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Jurnal Media Hukum Vol 22, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jmh.2015.0060.258-273


In Indonesia, here is no exact politic and legal system regarding the application of International Treaty within national legal system. Article 11 of Indonesian Constitution 1945 merely envisages the division of authority between President and Parliament in ratifying international treaty, however, such article does not state clearly Indonesia’s legal politics concerning the application of international treaty within national legal system. The lack of clarification on Indonesia’s legal and political system in such area raises problems in the application of international treaty domestically. This research is aimed to:  (1) analyses Indonesia’s legal politic concerning the application of international treaty towards Indonesian Constitution 1945 as well as other legal instruments; (2) analyses legal implications of international treaty upon Indonesia’s national interests and; (3) propose concept on legal politic regarding the application of international treaty in Indonesia. Since legal politic is crucial in supporting which law should be implemented towards state’s national goal, it is important to clarify Indonesia’s legal politic concerning the implementation of international treaty. As stated by Hans Kelsen, that as the application of the rule of law, a state should eliminate existing inconsistency and overlaps of its laws.
Recent Development in International Treaties Relating to Aviation: New Standardization of International Air Law Adi Kusumaningrum
PADJADJARAN Jurnal Ilmu Hukum (Journal of Law) Vol 7, No 2 (2020): PADJADJARAN JURNAL ILMU HUKUM (JOURNAL OF LAW)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Padjadjaran

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Globalization is identified with the development of treaties into national domain law. Initially, such treaties did not appear as legal regulations but as standard/harmonized-setting for member states. Since the establishment of Chicago Convention on Civil Aviation, 1944, treaties on aviation keep developing well both on the aviation operational technique and economic aspect. Those treaties nowadays have turned into the source of international aviation law. Treaty has been one of the bases of domestic law for almost nations in the world. As a result, the global requirements need to be adjusted into national law of states. States are bound both legally and politically to verdicts of International organizations. The process of regulation and decision making in International organizations should be based on democratic procedures of member states either in the construction of final draft or in negotiation and arrangement of regulation or resolution drafts. Specifically, this article discusses recent development of international treaties relating to aviation from both operational and economic aspects. Following Assembly 39th Session, ICAO, member states of ICAO, including Indonesia, made several multilateral agreements. The ratification of International treaties should consider the effects on legal, political, and security aspects. For Indonesia, one of the aspects that should never be neglected is strategic airspace, both geographically and geopolitically.Perkembangan Terkini dalam Perjanjian Internasional Terkait Penerbangan: Standardisasi Baru Hukum Udara InternasionalAbstrakGlobalisasi ditandai dengan berkembangnya perjanjian-perjanjian internasional yang menjadi domain hukum nasional. Perjanjian-perjanjian semacam ini tidak langsung menciptakan aturan hukum, melainkan hanya melakukan standard/harmonized-setting yang kemudian akan diundangkan oleh negara-negara anggota dalam hukum nasionalnya. Pasca lahirnya Konvensi Chicago 1944, perjanjian internasional di bidang penerbangan terus berkembang baik aspek teknis operasional penerbangan maupun ekonomi. Perjanjian-perjanjian internasional tersebut berkembang menjadi sumber hukum udara internasional. Traktat atau perjanjian internasional telah menjadi salah satu sumber hukum nasional (domestik) bagi hampir seluruh negara-negara di dunia. Hal ini memberikan konsekuensi adanya penggabungan ketentuan-ketentuan internasional pada hukum nasional suatu negara. Negara terikat baik secara hukum maupun politik terhadap keputusan organisasi internasional di mana negara yang bersangkutan menjadi anggotanya. Aturan hukum dan proses pengambilan keputusan dari organisasi internasional sepenuhnya harus didasarkan pada prosedur yang demokratis bagi semua negara anggotanya baik dalam pengambilan keputusan final text maupun dalam negosiasi dan drafting suatu peraturan atau resolusi. Tulisan ini khusus membahas tentang perkembangan perjanjian internasional bidang penerbangan, baik aspek operasional maupun ekonomi. Sidang Majelis ICAO yang ke-39 merekomendasikan beberapa perjanjian multilateral yang didorong untuk dilaksanakan di negara-negara anggota ICAO, termasuk Indonesia. Ratifikasi penjanjian internasional di bidang penerbangan tersebut harus mempertimbangkan implikasinya baik secara hukum, politik dan keamanan. Dalam konteks Indonesia, landasan dasar penting dalam ratifikasi perjanjian-perjanjian internasional di bidang penerbangan adalah posisi strategis ruang udara Indonesia baik secara geografis maupun geopolitis.Kata kunci: hukum udara internasional, penerbangan, standardisasi baru.DOI:
STTAL POSTGRADUATE - INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Vol 5 No 1 (2021): Indonesia Naval Technology College STTAL Postgraduate International Conference -
Publisher : Indonesian Naval Technology College STTAL

