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Usability Evaluation Aplikasi Berbasis Website dengan Menggunakan Metode Importance Performance Analysis Fajar Alam, Putra; Wulandari, Sari
JSINBIS (Jurnal Sistem Informasi Bisnis) Vol 10, No 1 (2020): Volume 10 Nomor 1 Tahun 2020
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21456/vol10iss1pp122-130


The Ministry of Environment and Forestry provides an appeal to waste banks to use online systems in managing waste bank activities. The online system referred to is the online waste management system through the account. However, the level of activity of garbage banks in using the online system is relatively low (36.46%). Besides, in 2019, the Bandung City DLH has used as an application in evaluating the performance of waste banks. Therefore, this study was conducted aiming to evaluate the level of usability of so that it can be known aspects of that need to be improved. Evaluation of usability level is carried out using the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method. The usability evaluation results show that there are 7 usability attributes in the "Concentrate Here" category, 10 usability attributes in the "Keep Up The Good Work" category, 8 usability attributes in the "Low Priority" category and 9 usability attributes in the "Possible Overkill" category. Improvements to usability focus on 7 attributes categorized as "Concentrate Here" namely (1) availability of procedures for the use of various applications, (2) procedures for using applications that have been available easily understood by users, (3) completeness of customer profile, (4) availability of up-to-date customer data, (5) speed in data processing, (6) availability of communication features between Garbage Banks, and (7) availability of communication features between Garbage Banks and collectors.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat AbdiMas Vol 6, No 4 (2020): Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Abdimas
Publisher : Universitas Esa Unggul

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47007/abd.v6i4.3549


Implementation of Community Service in the context of the Scientific Forum of Lecturers conducted jointly with the Research and Community Service Institute, Esa Unggul University, West Jakarta. This outreach program is intended for lecturers, educators, and other general participants who aim to share knowledge or transfer knowledge about the security and truth of digital information in today's special era during the Covid-19 pandemic. With this activity, the specific target to be achieved is so that participants can understand the concept of digital information security and be able to understand the truth of digital information that is currently circulating a lot. With this knowledge and understanding, especially for participants who are unfamiliar with digital technology, which in this pandemic period must follow the development of technology, it is hoped that they will gain the ability to maintain the security and correctness of their information. The method used is in the form of counseling with practical delivery through knowledge transfer and presentation of features and practical examples delivered online through a webinar event using the Zoom method. After the webinar event was finished, the participants filled out a questionnaire to get a conclusion on the knowledge transfer that had been carried out. Keywords :digital information security, truth of digital information security, covid-19
The Development of Pantiku Application Business Strategy Using Business Model Canvas Approach Sari Wulandari; Meldi Rendra; Putra Fajar Alam; Tien Fabrianti Kusumasari; Andrieta Shintia Dewi; Tieka Trikartika Gustyana
Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship (IJBE) Vol. 5 No. 3 (2019): IJBE, Vol. 5 No. 3, September 2019
Publisher : School of Business, IPB University (SB-IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17358/ijbe.5.3.231


Based on data from the Ministry of Social Affairs, there are 7,000 more orphanages in Indonesia and 500-600 thousand people are living in the orphanage. To make efficient operational activities and monitoring activities of the orphanage and to facilitate the provision of assistance, the orphanage uses the PantiKu application. The PantiKu application currently does not have an optimal business model so that the right strategy is needed to develop the business model. The objectives of this study are (1) To map the current PantiKu business model; (2) Analyze SWOT of current PantiKu business model; (3) Formulate and determine the strategy for developing the PantiKu business model. The method used in this study is the Business Model Canvas approach and SWOT Analysis. This research produces strategies for each BMC element including element (1) customer segment: serving orphanage volunteers by adding special volunteer features; (2) value proposition: providing ease of logistics processes and transactions by developing IoT technology and Fintech features; (3) channels: adding application tutorials using e-learning; (4) customer relationship: take advantage of opportunities for grants and business incubation and work together in CSR programs; (5) revenue stream: utilizing the use of digital financial instruments; (6) key resources: adding relationship development staff; (7) key activities: developing a data management dashboard and evaluate expenses; (8) key partners: adding strategic partner & collaborate with competitors; (9) cost structure: cost of research.Keywords: pantiku, business model, business strategy, bmc, application development
Competitiveness Position Identification of Indihome Using Service Quality for ISP Dimensions and IPCA Method Sari Wulandari; Agus Achmad Suhendra; Putra Fajar Alam
Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship (IJBE) Vol. 7 No. 3 (2021): IJBE, Vol. 7 No. 3, September 2021
Publisher : School of Business, IPB University (SB-IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17358/ijbe.7.3.269


