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Development of Genetic Evaluation on Dairy Cattle Based on Milk Production Indrijani, Heni
Indonesian Bulletin of Animal and Veterinary Sciences Vol 19, No 1 (2009)
Publisher : Indonesian Animal Sciences Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (95.786 KB) | DOI: 10.14334/wartazoa.v19i1.928


This paper is aimed to review the development of genetic evaluation on dairy cattle based on milk production, including recording system, mathematical model of the milk curve, genetic parameters, and genetic model for predicting breeding values. Test day is the best system to record milk yield as it can be used to predict lactation curve and genetic parameters. Ali-Schaeffer curve was the best curve to estimate milk yield (r > 0.99). Fixed and random regression models have been widely used to give more advantages in breeding program. The models are able to analyse the records measured at different stage of lactation, and  to predict a total breeding value from incomplete and part records. For practically used, fixed regression model (MRT) is suggested because it does not have numerical problem and is easier to be used.   Key words: Dairy cattle, breeding value, test day, random regression, fixed regression
Fixed Regression Test Day Model as a solution in predicting the genetic value of dairy cattle Indrijani, Heni; Anang, Asep
Indonesian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences Vol 14, No 3 (2009)
Publisher : Indonesian Animal Sciences Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (161.973 KB) | DOI: 10.14334/jitv.v14i3.343


Genetic evaluation on milk yield production basically based on breeding value. This research was addressed to study milk production curve, for the most appropriate genetic evaluation, and the best methods in estimating genetic parameter and predicting breeding values. Data were collected from PT. Taurus Dairy Farm, consisting of 581 cows having 305 days records in first lactation (P305) and 542 cows having 305 days records in second lactation. Records used for Test Day (TD) evaluation were 5,373 for first lactation, and 4,925 for second lactation. Total records used for Test Day were 10,298. The results indicated that the most suitable curve, being able to be used for genetic evaluation was Ali-Schaeffer with the coefficient of correlation of 0.999, and the most appropriate model for estimation of genetic parameters and prediction of breeding values was fixed regression model with the regression of Ali-Schaeffer by taking account to the covariates. The genetic evaluation can therefore be conducted simultaneously by ignoring lactation levels. Key Words: Test Day, Milk Production Curve, Breeding Value, Dairy Cattle
Analyses of fixed effects for genetic evaluation of dairy cattle using test day records in Indonesia Anang, Asep; Indrijani, Heni; Tasripin, Didin
Indonesian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences Vol 15, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Indonesian Animal Sciences Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (441.933 KB) | DOI: 10.14334/jitv.v15i2.652


Season, rainfall, day of rain, temperature, humidity, year and farm are fixed effects, which have been reported to influence milk yield. Those factors are often linked together to contribute to the variation of milk production. This research is addressed to study the fixed effect factors, including lactation curve, which should be considered for genetic evaluation of milk yield based on test day records of dairy cattle. The data were taken from four different farms, which were PT. Taurus Dairy Farm, BPPT Cikole, Bandang Dairy Farm, and BBPTU Baturraden. In total of 16806 test day records were evaluated, consisting of 9,302 at first and 7,504 at second lactation, respectively. The results indicated that fixed effects were very specific and the influences had different patterns for each farm. Consequently, in a genetic evaluation, these factors such as lactation, temperature, year, day of rain, and humidity need to be evaluated first.  Ali-Schaeffer curve represented the most appropriate curve to use in the genetic evaluation of dairy cattle in Indonesia. Key words: Fixed Effects, Milk Production Curve, Test Day, Dairy Cattle
Sebaran Gen, Keseimbangan Populasi dan Ukuran Populasi Efektif Sapi Pasundan Pasca Migrasi di Majalengka (The Gene Distribution, Equilibrium Low, and Effective Population Size post Migration of Sapi Pasundan at Malajengka Regency) Johar Arifin; Sri Bandiati Komar; Endang Yuni Setyowati; Unang Yunasaf; Asep Anang; Heni Indrijani; Sulasmi -
Jurnal Ilmu Ternak Vol 15, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jit.v15i2.9518


