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Menggunakan Fragmen Epidermis di Feses untuk Identifikasi Tumbuhan Pakan Herbivor: Studi Seleksi Tumbuhan Pakan oleh Rusa Timor (Cervus timorensis) di Pulau Menjangan Bali I KETUT GINANTRA; I KETUT MUKSIN; IDA BAGUS MADE SUASKARA
Prosiding Seminar Biologi Vol 2 No 1 (2016): Prosiding Seminar Nasional From Basic Science to Comprehensive Education
Publisher : Jurusan Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/psb.v2i1.3338


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan jenis tumbuhan yang dimakan oleh herbivor (rusa timor) dari fragmen epidermis yang ada di feses. Studi dilakukan di Pulau Menjangan Bali pada bulan Juni-Juli 2016. Feses rusa timor dikoleksi dari 4 unit grazing rusa timor (savana dan hutan musim). Preparat acuan (fragmen epidermis acuan/reference slides) dibuat dari bagian daun tiap jenis tumbuhan yang tersedia di unit habitat. Sampel feses yang dikoleksi digiling halus dan direndam dengan NaClO untuk pembuatan preparat mikrohistologi sampel feses. Identifikasi spesies tumbuhan yang dimakan dari praparat feses dilakukan dengan membandingkan bentuk dan struktur sel-sel fragmen epidermis  dengan praparat acuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan gambaran sel sel epidermis, sel tetangga, dan sel penutup stomata yang khas pada tiap spesies. Sehingga gambaran fragmen epidermis di feses bisa untuk identifikasi jenis tumbuhan yang dimakan oleh herbivor. Fragmen epidermis kelompok tumbuhan rerumputan (graminoids) menunjukkan sel panjang dan sel pendek dan stomata berada diantara sel-sel panjang, stomata berbentuk halter. Fragmen epidermis kelompok tumbuhan daun lebar (forbs, woodys) menunjukkan variasi bentuk dan susunan sel epidermisnya, ada sel tetangga yang tidak berbeda dengan sel epidermis lainnya dan ada pula yang sel tetangganya berbeda dengan sel epidermis lainnya, bentuk stomata seperti ginjal. Derivat epidermis lainnya yang juga teramati di feses adalah trikomata. Kata kunci: Herbivor, feses, fragmen epidermis, identifikasi tumbuhan pakan
Bioetanol dari Kulit Pisang (Musa paradisiaca L.) dengan Sakarifikasi dan Fermentasi Serentak I Ketut Muksin; Ni Luh Arpiwi
Metamorfosa: Journal of Biological Sciences Vol 6 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Prodi Magister Ilmu Biologi, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/metamorfosa.2019.v06.i01.p17