Two major Internet Service Provider (ISP) players, namely Indihome and Firstmedia, experienced a significant increase in traffic. On the other hand, there has been a decline in service quality, due to a spike in the volume of internet usage. The objectives of this study are (1) to identify the strengths and weaknesses of Indihome's fixed broadband services using IPA, (2) to determine the competitive position of Indihome relative to First Media based on Importance Performance Competitor Analysis (IPCA) mapping, (3) to compare the results of evaluating the quality of IPA and IPCA services. The results showed that Indihome has weaknesses in all indicators of Network Quality, 2 indicators of Customer Service & Technical Support (CT6– the ability of CS to resolve complaints, CT3 – CS has product knowledge), and 1 indicator of Security & Privacy (SP1 – security of customer personal data) while the advantages are in 2 indicators of Customer Service & Technical Support (CT2 – completeness of technician installation tools, CT5 – speed of complaint handling), 2 indicators of Security & Privacy (SP2 – transaction data security, SP3 – transaction system security), 1 Information Quality & Website Support indicator (IW4 – channel availability diverse communications), and 1 indicator of Customer Service & Technical Support (CT1 – technician uniform attributes). In addition, the IPCA matrix shows that Indihome's Competitive Position is on the CT2, CT5, IW2 indicators - various payment methods, IW5 - up-to-date information, SP2, and SP3. Based on the comparison of IPA and IPCA data, it is known that there are indicators that perform well when assessed internally but that performance is not better enough when compared to competitors, namely CT1 and IW4. Keywords: internet service provider, service quality, importance performance competitor analysis, competitive position
The Use of Online Waste Management System on Bank Sampah Induk Bantul Sari Wulandari; Putra Fajar Alam
ECOTROPHIC : Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan (Journal of Environmental Science) Vol 12 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Master Program of Environmental Science, Postgraduate Program of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1030.363 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/EJES.2018.v12.i02.p08


In developing countries, including Indonesia, household waste is a multidimensional problem, namely that in its completion it involves many aspects so that the application of community-based solutions is needed. Waste banks are one solution to reduce household waste. A waste bank is a community-based waste management system that actively engages the community. The surrounding neighborhood can exchange trash into other forms that have economic value. The waste bank that is a model for other waste banks in Indonesia is the Bank Sampah Induk Bantul, which was established in 2008 and has used an online-based waste management system as of 2015. An online-based waste management system is one of the efforts to facilitate the activities of managers and customers of waste bank. However, its use in Bank Sampah Induk Bantul is still limited. Therefore, a preliminary study was conducted to determine the extent to which the online waste management system is used, so that appropriate actions can be taken to increase the use of the online system. This study uses a qualitative approach, namely field observations, semi-structured interviews and informal discussions. The results of this study indicate that the use of online-based waste management systems is not optimal because the online system does not accommodate the activities and problem solving faced by the Waste Bank. Besides, in the online-based waste management system, there are several features needed by the Waste Bank, but their use is limited due to technology acceptance from the Waste Bank management which is still relatively low.
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Infomasi Terapan Vol. 4 No. 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Widyatama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (342.969 KB) | DOI: 10.33197/jitter.vol4.iss2.2018.160


