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Pengaruh jumlah ruas stek dan sumber pupuk nitrogen yang berbeda terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi simplisia tanaman kumis kucing (Orthosiphon aristatus) Astrie Dian Jayanti; Karno Karno; Budi Adi Kristanto
Journal of Agro Complex Vol 3, No 3 (2019): Online
Publisher : Department of Agriculture, Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro University, Semara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (144.885 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/joac.3.3.151-158


Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh jumlah ruas stek dan sumber pupuk nitrogen yang berbeda pada pertumbuhan dan produksi simplisia tanaman Kumis Kucing(Orthosiphon aristatus). Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap pola faktorial. Faktor pertama adalah jumlah ruas batang stek (3, 5, dan 7 ruas) dan faktor kedua adalah sumber pupuk nitrogen (urea, pupuk kandang ayam, pupuk kandang sapi, dan pupuk kandang kambing). Parameter pertumbuhan yang diamati meliputi panjang tunas total, jumlah daun, dan volume akar. Parameter produksi yang diamati yaitu berat daun (simplisia) segar dan kering. Data dianalisis dengan analisis ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan uji berganda Duncan (Duncan’s Multiple Range Test). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan jumlah ruas stek mampu meningkatkan panjang tunas total, jumlah daun, dan volume akar. Penggunaan sumber hara nitrogen yang berbeda hanya meningkatkan parameter volume akar. Kedua perlakuan belum mampu meningkatkan produksi simplisia tanaman kumis kucing, serta tidak menunjukkan adanya interaksi pada seluruh parameter penelitian. Kata kunci : Orthosiphon aristatus, Simplisia, Stek, Sumber Nitrogen. 
Peningkatan Kualitas Stek Pucuk Krisan (Chrysanthemum morifolium) melalui Pemberian Indole-3-Butyric Acid sebagai Zat Pengatur Tumbuh. Vidia Pangestika; Karno Karno; Budi Adi Kristanto
Journal of Agro Complex Vol 2, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Department of Agriculture, Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro University, Semara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/joac.2.3.221-228


Chrysanthemum is one of popular floriculture commodities in Indonesia. Chrysanthemum is mainly propagated by terminal cutting. This study aimed to investigate the rooting and vegetative growth response of three different cultivars of chrysanthemum cutting treated by different level of IBA. The experiment was assigned in a completely randomized design on propagation phase and randomized block design on planting phase. The first factor was cultivar which consist of 3 varieties : V1 = Puspita Nusantara, V2 = Fiji, V3 = Dewi Ratih. The second factor was IBA level which consists of 4 levels : D0=0 ppm, D1= 200 ppm, D2= 400 ppm, D3= 600 ppm. The experiment was replicated 4 times. Parameters measured were number of roots, root length, root weight, shoot fresh weight and shoot dry weight. The data were analyzed statistically by analysis of variance and followed by Duncan test. The result showed that number of roots, root length, and root weight were significantly affected by variety treatment and IBA dose treatment. plant height and number of leaves were significantly affected by variety treatment. There was no influence of IBA dose treatment on plant height and number of leaves. Keywords : indole-3-butyric acid, cuttings, chrysanthemum  
Respon pertumbuhan dan produksi padi gogo (Oryza sativa L.) terhadap cekaman kekeringan dan pemupukan silika Nurul Fadhilah; Karno Karno; Budi Adi Kristanto
Journal of Agro Complex Vol 5, No 1 (2021): JOAC Online
Publisher : Department of Agriculture, Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro University, Semara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/joac.5.1.1-13


