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CHANNEL Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 5, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (217.941 KB)


AbstrakPersaingan ddalam dunia industry tidak mengakomodir stagnasi produk dan brand.Mereka yang tidak peka dengan perubahan dan tantangan pasar akan terlindas oleh competitor.Diperlukan upaya menyeluruh dan terus menerus untuk mempertahnakan brand. Eksistensi produkditopang dengan adanya differensiasi sebegai jawaban pemenuhan eksektasi pasar. Konsumenmemiliki hak sepenuhnya untuk menentukan pilihan produk ditengah ketatnya persaingan antarproduk. Proses branding dan eksistensi produk memberikan jawaban dari tantangan setiap perubahandalam bidang pemasaran. Strategi branding berupaya menempatkan produk pada posisibersaing kompetitif dengan produk lain.Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif untuk menggali informasi terkaitkonsep brand dan differensiasi produk. Membangun brand dapat dilakukan dengan “membangun”kepercayaan publik secara massif dan kontinyu atau dengan “meminjam” atau melekatkan denganbrand yang sudah lebih mapan. Akan tetapi perubahan mindset pelaku usaha dalam memperlakukanbrand menjadi kata kunci utama yakni menempatkan brand sebagai asset. Selanjutnya mempertahankanekuitas brand berada dalam skala atas merupakan prioritas. Menempatkan brand pada
Consumer Buying Interest: Survey of Shopee Consumers in Yogyakarta Astri Wulandari; Dessy Putri Wahyuni; M. Nastain
JCommsci - Journal Of Media and Communication Science Vol. 4 No. 3 (2021): JCommsci Vol 4 No 3 2021
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jcommsci.v4i3.152


The digital era has led consumer behavior to shop online. It is undeniable that online shopping is indeed more in demand by some consumers because of various supporting factors. Shopee is an online shop application with many features so that consumers can easily shop, explore and even easily create an online store and sell products. This study uses quantitative research methods to see the effect of buying interest in Shopee online shopping in Yogyakarta. Sources of data were obtained from primary and secondary data with cluster sampling technique to 500 respondents. The results showed that each indicator of buying interest showed positive and significant results. The Transactional Interest indicator is included in the value category with a percentage of 34%, and then for Reference Interest, it has a percentage order of 69% with a very high category. Then for Preferential Interest, the order of category is very high at 70%, and Explanative Interest with a high percentage category at 58%.
CHANNEL: Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 5, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (217.941 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/channel.v5i1.6351


AbstrakPersaingan ddalam dunia industry tidak mengakomodir stagnasi produk dan brand.Mereka yang tidak peka dengan perubahan dan tantangan pasar akan terlindas oleh competitor.Diperlukan upaya menyeluruh dan terus menerus untuk mempertahnakan brand. Eksistensi produkditopang dengan adanya differensiasi sebegai jawaban pemenuhan eksektasi pasar. Konsumenmemiliki hak sepenuhnya untuk menentukan pilihan produk ditengah ketatnya persaingan antarproduk. Proses branding dan eksistensi produk memberikan jawaban dari tantangan setiap perubahandalam bidang pemasaran. Strategi branding berupaya menempatkan produk pada posisibersaing kompetitif dengan produk lain.Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif untuk menggali informasi terkaitkonsep brand dan differensiasi produk. Membangun brand dapat dilakukan dengan “membangun”kepercayaan publik secara massif dan kontinyu atau dengan “meminjam” atau melekatkan denganbrand yang sudah lebih mapan. Akan tetapi perubahan mindset pelaku usaha dalam memperlakukanbrand menjadi kata kunci utama yakni menempatkan brand sebagai asset. Selanjutnya mempertahankanekuitas brand berada dalam skala atas merupakan prioritas. Menempatkan brand pada
Diversifikasi Produk Olahan Ikan Wader dan Manajemen Usaha Berbasis Marketing Online di BUMDes Margosari, Kulon Progo Agus Setiyoko; Rosalia Prismarini Nurdiarti; M Nastain
Agrokreatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Agrokreatif Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/agrokreatif.8.1.67-76