Bioethanol is one of the energy alternatives which environmentally friendly and sustainable. This research employed Completely Randomized Design with Factorial. There were two treatments, namely without pretreatment and with pretreatment and these were factorized with three levels of urea, namely 0, 1 and 2% with three replications. Finely dry ground banana peel samples were pretreated with NaOH 6% w/v. Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation was performed in 60 mL fermenter. Sample (4% w/v) was placed in a fermenter and the following ingredients were added: 0.06 g KH2PO4, 0.06 g MgSO4 and citrate buffer with pH 5. Fermenter was enclosed and autoclaved at 121oC for 15 minutes and then cooled down at room temperature. Enzyme cellulose (6% w/v) and inoculum of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (10% v/v) were added into the fermenter. The mixture was incubated at 30oC for 9 days, and every day 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th was measured for reducing sugar content, pH and bioethanol content. Bioethanol content of the distillate was measured using picnometer. Data was analyzed using ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) with Minitab 17 software. If there was significant (P<0.05) analysis continued with Tukey Pairwise comparison to find the difference among treatments. Results showed that treatment (without pretreatment and with pretreatment of NaOH 6% b/v) combined with levels of urea gave significant effect on reducing sugar and bioethanol content in all observations. Combination of without pretreatment and urea level at 1% and 2% resulted in the highest bioethanol content of 4,91% v/v.Bioethanol is one of the energy alternatives which environmentally friendly and sustainable. This research employed Completely Randomized Design with Factorial. There were two treatments, namely without pretreatment and with pretreatment and these were factorized with three levels of urea, namely 0, 1 and 2% with three replications. Finely dry ground banana peel samples were pretreated with NaOH 6% w/v. Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation was performed in 60 mL fermenter. Sample (4% w/v) was placed in a fermenter and the following ingredients were added: 0.06 g KH2PO4, 0.06 g MgSO4 and citrate buffer with pH 5. Fermenter was enclosed and autoclaved at 121oC for 15 minutes and then cooled down at room temperature. Enzyme cellulose (6% w/v) and inoculum of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (10% v/v) were added into the fermenter. The mixture was incubated at 30oC for 9 days, and every day 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th was measured for reducing sugar content, pH and bioethanol content. Bioethanol content of the distillate was measured using picnometer. Data was analyzed using ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) with Minitab 17 software. If there was significant (P<0.05) analysis continued with Tukey Pairwise comparison to find the difference among treatments. Results showed that treatment (without pretreatment and with pretreatment of NaOH 6% b/v) combined with levels of urea gave significant effect on reducing sugar and bioethanol content in all observations. Combination of without pretreatment and urea level at 1% and 2% resulted in the highest bioethanol content of 4,91% v/v.
Buletin Udayana Mengabdi Vol 18 No 4 (2019): Buletin Udayana Mengabdi
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (421.357 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/BUM.2019.v18.i04.p02


Lidah buaya (Aloe vera) adalah tanaman sukulen dari keluarga Asphodelaceae yang tersebar luas di daerah tropis dan sub-tropis. Tanaman ini sangat populer karena memiliki banyak kegunaan, misalnya sebagai pelembab kulit, pertumbuhan rambut, dan pengendalian jerawat. Tujuan dari pelatihan ini adalah untuk memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat Desa Singakaerta, Kabupaten Gianyar, tentang bagaimana mengolah lidah buaya menjadi body cream dan lotion sehingga dapat meningkatkan nilai ekonomi tanaman tersebut. Prosedur kerja dimulai dengan mengupas daun lidah buaya untuk mendapatkan pulp, lalu diblender dan disaring untuk mendapatkan jus. Basis cream dan lotion terdiri dari minyak kelapa murni (VCO), cethyl alcohol, asam stearat, gliserin, triethanolamine, nipagin, nipasol dan aquades dengan jumlah sesuai formulasi. Fase air dicampur dengan fase minyak pada suhu 70oC sambil diaduk sampai homogen dan kemudian ditambahkan jus lidah buaya pada suhu 40oC. Aroma cendana ditambahkan untuk body creamdan aroma melati ditambahkan ke body lotion pada suhu 30oC. Body cream berwarna putih susu, aroma cendana, tekstur lembut, agak kental, pH 6,5, homogen dengan viskositas 95 poise. Body lotion berwarna putih susu, aroma melati, tekstur lembut, lebih encer, pH 7, homogen dengan viskositas 39 poise. Kata kunci : Body cream, body lotion, Aloe vera, VCO
Aplikasi fungi mikoriza arbuskula Glomus sp. dan Trichoderma sp. sebagai pupuk hayati dan biostimulator pertumbuhan tanaman tomat (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Anak Agung Yulia Anggiani; Meitini Wahyuni Proborini; I Ketut Muksin; Inna Narayani
Jurnal Biologi Udayana Vol 25 No 2 (2021): JURNAL BIOLOGI UDAYANA
Publisher : Program Studi Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JBIOUNUD.2021.v25.i02.p02


Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is a horticultural crop that has many benefits and potential to be developed. Market demand for tomatoes is increasing, but tomato production in Bali has decreased due to biotic and abiotic factors. One of efforts to increase tomato production is by using the Mycorrhizal Arbuscular Fungi (FMA) Glomus sp. and Trichoderma sp. which act as a biofertilizer and biostimulator. The study was conducted in November 2020 until February 2021 and aims to analyze the effect of AMF, Trichoderma, and combinations on the growth of tomato plants. Research site was at the Greenhouse and the Laboratory of Plant Taxonomy in the Department of Biology Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Udayana University. The experiment used factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD) with two factors, three replicates. First factor was the dose of AMF Glomus (0, 100, 150, and 200 spores per plant) and the second factor was the dose of Trichoderma (0, 10, and 20 mL per plant). Data of this study was analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) followed by Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The result showed that AMF Glomus 150 spores increased plant height, root length, number of flower bunches, dry plant mass, and obtained the highest AMF colonization percentage at 35% (medium category).
Pengelolaan sampah anorganik pada Alila Villas Uluwatu, Bali Sulfa Ilmiyah; A.A.G. Raka Dalem; I Ketut Muksin
Jurnal Biologi Udayana Vol 25 No 1 (2021): JURNAL BIOLOGI UDAYANA
Publisher : Program Studi Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JBIOUNUD.2021.v25.i01.p09


Environmental problems are complex things that they are very influential on all components in the ecosystem. One of the environmental problems is caused by the production of waste that is not treated properly, for example in the hotel industry. Tourism is one of the activities that produce various kinds of waste, both environmentally friendly and not. Products that are not environmentally friendly can pollute the environment if they do not handled properly. Alila Villas Uluwatu (AVU) is one of hotels in Bali that are committed to environmentally friendly and efforts to protect the environment by minimizing waste production. The objective of this research was to find out AVU's strategies in protecting the environment, especially in handling the resulting inorganic waste, such as glass, paper and plasctics. The method utilized in data collection on this study was through conducting interview, direct observation in the field and examination of related documents. Data analysis was performed descriptively, either in qualitative and quantitative forms. The results showed that the waste management strategy in AVU included efforts to minimize inorganic waste production and by using more environmentally friendly materials such as toothbrushes with wooden handles, paper straws and bamboo straws.
Jurnal Biologi Udayana Vol 12 No 2 (2008): JURNAL BIOLOGI
Publisher : Program Studi Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Udayana

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Research on reproduction patterns of Balinese snake skin fruits (Salak Bali) has been conducted by identifying the availability of pollens on anthers of male and hermaphrodite flowers, the viability of pollens in the pistillum and the present of embryo(s) in the ovulum. Flower samples were collected from Sibetan and Muncan Villages, Karangasem regency. Sample preparations and identifications were conducted in "Stuktur dan Perkembangan Tumbuhan Laboratory" Department of Bilogy, FMIPA Udayana University. The results showed that the pollen has a single apperture, unisulcus, minuta, oblat sferoidal type. The length of polar axis was 15-24 jam (P) and equatorial diameter of 16-24 |im (E). Therefore, the P/E index was 0.99-1.0. The pollen viability before and after anthesis of hermaphrodite flowers was low (71.4% and 50.6% respectively), with very low pollen tube germinations (0.08% of before and 0.48% after anthesis). Similarly, on the anthers of male flowers, the viability of pollens before anthesis was low (75.7%) with pollen germination of 0.18%, and event lower in after anthesis flowers (28.8%) with 0.29% pollen tube germination. Squashed stigma before and after anthesis and 2 days after flowers were opened showed that there was no germination occurred. Therefore, there was no germination in the pistillum, but the embryo developed before flower anthesis, indicates that the reproduction pattern of Salak Bali occurred without fertilizations (agamospermy).
Jurnal Biologi Udayana Vol 17 No 2 (2013): Jurnal Biologi
Publisher : Program Studi Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Udayana