Basis populasi Sapi Pasundan di Kabupaten Majalengka hanya di Kecamatan Kertajatidan menyebar di sepuluh desa, namunsejak tahun 2014 mengalami degradasi daya dukung lahan akibat alih fungsi lahan hutan. Penurunan daya dukung ini mengakibatkan migrasi ternak ke luar wilayah. Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendeskripsikan frekuensi gen, nilai keseimbangan populasi dan Effective Population Size (EPS) pada Sapi Pasundan di Kabupaten Majalengka, sejak September sampai November 2015. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif, pemilihan sampel ternak menggunakan stratified random sampling,dan pengukuran sebaran genotip menggunakan pola protein albumin darah. Struktur populasi diukur berdasarkan basis  populasi pada wilayah yang menjadi  daya dukungnya. Hasil  penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penurunan daya dukung wilayah di Kecamatan Kertajati disebabkan oleh alih fungsi lahan   menjadi Bandara Internasional dan Perubahan pola tanaman hutan dari Jati menjadi tanaman Karet. Hal   ini menyebabkan migrasi ternak ke wilayah lain ke Sumedang dan Indramayu.
Performa Ternak dan Kurva Pertumbuhan Bobot Badan Galur Ayam Sentul Warna Bulu Debu dan Kelabu di BPPT Unggas Jatiwangi Maya Fitriati; Heni Indrijani; Tuti Widjastuti
Jurnal Ilmu Ternak Vol 21, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jit.v21i2.36256


Salah satu sumber daya genetik di Indonesia untuk mendukung kemandirian penyediaan pangan sebagai sumber protein hewani nasional adalah ayam lokal. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui tentang konsumsi ransum, konversi ransum serta kurva pertumbuhan bobot badan ayam Sentul Debu dan Kelabu di BPPTU Jatiwangi. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif di BPPTU Jatiwangi selama 12 minggu. Pada penelitian ini digunakan DOC (day old chick) ayam Sentul Debu 121 ekor dan DOC ayam Sentul Kelabu 124 ekor, yang dipelihara di kandang postal. Penimbangan bobot badan dilakukan mulai dari umur 1-12 minggu. Hasil penelitian ayam Sentul Debu menunjukkan rataan konsumsi ransum sebesar 629,09±23,40 selama pemeliharaan 12 minggu, rataan konversi ransum sebesar 5,97±4,75 dan penghitungan kurva pertumbuhannya mengikuti model Logistik 23,68±0,99. Hasil penelitian ayam Sentul Kelabu menunjukkan rataan konsumsi ransum sebesar 636,11±23,67 selama pemeliharaan 12 minggu, rataan konversi ransum sebesar 5,57±3,18 dan penghitungan kurva pertumbuhannya mengikuti model Logistik 16,11±0,99.
Fixed Regression Test Day Model as a solution in predicting the genetic value of dairy cattle Heni Indrijani; Asep Anang
Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner Vol 14, No 3 (2009): SEPTEMBER 2009
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Animal Research and Development (ICARD)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (161.973 KB) | DOI: 10.14334/jitv.v14i3.343


Genetic evaluation on milk yield production basically based on breeding value. This research was addressed to study milk production curve, for the most appropriate genetic evaluation, and the best methods in estimating genetic parameter and predicting breeding values. Data were collected from PT. Taurus Dairy Farm, consisting of 581 cows having 305 days records in first lactation (P305) and 542 cows having 305 days records in second lactation. Records used for Test Day (TD) evaluation were 5,373 for first lactation, and 4,925 for second lactation. Total records used for Test Day were 10,298. The results indicated that the most suitable curve, being able to be used for genetic evaluation was Ali-Schaeffer with the coefficient of correlation of 0.999, and the most appropriate model for estimation of genetic parameters and prediction of breeding values was fixed regression model with the regression of Ali-Schaeffer by taking account to the covariates. The genetic evaluation can therefore be conducted simultaneously by ignoring lactation levels. Key Words: Test Day, Milk Production Curve, Breeding Value, Dairy Cattle
Analyses of fixed effects for genetic evaluation of dairy cattle using test day records in Indonesia Asep Anang; Heni Indrijani; Didin Tasripin
Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner Vol 15, No 2 (2010): JUNE 2010
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Animal Research and Development (ICARD)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (441.933 KB) | DOI: 10.14334/jitv.v15i2.652


Season, rainfall, day of rain, temperature, humidity, year and farm are fixed effects, which have been reported to influence milk yield. Those factors are often linked together to contribute to the variation of milk production. This research is addressed to study the fixed effect factors, including lactation curve, which should be considered for genetic evaluation of milk yield based on test day records of dairy cattle. The data were taken from four different farms, which were PT. Taurus Dairy Farm, BPPT Cikole, Bandang Dairy Farm, and BBPTU Baturraden. In total of 16806 test day records were evaluated, consisting of 9,302 at first and 7,504 at second lactation, respectively. The results indicated that fixed effects were very specific and the influences had different patterns for each farm. Consequently, in a genetic evaluation, these factors such as lactation, temperature, year, day of rain, and humidity need to be evaluated first.  Ali-Schaeffer curve represented the most appropriate curve to use in the genetic evaluation of dairy cattle in Indonesia. Key words: Fixed Effects, Milk Production Curve, Test Day, Dairy Cattle
Development of Genetic Evaluation on Dairy Cattle Based on Milk Production Heni Indrijani
WARTAZOA, Indonesian Bulletin of Animal and Veterinary Sciences Vol 19, No 1 (2009): MARCH 2009
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Animal Research and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (95.786 KB) | DOI: 10.14334/wartazoa.v19i1.928


