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Jurnal Abdimas Vol 22, No 1 (2018): Juni 2018
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M), Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Permasalahan budidaya ikan kerapu (Epinephlus sp.) di desa Labuahan adalah serangan hama dan penyakit, produksi tambak menurun terkait dengan sediaan pakan tergantung pada musim ikan rucah dan kulitas pakannya. Kegiatan IbM ini ingin memperbaiki teknik budidaya semi-intensif yang digunakan dan sediaan dan kualitas pakannya. Metode menggunakan pendekatan partisipatif. model pendekatan ditekankan pada Experience Lerning Cycle (ELC) dimana petani tambak belajar dari siklus pengalamannya sendiri. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa teknologi budidaya yang diterapkan semi-intensif hal ini terlihat dari ukuran petak tambak relative kecil (2000 m2 – 5000 m2), padat tebar 1 ekor/m2, adanya kincir dan pakan. Selanjutnya saluran pemasukan dan pembuangan air masih menjadi satu, tidak ada pengelolaan kualitas air dan pakan yang diberikan berupa ikan rucah yang tergantung pada musim ikan. Hasil evaluasi perlu perbaikan teknik budidaya semi-intensif yang digunakan khususnya terkait: pengadaan saluran pemasukan air, pengelolaan kualitas air sebelum, saat pemeliharaan dan sesudah pemeliharaan dan perlu pengadaan pakan secara mandiri.
Journal of Food and Life Sciences Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : University of Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (526.752 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jfls.2017.001.02.02


Lumpur panas lapindo yang keluar sejak tahun 2006 telah memberikan dampak yang besar terhadap kehidupan masyarakat termasuk degradasi lingkungan. Pembuangan Lumpur ke laut melalui kali porong serta rembesan dan luberan lumpur panas telah memberikan dampak terhadap keadaan kualitas air ABA (Air Badan Air) dan AB (air Bersih).Tujuan dari penelitian  ini adalah untuk mengetahui kualitas air ABA (Air Badan Air)dan AB (air Bersih) di kecamatan Porong serta upaya penanggulangan bencana dan pengelolaan lingkungan oleh BPLS.Penelitian dilaksanakan di kecamatan porong kabupaten Sidoarjo Jawa Timur pada bulan juli 2011.Pengujian sampel air dilakukan di laboratorium kimia universitas Brawijaya.Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dan pengambilan sampel yaitu dengan penentuan stasiun didasarkan pada stasiun pengamatan yang telah di tetapkan oleh BPLS sebanyak 8 stasiun meliputi ABA dan AB. Hasil analisa BOD berturut-turut dari stasiun 1 sampai stasiun 8 adalah 13 mg/l, 18 mg/l, 16 mg/l, 37 mg/l, 14 mg/l, 21 mg/l, 40 mg/l dan 23 mg/l.Sedangkan hasil analisa TSS dari stasiun 1 sampai 8 adalah 52 mg/l, 58 mg/l, 62 mg/l, 68 mg/l, 54 mg/l, 60 mg/l, 86 mg/l, 64 mg/l.. Kata kunci :Lumpur  Lapindo, BOD&TSS, Kualitas Air
Journal of Food and Life Sciences Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : University of Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (395.657 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jfls.2018.002.02.05


This research is done in Bangkalan Coast, East Java Province in August - November 2009. This potential development area have been threaten by exploitation that can cause damage to the coastal environment and natural resources. In order to prevent damage and to protect the ecosystems in coastal region, mangrove forest conditions have to be monitored continuously. Remote sensing data such as Landsat ETM+ can generate information about the condition of mangrove forest, such as distribution, extent and canopy density rate. The objective of the research was to determine distribution and extent of  mangrove forest at Bangkalan Coast using remote sensing and geographic information systems. The research was done survey method with descriptive explanations of the primary data and secondary data. The research uses a combination of satellite image processing Landsat ETM+, field survey and thematic maps with manual analysis.The result from interpretation of image analysis showed that Bangkalan Coast has 46.66 hectares mangrove forest, with detailed information about density of the mangrove area is 37,89 hectare for very rare and 8,55 hectare for rarely density. The result for measuring environmental factors showed as follows: salinity ranged from 15‰ – 30 ‰ , the tide of single type (diurnal type) and the substrates is clay, clay loam and dust clay. Keywords: Mangrove, Remote Sensing, GIS
Seasonal variation in meat and liver histopathology of white snapper (Lates calcarifer) from mercury-polluted Kao Gulf Waters, North Halmahera, Indonesia Husen, Azis; Herawati, Endang Yuli; Risjani, Yenny
AQUATIC SCIENCE & MANAGEMENT Vol 4, No 1 (2016): April
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jasm.4.1.2016.14394