Margosari village has the Serang River which is a source of income for the community. The catched fish is sold in the form of fresh wader fish at a price of Rp. 7,000.00 to Rp. 9,000.00 / Kg. Selling price and storage capacity of wader fish are very low, so it needs to be increased by diversifying the process into krispi wader as one of the business opportunities. The problems faced by partners are: 1) Limited knowledge and skills regarding the diversification process of wader fish; 2) Packaging method is still simple and does not meet standards; and 3) Marketing process is still carried out by direct selling and has not used online marketing method. This community service program aims to increase knowledge and skills regarding the diversification process of wader fish into krispi wader, packaging technology and online marketing. The methods used in conducting this program were in the form of counseling and training as well as assistance to 20 BUMDes members. Counseling and training activities include: 1) Counseling and training on the diversification of processed wader fish into krispi wader fish; 2) Counseling and packaging training was held to know how to pack and making packaging labels; 3) Marketing training based on online marketing. The benchmarks for the success of this service activity can be seen from the increasing of knowledge and skills regarding the diversification of wader krispi process, knowledge of labels and packaging as well as knowledge of online marketing for members of the Margosari BUMDes group based on pretest and posttest analysis of service activities. The conclusion of this service activity is that the counseling method followed by training methods are effective for members of the Margosari BUMDes group in diversifying their wader fish, labeling and packaging as well as online marketing.
ETTISAL : Journal of Communication Vol 3, No 1 (2018): ETTISAL Journal of Communication
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor collaboration with ISKI (Ikatan Sarjana Ilmu Komunikasi Indo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/ettisal.v3i1.1927


AbstrakPenelitian ini membahas tentang pemaknaan khalayak dalam drama serial Anak Jalanan. Penerimaan khalayak dalam penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang interpretasi audiens dalam memahami pesan media. Penelitian ini berfokus pada penerimaan klub Jogja King Motor (JKC) terhadap repesentasi klub motor dalam serial drama Anak Jalanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan  pemaknaan (decoding) dan posisi pemaknaan Jogja Klub Motor terhadap kontruksi media tentang klub motor. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan gejala secara holistik-konseptual. Subyek penelitian ini adalah klub motor Jogja King (JKC: Jogja king club) yang menjadi informan dalam memberikan informasi yang berkaitan dengan objek penelitian. Objek penelitian atau yang menjadi sasaran dalam penelitian ini adalah pemaknaan khalayak terhadap penggambaran klub motor dalam serial drama Anak Jalanan RCTI. Penelitian ini menggunakan reception analysis untuk mengetahui pemaknaan dan penerimaan klub motor raja Jogja (JKC) atas penggambaran klub motor dalam drama serial AnakJalanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil decoding klub motor raja Jogja (JKC) terhadap konstruksi media tentang klub motor dalam serial drama Anak Jalanan RCTI tidak selalu simetris atau linier. Informan sebagai khalayak menggunakan perspektif atau sudut pandang mereka untuk menerima pesan media, menghasilkan keragaman makna (decoding) meskipun mereka berasal dari klub motor yang sama. Keragaman makna (decoding) dari informan memiliki implikasi pada keragaman posisi makna terhadap konstruksi media tentang klub motor dalam serial drama Anak Jalanan RCTI AbstractThis studies discusses about the meaning of audiences in Anak Jalanan serial drama. The audience reception in this study explain about interpretation of the audience in understanding media message. This study focuses in reception of Jogja King Motor club (JKC) to the motor club repesentation in Anak Jalanan serial drama. This study aims to explain the meaning (decoding) and meaning position of Jogja King Motor club to media construction picture about club motor in Anak Jalanan serial drama in RCTI. This study used qualitative approach that aims to reveal symptoms in a holistic-conceptual. The subject of this research is Jogja King motor club (JKC :Jogja king club) who became informants in  providing informations related to the object of research. The object of research or  who became the target in this research is the meaning of audience to motor club descriptionin Anak Jalanan serial drama RCTI. This study used reception analysis to find out the reception and reception position of Jogja king motor club (JKC) to club motor description in Anak Jalanan serial drama. The results showed that meaning (decoding) of Jogja king motor club (JKC) to media construction about motor club in Anak Jalanan serial drama RCTI is not always symmetrical or linear. Informants as audiences used their perspectives or point of view for receiving media message, resulting in diversity of meaning (decoding)  even though they are from the same motor club. Diversity of meaning (decoding) from informants has implications on diversity of meaning position to media construction about motor club in Anak Jalanan serial drama RCTI.  
Etika Dan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Politik Anggota DPRD Kota Yogyakarta Dalam Implementasi Kebijakan Publik Rosalia Nurdiarti; Muhammad Nastain
ETTISAL : Journal of Communication Vol 6, No 1 (2021): ETTISAL: Journal of Communication
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor collaboration with ISKI (Ikatan Sarjana Ilmu Komunikasi Indo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/ejoc.v6i1.5070


Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami bagaimana etika dan tanggung jawab sosial politik anggota DPRD Kota Yogyakarta Fraksi PDIP dalam mengimplementasikan kebijakan publik. Dimensi politis kehidupan manusia mencakup lingkaran kelembagaan hukum dan negara, sistem-sistem nilai serta ideologi yang memberikan legitimasi. Etika dan tanggung jawab sosial politik hadir dengan tujuan menciptakan sebuah konsep kenegaraan yang melahirkan kesejahteraan sosial berbasis keadilan dan persamaan. Tetapi kontestasi perebutan kekuasaan dan kepentingan politis tertentu seringkali mengalahkan bentuk tanggungjawab sosial pada konstituen dan masyarakat. Dalam pendekatan social responsibility terdapat tiga elemen implementasi tanggungjawab sosial, yaitu enabling, empowering dan protecting. Etika politik menjadi kunci dalam upaya mendapatkan kepercayaan masyarakat pada sistem politik dan politisi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus yaitu intrinsic case study. Jenis studi ini ditempuh untuk memahami etika dan tanggungjawab sosial politik anggota DPRD secara lebih mendalam. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, pengamatan gejala terkait strategi tanggungjawab sosial politik dan wawancara mendalam untuk menggali motivasi, opini, nilai dan pengalaman narasumber. Subyek dari riset ini adalah anggota DPRD Kota Yogyakarta dari Fraksi PDI-P sebagai fraksi yang mendominasi perolehan suara pada Pemilu 2019 dan menduduki jabatan ketua DPRD Kota. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah implementasi etika politik ditunjukkan dengan adanya akuntabilitas dan transparansi program politik pada masyarakat. Perwujudan tanggungjawab sosial politik tampak pada penguatan soliditas konstituen, meneruskan aspirasi masyarakat dan melakukan advokasi ketika ada penerapan kebijakan yang tidak sesuai.Abstract This research aims to understand how the ethics and socio-political responsibility of members of the Yogyakarta Parliament PDIP Faction in implementing public policy. The political dimension of human life includes the institutional circle of law and state, the values and ideologies that give legitimacy. Ethics and socio-political responsibility comes with the aim of creating a concept of statehood that gives birth to social welfare based on justice and equality. But contesting power struggles and certain political interests often trumps the form of social responsibility in constituents and communities. In the social responsibility approach there are three elements of social responsibility implementation, namely enabling, empowering and protecting. Political ethics are key in trying to gain public trust in the political system and politicians. This study uses qualitative descriptive method with case study approach that is intrinsic case study. This type of study was taken to understand the ethics and socio-political responsibilities of dprd members in more depth. Data collection is conducted through observations, observations of symptoms related to socio-political responsibility strategies and in-depth interviews to explore motivations, opinions, values and experiences of resource persons. The subject of this research is a member of the Yogyakarta City Parliament from the PDI-P Faction as the faction that dominated the vote in the 2019 elections and held the position of chairman of the City Parliament. The result of this study is that the implementation of political ethics is demonstrated by the accountability and transparency of political programs in the community.  The realization of socio-political responsibility is seen in strengthening the solidity of the constituents, continuing the aspirations of the community and advocating when there is an inappropriate implementation of policies.
Mapping of data communication networks on social media Noviar Jamaal Kholit; Muhamad Nastain
INJECT (Interdisciplinary Journal of Communication) Vol 5, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : IAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18326/inject.v5i2.143-162


Information technology is developing very fast, this has an impact on real changes in every element of life. In addition to hitting the information media industry, developments in information technology have brought updates to public spaces with easy access and an increasingly massive pattern of information distribution. Ease of access does not always present a positive side but there is a negative side, namely shifting communication patterns with the spread of false information or disinformation methods that invite public upheaval. This research uses the case study method, which is one way to investigate contemporary phenomena in the context of real life, where the boundaries between the phenomenon and the context are not clearly visible. Through the Social Network Analyzer (SNA) theoretical approach, this research will find three communication network patterns, namely a centralized network, a decentralized network and a distributed network.
Pengaruh Artis Endorser Terhadap Minat Mahasiswa Membeli Shampoo Pantene Chandra Satya Bintara; Faiq Rivaldy; Sisilia Yuanita Sutarso; Muhamad Nastain; Nafida Hetty Marhaeni
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Dan Media Sosial (JKOMDIS) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): JKOMDIS : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Dan Media Sosial

