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Film dan Perempuan: Kegagalan Film Gone Girl dalam Membentuk Sosok Perempuan Baru di Industri Film Hollywood Amida Yusriana; Rahmawati Zulfiningrum
Jurnal The Messenger Vol 8, No 2 (2016): July-December
Publisher : Universitas Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26623/themessenger.v8i2.345


Gone Girl is a film produced in 2014 and is an adaptation of a best-selling novel by  Gillian Flynn. Gone Girl can be divided into three parts. The interesting point in this movie is the gender focus of Gillian Flynn’s way in depicting Amy. According to her, this is an attempt to show that woman can have a criminal mind as a man. However, the depiction of woman in patriarch charasteristic is still can be found in the movie. This research is to find out how the movie Gone Girl failed to create a new woman character.This study uses the postmodernism theory to explain. Result of this study indicates that the figure of Amy Dunne is described as a heroine with typical utopia and as a villain  Amy  can  not  be  separated  from  the  feminines  roles  of  patriarch.  Among  others:  weak, emotional human being, depending and using her body as a weapon.
Jurnal Penelitian Komunikasi dan Pembangunan Vol 20, No 2 (2019): Jurnal PIKOM (Penelitian Komunikasi dan Pembangunan)
Publisher : Institution: Ministry of Communication and Information Technology of Republic of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31346/jpikom.v20i2.2228


            The problems of the degenerative diseases such as heart attacks and diabetes in Indonesia become a threat to public health and require alternative food like black rice. Black rice is an excellent commodity that potential to resolve these health problems, therefore these matter become a challenge for the local government for its development. This study examines the policy communication process in the development of black rice farming in Sirampog Sub-district, Brebes District. The used data came from reporting news on online media and field data from interviews that were analyzed using NVivo 11. The study results showed that the importance of local government commitment of Brebes, facility support, effectively communication process, and sustainable development. Effective communication in the form of participatory communication is to increase community involvement in developing black rice programs. The communication patterns design need to pay attention the main factors such as improving the quality of black rice, cultivation to maintain the purity of local varieties, changes in cropping patterns and application of agricultural technology. By the communication process of participatory program, government policies, and publications from online media has the opportunity to increase the development of black rice farming in Brebes Distric.
Spasialisasi Dan Praktik Konglomerasi Media Kelompok Kompas Gramedia Rahmawati Zulfiningrum
Jurnal ASPIKOM - Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 2, No 3 (2014): Juli 2014
Publisher : Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi (ASPIKOM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24329/aspikom.v2i3.66


This study aims to determine the spatialization and practices of media conglomeration by Kompas Gramedia group. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. In this research, data collection techniques used in-depth interviews, library research, and documentation. This study uses a technique Interactive Analysis Model Miles and Huberman. Spatialization as a process for overcoming space and time, map out the extent to which the media were able to present their products to the front of the reader, viewer, or consumers with the limits of space and time. The results indicate that the practice of spatialization conducted by Kompas Gramedia Group is to follow the model of industrial economy. It is characterized by the abundance of media and accelerate the results to get a low cost for the production or efficiency. This indicates the growth spirit of capitalism in the media industry. The media industry, which was built in the spirit of capitalism would produce media messages or product oriented capital increase. The conglomeration of media make the media do their efficiency is reflected in the value chain of media products. As the result, media also could not avoid about the content that will be the same. With equalizer for the content of these media, people in the audience do not have the freedom to select appropriate media content as what they want.
Jurnal Audience: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 3, No 1 (2020): FEBRUARI 2020