[Id] Techno Park merupakan salah satu jenis dari organisasi/perusahaan yang membutuhkan inovasi yang berkelanjutan dalam memenuhi fungsinya sebagai lembaga riset dan komersialisasi produk. Namun hingga saat ini proses inovasi produk yang dijalankan Techno Park belum berhasil menciptakan produk yang optimal dan belum memanfaatkan pengetahuan yang tercipta di dalam proses pengembangan produk sebelumnya. Pada penelitian ini diajukan suatu model tata kelola pengetahuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas inovasi produk yang dikembangkan. Perancangan model tata kelola pengetahuan dibentuk berdasarkan sistem tata kelola COBIT 5.0 dan tata kelola pengetahuan berbasis inovasi terbuka. Untuk melihat pencapaian level kapabilitas tata kelola pengetahuan, dilakukan penilaian melalui Process Assesement berdasarkan model tata kelola pengetahuan yang telah disusun. Proses riset dan komersialisasi adalah fokus utama dalam pembentukan model tata kelola pengetahuan pada Techno Park. Proses - proses pendukung seperti peningkatan jejaring serta proses inkubasi start-up juga diperhatikan peranannya dalam mendukung proses riset dan pengembangan bisnis. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian ini adalah membuat model tata kelola pengetahuan pada proses inovasi produk di Techno Park. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa model tata kelola dengan 3 komponen berupa: enabler tata kelola pengetahuan; lingkup tata kelola pengetahuan; peran, aktivitas dan tata kelola pengetahuan. Model ini diharapkan dapat membantu Techno Park untuk menciptakan produk inovasi yang lebih optimal dengan memanfaatkan pengelolaan pengetahuan yang tercipta sebelumnya melalui suatu model tata kelola pengetahuan. Perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan untuk meningkatkan efektifitas model agar semakin relevan dengan tujuan pengembangan produk inovasi pada Techno Park. Kata kunci :Techno Park, riset & komersialisasi, tata kelola pengetahuan [En] Techno Park is an organization in need of continuous innovation because of it functions a research facility and product commercialization. To date, their products of innovations haven successfully been commercialized. Their product isn being optimized properly. They also not utilizing their previous knowledge of developing product fully yet. This research proposed a knowledge governance model to increase the quality of product that being developed. The model is designed based on COBIT 5.0 governance system and an open innovation based of knowledge governance. To see an achievement level of knowledge governance capability a rating is made. The rating made through Assessment Process based on knowledge governance system that has been made earlier. Research process and commercialization is the main focus in making a knowledge governance system on Techno Park. Other supporting process such as networking and start-up incubation is also observed closely of their role in research support and business development. The objective of this research is to create a model of knowledge governance in product innovation process in Techno Park. The result of this research in form of governance model with 3 components: the enablers of knowledge governance; the scope of knowledge governance; role and activity of knowledge governance. This model is expected to help Techno Park to create a more optimized product innovation by utilizing the knowledge management that was created before through a model of knowledge governance. Further research is needed to improve the effectiveness of the model to be more relevant to the purpose of innovation product development in Techno Park.
Publisher : Smart Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54314/jssr.v4i3.658


Peran desain interior bukan sekedar dekorasi ruangan melainkan sebagai penghubung antara manusia dengan lingkungannya. Menurut Rahayu tahun 2017 bisnis pada bidang desain interior meningkat sebesar 50%, sehingga bisnis desain interior memiliki peluang yang baik untuk saat ini. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara, dibalik perkembangan desain interior yang meningkat masih terdapat beberapa permasalahan yang terjadi khususnya dalam proses penjualan desain. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis permasalahan yang terjadi dan memberikan rancangan solusi yang dapat memiliki nilai bisnis. Penelitian ini berfokus pada Perancangan Dan Implementasi User Interface Pada Aplikasi Rekaruang Berbasis Web Menggunakan Metodologi Waterfall. Perancangan desain aplikasi Rekaruang menggunakan metodologi design thinking yang menghasilkan rancangan desain yang diuji menggunakan usability testing sebelum diimplementasikan ke dalam bentuk kode. Hasil Pengujian menggunakan metode perhitungan SUS yang menghasilkan score 86 untuk desain aplikasi client, dan 79 untuk desain aplikasi sisi desainer, sehingga dapat dinyatakan desain diterima (acceptable) oleh calon pengguna aplikasi Rekaruang. Implementasi interface aplikasi Rekaruang dalam bentuk kode menggunakan metodologi waterfall model yang menghasilkan aplikasi Rekaruang berbasis web. Hasil implementasi diuji menggunakan teknik pengujian white-box testing dengan metode unit testing. Hasil pengujian sesuai dengan ekspektasi yang diharapkan karena sebanyak dua puluh satu test case yang diuji menghasilkan status pengujian sukses.
Identification of Karleen Hijab Fashion SME Competitors Based on Sentiment Analysis Using Naïve Bayes Classifier Algorithm Sari Wulandari; Ghina Atha; Putra Fajar Alam; Meldi Rendra
JTERA (Jurnal Teknologi Rekayasa) Vol 7, No 2: December 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Sukabumi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31544/jtera.v7.i2.2022.323-330


