Development) Vol 4 No 3 (2020): HIGEIA: July 2020
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/higeia.v4i3.32352


Abstrak Prolanis adalah program BPJS Kesehatan melalui FKTP bagi peserta BPJS Kesehatan dengan hipertensi dan DM tipe 2. Perhitungan rata-rata RPPB Puskesmas Sukowono belum memenuhi target minimal pada tahun 2018, yaitu 40,49%. Sedangkan RPPB Puskesmas Gumukmas telah memenuhi yaitu 100%. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran manajemen Prolanis di Puskesmas Sukowono dan Puskesmas Gumukmas. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang dilakukan pada Bulan April hingga Bulan Juli 2019. Hasil penelitian pada perekrutan peserta Prolanis Puskesmas Sukowono belum optimal dan tidak melakukan reminder. Penjaringan peserta Prolanis Puskesmas Gumukmas belum menyeluruh. Pengelolaan SDM kegiatan Prolanis Puskesmas Sukowono belum sesuai sedangkan pengorganisasian Prolanis Puskesmas Gumukmas sudah sesuai dalam semua aspek. Prolanis Puskesmas Sukowono tidak melaksanakan reminder dan home visit sedangkan Prolanis Puskesmas Gumukmas melaksanakan. Pelaksana evaluasi dan tindakan koreksi Prolanis Puskesmas Sukowono antara kepala puskesmas dan penanggung jawab Prolanis memiliki jawaban yang berbeda sedangkan jawaban kepala puskesmas dan penanggung jawab Prolanis Puskesmas Gumukmas sudah sama. Manajemen Prolanis Puskesmas Sukowono belum optimal dibandingkan dengan Prolanis Puskesmas Gumukmas. Abstract Prolanis is Social Security Agency of Health program through primary health care for hypertension and type 2 DM participants. Sukowono Primary Health Care RPPB average was not reaching minimum target in 2018, namely 40,49%. Whereas Gumukmas was reaching it namely 100%. This study was to find out the description of Prolanis management at Sukowono and Gumukmas Primary Health Care. This study was descriptive study conducted at April until July 2019. Study results showed recruitment of Prolanis participants at Sukowono was not optimal and not implement reminder while Gumukmas was not comprehensive in Prolanis participants screening. Management of Prolanis implementers at Sukowono was inapt while Prolanis organizing at Gumukmas was apt in all aspects. Sukowono Prolanis not implement reminder and home visit while Gumukmas Prolanis impelemented them. Evaluating and correcting implementer among the head of Sukowono and the person in charge of Prolanis had different answers meanwhile the answers among the head of Gumukmas and person in charge of Prolanis were same. Sukowono Prolanis management was not optimal than Gumukmas Prolanis. Keywords: Prolanis, Management
Manajemen Program Pengelolaan Penyakit Kronis di Puskesmas Praja, Bravianty Agustine; Herawati, Yennike Tri; Witcahyo, Eri
HIGEIA (Journal of Public Health Research and Development) Vol 4 No 3 (2020): HIGEIA: July 2020
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/higeia.v4i3.32352


Abstrak Prolanis adalah program BPJS Kesehatan melalui FKTP bagi peserta BPJS Kesehatan dengan hipertensi dan DM tipe 2. Perhitungan rata-rata RPPB Puskesmas Sukowono belum memenuhi target minimal pada tahun 2018, yaitu 40,49%. Sedangkan RPPB Puskesmas Gumukmas telah memenuhi yaitu 100%. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran manajemen Prolanis di Puskesmas Sukowono dan Puskesmas Gumukmas. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang dilakukan pada Bulan April hingga Bulan Juli 2019. Hasil penelitian pada perekrutan peserta Prolanis Puskesmas Sukowono belum optimal dan tidak melakukan reminder. Penjaringan peserta Prolanis Puskesmas Gumukmas belum menyeluruh. Pengelolaan SDM kegiatan Prolanis Puskesmas Sukowono belum sesuai sedangkan pengorganisasian Prolanis Puskesmas Gumukmas sudah sesuai dalam semua aspek. Prolanis Puskesmas Sukowono tidak melaksanakan reminder dan home visit sedangkan Prolanis Puskesmas Gumukmas melaksanakan. Pelaksana evaluasi dan tindakan koreksi Prolanis Puskesmas Sukowono antara kepala puskesmas dan penanggung jawab Prolanis memiliki jawaban yang berbeda sedangkan jawaban kepala puskesmas dan penanggung jawab Prolanis Puskesmas Gumukmas sudah sama. Manajemen Prolanis Puskesmas Sukowono belum optimal dibandingkan dengan Prolanis Puskesmas Gumukmas. Abstract Prolanis is Social Security Agency of Health program through primary health care for hypertension and type 2 DM participants. Sukowono Primary Health Care RPPB average was not reaching minimum target in 2018, namely 40,49%. Whereas Gumukmas was reaching it namely 100%. This study was to find out the description of Prolanis management at Sukowono and Gumukmas Primary Health Care. This study was descriptive study conducted at April until July 2019. Study results showed recruitment of Prolanis participants at Sukowono was not optimal and not implement reminder while Gumukmas was not comprehensive in Prolanis participants screening. Management of Prolanis implementers at Sukowono was inapt while Prolanis organizing at Gumukmas was apt in all aspects. Sukowono Prolanis not implement reminder and home visit while Gumukmas Prolanis impelemented them. Evaluating and correcting implementer among the head of Sukowono and the person in charge of Prolanis had different answers meanwhile the answers among the head of Gumukmas and person in charge of Prolanis were same. Sukowono Prolanis management was not optimal than Gumukmas Prolanis. Keywords: Prolanis, Management
Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan Jamaah Haji di Puskesmas Kalisat Kabupaten Jember Purwita Dwi Arysca Pratiwi; Eri Witcahyo; Yennike Tri Herawati
Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan SUARA FORIKES Vol 13, No 1 (2022): Januari 2022
Publisher : FORIKES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/sf13136


The health efforts provided to the pilgrims in all the activities of organizing the pilgrimage from the first stage to the third stage are carried out in curative and rehabilitative forms. Achieving quality Hajj health services requires management that regulates the implementation of Hajj health services. The purpose of this study was to examine the management of health services for pilgrims at Kalisat Public Health Center, Jember Regency using the theory of Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting, and Budgeting (POSDCORB). This research was a case study research with a qualitative approach. The key informants in this study were 2 people consisting of the Hajj Health Coordinator of the Jember District Health Office and the Head of the Kalisat Health Center; the main informants consisted of 2 people, namely the Kalisat Health Center Hajj Coordinator and health center officers; while the additional informants consisted of 3 pilgrims in Kalisat District. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and document studies. Based on the results of the study, it was known that most of the informants understand the process of planning and management of hajj health services carried out at the health center, and there are still a few problems regarding the misunderstanding of hajj pilgrims.Keywords: Hajj health service management; planning; organizingABSTRAK Upaya kesehatan yang diberikan kepada jamaah haji pada seluruh kegiatan penyelenggaraan ibadah haji mulai dari tahap pertama hingga tahap ketiga dilakukan dalam bentuk kuratif dan rehabilitatif. Tercapainya pelayanan kesehatan haji yang berkualitas memerlukan manajemen yang mengatur pelaksanaan pelayanan kesehatan haji. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji pengelolaan pelayanan kesehatan jamaah haji di Puskesmas Kalisat, Kabupaten Jember menggunakan teori Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting, dan Budgeting (POSDCORB). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Informan kunci dalam penelitian ini adalah 2 orang yang terdiri atas koordinator kesehatan haji Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Jember dan Kepala Puskesmas Kalisat; informan utama terdiri dari 2 orang yaitu Koordinator Kesehatan Haji Puskesmas Kalisat dan petugas puskesmas; sedangkan informan tambahan terdiri dari 3 jamaah haji di Kecamatan Kalisat. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam dan studi dokumen. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui bahwa sebagian besar informan memahami proses perencanaan dan manajemen pelayanan kesehatan haji yang dilakukan di puskesmas, dan masih terdapat sedikit masalah tentang ketidakpahaman jamaah haji.Kata kunci: manajemen pelayanan kesehatan haji; perencanaan; pengorganisasian
Evaluasi Implementasi JKN pada Studi Kasus Layanan Operasi Caesar Di Provinsi Jawa Timur (Evaluation of the JKN program implementation: a case study of sectio caesarean in East Java Province, Indonesia) Edit Oktavia Manuama; Puguh Priyo Widodo; Yennike Tri Herawati; Ni’mal Baroya; Muhammad Faozi Kurniawan
Jurnal Kebijakan Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 10, No 3 (2021): Special Issues
Publisher : Center for Health Policy and Management

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jkki.67088


Tingginya pembiayaan untuk prosedur layanan kesehatan tertentu termasuk operasi seksio menjadi ditengarai menjadi penyebab defisit anggaran JKN pada periode 2015 - 2020. Selain itu, berbagai studi menemukan bahwa adanya pemanfaatan layanan operasi caesar yang tidak perlu pada kelompok tertentu, sekaligus tidak tersedianya akses ke pelayanan operasi caesar pada kelompok masyarakat lainnya. Dengan menggunakan studi kasus layanan operasi seksio di Jawa Timur, penelitian ini mengkaji aspek ekuitas dari implementasi JKN. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menganalisis data survei Pemerintah (SUSENAS dan RISKESDAS) serta data sampel BPJS 2015 – 2018. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan disajikan dalam bentuk proporsi dan absolut. Studi ini memberikan gambaran bahwa telah terjadi ketimpangan utilisasi layanan operasi caesar berdasarkan segmen kepesertaan di mana 86% pelayanan operasi caesar dinikmati oleh segmen kepesertaan PPU dan PBPU dibandingkan dengan segmen sasaran utama program JKN yaitu segmen PBI. Selain itu, layanan dokter spesialis kebidanan dan kandungan hanya terkonsentasi di wilayah kotamadya di Provinsi Jawa Timur. Sistem single pool dan belum optimalnya tanggung jawab pemerintah dan pemerintah daerah dalam pemerataan fasilitas kesehatan di Jawa Timur telah menjadikan masyarakat miskin Jawa Timur justru mensuplai golongan yang mungkin tidak perlu mendapatkan bantuan akses ke layanan kesehatan, termasuk layanan operasi caesar. The increasing trend in section caesarean procedure has been associated with the deficit of health insurance program in Indonesia. Previous studies highlighted that both underutilisation and overutilisation of SC procedure are present.  Using SC as a case study, this research analyzes the equity of the implementation of the Indonesia Health Insurance Program, namely JKN. This study used a quantitative approach to analyse the government survey ( SUSENAS and RISKESDAS) and the data sample of BPJS. This study provides an inequity in SC services where 86% of the SC procedure were used by the secondary target of the NHI program, PPU and PBPU group compared to the targeted group, the PBI. Besides, there is a gap in the distribution of the obstetric gynaecologists, where most of the doctors are in the city. To conclude, the existing single pool system and suboptimal role of national and local government to provide more equitable access to health facility have widen the inequality as currently the poor is supplying the wealthier groups, including access to SC procedure.