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/ja.v3i1.3620


AbstrakKompleksitas budaya masyarakat Indonesia seperti dua sisi mata uang, pada satu sisi merupakan sebuah kekayaan nasional dan disisi lain berpotensi menimbulkan konflik sosial. Potensi konflik ini bisa tercipta jika terdapat komunikasi dan relasi yang  kurang  baik  antarbudaya   yang  berbeda.  Dialog  deliberatif  merupakan sebuah  komunikasi  dua arah  antara  masyarakat  dan  individu  yang  berfungsi untuk menjaga keselarasan hubungan sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk, mengetahui  budaya   masyarakat,   falsafah   dan   pepatah   yang   terdapat   di masyarakat,  serta  menganalisis  pola dialog  dalam  manajemen resolusi  konflik yang di terapkan oleh masyarakat kampung adat Jalawastu. Penelitian ini penting dilakukan  mengingat  terdapat  potensi konflik  yang  besar  dalam  keragaman budaya masyarakat di Indonesia.Kata Kunci: dialog deliberatif, komunikasi antarbudaya, resolusi konflik AbstractThe cultural complexity of Indonesian society such as two sides of a coin, on one hand, is a national treasure and on the other hand, has the potential to cause social   conflict.   This   potential   conflict   can   be   created   if   there   are   poor communication and relations between different cultures. Deliberative dialogue is two-way communication between society and individuals that serves to maintain harmony in social relations. This research aims to know the culture of the community, the philosophy and proverbs that exist in the community, and analyze the pattern of dialogue in conflict resolution management that is implemented by the Jalawastu  traditional  village community.  This research is essential  because there  is  a  great  potential  conflict  in  the  cultural  diversity  of  the  people  in Indonesia.Keywords: conflict resolution, deliberative dialogue, intercultural communication 
REPRESENTASI CYBER SOCIETY DALAM FILM “SEARCHING” Rikha Ayu Minda Kharisma; Rahmawati Zulfiningrum
Jurnal Audience: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 3, No 2 (2020): AGUSTUS 2020

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/ja.v3i2.4066


AbstrakMasyarakat  cyber merupakan  salah satu bentuk penciptaan  budaya baru yang disebabkan  oleh perkembangan  teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Teknologi saat ini memiliki banyak manfaat untuk membantu masyarakat dalam menyelesaikan  aktivitas  rutinnya,  dimana  digitalisasi  telah  terjadi  di  berbagai bidang dan menjadi kebiasaan baru masyarakat. Searching, salah satu film yang diproduksi tahun 2018 ini mengisahkan fenomena teknologi. Film tersebut menggambarkan bahwa menemukan orang hilang dengan rekam jejak digital adalah mungkin dan bisa menjadi jalan keluarnya. Lebih jauh, film ini tidak hanya menampilkan dampak positif dari teknologi tetapi juga menyuguhkan sisi negatifnya.  Penelitian  ini bertujuan  untuk mengetahui representasi  masyarakat cyber dalam film Searching. Peneliti menggunakan  metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan model analisis semiotika Roland Barthes. Teori dalam penelitian ini menggunakan  Teori Representasi  Stuart  Hall. Hasil penelitian  menunjukkan bahwa terdapat lima representasi  dari masyarakat cyber. Pertama,  komunikasi yang menggunakan  media aplikasi. Kedua, menciptakan  identitas baru di dunia maya.   Ketiga,   menggunakan  website   untuk   mencari   informasi.   Keempat, kebebasan berpendapat di dunia maya, dan yang terakhir adalah kecanduan internet. Masyarakat  perlu meningkatkan  kesadaran  akan dampak penggunaan teknologi agar bisa hidup bijak di era digital.  Kata kunci: Film searching, Masyarakat cyber, Representasi, Semiotika, Teknologi AbstractThe cyber society is a form of creating a new culture caused by the development of information and communication technology. Nowadays, technology bring the advantages to help people accomplished  their routine activities, where digitalization  has  occurred  in  various  fields  and  has  become a new  habit  for society. Searching, one of the movies that produce in 2018 is portray the phenomenon  of technology.  The film described  that finding the missing people with a digital track record is possible and could be the way out. Furthermore, this film not only show the positive impact of technology but also state the negative side. This study aims to determine the representations of cyber society in film title Searching. The researcher uses qualitative descriptive method research with semiotics of Roland  Barthes  analysis  model.  The theory  in  this  study uses the theory  representation  of  Stuart  Hall.  The  results  showed  that  there  are  five representations of cyber society. First, communication  using media applications. Second,  creating  a new  identity  in cyberspace.  Third,  use  the  website  to  find information.  Fourth,  freedom  of speech  in cyberspace,  and the last is internet addiction.   The  public  needs  to  increase  the  awareness  for  the  impacts  of technology uses in order to live wisely in the digital era.Keywords: Cyber society, Representation, Searching movie, Semiotic, Technology
Avant Garde Vol 6, No 2 (2018): Avant Garde
Publisher : Fakultas Komunikasi & Desain Kreatif - Universitas Budi Luhur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (801.845 KB) | DOI: 10.36080/avg.v6i2.756


