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Penambahan Fitur Green Cool-Hot Box Pada Skuter Listrik Tipe Super E-Bike Model Es-009 Berbasis Termoelektrik Mohamad A Muhidin; Awaludin Martin
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 2, No 1 (2015): Wisuda Februari Tahun 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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The addition of green cool-hot box on the electric scooter that has a cooling feature, require a refrigeration unit that is able to be applied on the electric scooter. Peltier elements selected for use as a cooler in the cool green because of the small box that can be operated on electric scooter box has limited space and can also be operated at a voltage of 12 volts . The design is done in this case is to modify the existing back box on an electric scooter. Peltier element used is type TEC1 12706. The ability of cold side Peltier element is utilized for cooling process in electric scooter box .Lowest temperature green cool box with dissipates heat from the hot side to environment without load of water is 13,8oC . and with a maximum load of 960 ml of water was 20,6oC . Utilization of waste heat from the hot side of the heat sink for space heating will affect the cooling process in the refrigerator. The temperature of the cooling chamber will be increase when compared to the temperatur of the hot side heatsink discharged into the Environment.Kata Kunci : Element Peltier, Termoelectric, Cool-hot box, COP
Perancangan Concave Plate Collector Sebagai Sistem Penyerap Solar Energy Jefri Ramadan; Awaludin Martin
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 7 (2020): Edisi 2 Juli s/d Desember 2020
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Energy demand throughout the world is increasing gradually as a result of advances in science and technology. The fossil energy that have been used to met these needs have been decreasing and one day it will definitely run out. The increasing use of fossil fuels results in the production of CO2 emissions which always increase every year. Solar energy is energy that comes from sunlight, but the heat produced by this sunlight tends to be low, so to take advantage of this solar energy, technology is needed that can convert the heat temperature from that source, namely the solar collector. One of them is the concave plate collector, which will be used as a solar energy absorber system to be applied to the organic rankine cycle (ORC). The highest temperature reached for heating water is 56.6ºC, able to provide energy contribution of 43.4% of the total energy required with an organic rankine cycle efficiency of 4.489%.Keywords: concave plate collector, organic rankine cycle.
Unjuk Kerja Turbin Angin Sumbu Horizontal Berdiaemeter 2,6 Meter Di Gedung C Fakultas Teknik Universitas Riau Tino Ferinando GS; Awaludin Martin
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Wisuda Februari Tahun 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Electrical energy needs are increasing and limited fossil energy triggers a rapid development in renewable energy. One of the renewable energy resources is wind turbines. The kinetic energy of the wind can be converted into electrical energy using wind turbines. The purpose of this study is to figure out  the performance of horizontal axis wind turbines with 5 inverse taper type blades. Wind turbines located at a height of 19 m above the ground. The power output of generator was measured  with load conditions. The load was given for this testing is 10 Ohm Resistor. Data collected from the testing were wind speeds, electrical voltages and rotational speeds. From the test achieved maximum of 49,24 Watt when the wind speed of 8,3 m/s. Wind turbine generator starts generate electrical power at a wind speed of 2  m/s. The maximum achievement of power coefficient of 0,0369  at TSR 0.721.   Keywords: Wind turbine, wind speed, electrical voltage, rotational speed, power coefficient
Vaccine Covid-19 Carrier Box Menggunakan Modul Thermoelectric Cooler Dan Heat Pipe Sebagai Alternatif Alat Distribusi Vaccine Covid-19 Stevan Graciano Boyana; Awaludin Martin
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 8 (2021): Edisi 2 Juli s/d Desember 2021
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Secretary General of the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) Oscar Primadi stated that the obstacle in distributing the covid-19 vaccine in Indonesia is that there are still many remote areas that are difficult to access by vehiclesthat have cooling rooms such as planes, ships or box cars equipped with refrigeration boxes. In this study discussed about the design of vaccine carrier box using thermoelectric cooler module and heat pipe as analternative distribution tool vaccine covid-19 where thermoelectric cooler used is type TEC2-25408 which is coupling with heat pipe made of copper with working fluid is water. Excellent heat absorption by heat pipe isthe reason for this study. When heat flux heat pipe evaporator operation is achieved and able to absorb heat disposed heat side TEC then the heat side temperature can be maintained constantly, so the workload of TECcan be reduced and the use of the number of peltier elements and power can be reduced. The result of this study is the design and manufacture of vaccine carrier box measuring 36.5 cm x 22 cm x 21 cm based on emptybunches of palm oil capable of carrying 100 vials of covid-19 vaccine in accordance with sop distribution of vaccine 2-8 °C by using peltier elements type TEC2-25408 which is coupling with heatsink heat pipe as acooling system. Based on the test obtained the highest experimental COP value of 0.314 and design COP of 0.364 with a difference of 0.0492 or 13.5 %Keywords: vaccine carrier box, 2-8°C, thermoelectric cooler, heat pipe, COP, saving power