ABSTRACT The goal of this research was to study the growth and production of upland rice responing to drought stress and silica fertilization. The research was conducted at greenhouse SPMA H Moenadi, Ungaran, Semarang Regency and Physiology and Plant Breeding laboratory, Diponegoro University, from February to June 2018. The research used factorial design based on completely randomized design. The first factor was silica fertilizers (Control, zeolite and husk ash) and the second factor was drought stress (watering interval 3, 6, 9 and 12 days). The result showed thar silica fertilizer treatment significantly affected the plant growth rate ages 14-30 days after planting, relative growth rate of plant ages 14-30 days after planting, plant height of the 8th week, leaf chlorophyll index of vegetative phase, number of seeds and seed weight, while at drought stress had significant effects on the plant growth rate ages 14-30 days after planting, relative growth rate of plant ages 14-30 days after planting, plant height of week 8 and 15, number of leaves 8 and 15 weeks, generative phase chlorophyll index, number oftillers and productive tillers, number of seeds and seed weight. There was an interaction between silica fertilization and drought stress on the plant growth rate ages 14-30 days after planting, relative growth rate of plant ages 14-30 days after planting and the number of seeds. Keyword : Drought stress, upland rice, silica fertilization ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh silika dan cekaman kekeringan terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi padi gogo. Penelitian dilaksanakan di greenhouse SPMA H. Moenadi, Ungaran, Kab. Semarang dan laboratorium Fisiologi dan Pemuliaan Tanaman, Fakultas Peternakan dan Pertanian, Universitas Diponegoro dari bulan Februari sampai Juni 2018. Rancangan dasar yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial. Faktor pertama yaitu pupuk silika (kontrol, zeolit dan abu sekam) dan cekaman kekeringan (Interval penyiraman 3, 6, 9 dan 12 hari). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan pupuk silika berpengaruh nyata terhadap parameter laju pertumbuhan tanaman umur 14-30 HST, laju pertumbuhan relatif tanaman umur 14-30 HST, tinggi tanaman Minggu ke 8, indeks klorofil daun fase vegetatif, jumlah biji dan bobot biji, sedangkan pada parameter cekaman kekeringan memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap parameter laju pertumbuhan tanaman umur 14-30 HST, laju pertumbuhan relatif tanaman umur 14-30 HST, tinggi tanaman Minggu ke 8 dan 15, jumlah daun Minggu ke 8 dan 15, indeks klorofil daun fase generatif, jumlah anakan dan anakan produktif, jumlah biji dan bobot biji. terdapat interaksi antara pemupukan silika dan cekaman kekeringan terhadap parameter laju pertumbuhan tanaman umur 14-30 HST, laju pertumbuhan relatif tanaman umur 14-30 HST dan jumlah biji. Kata kunci : Cekaman kekeringan, padi gogo, pemupukan silika
Produksi biomassa ketumbar (Coriandrum sativum) dengan jarak tanam dan jenis pupuk hayati Maja Diego Armando Girsang; Budi Adi Kristanto; Dwi Retno Lukiwati
Journal of Agro Complex Vol 4, No 2 (2020): JOAC Online
Publisher : Department of Agriculture, Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro University, Semara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/joac.4.2.108-115


ABSTRACT The purpose of the research was to determine the effect of plant spacing and type of biofertilizer to the production of coriander biomass. This study used Randomized Block Design with two factors and repeated 3 times. The first factor was the different plant spacing (A) ie 20 × 20 cm (A0), 20 × 15 cm (A1) and 20 × 10 cm (A2). The second factor was the type of biofertilizer (B) ie without biofertilizer (B0), with biofertilizer A (B1) and with biofertilizer B (B2). The parameters observed were number of leaves, leaf area, leaf chlorophyll content, plant biomass per plant and production of plant biomass per plot. Data were analyzed using Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) test of 5% level. The result of the analysis of different treatment range of spacing and the application of biofertilizer did not give interaction on the production of coriander biomass. Plant spacing of 20×20 cm (A0) increases leaf area and chlorophyll contents. Plant spacing of 20×10 cm (A2) yields the highest crop production per plot. The application of biofertilizer significantly increases the number of leaves and leaf area compared without biofertilizer. Keywords: Coriander, plant spacing and biofertilizer ABSTRAK  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jarak tanam dan jenis pupuk hayati berbeda terhadap produksi biomassa ketumbar. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan dua faktor dan diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Faktor pertama adalah jarak tanam yang berbeda (A) yaitu 20 × 20 cm (A0), 20 × 15 cm (A1) dan 20 × 10 cm (A2). Faktor kedua adalah jenis pupuk hayati (B) yaitu tanpa pupuk hayati (B0), dengan pupuk hayati A (B1) dan dengan pupuk hayati B (B2). Parameter yang diamati adalah jumlah daun, luas daun, kandungan klorofil daun, biomassa ketumbar per tanaman dan produksi biomassa ketumbar per petak. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) taraf 5%. Hasil analisis ragam perlakuan jarak tanam dan jenis pupuk hayati berbeda tidak memberikan interaksi pada produksi biomassa ketumbar. Jarak tanam 20 × 10 cm (A0) meningkatkan luas daun dan kandungan klorofil. Jarak tanam 20 × 10 cm (A2) menghasilkan produksi tanaman per petak yang paling tinggi. Aplikasi pupuk hayati secara signifikan meningkatkan jumlah daun dan luas daun dibanding tanpa pupuk hayati. Kata kunci : Ketumbar, jarak tanam dan pupuk hayati. 
Kualitas benih dan pertumbuhan bibit cabai (Capsicum frutescens l.) pada perlakuan suhu dan wadah penyimpanan yang berbeda Dimas Bima Taghfir; Syaiful Anwar; Budi Adi Kristanto
Journal of Agro Complex Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Department of Agriculture, Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro University, Semara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (53.911 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/joac.2.2.137-147