E-commerce transactions by utilizing a variety of marketplace platform through the Internet media increasingly in demand by the people in Indonesia. Vlogs are social networks hosted by Net Gener where they can share information, expand communication networks and establish an N-fluence network. Vlog as the development of the blog with its audio-visual capabilities make the voice of the consumer becomes more expressive. Vlogging is much more N-fluencial because the information reviews from a vlogger are much more appealing to Followers and viewers than reviews of unknown experts. This research discusses the development of vlog and its utilization for e-commerce (virtual market) through communications network in Net Gener era, along with the increasing of vlogging trend where consumer purchase decision is quickly influenced by N-fluence network through social media. The result is that vlogging networks can be an important option for e-commerce producers to promote products and build relationships with their consumers, the Net-Gener.for e-commerce companies who were capable of viewing opportunities, vlog is the latest innovations.
Peran Brand Image Sebagai Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Iklan Kecik Harian Suara Merdeka Meiske Nadia Damayanti; Rahmawati Zulfiningrum
Jurnal Komunikasi Nusantara Vol 4 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Unitri Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33366/jkn.v4i1.119


Before doing marketing activities, several marketing communication strategies are needed. Suara Merdeka, as a legendary newspaper company in Central Java, applies the STP (Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning) strategy to support the role of Suara Merdeka brand image to attract public interest in kecik advertisements. This research method is descriptive qualitative, using the interviews data. The results of this data analysis are then applied using a segmenting strategy where Suara Merdeka uses demographic, geographic, and behavioral segmentation. For the targeting strategy, Suara Merdeka uses Selective Specialization where the company determines the market segment according to its objectives and resources. Thus, two main targets of Suara Merdeka market were formed, namely the Existing Brand and the New Brand. The targeting strategy is narrowed down to several categories such as automotive; house; career; as well as sundries such as services, loss information, and building property materials. In its positioning strategy, Suara Merdeka Merdeka uses its image as a legendary company with a distribution in Central Java, with six regional offices in 29 districts in Central Java. The role of brand image using the STP strategy able to influence consumer interest in placing kecik advertisements at Suara Merdeka. Abstrak Sebelum melakukan kegiatan pemasaran, dibutuhkan beberapa strategi komunikasi pemasaran agar tujuan perusahaan dapat tercapai. Suara Merdeka sebagai perusahaan koran legendaris di Jawa Tengah, menerapkan strategi STP (Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning) sebagai pendukung peran brand image Harian Suara Merdeka. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui peran brand image Suara Merdeka menggunakan strategi segmenting, targeting, dan positioning yang dilakukan oleh Suara Merdeka untuk menarik minat masyarakat agar melakukan tindakan pemasangan iklan kecik. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, dengan menggunakan data wawancara. Hasil analisis data ini kemudian diterapkan menggunakan strategi segmenting dimana Suara Merdeka menggunakan segmenting demografis, geografis, dan perilaku. Untuk strategi targeting, Suara Merdeka menggunakan Selective Specialization dimana, perusahaan menentukan segmen pasar yang sesuai dengan tujuan serta sumber daya yang dimiliki. Sehingga terbentuk dua target utama pasar Suara Merdeka, yaitu Existing Brand dan New Brand. Strategi targeting tersebut mengerucut pada beberapa kategori seperti otomotif; griya; karir; serta serba-serbi seperti jasa, info kehilangan, dan bahan properti bangunan. Pada strategi positioning, Suara Merdeka Merdeka menggunakan citra nya sebagai perusahaan legendaris dengan persebaran di Jawa Tengah, dengan memiliki enam kantor wilayah di 29 Kabupaten di Jawa Tengah. Peran brand image menggunakan strategi STP mampu mempengaruhi minat konsumen untuk melakukan pemasangan iklan kecik di Suara Merdeka.
Peran Brand Image Sebagai Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Iklan Kecik Harian Suara Merdeka Meiske Nadia Damayanti; Rahmawati Zulfiningrum
Jurnal Komunikasi Nusantara Vol 4 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Unitri Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33366/jkn.v4i1.119