This paper is aimed to review the development of genetic evaluation on dairy cattle based on milk production, including recording system, mathematical model of the milk curve, genetic parameters, and genetic model for predicting breeding values. Test day is the best system to record milk yield as it can be used to predict lactation curve and genetic parameters. Ali-Schaeffer curve was the best curve to estimate milk yield (r > 0.99). Fixed and random regression models have been widely used to give more advantages in breeding program. The models are able to analyse the records measured at different stage of lactation, and  to predict a total breeding value from incomplete and part records. For practically used, fixed regression model (MRT) is suggested because it does not have numerical problem and is easier to be used.   Key words: Dairy cattle, breeding value, test day, random regression, fixed regression
Pendampingan kepada Kelompok Peternak Sukahayu di Desa Kertayasa Cijulang Pangandaran sebagai Upaya Identifikasi Masalah Produktivitas Ternak Endah Yuniarti; Muhammad Rifqi Ismiraj; Bambang Kholiq Mutaqin; Mansyur Mansyur; Heni Indrijani; Denie Heriyadi; Didin S Tasripin; Andry Pratama
Farmers: Journal of Community Services Vol 3, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Unpad Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/fjcs.v3i2.41222


Kelompok Peternak Sukahayu (KPS) merupakan organisasi yang menghimpun para peternak yang membudidayakan sapi potong, dengan tujuan utama pembiakan atau produksi bibit sapi potong, yang berlokasi di Desa Kertayasa, Kec. Cijulang, Kab. Pangandaran. Berdasarkan hasil survey, permasalahan yang terjadi di KPS meliputi kurang baiknya performa reproduktif indukan sapi potong, rendahnya kualitas hijauan makanan ternak yang diberikan selama ini, dan akses transportasi pakan yang rendah dikarenakan lokasi yang terjal. Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat (PPM) ini dilaksanakan dengan metode focus group discussion (FGD), yaitu metode yang langsung mendiskusikan dan menghasilkan rekomendasi terhadap permasalahan yang ada. Hasil dari kegiatan PPM ini adalah berupa rekomendasi kepada para anggota KPS meliputi perbaikan kualitas indukan dan kecocokan bangsa sapi yang digunakan sebagai indukan di wilayah KPM, dan peningkatan pemberian hijauan berkualitas dengan suplementasi tanaman gamal pada ternak sapi potong. Kegiatan ini memerlukan kegiatan lanjutan berupa pendampingan untuk mengetahui apakah rekomendasi yang diberikan telah diaplikasikan oleh para anggota KPS, sekaligus untuk mengukur ketepatan dan keberhasilannya.
Sebaran Rumpun dan Pola Warna Bulu Domba Lokal Jantan pada Beberapa Pasar Hewan di Wilayah Ciamis Aldyansah Putra Utama; An An Nurmeidiansyah; Heni Indrijani
Jurnal Sumber Daya Hewan Vol 2, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Sumber Daya Hewan
Publisher : Program Studi Peternakan, Universitas Padjadjaran PSDKU Pangandaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jsdh.v2i1.32238


Proses seleksi dalam budidaya domba dapat dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor yang berhubungan dengan preferensi peternak maupun konsumen dalam teknis pelaksanaannya. Jenis rumpun dan pola warna bulu biasanya akan menjadi pertimbangan dalam proses pemilihan bakalan maupun ketika proses jual beli komoditas yang dilakukan dalam rantai tataniaga ternak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sebaran rumpun dan warna bulu domba lokal jantan di Wilayah Ciamis. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 13 Desember 2019 sampai 9 Januari 2020 di pasar hewan yaitu Pasar Hewan Banjarsari, Ciamis, Lakbok, Pamarican, dan Rancah. Objek penelitian adalah semua domba lokal jantan yang ada di pasar hewan tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif analitik, dengan pengambilan data secara sensus. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa rumpun domba lokal yang tersebar di lima pasar hewan di Wilayah Ciamis, hanya ditemukan tiga rumpun, yaitu rumpun Domba Garut sebanyak 88,10%, Domba Priangan sebanyak 11,56%, dan Domba Ekor Tipis sebanyak 0,34%. Warna bulu domba yang ditemukan adalah warna bulu dominan putih sebanyak 62,25%, dominan hitam 28,57%, dominan coklat 1,02%, dan kombinasi 8,16% dari total domba sebanyak 294 ekor. Kesimpulannya adalah rumpun domba yang disukai peternak Jawa Barat adalah Domba Garut dan warna bulu domba yang disukai adalah putih.