Analisis SWOT di Instalasi Gawat Darurat (IGD) Rumah Sakit Fathma Medika Gresik untuk Meningkatkan Kunjungan Tahun 2016 (SWOT Analysis in the Emergency Room (ER) of Fathma Medika Hospital Gresik in Order to Increasing Visits 2016) Nurika Amaliah; Yennike Tri Herawati; Eri Witcahyo
Pustaka Kesehatan Vol 5 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : UPT Percetakan dan Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Trauma Center is one of Fathma Medika Hospital’s featured services to handle the trauma patients in the hospital. Trauma Center is closely related to the ER where ER is a major gateway entry of patients with emergency conditions to prevent the risk of disability and death to respond time for 5 minutes and definitive time <2 hours. In addition, data showed that the number of patient visits in ER of Fathma Medika Hospital in period of January-December 2015 did not achieve the set targets. Therefore, the matter will be examined using SWOT approach to determine a strategy that could be recommended to improve traffic based on the analysis. The purpose of this study is to analyze the strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat in the ER. This type of research is descriptive with the number of respondents as many as 12 people during October 2016. The results showed that the strength of internal components include human resources, facilities, promotion, planning, organizing, implementing, and monitoring and evaluation while the weaknesses are and the amount of service tariff visit. External components into opportunities are the government policy, social, and economic while the threat is competitive. The conclusion of this study is IGD RS Medika Fathma Gresik get a score of internal and external 0.796 and 0.817 are in the first quadrant so that the strategies are rapid and aggressive growth. Keywords : Planning Strategy, SWOT Analysis, Emergency Room
Mutu Pelayanan Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) di Klinik VCT Puskesmas Puger dari Perspektif Provider Indah Ernawati; Christyana Sandra; Yennike Tri Herawati
Pustaka Kesehatan Vol 7 No 2 (2019): Volume 7 No. 2, 2019
Publisher : UPT Percetakan dan Penerbitan Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/pk.v7i2.19121


Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) is an entry point to help everyone in utilizing services related to HIV-AIDS prevention, care, support and treatment. Puger Primary Health Care is a primary health care located in the work area with the highest number of HIV-AIDS sufferers in Jember Regency, experiencing a decrease in client visits, and there are some management services that are still not in accordance with VCT guidelines. This study aimed to describe the quality of VCT services at the VCT Clinic Puger Primary Health Care from the perspective of provider. This study was descriptive study using questionnaire, documentation study, and observation. The study respondents were 7 VCT clinic officers. The results indicated that in input parameter showed a lack of human resources, insufficient funding, lack of availability and material conditions that meet the VCT guidelines. In planning indicators related to the human resources, improvements of infrastructure facilities had not been written in the POA, the job description was sufficient based on duties and competences of staff and there were coordination, supervision and evaluation. In the dimensions of technical competence, access to services, efficiency, human relations, continuity and safety of VCT clinics in good categories, but sufficient and less categories for dimensions of effectiveness and comfort dimensions.
Pengambilan Keputusan dalam Pelaksanaan Rujukan Puskesmas sebagai Fasilitas Kesehatan Tingkat Pertama (Decision Making in the Refferal Implementation at Public Health Center as First Level Health Facility) Estik Ikka Indah Purwati; Nuryadi Nuryadi; Yennike Tri Herawati
Pustaka Kesehatan Vol 5 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : UPT Percetakan dan Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Public health center is a first level of health facility which collaboration with health care and social security agency must be organize a comprehensive health care. Based on P-Care application at 30 public health centers in district jember obtained 1 public health center which has not the disease refferal rate data as (100%), 12 public health center as (5%), 10 public health center as (5-10%) and 7 public health center over (10%). Based on these data can been conclusion that the disease refferal data which can be handled is still high and the refferal implementaion which is not appropiate at public health center in district jember. The purpose of this study was to identified decision making process in public health center refferal implementation which were not appropriate as first level of health facility.These study was a descriptive. This study was held at 29 public health centers in district Jember on February-March 2016. Sample of these study was 29 health centers. Result showed that of 29 public health center (100%) identified having problem of the refferal which were not appropriate. All public health center in district jember make data collection. All public health center make alternative solution development. All public health center make problem solving evaluation. All public health center make the best alternative election. Alternative preferred by public health center as the best alternative was education and motivation. Keywords: Decision Making, Refferal
Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pemanfaatan Pelayanan Kesehatan Peduli Remaja (PKPR) oleh Remaja Sekolah di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Bondowoso Citra Al Karina; Christyana Sandra; Yennike Tri Herawati
Pustaka Kesehatan Vol 8 No 2 (2020): Volume 8 No. 2, 2020
Publisher : UPT Percetakan dan Penerbitan Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/pk.v8i2.15812


Abstract PKPR is a program developed since 2003 at the primary care level aimed as well as for access by teenagers to improve the health status of adolescents since. PKPR implemented since 2007 in 11 health centers in the regency and already strata. Visit data utilization in the 15-19 age PKPR, KIE activities amounted to 14.26%; health care amounted to 76.75%; and counseling by 1.71%; as well as with the achievements of PKPR utilization of 92.72% (33 224 adolescents) who has yet to reach the expected target is equal to 100%.The purpose of this study to analyze the factors that affect the utilization PKPR by school adolescents (15-19 years) in the working area of ​​the regency health centers in 2019. This research is an analytic research with cross sectional design where data collection is done at one time. The research samples 96 adolescent proportioned Tlogosari health center, tamanan and Maesan the regency with the technique multistage sampling, Data were obtained through a questionnaire and documentation study. Data was analyzed using statistical test of chi-square or fisher's exact test and logistic regression in the form forward with a significance level α = 0.05. The results showed that the statistical chi-square test and Fisher's exact test for the predisposing characteristics, namely there is no influence of age (p = 0.554); gender (p = 0.853); level of education (p = 0.348); and knowledge (p = 0.584). Enabling characteristics of no effect, the ownership of health insurance (p = 0.784) and accessibility to health care (p = 1.000); and there are significant variables is the availability of health workers (p = 0.002) and health care (p = 0.000), the competence of health professionals (p = 0.002), and the time/speed of service (p = 0.012). Factors needs (perceived need) no effect (p = 1.000). The test results of multivariate logistic regression with forward stepwise method (likelihood ratio) is the most influential factor on the utilization PKPR is not available health facilities (p = 0.045) and less competent health workers (p = 0.001). Keywords: PKPR program, utilization PKPR, youth, access Abstrak PKPR ialah suatu program yang dikembangkan sejak tahun 2003 di tingkat puskesmas yang ditujukan serta untuk diakses oleh remaja guna meningkatkan status kesehatan remaja sejak. PKPR dilaksanakan sejak tahun 2007 pada 11 puskesmas di Kabupaten Bondowoso dan sudah strata. Data kunjungan pemanfaatan PKPR usia 15-19 tahun pada kegiatan KIE sebesar 14,26%; pelayanan kesehatan sebesar 76,75%; dan konseling sebesar 1,71%; serta dengan capaian pemanfaatan PKPR sebesar 92,72% (33.224 remaja) yang masih belum mencapai target yang diharapkan yaitu sebesar 100%. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis faktor yang mempengaruhi pemanfaatan PKPR oleh remaja sekolah (15-19 tahun) di wilayah kerja puskesmas Kabupaten Bondowoso tahun 2019. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik dengan desain cross sectional dimana pengambilan data dilakukan pada satu waktu. Sampel penelitian 96 remaja yang diproporsikan pada Puskesmas Tlogosari, Tamanan dan Maesan Kabupaten Bondowoso dengan teknik multistage sampling. Data diperoleh melalui angket kuesioner dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji statistik chi-square atau fisher’s exact test dan regresi logistik berupa forward dengan tingkat signifikansi α = 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa uji statistik chi-square dan fisher’s exact test untuk karakteristik predisposisi tidak terdapat pengaruh yaitu umur (p=0,554); jenis kelamin (p=0,853); tingkat pendidikan (p=0,348); dan pengetahuan (p=0,584). Karakteristik enabling tidak terdapat pengaruh yaitu kepemilikan asuransi kesehatan (p=0,784) dan aksesibilitas menuju pelayanan kesehatan (p=1,000); serta variabel yang terdapat pengaruh ialah ketersediaan tenaga kesehatan (p=0,002) dan fasilitas kesehatan (p=0,000), kompetensi tenaga kesehatan (p=0,002), dan waktu/kecepatan pelayanan (p=0,012). Faktor kebutuhan (perceived need) tidak terdapat pengaruh (p=1,000). Hasil uji multivariat regresi logistik dengan metode forward stepwise (likelihood ratio) faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap pemanfaatan PKPR adalah tidak tersedia fasilitas kesehatan (p=0,045) dan tenaga kesehatan kurang kompeten (p=0,001). Kata Kunci: program PKPR, pemanfaatan PKPR, remaja, akses