Adsorpsi Isothermal Hidrogen Pada Karbon Aktif Berbahan Dasar Cangkang Sawit Pada Temperatur 45 oC Fakhru Rozi Z; Awaludin Martin; Nasruddin Nasruddin
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 1, No 2 (2014): Wisuda Oktober Tahun 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Hydrogen is one of the promising renewable energy and potential subtitute for fossil fuels in the future. Hydrogen has short comings in its application as fuel is in storage. The study resulted in the capacity of hydrogen adsorption on activated carbon made from palm shells. Data were collected by volumetric method in the isothermal adsorption process. Adsorption isotherm temperature is performed at 45oC at pressures up to 30 bar. The maximum adsorption capacity at isotherm temperatures 45oC is 2.03x10-3 kg/kg mass of adsorbent at a pressure of 30.13 bar. Subsequently correlated the data obtained using the Langmuir model equation, Toth and Langmuir-Freundlich. Deviation from the Langmuir equation, Toth and Langmuir-Freundlich obtained was 16.72.77%, 15.97% and 9.79%.Keywords: Hydrogen Adsorption, Volumetric Method, Isotherm Adsorption
Analisis Exergoeconomic Pada Ruang Bakar Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gas Uap (PLTGU) Teluk Lembu 30 MW Putri Wahyuni; Awaludin Martin
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 2, No 2 (2015): Wisuda Oktober Tahun 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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One of the causes of the energy crisis in Indonesia is, because it is not efficient in energy use. Many alternatives have been done to make efficient use of energy. One way is to perform the analysis. Analysis meant here is the exergy analysis and analysis exergoeconomic. The concept of this analysis, not only of the quantity of energy but also the quality of energy (the second law of thermodynamics). Exergoeconomic analysis, is a technique that combines exergy analysis with the economic approach (cost). Exergoeconomic analysis is done by sampling Teluk Lembu combined cycle power plant . The analysis begins with the economic analysis. This analysis was conducted to determine the value of the total expenditures of the Teluk Lembu combined cycle power plant per year and electricity prices/kWh. The following four aspects of the calculated cost is the cost of investment, maintenance fixed operating costs, including employee salaries and benefits adjusted to the standard INKINDO 2014, fuel costs, maintenance and operating cost variable. Each value is, the cost of investment of IDR 196.03/kWh, the cost OM fix IDR 69.72/kWh, OM variable costs IDR 34.86/kWh, fuel costs IDR 1072.74/kWh. Loss value cost for combustion chamber is valued at IDR 8,338,282.46/h.Key Word : Exergy, Exergoeconomic, cost
Unjuk Kerja Organic Rankine Cycle Dengan Penyerap Energi Matahari Type Concave Plate Collector Pada Temperatur Sumber Panas 75 Oc Arifful Rahman; Awaludin Martin
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 7 (2020): Edisi 2 Juli s/d Desember 2020
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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This study discusses the experimental study of the efficiency of the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) system with concave plate collectors as a heat source system. ORC is a conventional rankine cycle modification, where the ORC fluid works is an refrigerant or organic fluid which has a low boiling point, so that to produce steam only requires a low temperature. A good working fluid is R134a obtained from the reference of previous studies. Concave plate collector is heat source system at electricity generation system that is concentrated using the sun as a source of heat, so it can be said that this system uses environmentally friendly renewable energy sources. Experiments were carried out by varying the heat source temperature of 75 ⁰C by keeping the pump output pressure at 10 bar and comparing the test results between the use of a water heater and a combined water heater with a concave plate collector. From the experimental results obtained a maximum efficiency of 0.7% on the variation of heat source 75 ⁰C with a turbine inlet pressure of 10.1 bar and turbine intake temperature of 46.9 ⁰C with ORC power of 170.4 Watt. The biggest savings or energy supply for solar collectors is 68.33% at solar collector temperatures of 56.8 ° C with average temperature of heat sources of 70.38 ° C.Keyword : Organic Rankine Cycle, R134a, Solar collector, Renewable Energy.
Kaji Eksperimen Sistem Organic Rankine Cyle (ORC) Pada Temperatur Sumber Panas 95 ⁰C Muhammad Nur Ahmad H; Awaludin Martin
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 6 (2019): Edisi 2 Juli s/d Desember 2019
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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This study discusses the experiment of Organic rankine cycle (ORC) system at 95 ⁰C heat source . Organic rankine cycle is a conventional modification cycle, where ORC fuels move is organic fluid (refrigerant), which has a low boiling point, so that it produces steam only requires low temperaturs. The working fluid used is R134a obtained from the reference of previous studies. Renewable energy sources such as solar heat, geothermal energy and industrial waste heat are energy sources capable of meeting the world's electricity needs. However, the low temperatur of the heat source cannot be used as electric power, so the organic ranking cycle can be used as a renewable energy source that uses low temperatur heat. Data collected in the from temperatur, pressure and mass flow rate. From the results of the experiment, the maximum power is 305.02 Watts and the maximum efficiency is 4.29% at the turbine inlet pressure of 1.5 MPa and the turbine inlet temperatur is 67.91 ⁰C. Keywords: Organic rankine cycle, R134a, Renewable Energy.