Title (Bahasa Indonesia): Histopatologi daging dan hati ikan kakap putih (Lates calcarifer) pada musim berbeda dari Perairan Teluk Kao yang tercemar merkuri (Hg), Halmahera Utara, Indonesia. Fish caught in Kao Gulf waters has been contaminated by mercury in low concentration. This study aimed to identify and analyze the impact of mercury (Hg). Water, sediment and fish samples were taken using a plastic scoop, a grab, and fishing. Hg content analysis used AAS (atomic absorption spectrophotometer). While the histopathological analysis of the fish meat and liver used automated slide stainer and microscope. Hg concentration of Kobok and Taolas river water in dry season and rainy season was not safe to consume according to Indonesian National Standard of 7387/2009 for natural mineral water. Hg concentration of the sediment also did not meet the Indonesian quality standard according to Government Regulation Numbered 82/2001. Fish were still allowed to be consumed. The meat and liver histopathology  in dry and rainy season had tissue cell change, such as edema, degeneration hydrophic, and lamellae fusion. Ikan yang tertangkap di Perairan Teluk Kao telah terkontaminasi dengan merkuri dalam jumlah rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis dampak pencemaran merkuri (Hg) dengan menginformasikan keamanan konsumsi ikan Kakap Putih di perairan Teluk Kao Halmahera Utara.  Sampel air diambil mengunakan gayung plastik, sampel sedimen dengan alat grab sampler sedangkan sampel ikan mengunakan alat pacing. Analisis kandungan Hg air, sedimen dan ikan dengan metode AAS (atomic absorption spectrophotometer). Analisis histopatologi daging dan hati ikan dengan alat automated slide stainer dan mikroskop. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa Nilai Hg air sungai Kobok dan Taolas pada musim panas dan musim hujan tidak layak dikonsumsi menurut SNI 7387/2009. Konsentrasi Hg dalam sedimen juga tidak memenuhi Standar Baku Mutu Indonesia menurut Peraturan Pemerintah No. 82 Tahun 2001.  Ikan kakap putih masih diizinkan untuk dikonsumsi. Histopatologi daging dan hati ikan kakap putih pada musim panas dan musim hujan yang mengalami perubahan jaringan sel, seperti mengalami edema, degenerasi hidropis, dan fusi lamellae.
Jurnal Kelautan Vol 5, No 2: Oktober (2012)
Publisher : Department of Marine Sciences, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/jk.v5i2.864


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dan dosis terbaik penggunaan tepung silase daun Mengkudu (M. citrifolia) dalam formula pakan terhadap pertumbuhan ikan Sidat (A. bicolor) stadia elver. Penelitian dibagi menjadi dua tahap, tahap pertama formulasi pakan percobaan, dan tahap kedua uji in vivo/uji formula pakan percobaan skala laboratorium pada ikan Sidat. Pelaksanaan penelitian tahap 1 adalah membuat formula pakan iso protein (40% ) dan iso energi (3.600 kkal/kg pakan) dengan memanfaatkan tepung silase daun Mengkudu sesuai perlakuan, menggunakan metode lembar kerja. Penelitian tahap 2 berdasarkan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan tiga ulangan. Empat perlakuan substitusi protein tepung silase daun Mengkudu terhadap protein tepung ikan yang berbeda, meliputi perlakuan A 0%(0:100); B 10%(10:90); C 20%(20:80) dan D 30%(30:70). Parameter utama adalah kelulushidupan (survival rate), laju pertumbuhan spesifik (specific growth rate), rasio konversi pakan (feed convertion ratio) dan rasio efisiensi protein (protein efficiency ratio). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan tepung silase daun Mengkudu dalam formula pakan berpengaruh nyata terhadap parameter laju pertumbuhan spesifik, rasio konversi pakan dan rasio efisiensi protein. Dosis terbaik tepung silase daun Mengkudu  mensubstitusi protein tepung ikan dalam formula pakan sebesar 14,71 – 15% yang menghasilkan nilai laju pertumbuhan spesifik 0,72 %BB/hari, rasio konversi pakan 3,38, dan rasio efisiensi protein 0,718.Kata kunci: formula pakan, silase daun Morinda citrifolia, Anguilla bicolor
Improvement Of Teaching Material And Capacity Building On Laboratory Of Aquaculture, Fish Disease Division, Faculty Of Fisheries And Marine Science, Universitas Brawijaya Maftuch Maftuch; Sri Andayani; Yenny Risjani; Muhammad Musa; Asus Maizar Suryanto Hertika; Febriyani Eka Supriatin; Muhammad Dailami
Journal of Innovation and Applied Technology Vol 6, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jiat.2020.006.02.15


