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Pro Bisnis Vol 13, No 2: Agustus 2020
Publisher : Universitas Amikom Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35671/probisnis.v13i2.1035


Bearpath merupakan UKM yang bergerak pada bidang fashion khususnya sandal gunung. Saat ini lokasi penjualan produk Bearpath dilakukan melalui toko offline yang berada di Kota Bandung maupun melalui website milik Bearpath. Bearpath sudah menerapkan bauran komunikasi pemasaran tetapi belum optimal sehingga awareness masyarakat terhadap Bearpath masih rendah, fenomena ini dapat dilihat dari jumlah pengikut instagram Bearpath yang lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan para kompetitor. Selain dari itu tingkat penjualan Bearpath pada September 2018 hingga Agustus 2019 masih mengalami fluktuasi yang signifikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan perancangan perbaikan komunikasi pemasaran dengan menggunakan metode benchmarking dengan tool Analytical Hierarchy Process(AHP). Metode benchmarking dilakukan untuk mengetahui penerapan komunikasi pemasaran terbaik dari kompetitor yang nantinya dipakai sebagai acuan Bearpath dalam pembuatan program komunikasi pemasaran. Kompetitor terpilih atau partner benchmark dihasilkan oleh hasil pengolahan data menggunakan tool Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Perancangan bauran komunikasi pemasaran diharapkan mampu memberikan dampak meningkatnya tingkat awareness masyarakat terhadap Bearpath maupun meningkatkan frekuensi penjualan. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan hasil usulan rekomendasi program bauran komunikasi pemasaran yang perlu diterapkan oleh Bearpath diantaranya adalah memaksimalkan website Bearpath, mengoptimalkan penggunaan SEO, meningkatkan frekuensi posting dan variasi konten. Menggunakan email blast, menambahkan jam kerja operasional telemarketing, menambah outlet, melakukan kerja sama dengan distributor, menjadi sponsor, membuat acara sendiri, melakukan kolaborasi dengan brand lain, memanfaatkan poster dan baliho serta menggunakan endorsement.
The Use of Online Waste Management System on Bank Sampah Induk Bantul Sari Wulandari; Putra Fajar Alam
ECOTROPHIC : Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan (Journal of Environmental Science) Vol 12 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Master Program of Environmental Science, Postgraduate Program of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1030.363 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/EJES.2018.v12.i02.p08


In developing countries, including Indonesia, household waste is a multidimensional problem, namely that in its completion it involves many aspects so that the application of community-based solutions is needed. Waste banks are one solution to reduce household waste. A waste bank is a community-based waste management system that actively engages the community. The surrounding neighborhood can exchange trash into other forms that have economic value. The waste bank that is a model for other waste banks in Indonesia is the Bank Sampah Induk Bantul, which was established in 2008 and has used an online-based waste management system as of 2015. An online-based waste management system is one of the efforts to facilitate the activities of managers and customers of waste bank. However, its use in Bank Sampah Induk Bantul is still limited. Therefore, a preliminary study was conducted to determine the extent to which the online waste management system is used, so that appropriate actions can be taken to increase the use of the online system. This study uses a qualitative approach, namely field observations, semi-structured interviews and informal discussions. The results of this study indicate that the use of online-based waste management systems is not optimal because the online system does not accommodate the activities and problem solving faced by the Waste Bank. Besides, in the online-based waste management system, there are several features needed by the Waste Bank, but their use is limited due to technology acceptance from the Waste Bank management which is still relatively low.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Program Pengabdian Masyarakat 2018: 4. Penguatan Inovasi Ekonomi dan UMKM Bagi Pemerintah Daerah
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (399.463 KB)