Kaji Eksperimen Sistem Organic Rankine Cycle Menggunakan Fluida Kerja R-134A Berkapasitas 1 KW Adam Maulana Ibra; Awaludin Martin
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 5 (2018): Edisi 2 Juli s/d Desember 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Energy demand is increasing due to population growth and technological advances. Fossil energy of coal as fuel for Steam Power Plant (PLTU) is still widely used in various countries around the world because it provides human needs in large numbers. Coal burned in steam power plant produces a number of harmful pollutants such as NOx and SO3 which are the main causes of acid rain and particle pollution in the air. Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) is technology to convert low temperature heat into the form of mechanical energy which can then be utilized to generate electrical energy without using fossil fuels. Heat exchangers used in ORC are evaporators and condensers. Refrigerant R134a used as working fluids. Experiments were performed to determine the performance of the ORC system with the temperature heat source of 95 ⁰C. Data collected in the form of temperature, pressure and volume flow rate. Experimental results obtained a maximum power of 279.58 Watt and maximum efficiency of 3.33 % at turbine inlet pressure 1.25 MPa and turbine inlet temperature of 67.76 ⁰C.Keywords: Organic Rankine Cycle, R134, Performance Analysis.
Analisis Energi Pada Unit 2 Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gas (PLTG) Teluk Lembu Kapasitas 21.6 MW Nur Indah Rivai; Awaludin Martin
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 6 (2019): Edisi 2 Juli s/d Desember 2019
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Electrical energy is energy that is needed by society and industry. To fulfill this need, many power plants were built in Indonesia. Gas Turbine Power Plant (PLTG) is one type of power plant that supplies electricity in Indonesia. The installed power capacity of PLTG in Indonesia is 3,591 MW or 9.6% of the total power plant. PLTG spending in Indonesia is the fastest among other types of power plants, which is equal to 10% per year. This energy analysis is carried out by taking samples of the Teluk Lembu PLTG with a capacity of 21.6 MW. The purpose of this study is to calculate the thermal efficiency of a generator. And from the results of the calculation analysis, it was found that the compressor worked 3.40 MW, the heat entering was 65.75 MW, the work of the 48.63 MW turbine, the net work of 15.92 MW and the efficiency thermal was 24.23% Keywords: Gas turbine power plant, energy, efficiency thermal
Co-Authors Abrar Ridwan Adam Maulana Ibra Agustina, Dinni Ahmad Syaifudin Aldi Ansyah Kurniawan Lubis Andika Anuar, Kaspul Arfie I. Firmansyah Arifful Rahman Awal Januari S Azridjal Azis Bambang Suryawan Bambang Suryawan, Bambang Benny Wahyudi Benny Wahyudi Binsar Martua Parulian Manurung Brama, Jaka Clinton Naibaho Cupu, Dedi Rosa Putra Damanik, Reinhard Parulian Dedy Masnur, Dedy Dhewaji, Roe Dwi Dhiki R. A. Dhiky Rahman Agusta Dhiky Rahman Agusta Dodi Sofyan Arief Doni Saputra Fachri Husaini Fadilla Augusli Irwanda Faisal Afif Fakhru Rozi Z Feblil Huda Fharozi, Ridho Fikri Fahlevi Nasution Fikri Fahlevi Nasution Firmansyah, Arfie I. Gun Faisal Hamdani Wahab Hamdani Wahab Hariyono Hariyono Harun Orion Herisiswanto Ibrahim Ibrahim Irfandi Pratama Ivand Hintingo Iwan Kurniawan Iwan Kurniawan Jefri Ramadan Johannes Panjaitan Jossy Kolata Krist Mamre Saragih M. Idrus Alhamid Meitri Nelta Mintarto Mintarto Miswandi, Miswandi Moh. Arief Indra Permana Mohamad A Muhidin Mohammad Barbarosa Mohammad Barbarosa Muhammad Alhamid Muhammad Alhamid, Muhammad Muhammad Hatta Muhammad Idrus Alhamid, Muhammad Idrus Muhammad Nur Muhammad Nur Ahmad H Mustafa Akbar Musthafa Akbar N. Nazaruddin Nasruddin - Nasruddin - Nasruddin Nasruddin Nasruddin Nasruddin Nasruddin Nasruddin Nehemia Simangunsong Nur Indah Rivai Nur Indah Rivai Nur Khotimah Okvitasari, Dwi Yani Paulus, Hendri Pipin Azrin Pither Palamba Putra, Adipa Putri Nawangsari Putri Nawangsari Putri Wahyuni Reza Asrian Ridwan Abdurrahman Romy Romy Rudi Hartono Samuel Siregar Sibuea, Edwin Reinaldy Sitompul, Nathaniel Andrew Sahala Somadona, Sonia Stevan Graciano Boyana Syafri Tino Ferinando GS Tomi Sinaga Tri Bambang Lesmana Warman Fatra Warman Fatra Windy Lusia Samosir Yogi Wibowo Agusta Yogi Wibowo Agusta Yogie Rinaldy Ginting Yogie Rinaldy Ginting