Hijab Fashion Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) need to develop competitive advantages brands as a source of SME competitiveness. However, most Hijab Fashion SMEs experience limitations in developing the competitive advantages of their brands. This research was conducted to find out and understand the competitive advantages of Karleen Hijab Fashion SME competitors as the object of study. The method used is sentiment analysis using the Naïve Bayes algorithm. Sentiment analysis was carried out using online review data of Shopee e-commerce. Sentiment analysis data processing was done using orange data mining software. Sentiment analysis using the Naïve Bayes algorithm produced an average value of AUC, CA, F1, Precision and adequate recall for the entire Hijab Fashion SME brand, which is 0.72, 0.887, 0.856, 0.833, and 0.887. Based on the percentage of the largest positive sentiment on each fashion quality attribute, it is known that competitive advantages of Lozy are in the Fabric Quality Attribute (30.77%), and Good Fit (15.38%), and Halwa's competitive advantage is in the Design attribute (34.19%).  Competitive advantages of Hijup are on the Serviceability Attribute (21.74%) and Packaging (15.38%), and Competitive advantages of Lafiye are on the Price Attribute (6.17%). Competitive advantages of Deenay brand are on the Reliability Attribute (20.89%), while Karleen does not have a relative advantage on any fashion quality attribute because the percentage of positive sentiment for each attribute is still below competitors.
Pengembangan Green Erp Modul Manufacturing Untuk Industri Penyamakan Kulit Dengan Metode Asap Nur Aulia Faridiyah Rafika Sari; Ari Yanuar Ridwan; Putra Fajar Alam
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 5, No 2 (2018): Agustus 2018
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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PT. Elco Indonesia Sejahtera adalah industri kulit menengah yang berlokasi di Garut, Jawa Barat. Sistem kerja yang ada pada perusahaan ini yaitu make-to-order. Proses produksi yang ada di perusahaan ini yaitu pencatatan yang tidak terdokumentasi dengan baik. Green manufacturing merupakan suatu cara untuk mengurangi limbah dan polusi melalui desain produk dan proses produksi dengan menggantikan sumber baru dan lainnya. Oleh sebab itu, perlu dilakukannya pengembangan sistem Green Manufacturing yang dapat mendukung semua kegiatan pada proses produksi di PT. Elco Indonesia Sejahtera, dikarenakan di Indonesia untuk persyaratan ekspor diperlukan suatu industri yang ramah lingkungan dan berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengembangkan sistem Green Manufacturing menggunakan metode Accelerated SAP (ASAP). Penelitian ini dimulai dengan tahap wawancara, melakukan observasi, menganalisis serta merancang sistem usulan dengan melakukan konfigurasi dan penyesuaian terhadap modul Manufacturing. Selanjutnya melakukan tahap pengujian dengan semua bagian. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah adanya sebuah sistem ERP pada Odoo yang sudah disesuaikan dengan proses bisnis perusahaan dan proses bisnis usulan yang diharapkan dapat mempermudah perusahaan dalam menjalankan kegiatan proses produksi di PT. Elco Indonesia Sejahtera. Kata Kunci: Accelerated SAP (ASAP), ERP Odoo, Green Manufacturing
Perancangan Sistem Enterprise Resource Planning Modul Penjualan (sd-sales) Menggunakan Aplikasi Sap Dengan Metode Sap Activate Di Pt Xyz Addie Anugrah Pratama; Ari Yanuar Ridwan; Putra Fajar Alam
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 5, No 2 (2018): Agustus 2018
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Penjualan merupakan hal yang penting untuk perusahaan. Hal ini dapat meningkatkan pendapatan perusahaan jika aktivitas penjualan dapat dikelola dengan baik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk merancang proses bisnis aktivitas penjualan di PT XYZ sehingga dapat memperbaiki aktivitas penjualan di PT XYZ. Metode yang digunakan yaitu dengan metode SAP Activate. Pemanfaatan SAP Activate menggunakan aplikasi SAP ERP modul Sales and Distribution (SD-Sales), akan digunakan sebagai proses perancangan implementasi ERP pada PT XYZ. Metode tersebut akan membantu proses implementasi pada perancangan aktivitas penjualan pada PT XYZ menggunakan best practice yang terdapat pada SAP Activate untuk mempercepat proses implementasi pada PT XYZ. Hasil perancangan yang dihasilkan akan membantu kinerja bisnis terutama pada aktivitas penjualan yang dimiliki oleh PT XYZ serta dapat saling terintegrasi dengan modul yang saling berkaitan. Kata kunci : ERP, SAP, Sales and Distribution, SAP Activate, Sales, Project.