Tahu merupakan salah satu makanan favorit masyarakat Indonesia, dimana harganya dapat terjangkau semua kalangan karena mengandung banyak manfaat salah satunya adalah protein nabati. Persaingan dalam produksi pembuatan tahu sangat pesat, mulai dari pabrik yang menggunakan peralatan tradisional hingga memanfaatkan teknologi tepat guna berdampak pada waktu dan hasil produksinya. Pengrajin tahu SQL dan Terus Jaya Cibuntu – Kota Bandung, merupakan salah satu pengrajin tahu secara turun temurun sampai sekarang sudah masuk ke generasi ketiga. Peralatan yang digunakan masih tradisional yang digabungkan dengan peralatan teknologi tepat guna, di beberapa statsiun kerja seperti tungku masak dan penggilingan kedelai. Fungsi waktu dalam setiap tahap proses perlu diperhatian agar dapat meningkatkan produktivitas, permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh para pengraji tahu adalah proses penyaringan bubur kedelai matang yang panas, masih dilakukan secara konfensional yaitu memanfaatkan tenaga manusia, sehingga produktivitasnya masih rendah. Program Iptek bagi Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk merancang, membuat, sosialisasi, pelatihan secara simulas dan implementasi mesin pemisah sari pati kedelai dengan ampas tahunya berikut pelatihan langsung menggunakan mesin peras bubur kedelai matangg, metode modifikasi dan inovasi mesin pemeras bubur kedelai matang dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas. Pelatihan pembuatan tahu higienis dengan memanfaatkan mesin pemeras bubur kedelai matang akan dilaksanakan di sentra pengrajin tahu Cibuntu – Kelurahan Babakan – Kecamatan Babakan Ciparay – Kota Bandung atas kerjasama antara Tim PKM Universitas Telkom dengan dukungan dari Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi. Hasil praktek pembuatan tahu dapat memenuhi persyaratan dan sesuai dengan harapan para pengrajin tahu yaitu kandungan sari kedelai dalam ampas tahunya sedikit dan jumlah tahunya lebih banyak.
Selecting Benchmarking Partners Using Analytical Hierarchy Process Approach Sari Wulandari; Muhammad Arfidh; Ardian Cahya Utama
International Journal of Innovation in Enterprise System Vol 4 No 02 (2020): International Journal of Innovation in Enterprise System
Publisher : School of Industrial and System Engineering, Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/ijies.v4i02.66


Benchmarking is a method to improve performance and improve company competitiveness. This method has been commonly practiced by large companies and has recently been extended to small and medium enterprises (SMEs). However, the implementation between large and SMEs is very different. These differences are debated as an impact of company characteristics, specifically differences in the ability to develop and improve business. Typical SMEs face tough challenges to overcome their resource constraints. This limitation affects the decisions of SMEs in choosing their comparison partners. This research was conducted to fill the research gap regarding the use of the Benchmarking method and the AHP approach to SMEs, especially in determining Benchmark partners using the AHP approach. The use of benchmarking and AHP is illustrated by using SME objects that are engaged in the fashion sector, namely UKM Cotton.Go. The problem faced by UKM Cotton.Go is marketing communication that is not effective in creating sales so it needs to be determined benchmarking partner in making improvements to marketing communication. The use of AHP in determining benchmark partners helps SMEs to find out which benchmark partners have the best marketing communication performance.
Cotton.Go’s Electronic Service Quality Improvement Using Importance Performance Competitor Analysis Approach Tara Aldiera; Sari Wulandari; Ima Normalia Kusmayanti
International Journal of Innovation in Enterprise System Vol 5 No 01 (2021): International Journal of Innovation in Enterprise System
Publisher : School of Industrial and System Engineering, Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/ijies.v5i01.103