Before doing marketing activities, several marketing communication strategies are needed. Suara Merdeka, as a legendary newspaper company in Central Java, applies the STP (Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning) strategy to support the role of Suara Merdeka brand image to attract public interest in kecik advertisements. This research method is descriptive qualitative, using the interviews data. The results of this data analysis are then applied using a segmenting strategy where Suara Merdeka uses demographic, geographic, and behavioral segmentation. For the targeting strategy, Suara Merdeka uses Selective Specialization where the company determines the market segment according to its objectives and resources. Thus, two main targets of Suara Merdeka market were formed, namely the Existing Brand and the New Brand. The targeting strategy is narrowed down to several categories such as automotive; house; career; as well as sundries such as services, loss information, and building property materials. In its positioning strategy, Suara Merdeka Merdeka uses its image as a legendary company with a distribution in Central Java, with six regional offices in 29 districts in Central Java. The role of brand image using the STP strategy able to influence consumer interest in placing kecik advertisements at Suara Merdeka. Abstrak Sebelum melakukan kegiatan pemasaran, dibutuhkan beberapa strategi komunikasi pemasaran agar tujuan perusahaan dapat tercapai. Suara Merdeka sebagai perusahaan koran legendaris di Jawa Tengah, menerapkan strategi STP (Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning) sebagai pendukung peran brand image Harian Suara Merdeka. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui peran brand image Suara Merdeka menggunakan strategi segmenting, targeting, dan positioning yang dilakukan oleh Suara Merdeka untuk menarik minat masyarakat agar melakukan tindakan pemasangan iklan kecik. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, dengan menggunakan data wawancara. Hasil analisis data ini kemudian diterapkan menggunakan strategi segmenting dimana Suara Merdeka menggunakan segmenting demografis, geografis, dan perilaku. Untuk strategi targeting, Suara Merdeka menggunakan Selective Specialization dimana, perusahaan menentukan segmen pasar yang sesuai dengan tujuan serta sumber daya yang dimiliki. Sehingga terbentuk dua target utama pasar Suara Merdeka, yaitu Existing Brand dan New Brand. Strategi targeting tersebut mengerucut pada beberapa kategori seperti otomotif; griya; karir; serta serba-serbi seperti jasa, info kehilangan, dan bahan properti bangunan. Pada strategi positioning, Suara Merdeka Merdeka menggunakan citra nya sebagai perusahaan legendaris dengan persebaran di Jawa Tengah, dengan memiliki enam kantor wilayah di 29 Kabupaten di Jawa Tengah. Peran brand image menggunakan strategi STP mampu mempengaruhi minat konsumen untuk melakukan pemasangan iklan kecik di Suara Merdeka.
Humantech : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Humantech : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Indonesia
Publisher : Program Studi Akuntansi IKOPIN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (819.466 KB)


Social action has the orientation of a fundamental change in the structure ofsociety. The process and results are the orientation of social action, through aprocess of increasing awareness, community empowerment, and real communityactions organized so that they can make changes to the power structure to realizethe principles of justice, democracy, and equality. Based on the observation datain the field, there are quite a several schools that are close to potential tourismobjects. This condition triggers the emergence of social action in the context ofdeveloping tourist villages to preserve the existing potential as well as improve thecommunity's economy. This research uses interview, observation, and literaturereview methods. The results of the analysis show that identification efforts in thedevelopment of tourist villages in Brebes District are needed to improve thecommunity's economy as one of the mainstays of tourism, especially increasingsupporting facilities and infrastructure as operational technical completeness. It isintended that tourist villages in Brebes District can have high competitiveness, byapplying the concept of participatory sustainable tourism and paying attention toindigeneous knowledge, social capital, and local wisdom.
Humantech : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Humantech : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Indonesia
Publisher : Program Studi Akuntansi IKOPIN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (498.963 KB)


Queer refers to the concept of nomadic identity to oppose those who have afixed identity based on a binary sex gender system. The character of thecritical approach in Queer's theory suggests that power relations in societyare very important, especially when a person positions himself or herself inthe face of a marginalized society. Madame X's film reconstructs howminorities struggle to get their equal rights in society. This study uses areview method and literature from secondary data. The results of theanalysis show that the situation felt by the transsexual community in Indonesia is represented in this film, including the community's efforts toachieve equality in society. The category of comedy slapstick as the genreused in this film actually shows the superiority of heterosexuals overtranssexuals who are considered inferior. The initial mission of equalityfor the Queer that "everyone has the right to be happy, includingtranssexuals" is actually broken by the humor that is displayed.Transsexuals are still positioned as a minority, describe discriminatorytreatment, and establish stereotypes negative. The film also has varioussocial implications which can further support the dominant ideology.