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KEPEMILIKAN KELAMBU DAN FAKTOR SOSIODEMOGRAFI YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN PENGGUNAAN KELAMBU ANTI NYAMUK DI WILAYAH ENDEMIS MALARIA PASCA PENDISTRIBUSIAN TAHUN 2017-2018 Rina Marina; Jusniar Ariati; Shinta Shinta; Ginoga Veridona; Doni Lasut; Asep Hermawan; Hendrik Siahaan; Roy Nusa RES; Harianto Harianto; Miko Hananto; Dasuki Dasuki; Andre Yunianto; Dian Perwitasari; Pandji W Dhewantara
Publisher : Puslitbang Upaya Kesehatan Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22435/jek.v20i2.4963


ABSTRACT The distribution of LLINs (Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets) is one of the strategies implemented by health programs to control malaria in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the sociodemographic factors associated with the use of LLINs. The research is an observational with a cross-sectional study design. Interviews using a structured questionnaire were carried out on household members from 4602 sample houses in selected villages with systematic random sampling that had been distributed malaria nets in 2017 - 2018 in 12 malaria endemic districts. The data collected were ownership of bed nets, sociodemographic data including gender, marital status, education, age, occupation, household status, and behavior of using bed nets. Data analysis used multivariate logistic regression. The results showed that 83.9% of respondents had mosquito nets and as much as 82.4% of them were obtained from the LLINs program, and the use of LLINs netting was obtained by 60.5%. Sociodemographic factors associated with the use of bed nets were gender (OR=1,12, 95%CI=1,08 – 1,20), marital status (OR=1,31, 95%CI=1,22-1,44), , educational status (OR=1,26, 95% 1,08-1,45), age (OR=1,58, 95% CI=1,40 – 1,77), occupation (OR=1,23, 95%CI=1,11 – 1,21) and status in the household (OR=1,09, 95%=1,00 – 1,19). The use of LLINs in the community is still low, so there is a need for more intensive socialization and education, so that the use of mosquito nets in the community increases. Keywords: Endemic, bed nets, LLINs, malaria, sociodemographic ABSTRAK Distribusi kelambu anti nyamuk merupakan salah satu strategi yang dilakukan program kesehatan untuk mengendalikan kasus malaria di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor sosiodemografi yang berhubungan dengan penggunaan kelambu anti nyamuk. Studi ini merupakan observasional dengan desain studi cross-sectional. Wawancara menggunakan kuisioner terstruktur dilakukan pada anggota rumah tangga, dari 4602 sampel rumah di desa terpilih secara systematic random sampling yang telah didistribusikan kelambu malaria tahun 2017 – 2018 pada 12 kab/kota endemis malaria. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah kepemilikan kelambu, karakteristik sosiodemografi meliputi jenis kelamin, status pernikahan, pendidikan, umur, pekerjaan, status di rumah tangga serta perilaku penggunaan kelambu. Analisis data digunakan regresi logistik multi variat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 83,9% responden memiliki kelambu dan sebanyak 82,4% kelambu tersebut diperoleh dari program (LLINs), dan penggunaan kelambu LLINs diperoleh sebesar 60,5%. Faktor sosiodemografi yang berhubungan dengan penggunaan kelambu adalah jenis kelamin (OR=1,12, 95%CI=1,08 – 1,20), status perkawinan (OR=1,31, 95%CI=1,22-1,44), pendidikan (OR=1,26, 95% 1,08-1,45), usia (OR=1,58, 95% CI=1,40 – 1,77), status pekerjaan (OR=1,23, 95%CI=1,11 – 1,21), serta kedudukan responden (OR=1,09, 95%=1,00 – 1,19). Penggunaan kelambu LLINs di masyarakat masih rendah, sehingga perlu dilakukan sosialisasi dan edukasi yang lebih intensif lagi, agar penggunaan kelambu di masyarakat meningkat. Kata kunci: Endemis, kelambu anti nyamuk, malaria, sosiodemografi
The Investigation of Significant Leptospirosis Hotspots during the Initial COVID-19 Pandemic in the City of Jakarta, Indonesia Andre Yunianto; Dian Perwitasari; Dasuki Dasuki; Pandji Wibawa Dhewantara
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Vol. 16 No. 3 (2022): Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Publisher : Institute of Medico-legal Publications Pvt Ltd

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37506/ijfmt.v16i3.18254


Leptospirosis is a common bacterial infection caused by pathogenic Leptospira tropical region, including inIndonesia. During the first year of COVID-19 pandemic, Jakarta reported a significant increase in leptospirosis cases.A study was conducted to analyze the distribution of leptospirosis and to identify hotspots of the leptospirosis.Leptospirosis notifications for the period of January to December 2020 were collected from the online surveillancedatabase provided by the Provincial Health Office of Jakarta. Global and local spatial clustering at the villagelevel across Jakarta was examined using Moran’s I and local indicators for spatial association (LISA). In 2020,total of 207 people infected by Leptospira spp. The highest number was recorded in January (n=142), accountingfor 68.5% of the total reports over the period studied. The incidence was geographically dissimilar at village-levelwith the highest rates was observed in the west of the city. Moran’s I analysis demonstrates that leptospirosisincidence was significantly clustered (I = 0.191, p-value = 0.001). Total of 19 high-risk clusters in 9 sub-districtswere identified and approximately 891,202 people were at higher risk of leptospirosis during the year of 2020. Thefindings suggest needs an improved disease surveillance to support spatially targeted interventions to controlleptospirosis transmission.
Pengaruh Menghisap Slimber Ice Terhadap Intensitas Rasa Haus Pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronik Yang Menjalani Hemodialisa Dasuki Dasuki; Buhari Basok
Indonesian Journal for Health Sciences Vol 2, No 2 (2018): September
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (211.158 KB) | DOI: 10.24269/ijhs.v2i2.1492