The number of competitors that have sprung up in the field of fashion especially in men's clothing, has caused Cotton.Go need to evaluate its e-commerce services to compete with them. Therefore, this research was conducted to evaluate the attributes of Cotton.Go’s e-commerce services by integrating the dimensions of Electronic Service Quality and Importance Performance Competitor Analysis (IPCA) method. According to research result, seven attributes of services in Cotton.Go’s e-commerce is needed for further research, which are web design, reliability, efficiency, responsiveness, security, flexibility, and fulfillment. This research produced that all of the attributes need urgent action to improve by looking at the negative performance differences value with its competitor. All attributes that need to be improved indicated that the performances are considered to be lower compared to the competitor and need immediate action to improve.
Marketing Communication Program Design of Online Travel Agent Kliktrip Using Benchmarking and Analytical Hierarchy Process Methods Alviera Suci Damayanti; Sari Wulandari; Meldi Rendra
International Journal of Innovation in Enterprise System Vol 5 No 02 (2021): International Journal of Innovation in Enterprise System
Publisher : School of Industrial and System Engineering, Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/ijies.v5i02.137


Kliktrip is an Online Travel Agent (OTA) that has trip & activities facilities and was established in 2018 in Bandung. Kliktrip sales are still experiencing a decline due to low public awareness of Kliktrip which is seen through the number of downloads on mobile apps and Instagram followers. Kliktrip sales are still experiencing a decline and public awareness of Kliktrip is still low because Kliktrip has not implemented 7 out of 8 marketing communication mix optimally. Therefore, research was conducted to design an effective marketing communication program for Kliktrip by using benchmarking and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) methods. Based on the results of AHP data processing, it can be seen that the selected benchmark partner is with a total priority vector value of 0.44 and benchmark results with concluded that Kliktrip needs to increases the value of SEO, page views, and unique visitors on the website, creates a Tiktok’s account, webisode, and video podcasting, collaborates with cross-promotion, makes contests (giveaways), increase the number of downloads and reviewers on mobile apps, implementing mobile billboards and cause-related marketing, increasing customer service operational time, participating in exhibitions, and collaborating with influencers.
Potensi Penggunaan Media Sosial Bagi UKM Sari Wulandari; Nurdinintya Athari Supratman
Performa: Media Ilmiah Teknik Industri Vol 17, No 1 (2018): PERFORMA Vol. 17, No 1 Maret 2018
Publisher : Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (451.732 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/performa.17.1.18922


Social media is not only a social network that facilitates social interaction, but social media becomes an effective medium used by consumers and companies. Consumers use social media to find products information, while companies use social media to communicate with their customers. Social media becomes a powerful tool for companies to reach their customers and create sales. Social media allows SMEs to compete with large companies by increasing brand awareness of their products. Many new SMEs have emerged using social media, but the use of social media is not optimal. Its because SME lack of understanding of how social media is used in an organization. Therefore, research is conducted to investigate the potential use of social media on SMEs. Qualitative method is used as data collection method by conducting interview to 15 SMEs. Qualitative data then convert to affinity diagram. Based on the affinity diagram, it can be known how SMEs use social media. The results showed that most SMEs only use social media as promotion and sales tool. Some SMEs do not manage social media properly, such as inconsistencies in updating content of social media. A few SMEs use social media as an effective marketing tool such as profiling potential customers, measuring the impact of promotion and maintaining long-term customers relationships
Perancangan Strategi Digital Marketing pada Produk Bumbu Instan Noeya Menggunakan Metode Sostac Muhammad Athfal; Sari Wulandari; Rio Aurachman
Performa: Media Ilmiah Teknik Industri Vol 21, No 2 (2022): Performa: Media Ilmiah Teknik Industri
Publisher : Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/performa.21.2.56412