Setting the temperature of the storage space of seeds and storage containers will greatly affect the quality of the seed. The aim of this research was to study the effect of temperature treatment, storage container and their interaction on seed quality and seedling growth of chilli. The study was conducted in Jetis Village and Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Breeding, Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro University from January to June 2017. The study was conducted using nesting experiments on the basis of Completely Randomized Design (RAL). The first factor was Storage Temperature (R1 = Room Temperature 24-29 oC, R2 = Refrigerator Temperature 5oC) and second factor was storage container nested at storage temperature that was (P1 = Alumunium foil, P2 = Paper and P3 = Plastic). Each treatment had 5 replications and each replication consisted of 100 seeds, so there were 30 experimental units. The data were analyzed by using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and continued with test of HSD (Honesty Significant Difference) 5% significance level. The results showed that the storage temperature (5oC) temperature increased the temperature and the seed vigor index was larger than the room temperature (28oC), the aluminum foil packaging produced the maximum growth potential and germination rate was higher than the plastic and paper packaging but there was no different growth rate and index vigor. Low storage space temperatures (5oC) can not maintain maximum seed quality where the 4 parameters were still below the standard quality of the seed. Seeds stored in low temperature (5oC) rooms producedfresh weight and dry weight of seedlings larger than high temperature (28oC), but the number of leaves, seed height and hypothetical vigor index were not significantly different. The aluminum foil packaging producedfresh weight and dry weight of seeds higher than plastic and paper packaging. However, the number of leaves, the height of seed and the hypothetical vigor index were notsignificantly different. Keywords : Temperature, container store, seeds quality, seedling growth, chilli.
Keragaman M1 tanaman hias bunga matahari (Helianthus annuus l.) akibat iradiasi sinar gamma Intan Novela Setya Monikasari; Syaiful Anwar; Budi Adi Kristanto
Journal of Agro Complex Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Department of Agriculture, Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro University, Semara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (835.85 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/joac.2.1.1-11


ABSTRACT The purpose of the research was to obtain the morphological variability of M1 sunflower ornamental plant and information of lethal doses (LD50) effect of mutation by gamma ray irradiation. The research was arranged in monofactor experimental with Completely Randomized Design (RAL) with 5 treatments and 5 replication, each replication consisted of 5 sunflower seeds was irradiated by gamma ray of 0, 5, 25, 45, and 65 Gy. The data observed were analyzed by anova and followed with BNT of 5% level. Parameters observed included germination, plant height, stem diameter, tube flower diameter, tape flower diameter, initiation time, perfect bloom age, chlorophyll, ribbon flower number, seed number, total seed weight, weight of 100 seeds, LD50, Flower color and heritability. The result showed that irradiation significant effected to plant height, stem diameter, tube flower diameter, ribbon flower diameter, initiation time, seeds number, seed weight, weight of 100 seeds. Lethal doses of sunflower is 74,19 Gy. Heritability value range from 23,47 to 73,81%.Keywords : Helianthus annus L., irradiation, LD50, heritability
Pertumbuhan dan produksi jagung manis (Zea mays saccharata) dengan pemupukan “Kotpi Plus” Nyoman Adhitya Putra Dewangga; Dwi Retno Lukiwati; Budi Adi Kristanto
Journal of Agro Complex Vol 2, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Department of Agriculture, Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro University, Semara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/joac.2.3.229-234


