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Journal : e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN

Penggunaan limbah ikan tuna dan limbah tahu dalam formulasi pakan bagi pertumbuhan, efisiensi pakan, dan kelangsungan hidup ikan Nila salin (Oreochromis niloticus) Ursula Pinontoan; Henneke Pangkey; Ockstan J. Kalesaran; Edwin L.A. Ngangi; Lusia Manu; Jeffrie F. Mokolensang
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023): April - Desember
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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This study aims to determine the adequacy of feed because of fish waste and tofu leftover flour for the development of saline tilapia, feed efficiency, feed conversion ratio, and survival rate. This examination was directed at the Laboratorium Technology Aquaculture. The quantity of fish taken was 300 tilapia fish with a size of 5–6 cm and a typical load of 5 grams. The test feed to be utilized in this review was formed from different fundamental fixings utilized, then, at that point, added with fish waste and tofu squander. In light of the consequences of the examination of the impact of various feed equations, specifically fish waste and tofu leftovers, they significantly affect the growth of saline tilapia. Different feed recipes influence the development of saline tilapia. From the consequences of exploration on saline tilapia, freshwater fish can inhabit a saltiness of 20 ppt in a controlled holder in one month or less. Of all the development boundaries estimated in this review, feed 3 was the best contrasted with different feeds. The aftereffects of the investigation of the change showed that the feed detailing was unique to that of fish waste and tofu residue, and the impact was exceptionally huge. Keywords: tilapia, growing, feed efficiency, feed conversion, survival
Tingkat prevalensi dan intensitas ektoparasit pada benih ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus) Prislawati Paputungan; Reni L. Kreckhoff; Reiny A. Tumbol; Ockstan J. Kalesaran; Juliaan Ch. Watung; Suzanne L. Undap
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023): April - Desember
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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This study aims to inventory the types of parasites that exist in the Center for Development and Development of Tateli Fish Farming (BP2HPI) Tateli. This research was conducted in April-July 2023 at BP2HPI, Tateli as the location for sampling 30 tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) seeds randomly in 3 nursery ponds, and then brought to the Laboratory of Aquaculture Technology FPIK Unsrat for parasite observations. Before examining the fish parasites, the sample is put into a bucket filled with water and given aeration so that the fish are still alive during the inspection. In this research activity, several water quality parameters were also measured, namely temperature, pH, and DO in situ. The procedure for examining ectoparasites refers to the procedure according to Kabata (1985). Parasite examination begins with observing the outside of the body, and taking notes if abnormal signs are found such as swelling, bleeding, the presence of black or white spots on the surface of the body, or changes in body color, then the presence of parasites is examined using a microscope with 400x magnification. The examination found 2 types of parasites that infect the seeds of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) at the Center for Development and Control of Fish Pests and Diseases (BP2HPI), Tateli are Ttrichodina sp and Gyrodactylus sp. The prevalence of parasites that attack tilapia seeds as a whole reaches 100% which is divided into 90% Trichodina sp and 10%, Gyrodactylus sp. Keywords: parasitic infestation, fish disease, water quality, aquaculture
Kajian kelayakan kualitas air untuk budidaya ikan sistim kurungan jaring tancap di Kelurahan Urongo Marini Duyoh; Novie P. L. Pangemanan; Diane J. Kusen; Ockstan J. Kalesaran; Suzanne L. Undap; Sipriana S. Tumembouw
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023): April - Desember
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/bdp.v11i2.51791


The fishery sector which has great profit prospects can still be developed by cultivating fish better by paying attention to the condition of the water quality. In fish farming, it is very important to study water quality conditions because water quality parameters are a limiting and life-supporting factor for the types of aquatic biota cultivated in a waters including tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus. This research was conducted to assess water quality, both physical, chemical, and aquatic biology of Lake Tondano to support the feasibility test activities of Lake Tondano waters for Cage Netting Cage cultivation media. The research method used was purposive sampling. Primary data comes from primary data which is the result of measurements of physico-chemical parameters of water quality directly in the field (in situ) and supported by secondary data on several physical and chemical parameters of Lake Tondano waters as well as data on water quality of the cultivation media with the Netting Cage system. The physical and chemical parameters of Lake Tondano waters at the three stations were analyzed using the suitability scoring method for the location of Tondano Lake waters to be used as a maintenance medium fish with a Stuck Net Containment system. The results of the study concluded that the physical and chemical quality of water in Urongo waters was suitable for net cage culture. Keywords: physical-chemical parameters, Lake Tondano, aquaculture, Nile tilapia