Abstract Patients with chronic kidney diseases who is going through a period of hemodialysis should keep solvent diet limitiedly for preventing over solvent between hemodialisis session, the consequence of limitation solvent was cause several effect on the body, one of which is the increase thirst. Management of thirst can be done throught sucking slimber ice. The purpose of this study to determine the effect of sucking slimber ice in intensity thirst on chronic kidney desases patient with hemodialysis. Design quasy experimental researchusing pre-post with control group. The sample in this study conductued on 68 respondents; 34 intervention and 34 control group. Who met the inclusion criteria. The results showed that the intensity of thirst in the intervention group decreased the average intensity of thirst was 3.03 with a significant value of p-value 0.000 (p 0.05) which means there is the effect of sucking slimber ice on the intensity of thirst. the control group in the findings of this study also experienced a decrease in the mean of 0.35 and a significant value of p-value = 0.005. It is recommended to make policies and standard operating procedures for thirst management for patients with chronic kidney failure who undergo hemodialysis by sucking slimber ice.   Abstrak Pasien dengan penyakit gagal ginjal kronik yang menjalani hemodialisa harus mengontrol diet cairan untuk mencegah kelebihan volume cairan antara sesi hemodialisa, konsekuensi pembatasan cairan ini menimbulkan respon oleh tubuh, salah satunya dapat meningkatkan rasa haus. Manajemen intensitas rasa haus dapat dilakukan melalui menghisap ice cubes. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh menghisap ice cubes terhadap intensitas rasa haus pada penderita gagal ginjal kronis yang menjalani hemodialisa. Desain penelitian menggunakan quasi experimental pre-post with control group. Sampel dalam penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 68 responden; 34 responden kelompok intervensi dan 34 responden kelompok kontrol yang memenuhi kreteria inklusi. Hasil penelitian didapat bahwa intensitas rasa haus pada kelompok intervensi terjadi penurunan intensitas rasa haus rerata adalah 3.03 dengan nilai signifikan p-value 0.000 (p 0.05) yang artinya terdapat pengaruh menghisap slimber ice terhadap intensitas rasa haus. kelompok kontrol pada temuan penelitian ini juga mengalami penurunan rerata adalah 0.35 dan nilai signifikan p-value= 0.005. Disarankan membuat kebijakan dan standar prosedur operasioanl manajemen rasa haus kepada penderita gagal ginjal kronik yang menjalani hemodialisa dengan menghisap slimber ice
Konseling At-Tawazun Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Konseling At-Tawazun : Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah Universitas Ibrahimy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (353.578 KB) | DOI: 10.35316/attawazun.v1i1.1769


The meaning of togetherness is to establish intimacy in reading dhikr reading rotibul haddad. In this case we can maintain togetherness within the scope of the Islamic Boarding School. From the research conducted to examine the togetherness carried out in the Pondok Pesantren environment in the reading of dhikr rotibul haddad, namely, using Islamic counseling togetherness which we often hear is only limited to relatives or closest relatives. However, it is necessary that we together find things that can be re-examined, such as the togetherness carried out by the students in the reading of the rotibul haddad dhikr. The aim of this research is to develop more from various perspectives. The method used in the research conducted by the researcher is using the exploratory study method. From the results of field observations, it is found what if it is worth studying. From the perspective of Islamic Counseling in the Meaning of Togetherness in Reading Rotibul Haddad, one of which is to cultivate the nature of caring for others and being able to establish intimacy or mutual need between one another. The conclusion from the results of the research conducted is to cultivate habits towards others in the Pondok Pesantren environment and also to be able to establish comfort. Against each other to maintain the togetherness.
Dukungan keluarga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan activity of daily living pada pasien pasca stroke Dasuki Dasuki; Sri Aprianti Hartini
Riset Informasi Kesehatan Vol 8 No 1 (2019): Riset Informasi Kesehatan
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Harapan Ibu Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (161.83 KB) | DOI: 10.30644/rik.v8i1.221


Abstrak Latar Belakang: Stroke merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan yang perlu diperhatikan karena angka prevalensinya yang tinggi dan akibat jangka panjang yang ditimbulkan. Stroke menimbulkan beberapa dampak yaitu menimbulkan kecacatan yang dapat mempengaruhi atau mengganggu seseorang dalam melakukan activity of daily living (ADL) sehingga dibutuhkan dukungan keluarga agar pasien stroke dapat melakukan aktivitas sehari-harinya. Oleh karena itu, peneliti melakukan penelitian tentang hubungan dukungan keluarga dengan kemandirian activity of daily living pada pasien pasca stroke. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan rancangan penelitian cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh penderita stroke yang berobat di ruang poli saraf, sampel yang diambil sebanyak 86 pasien pasca stroke. Penelitian ini dilakukan di ruang poli saraf RSUD H. Abdul Manap Jambi pada 03 – 22 Desember 2018 dengan menggunakan instrumen kuesioner. Analisis data yang digunakan Chi square. Hasil: Berdasarkan analisis univariat dari 86 responden, didapatkan hasil dukungan keluarga baik sebanyak 48 responden (55,8%) dan kemandirian activity of daily living terbanyak yaitu tingkat ketergantungan sedang sebanyak 66 responden (76,7%). Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara dukungan keluarga dengan kemandirian activity of daily living dengan nilai p-value = 0,026 (p<0,05). Kesimpulan: Dalam penelitian ini yaitu terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara dukungan keluarga dengan kemandirian activity of daily living. Kata kunci : Stroke, Keluarga, Activity of Daily Living