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Telah dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan mengetahui ketahanan Rhizobium sp. yang ditumbuhkan pada pH media pertumbuhan 7,0 dan 5,8 serta mengetahui kemampuan hidup Rhizobium sp. pada media tanah asam dengan pH 5,0 dan respon inokulum Rhizobium sp. pada tanaman kedelai secara in vivo. ATR (Acid Tolerance Responce) didapatkan dengan cara menumbuhkan Rhizobium sp. dengan pH media pertumbuhan 7,0 dan ditambahkan dengan media YMB (Yeast Extract Mannitol Broth) dengan pH 5,8 dan pH 7,0, diinkubasi pada suhu 280C selama 24 jam pada shaker. Penghitungan total mikroba dilakukan setiap 2 jam sekali dengan menggunakan platting method. Uji ketahanan Rhizobium sp. pada tanah asam dengan pH 5,0 secara in vitro dengan cara menghitung total bakteri dengan menggunakan platting method setiap hari selama 28 hari. Uji in vivo dilakukan dirumah kaca dengan menggunakan metoda MPN (Most Probable Number). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Rhizobium sp. yang dikondisikan pertumbuhannya dengan pH 5,8 lebih resisten dan dapat membentuk ATR dibandingkan dengan Rhizobium sp. yang ditumbuhkan pada pH media 7,0. Pada pH 5,8 setelah 10 jam total bakteri 285 CFU/g sedangkan pada pH 7,0 total bakteri 148 CFU/g. Rhizobium sp. mampu hidup pada tanah asam dengan pH 5,0 dan membentuk ATR pada hari ke 6 dengan total bakteri 137 x 104 CFU/g, tetapi respon inokulum Rhizobium sp. pada tanah dengan pH 5,0 tidak terjadi pembentukan nodul pada tanaman kedelai dikarenakan tanaman kedelai mengalami defisiensi unsur hara.
Bumi Lestari Journal of Environment Vol 10 No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Environmental Research Center (PPLH) of Udayana University

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A study on bird species was conducted in January-February 2009 at Padang Padang Pecatu Badung Bali. Explorations methods was utilized to find out bird species which observed in the field. Identification of bird species was undertaken based on (Mackinnon, 1993 ). Their status were determined based on Indonesian Regulation ( PP RI) No. 7, 1999. Interview with community was carried out to know the bird species captured. Results of this study indicated that Padang Padang area were identified 38 bird species. The dominant species were member of the insect, small reptile feeder and member of fruit/seeds feeder, but another member so find that is fish feeder, predator and nectar feeder. Seven species of birds observed on the site were protected by Indonesia Regulation, two species of birds were migrant and four species of birds were endemic species in Indonesia. Threat on birds in this area was illegal capture of birds that economic value to trade.
Bumi Lestari Journal of Environment Vol 11 No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Environmental Research Center (PPLH) of Udayana University

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Taman Ayun is a tourist destination which is proposed as a world cultural heritage. Thus, the data about Taman Ayun are important things to be collected to support the proposal. This study is expected to provide data on flora. Data on flora were gathered based on site observation on September 5, 2008. The data collection was also supported by other data collecting techniques such as interview and literature review. Result of the study showed that there were 125 plant species around the temple. As much as 16,8 % were classified as rare/threatened or endangered, 1,6% rare and protected, and the rest (81,6 %) were not protected and not rare species. The highest proportion of the plant (30 %) were decorative plant. Others were material for ceremony (upakara) (21%), food and vegetables (19 %). All of those were covering 70 % of the plant. The rest were for medicine, providing shaded spots, animal fodder, other use and has not been used.
Burung Sebagai Atraksi Ekowisata di Kawasan Pariwisata Nusa Dua, Bali A. A. G. Raka Dalem; I K. Muksin; S. K. Sudirga; I. B. M. Suaskara
Bumi Lestari Journal of Environment Vol 3 No 2
Publisher : Environmental Research Center (PPLH) of Udayana University

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A study on birds has been conducted in Nusa Dua Tourist Resort area, Bali, betweenJanuary, 1999 and January, 2002. In this study, bird species was identified and theirpotentials for ecotourism-bird watching activities were analysed. From the field observationit was found that the site has a potential to be developed as a bird watching site. It can beseen from the diversity of bird species identified there, especially in the lagoon. In Nusa DuaTourist Resort area 83 bird species has been identified which is representing over 27% ofbird species on Bali. About 87% of those were classified as non-migrant species, while therest were migrant. Among those species, 6% were birds which were known to be restrictedtheir distribution to Indonesia. The strategic location of Nusa Dua Tourist Resort area alsoincreases its potential for development of bird watching activities. For development of theseactivities, holistic management approaches need to be implemented, the approaches of whichneed considering a balance between conservation, economic and empowerment of localcommunity objectives.