The laboratory is one of the effective learning places for students to develop scientific knowledge and skills. FPIK has 6 laboratories and 4 UPTs that can be used by students and lecturers. In practice, there are still limitations in this laboratory, including the malfunction of the equipment in the laboratory, due to damage to the equipment and the lack of mastery in operating the tools. This community service is intended to help solve problems that exist in the Aquaculture Laboratory of the Fish Disease Division of FPIK UB by increasing the capacity of human resources and laboratories in testing services. The form of service activities carried out includes organizing online workshops on fish hematology and histology testing, making learning videos for practicum analysis of fish hematology, developing collaboration networks with other laboratories, adding laboratory testing instruments and packages and cooperation in scientific publications.
Analysis of Water Quality Status in Porong River, Sidoarjo by Using NSF-WQI Index (Nasional Sanitation Foundation – Water Quality Index) Muhammad Triaji; Yenny Risjani; Mohammad Mahmudi
Indonesian Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development Vol 8, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Graduate Program

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (809.309 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jpal.2017.008.02.10


Porong River can be described as a walking landfill that can deliver variety of waste to go to estuary, where it would be settled and accumulated. That numerous waste in the river will lead to pollution and provide huge negative impact for water quality status and organism life. Therefore, this study aim to assess the extent of contamination that occurred in Porong river by using WQI NSF (National Sanitation Foundation - Water Quality Index) Index. The research site was in along Porong river from Mojokerto to Jaban Sidoarjo estuary, which will be divided into 7 sampling sites. Next, the determination of the sampling location was conducted by using purposive sampling method. The use of WQI NSF index is able to analyze data using 8 or 9 parameters. In order to obtain complete overview of water quality status in Porong River, then this research used 9 parameters, including: BOD, DO, nitrate, total phosphate, temperature, turbidity, total solids, pH, and  Fecal Coliform. Based on the results of 9 parameters data analysis using NSF-WQI index, it is known that the recent water quality status in Porong River is classified as Medium criteria. By knowing the results of data analysis showing the criteria of medium, so we are obliged to maintain the water cleanness, so that the water quality status will not decline.Keywords: NSF-WQI, Porong River, Status of Water Quality
Analysis of Heavy Metal Pollutant in Wangi River Pasuruan and Its Impact on Gambusia affinis Mohammad Awaludin Adam; Maftuch Maftuch; Yuni Kilawati; Siti Nur Tahirah; Yenny Risjani
Indonesian Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development Vol 9, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Graduate Program

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jpal.2018.009.02.09


Pollution that occurred in Pasuruan area’s watershed Wangi–Beujeng river, District of Beji, Indonesia has been initiated in 2007 and continues to this day. The activity was caused by many factors such as the industrial (I), household wastes (II) and agriculture wastes (III) as well as the erosion process.The aims of this study to analyzed the heavy metal pollution that occurs in the Wangi river flow and the effect of gill histology and antioxidant activity on gambusia fish. The research method of observation at river flow and sampling for laboratory test.Three sites were assigned for chemical sampling and tissue histologycal in this study. Fish (Gambusia affinis, local name: Gatul) and water were used as indikatorfrom each site to determine of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg) concentration using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS). The study was indicated that the streams previously used by residents for daily activities. Results showed level of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg) in Gambusia affinis exceeded the permissible standard (0.01 ppm Cd;0.03 ppm Pb;0.001 ppm Hg)respectively. Based on histologycal, the tissue showed of damage ofchloride cell (CC) which was used in ion homeostasis process and heavy metal route in grill fish. While protease activities, CAT, MDA and peroxidasse was increased in each sampling area, with significant different (>0.95) between the three sampling sitesKeywords: Chloride cell, Heavy metal, Toxicity, Wangi river 
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis Vol. 12 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis
Publisher : Department of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (573.681 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jitkt.v12i1.28705