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47233/jkomdis.v2i2.339


Person’s buying interest are usually influenced by many factors, and one ofiot is the celebrities as endorsers that used as a promotional media in the form of advertising. By using celebrities as endorsers, someone will have interest in buying particular product. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to find out whether the celebrities’ endorsers have an influence on increasing interest in buying Pantene shampoo. The population in this study were 266 students of the Communication Science Study Program, Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta class of 2021, while the sample for this study is using the Krejie and Morgan sampling technique with 155 students. The instrument that is used in this research is the celebrities’ endorsers and buying interest questionnaire which has been modified by the researcher. This type of research is quantitative research with a mixed methods approach. The obtained data were then analyzed using SPSS software. The results of the study showed celebrities as endorsers have an influence on the intention to buy Pantene shampoo. The magnitude of the effect is 15,4%, so that the other factors as much as 84,4% are influenced by other variables that isn’t examined. Furthermore, there were no differences between male and female regarding the influence of celebrities as endorsers on purchase intention of Pantene shampoo.
Relasi Kuasa dan Suara: Politik Patron Klien Pada Pilkada Langsung di Kabupaten Grobogan 2020 Muhamad Nastain; Catur Nugroho
Politika: Jurnal Ilmu Politik Vol 13, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Program Magister Ilmu Politik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/politika.13.1.2022.167-184


Artikel ini mengkaji hubungan patron klien yang terjadi antara penguasa yang memiliki kekuatan dominan di Kabupaten Grobogan, Jawa Tengah dengan masyarakat pemilih. Pertarungan politik dalam kontestasi Pilkada langsung memberikan gambaran secara langsung tentang peta kondisi politik dan demokrasi di Indonesia. Pilkada tahun 2020 di kabupaten Grobogan hanya diikuti satu pasangan calon Bupati dan Wakil Bupati petahana yang melawan kotak kosong. Dengan pendekatan deskriptif-kualitatif dan metode studi kasus penelitian ini berusaha memberikan gambaran tentang hubungan yang terjadi antara penguasa dengan rakyatnya dalam kontestasi politik di daerah. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa dalam pemilihan kepala daerah langsung yang terjadi di Kabupaten Grobogan implementasi patron klien secara pragmatis mengantarkan pada proses politik transaksional yang secara jangka panjang merugikan konstituen. Relasi kuasa antara elit politik pemilik kekuatan ekonomi dan politik dengan masyarakat pemilih dijembatani oleh elit politik di daerah, yaitu para tokoh masyarakat dan kepala desa. Pertukaran kepentingan antara bupati dengan para agen terjadi secara terbuka dengan pemberian barang atau uang kepada para tokoh masyarakat dan kepala desa agar dapat menjaga loyalitas masyarakat pemilih. Politik patron klien terjadi di Kabupaten Grobogan yang terjadi dalam skala personal (kepentingan individu) dan skala umum (kepentingan sosial) menjadi jembatan terbentuknya hubungan antara pemilik kuasa dengan pemilik suara.
PENGARUH CULTURE SHOCK TERHADAP KEHIDUPAN SOSIAL MAHASISWA RANTAU DI YOGYAKARTA Yeni Febrianty; Ayu Romauli Octisa; Muhammad Arif Fuadi; Agung Dimas Dibrata; Muhamad Nastain
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Dan Media Sosial (JKOMDIS) Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): JKOMDIS : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Dan Media Sosial

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47233/jkomdis.v2i3.377


The combination of students from various cultural backgrounds in one place is not a new phenomenon in Indonesia. When in a new place, overseas students will experience difficulties in studying, difficulty sleeping, feeling homesick, and having a decreased appetite. Thus, this study aims to determine the effect of culture shock on the social life of overseas students. The population in this study were students of the Faculty of Communication & Multimedia, Mercu Buana University Yogyakarta Class of 2021, while the sample was overseas students. This type of research is quantitative research. The instruments used in this study were culture shock questionnaires and student social life. The data obtained were then analyzed using SPSS software. The results of the study show that culture shock has a relationship with the social life of students, where a Pearson Correlation value of 0.541 is obtained, which means that there is a fairly strong relationship between the variable culture shock and the social life of students. In addition, it was also shown that culture shock affected the social life of overseas students by 29.2%. So that the other 71.8% is influenced by other variables not examined.