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Coastal reclamation is an effort to establish a new land area in the coastal area. The main objective of reclamation is to turn the untapped coastal area into a new area that is better for various people's lives, such as residential, industrial, airport, waste and environmental management areas, tourist areas, and other strategic purposes. Reclamation is carried out to increase the benefits of land resources from a socio-cultural, economic, and environmental point of view by utilizing the land to become more useful. Several cases of coastal reclamation, such as the reclamation of the north coast of Jakarta, the coast of Makassar, and Benoa Bali, have raised pros and cons and have had a significant impact on the lives of local communities, especially on environmental, economic, and socio-cultural aspects. This is very influential on the condition of the National Resilience of the Indonesian nation, especially the area. This research aims to conduct a comprehensive study of the impact of coastal reclamation on National Resilience. Activities start from a comprehensive understanding of the system that occurs through a critical review of previous research. As for based on preliminary observations and critical studies of previous research, which is followed by the preparation of significant factors from the environmental, economic, and socio-cultural aspects. Each aspect is analyzed its role in the National Resilience system as a result of Reclamation. In the final section, an analysis of physiological, juridical, and sociological approaches is carried out to strengthen the research results. Keywords: Analysis Study, Coastal Reclamation, National Resilience
Analysis of Community Social Economic Resilience Based on Coastal and Marine Natural Resources Dhiana Puspitawati; Moh. Fadli; Moelyadi Moelyadi; Adi Kusumaningrum; Supriyadi Supriyadi; Mentari Puspa Wardani; Asyifa Anandya
ECSOFiM (Economic and Social of Fisheries and Marine Journal) Vol 10, No 1 (2022): ECSOFiM October 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.ecsofim.2022.010.01.04


Ecotourism's dependence on climate resources makes it one of the industries considered to be the most vulnerable. This study aims to analyze the socio-economic conditions of vulnerability and resilience of coastal and marine natural resources related to ecotourism development. Data analysis used descriptive qualitative analysis to identify perceptions of disaster characteristics and impacts and climate variability, as well as quantitative descriptive analysis to calculate changes in the household income of the Tamban Beach community and the level of resilience and vulnerability using the Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI) method. The results show that the highest value of the main component is the ecology of 0.880, so it becomes the most vulnerable component. The factor with the highest value is the sensitivity, which is 0.475 and is the weakest. The LVI value in Tamban Beach is 0.311, indicating that community households in the area have a reasonably low vulnerability to coastal and marine resources in Tamban Beach. The household resilience level of the Tamban Beach community is mostly in the moderate category, as much as 45%. The Tamban Beach community needs to participate in seeking information on climate change actively weather forecasts together with related institutions.
Peran Intelijen Maritim Guna Membangun Budaya Maritim Indonesia sebagai Pilar dalam Kebijakan Poros Maritim Dunia Widyanto Pudyo P; Moeljadi Moeljadi; Adi Kusumaningrum; Windu Wahyu Wijaya
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling (JPDK) Vol. 4 No. 5 (2022): Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jpdk.v4i5.7599


Tulisan ini berisi hasil penelitian deskriptif kualitatif untuk menggambarkan tentang peran yang dapat dimainkan oleh komunitas intelijen maritim di Indonesia untuk membantu pemerintah dalam upayanya membangun kembali budaya maritim Indonesia yang merupakan pilar pertama dari lima pilar utama untuk mewujudkan nusantara. negara sebagai tumpuan maritim global. Mengenai budaya bahari di Indonesia, orang awam akan naif berpikir bahwa secara otomatis akan menjadi identitas nasional bangsa Indonesia, mengingat negara ini adalah negara kepulauan dan nenek moyang Indonesia dikenal sebagai pelaut tangguh yang telah menaklukkan lautan. Namun, kolonialisme dan alasan politik di masa lalu telah menyebabkan Indonesia begitu lama mengabaikan banyak potensi yang berasal dari kekayaan sumber daya maritimnya untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat. Beberapa teori tentang budaya, budaya maritim, pembentukan identitas, identitas nasional dan fungsi intelijen maritim dikonsultasikan untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang baik tentang keberadaan budaya maritim di Indonesia dan kemungkinan komunitas intelijen maritim untuk merevitalisasinya yang saat ini mulai memudar. Setelah melakukan studi pustaka, dapat disimpulkan bahwa komunitas intelijen maritim pasti akan dapat memberikan kontribusi yang berharga dalam program pengembangan kembali budaya maritim di Indonesia melalui tiga fungsi utamanya: investigasi, kontra-intelijen dan psy-war untuk menciptakan kepastian. kondisi yang kondusif bagi budaya bahari di Indonesia untuk memperoleh kembali tempat dan eksistensinya dalam kehidupan berbangsa untuk mewujudkan cita-citanya menjadi poros maritim dunia.
KLAUSULA (Jurnal Hukum Tata Negara Adminitrasi Dan Pidana) Vol 2 No 2 (2023): KLAUSULA (Jurnal Hukum Tata Negara, Hukum Adminitrasi, Pidana Dan Perdata)
Publisher : Universitas Islam kadiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32503/klausula.v2i2.3862


Infrastructure is an instrument to facilitate the rotation of the economy so that it can accelerate development. Funding is a major challenge in national infrastructure development. The state budget is only able to support about one-third of the total infrastructure funding required. Unconventional financing alternatives provide significant benefits to national infrastructure development. Unconventional state-owned infrastructure financing has a positive impact on national economic resilience. Increasing the speed of infrastructure development by using non-conventional approaches, infrastructure development can be accelerated because it can involve private participation in financing and managing infrastructure projects. This research uses normative juridical method by using statutory approach and conceptual approach.