The research aimed to increase the quality of manure to “Kotpi Plus” and to study the effect on growth and yield of sweet corn. The research used monofactor randomized block design with six treatments and 5 replications. The treatments were T0. Control; T1. 100% “Kotpi Plus” + 0% Urea and TSP (UT); T2. 75% “Kotpi Plus” + 25% UT, T3. 50% “Kotpi Plus” + 50% UT; T4. 25% “Kotpi Plus” + 75% UT; and T5. 0% “Kotpi Plus” + 100% UT. Parameters measured were plant height, leaf number, cob length, cob weight with cornhusk, and sum of seed row in a cob. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and followed by DMRT at α = 5%. The result on plant height and leaf number showed that T4 167.7 cm was significantly higher compared to control and 8.21 leaves significantly higher compared to control and T1, respectively. “Kotpi Plus” combined with inorganic fertilizer produced cob length significantly higher compared to control. Cob weight with cornhusk on T4 was significantly higher compared to T0 and T1. The given of “Kotpi Plus” fertilizer was not affecting on sum of seed row in a cob. Keywords: Gliricidia sepium, growth, phosphate rock, sweet corn, yield.
Aplikasi silika dan NAA terhadap pertumbuhan Anggrek Bulan (Phalaenopsis amabilis l.) pada tahap aklimatisasi Ziadatul Choirum Nikmah; Widyati Slamet; Budi Adi Kristanto
Journal of Agro Complex Vol 1, No 3 (2017)
Publisher : Department of Agriculture, Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro University, Semara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (48.461 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/joac.1.3.101-110


The purpose of the research was to study the influence silica and concentration of NAA for moon orchid (Phalaenopsis amabilis L.) growth in acclimatization. The experiment was assigned in completely randomized factorial design with the first factor was silica (non silika and with silica) and the second factor was NAA concentrations (0, 50, 100, and 150 ppm). Each treatments was repeated three times. Parameters measured were the percentage of plant life, number of leaves,  length of leaf,  width of leaf, number of roots, length of root and fresh weight of plants. Data were subjected to ANOVA and followed by Duncan Multiple Range Test. The result showed that aplication silica increased fresh weight of plants. Application of NAA concentrations (50, 100, and 150 ppm) decreased percentage of plant life, leaght of leaf, and fresh weight of plants. Interaction of silica and NAA concentrations showed did not significantly effect. Keyword : Moon orchid, silica, NAA, aclimatization
Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol 23, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Tanah Fakultas Pertanian UNIB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31186/jipi.23.2.84-91


[EFFECT OF CONCENTRATION AND TIME INTERVAL OF BABANDOTAN BIOPESTICIDE SPRAYING ON THE INTENSITY OF DAMAGE AND YIELD OF KAILAN]. Biopesticides from Ageratum conyzoides plants are used as an alternative in pest control. The used of synthetic pesticides was widespread as an effort in pest and disease control because it worked effectively and quickly, but caused resistance and resurgence of pests were bad impact on the environment for long term. The content of active compounds in Ageratum conyzoides plants such as flavonoids, anthraquinone, tannins, terpenes, phenols, saponins, alkaloids and steroids worked as controllers of various cultivated plant pests. This study aims to determine the spraying concentration and interval of spraying Ageratum conyzoides on the intensity of damage and yield of kailan plants. This research was conducted in November 2020 - January 2021 at Agroecotechnopark research land, Diponegoro University, Semarang. The experimental design used was a factorial Randomized Complete Block Design with 3 replications. The first factor was spraying concentration (10%, 30% and 50%) and the second factor was interval of spraying (once every 5 days, 10 days and 15 days). The variables observed were absolute damage rate, relative damage rate, plant height, number of leaves and fresh weight of kailan. Data were analyzed by Analysis of Variance followed by DMRT (Duncan's Multiple Range Test). The results showed that Ageratum conyzoides biopesticide was able to control pests and and to support kailan growth. Spraying babandotan biopesticide at a concentration of 50% has been able to reduce the rate of crop damage by pests, supported vegetative growth, and increased kailan growth to provide optimal yield. Spraying time interval did not affect all variables.  
THE EFFICIENCY OF SUGARCANE (Saccharum officinarum) FARMS USING THE DEA (DATA ENVELOPMENT ANALYSIS) APPROACH IN PURWOREJO REGENCY Widyadhari Febriani Setyaningrum; Titik Ekowati; Budi Adi Kristanto
Agrisocionomics: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol 4, No 2 (2020): November 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Science, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/agrisocionomics.v4i2.5833


The research was purposed to know the technical efficiency level of sugarcane farming in Purworejo regency. The research method used DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) with the input-oriented assumption to measure the efficiency score from each observed farming. The result of the research showed most of the sugarcane farming in Purworejo regency was categorized as inefficient. According to DEA-CRS calculation, there were 11 sugarcane farming 19,3 %) who have operated efficiently and 46 sugarcane farming (80,7%) have not operated efficiently yet (inefficient). The efficiency calculation using Variable Return To Scale (VRS) assumption resulted in an average efficiency value of 0.937. Efficiency was reached by 21 people (36.84%) while the other 36 people (63.16%) still have not reached efficiency yet.