Bumbu Instan Noeya merupakan UKM yang bergerak dibidang kuliner khususnya bumbu instan basah. Bumbu Instan Noeya menjual produknya melalui toko offline, swalayan serta beberapa media sosial dan E-Marketplace. Sejak pandemi Covid-19 mewabah di Indonesia, terjadi peningkatan penjualan melalui media digital sebesar 26% yaitu pada media Facebook, namun pada media digital lainya tidak mengalami peningkatan penjualan. hal tersebut terjadi karena penggunaan media digital yang dimiliki oleh bumbu instan noeya belum optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang strategi digital marketing pada produk Bumbu Instan Noeya menggunakan metode SOSTAC yang disusun ke dalam enam tahapan yaitu situation analysis, objective, strategi, tactics, action, dan control. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan hasil rancangan strategi digital marketing yaitu pembuatan dan pengoptimalan sosial media (Social media Marketing) sebagai media pemasaran dan penjualan dan strategi lainya yaitu Social media Optimization, Content Marketing, Video Marketing , Podcast, Influencer Marketing dan User Generated Content. Selain itu Bumbu Instan Noeya juga bekerja sama dengan beberapa akun Instagram yang mendukung produk yang dihasilkan oleh UMKM dan juga akan membuka toko online melalui platform E-Marketplace.
Identification of Karleen Hijab Fashion SME Competitors Based on Sentiment Analysis Using Naïve Bayes Classifier Algorithm Sari Wulandari; Ghina Atha; Putra Fajar Alam; Meldi Rendra
JTERA (Jurnal Teknologi Rekayasa) Vol 7, No 2: December 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Sukabumi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31544/jtera.v7.i2.2022.323-330


