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Identifikasi Molekuler Udang Penaeid dengan Pendekatan DNA Barcoding Dandi Saleky; Muhammad Dailami; Jemmy Manan; Abraham Welliam Manumpil
Nekton Vol 2 No 2 (2022): October
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat (PPPM) Politeknik Negeri Sambas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (467.987 KB) | DOI: 10.47767/nekton.v2i2.395


Penaeid Shrimp (Crustacea: Decapoda) is an important fishery commodity in human life both in terms of economy, ecology, and nutrition. Penaeid shrimp are widely distributed and abundant on the coast of Merauke and become one of the leading commodities in the fisheries sector. The identification problem in the Penaeid shrimp group is a problem that still often occurs today. Identification problems are often not carried out because they are considered unimportant even though they can be important information for conservation and sustainable management. This study was conducted to identify the Penaeid Shrimp from Payum Beach, Merauke Regency, Papua by using a DNA barcoding approach with the Cytochrome Oxidase I Gene. The results of the analysis showed that the species of specimens was Mierspenaeopsis sculptilis (Heller, 1862) with a similarity level of 97.38%. Genetic distance and level of DNA similarity are very influential in phylogenetic reconstruction. Identification with DNA barcoding has succeeded in identifying species quickly and accurately and can be used to confirm previously identified species based on morphological characters.
Analisis Bilangan Peroksida, Organoleptik, dan Proksimat Abon Tuna dengan Fortifikasi Jantung Pisang Heder Djamaludin; Hardoko Hardoko; Muhammad Dailami; Vivi Nurhadianty; Delvira Riska Ananta; Dean Rama Prayoga
Jurnal Sumberdaya Akuatik Indopasifik Vol 6 No 4 (2022): November
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46252/jsai-fpik-unipa.2022.Vol.6.No.4.250


Fish is part of the diet which is a source of animal protein which is very beneficial for health. To meet the availability of fish-based food, it can be processed into various processed products, one of which is shredded fish. Shredded fish still has a drawback, such as the low fiber content. To enrich the fiber content of shredded fish, fortification with banana blossoms can be an alternative. The process of making shredded fish does not yet have a standard because many methods and spices are added, so there are variations in the types and amounts of spices used. This causes the quality of shredded fish to vary. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the chemical properties of the effect of different concentrations on banana blossoms fortification in the processing of shredded tuna. The research was conducted in June-August 2022 at the Fish Product Technology Laboratory and the Chemical Engineering Laboratory, Universitas Brawijaya. The study design was a non-factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The results were analyzed using ANOVA (α 5%) and Tukey's post hoc test. The results showed that banana blossoms fortification had no significant effect on the peroxide value and water content of shredded tuna. Banana blossoms fortification has a significant effect on the hedonic value of the appearance, taste, and texture of shredded tuna. However, it has no significant effect on the hedonic aroma value and overall acceptance. The value of the proximate composition of shredded tuna with the best treatment level was 70%, i.e. protein content of 14.51%, fat content of 36.19%, ash content of 6.82%, carbohydrate content of 29.15%, and total dietary fiber of 20.80%. The fat and protein content of shredded tuna does not meet the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) for shredded products.
Pengembangan Amenitas dan Penguatan Tatakelola Wisata Kuliner Pantai Kondang Merak Kabupaten Malang Anik Martinah Hariati; Dewa Gede Raka Wiadnya; Condro Puspo Nugroho; Dyah Kinasih Wuragil; Surya Dewa Ramadhan; Buana Insan Kamil; Putri Nur Azizah; Elsa Syafi’ul Umma; Fitri Nur Azizah; Indria Graha Hayuningtyas; Muhammad Dailami
Journal of Innovation and Applied Technology Vol 9, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jiat.2023.009.01.16


Ekowisata pantai merupakan salah satu sektor ekonomi yang penting di Kawasan Malang Selatan, salah satunya adalah pantai kondang merak. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat strategis ini adalah untuk meningkatkan amenitas berupa pasar tradisional yang menjadi kebutuhan masyarakat kondang merak, meningkatkan tata Kelola wisata kuliner di Kawasan wisata Pantai Kondang Merak. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dengan melibatkan 6 mahasiswa dalam kuliah kerja nyata tematik. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan pengamatan langsung, survey dan wawancara. Pasar yang dibangun memiliki ukuran 8x5 m, dengan tiang terbuat dari kayu dan atap digunakan sebagai tempat meletakkan solar panel untuk sumber energi terbarukan. Pendataan aspek sosial ekonomi di Pantai Kondang merak menunjukkan adanya beberapa hoestay, warung kuliner dan beberapa potensi wisata yang dapat dikunjungi masyarakat. Pengunjung pantai Kondang Merak lebih banyak ditemukan pada weekend dan hari libur daripada pada hari kerja.