Sedimentation is one of the dynamics that occur in coastal areas to determine the condition of the coast. Lekok coastal water is one of the open water areas that have very fluctuating dynamics in coastal changes. The structural study of sediment distribution conducted in this location is used to provide information about the process of transportation and sedimentation based on the distribution of sediment grain size. This study aims to determine the horizontal grain sediment size in the Lekok coastal waters. This research was conducted at nine sampling points by sampling in the form of primary sediments randomly using the grab sampler method. Furthermore, further analysis is done by the gravimetric method. Based on the results of the study note that sediments characteristic in Lekok coastal water are generally dominated by three types of sediments, namely: sandy loam, loam, and silt loam. Sorting values ​​are in a well-sorted to the moderately well-sorted condition where the sediment conditions are well sorted. The skewness value is skewed positively, where the value indicates a positive skewed sedimentary condition. The value of kurtosis is in the leptokurtic condition where the sediment from station 1 to station 9 is homogeneous.
PURIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF Aeromonas media KLU 11.16 CHITOSANASE ISOLATED FROM SHRIMP WASTE Ekowati Chasanah; Gintung Patantis; Dewi Seswita Zilda; Mahrus Ali; Yenny Risjani
JOURNAL OF COASTAL DEVELOPMENT Vol 15, No 1 (2011): Volume 15, Number 1, Year 2011

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Our previous study found that KLU 11.16, isolated from shrimp waste secreted chitinolytic enzymes. The crude enzyme was interesting since their chitooligosccharide was able to inhibit some pathogenic bacteria. In this study we report a purification and characterization of the chitosanase enzyme produced and the identification of the KLU 11.16. Purification of the enzyme was done two steps by ion exchange chromatography followed by gel filtration. Two out of 4 peaks from Gel Filtration step, i.e. fraction 16 and 33 were capable of hydrolyzing 100% deacetylated chitosan, indicating that both fractions contained chitosanase enzyme. The enzyme from fraction 16 had approximate molecular weight of 98.3 kDa. The enzyme worked optimally at temperature of 300C, and pH 6. Addition of Ca2+, Fe2+, K+, Na+ ions in the form of Cl2 salt and detergent Triton X-100 increased the enzyme activity, while Co2+, Mn2+ and Zn2+ ions in the same concentration decreased the enzyme acitivity. Addition of EDTA and SDS significantly decreased the enzyme activity. Molecular based identification revealed that KLU 11.16 was 99% similar to Aeromonas media.
Co-Authors Ach Khumaidi Adhimas Haryo Priyambodo Agoes Soegianto Agung Pramana Warih Mahendra Agung Pramana Warih Mahendra Akhsan Fikrillah Paricahya Alfi Hermawati Alfi Hermawati Waskita Sari Alin Asyabil Andi Parenrengi Andi Parenrengi Andrzej Witkowski Anisa Millah Taqiyyah Anisa Millah Taqiyyah Arning W Ekawati Arsad, Sulastri Asep Awaludin Prihanto Asus Maizar Suryanto H Azis Husen, Azis Bagyo Yanuwiadi Dailami, Muhammad Defri Yona Dewi Cholifah Dewi Seswita Zilda Dwi Rosalina Dwi Setijawati Ekowati Chasanah Elya Putri Pane Emmanuel Manangkalangi Endang Dewi Masithah Endang Yuli Herawati Faiza Tawati Fisma Josara Apriliyanti Gesang Maulana Dwi Katmoko Gilang Drajat Maulana Gilang Drajat Maulana Gintung Patantis Happy Nursyam Iqbal, Muhammad Nurdzat Karimah Karimah Lawrence M. Liao Luky Sembel Maftuch Maftuch Maftuch Maftuch Mahrus Ali Mivida Febriani Moch Sasmito Djati Moh. Awaludin Adam Moh. Awaludin Adam Mohammad Fadjar Mohammad Mahmudi Muhamad Firdaus Muhammad Mahmudi Muhammad Mahmudi, Muhammad Muhammad Musa Muhammad Musa Muhammad Musa Muhammad Musa Muhammad Triaji Muliawati Handayani Nanik Retno Wibowo Nunik Cokrowati Nunik Cokrowati Nur Aliya Nabila Zsalzsabil Nurul Mutmainnah Oktiyas Muzaky Luthfi Philipus Musyeri Ramli Ramli Rifka Rimbi Anggraini Rifka Rimbi Anggraini Seomarno Soemarno Siti Nur Tahirah Sri Andayani Sri Andayani Sri Andayani Sri Redjeki Hesti Mulyaningrum Sri Redjeki Hesti Mulyaningrum Sulastri Arsad Supriatin, Febriyani Eka Uun Yanuhar Uun Yanuhar Uun Yanuhar Wibowo, Nanik Retno Yahya Yahya Yuni Kilawati Yunianta Yunianta