Hijab Fashion Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) need to develop competitive advantages brands as a source of SME competitiveness. However, most Hijab Fashion SMEs experience limitations in developing the competitive advantages of their brands. This research was conducted to find out and understand the competitive advantages of Karleen Hijab Fashion SME competitors as the object of study. The method used is sentiment analysis using the Naïve Bayes algorithm. Sentiment analysis was carried out using online review data of Shopee e-commerce. Sentiment analysis data processing was done using orange data mining software. Sentiment analysis using the Naïve Bayes algorithm produced an average value of AUC, CA, F1, Precision and adequate recall for the entire Hijab Fashion SME brand, which is 0.72, 0.887, 0.856, 0.833, and 0.887. Based on the percentage of the largest positive sentiment on each fashion quality attribute, it is known that competitive advantages of Lozy are in the Fabric Quality Attribute (30.77%), and Good Fit (15.38%), and Halwa's competitive advantage is in the Design attribute (34.19%).  Competitive advantages of Hijup are on the Serviceability Attribute (21.74%) and Packaging (15.38%), and Competitive advantages of Lafiye are on the Price Attribute (6.17%). Competitive advantages of Deenay brand are on the Reliability Attribute (20.89%), while Karleen does not have a relative advantage on any fashion quality attribute because the percentage of positive sentiment for each attribute is still below competitors.
Rancangan Program Komunikasi Pemasaran Kere Daun Singkong Pada Usaha Kecil Menengah Noesry Ciwidey Dengan Pendekatan Benchmarking Muhammad Firmansyah Putra; Husni Amani; Sari Wulandari
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 2, No 2 (2015): Agustus, 2015
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Abstrak Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) Noesry merupakan pelaku ekonomi yang memiliki keterbatasan dana, pengetahuan, dan sumber daya manusia untuk melakukan komunikasi pemasaran. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan sebuah penelitian untuk merumuskan rancangan komunikasi pemasaran yang tepat oleh UKM Noesry agar dapat memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat mengenai produk UKM Noesry, menarik minat pembeli, dan membuat produk UKM Noesry dikenal oleh masyarakat kota Bandung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan rancangan komunikasi pemasaran yang dapat diimplementasikan untuk produk kere daun singkong yang sesuai dengan kemampuan UKM Noesry. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan benchmarking terhadap pesaing dengan produk serupa yang telah ada di pasar. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data ialah dengan wawancara dan observasi, serta memanfaatkan data yang dikumpulkan melalui berbagai publikasi ilmiah, internet yang memiliki informasi terpercaya dan buku literatur. Pemilihan metode benchmarking didasarkan pada proses pencarian secara berkelanjutan untuk suatu ide dan metode baru, praktik dan proses, serta salah satu usaha mengadaptasi fitur terbaik, kemudian menerapkannya untuk memperoleh hasil terbaik. Penelitian dilakukan dengan identifikasi komunikasi pemasaran pesaing, identifikasi SWOT UKM Noesry, benchmarking komunikasi pemasaran pesaing, penentuan target dan segmen pasar yang dituju, dan rancangan program komunikasi pemasaran UKM Noesry. Berdasarkan hasil analisis gap, analisis segmen dan target pasar yang dituju, dan analisis SWOT dapat dirumuskan bahwa rekomendasi program dan media komunikasi pemasaran yang dapat diterapkan pada UKM Noesry adalah usulan perbaikan kemasan dan penggunaan media sosial Instagram. Kata kunci: UKM Noesry, komunikasi pemasaran, benchmarking, kemasan, Instagram
Co-Authors Abd. Karim Basir Ade Mulyono Agung Pramasatya Agus Achmad Suhendra Almira Fawnia Alviera Suci Damayanti Andika Bayu Andrea Dewi Linggani Annisa Falimantik Anwar Firdaus Ash-shiddiq Ardian Cahya Utama Arnol Hendra Manyu Aulia Ananta Siregar Bobby Hera Sagita Boby Hera Sagita Budhi Yogaswara Budi Praptono Chairul Hazmi Daffa Raihan Dityo Dani Aji Pratama Daru Bintang Perkasa Della Azka Dwigifari Dewa Ayu Putu Indah Prabasari Dia Dhonnimuh BKL Diningtyas Anisarahma Eliza Anggraini Joefatha Endang Chumaidiyah Erlangga Femayuga Femayuga Esa Purnama Fadila Rahmasari Farhan Ihza Imran Farid Ardika Dasum Fauzia Latifa Ainaya Fitra Akbarokah Geofani Andreyana Badrun Ghina Atha Ghina Zhafirah Hagie Pradivio Harry Nurmi Suari Husni Amani I Made Agung Sagita Astiwiguna Iftitah Noor Pratomo Ika Arum Puspita Ika Puspita Ima Normalia K Ima Normalia Kusmayanti Ivan Ashiva Khalif Abdul Aziz Leo Cahya Trias Putra Rachman Luthfi Faqihuddin Mulyana Mardhiyyah Mardhiyyah Maria Dellarosawati Idawicaksakti Maria Dellarosawati Idawicasakti Meilana Fatharany Meldi Rendra Mentari Hardyaningrum Mohamad Subkhi Priono Muchammad Izdihar Zalfa Aulia Muhammad Arfidh Muhammad Arya Furqon Muhammad Athfal Muhammad Firdho Muhammad Firmansyah Putra Muhammad Giga Rizky Arsyadi Muhammad Iqbal Muhammad Januar Rasyid Muhammad Rafi Rupiantoro Muhammad Ravi Ismail Muhammad Reza Muhammad Rizky Hasya Muhammad Zamzam Nihan Ufaira Rizagana Nirwan Aprido Nur Atikah Nur Shiyaam Nurdinintya Athari Supratman Nurul Fauziah Nuryskha Nuryskha Putra Fajar Alam Putri Aprilia Putri Fatimah Suri Oktavia R. Yuan Abdiel Gama Bandoro Raden Farhan Ashadiar Raditya Artha Prasetyo Reza Dinar Ekananda Reza Fajrul Rahmadi Reza Gilang Pramono Ridho Fadrian Putra Rika Rachmawati Putri Rio Aurachman Rizky Alif Pratama Rizqi Ghani Faturrahman Romy Seftivani Anggita Putri Rosad Ma’ali El Hadi Rosad Ma’ali El Hadi Sevy Safira Handini Shinta Hidayat Sindy Sinthia Dewi Siti Fatimah Zainatun Nisa Tara Aldiera Timmy Permana Putra Trigo Septia Trisyan Admaja Kuncoro Wawan Tripiawan Widia Zulhafizah Yandri Illham ZR Yati Rohayati Yulian Mutiara Yunita Dewi Trianawati