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Analisis Percepatan Waktu Proyek Perumahan Menggunakan Metode PERT dan Fast Track Dian Perwitasari; Ahmad Fahreza; Kirana R. Ririh
RekaRacana: Jurnal Teknil Sipil Vol 7, No 1: Maret 2021
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/rekaracana.v7i1.226


ABSTRAKProyek konstruksi perumahan tipe 120 yang dibangun di Jakarta Timur mengalami keterlambatan pada awal pekerjaan akibat adanya kesalahan pada pekerjaan kolom struktur, kolom praktis dan bekisting. Kesalahan ini berpengaruh terhadap penjadwalan proyek dan biaya pekerjaan. Durasi rencana awal pengerjaan proyek  yaitu 135 hari, namun karena adanya kendala yang terjadi sehingga menambah durasi 8 hari dan mengakibatkan durasi penyelesaian pengerjaan proyek menjadi 143 hari. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis aktivitas proyek yang termasuk jalur kritis dengan menggunakan metode CPM-PERT dan efisiensi waktu dan biaya optimum dengan metode fast track. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh percepatan waktu sebesar 11 hari dan berdampak pada penghematan biaya proyek 2,70% dan probabilitas ketercapaian sebesar 1,53%. Hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat memberikan usulan solusi pada permasalahan keterlambatan yang terjadi pada proyekKata kunci: CPM-PERT, efisiensi, biaya, Fast Track ABSTRACTThe housing construction project type 120 which was built in East Jakarta experienced delays at the start of work due to errors in the structural column, practical column and formwork work. This error affects project scheduling and work costs. The initial plan duration for the project was 135 days, but due to constraints that occurred, it increased the duration of 8 days and resulted in the duration of completion of project work to 143 days. This study aims to analyze project activities including the critical path using the CPM-PERT method and optimum time and cost efficiency using the fast track method. From the analysis result, it is obtained that the time acceleration is 11 days and has an impact on the project cost savings of 2.70% and the probability of achievement is 1.53%. The research results are expected to be able to provide proposed solutions to the delays that occur in the project.Keywords: CPM-PERT, efficiency, cost, Fast Track
STATUS KERENTANAN Aedes aegypti TERHADAP INSEKTISIDA GOLONGAN ORGANOFOSFAT DAN PIRETROID DI INDONESIA Jusniar Ariati; Dian Perwitasari; Rina Marina; Shinta Shinta; Doni Lasut; Roy Nusa; anwar musadad
Publisher : Puslitbang Upaya Kesehatan Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (462.584 KB) | DOI: 10.22435/jek.17.3.847.135-145


ABSTRACT The long-term use of insecticides causes resistance to targeted insects, so that a study of its resistance in Indonesia is needed. A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the resistance status of Aedes aegypti to organophosphates and pyrethroids in 102 districts in 2015 with reference to WHO standard bioassay test. Sampling and testing of Ae. Aegypti larvae from 100 houses were carried out from three area of each health center. Test results on 0.8% malathion revealed that 84% districts were resistant, 13% districts were tolerant, and 3% districts were vulnerable. The test results for temephos of 0.02% also found that 49% districts were resistant, 29% districts were tolerant and 22% districts were vulnerable. While for 0.05% cypermethrin insecticide test; 98% were resistant, and 1% was tolerant. The test on 0.025% alpha cypermethrin found that 40% were resistant, 51% were tolerant and 9% were vulnerable. Test on 0.025% deltamethrin found that 65% were resistant, 22% districts were tolerant and 14% districts were vulnerable. With the high resistance to organophosphate and pyrethroid groups, it is recommended to rearrange the application of insecticide types in each region cyclically. Keywords: Insecticides, resistance, organophosphates, pyrethroid, Aedes aegypti ABSTRAK Penggunaan insektisida dalam jangka waktu lama menyebabkan resistensi terhadap serangga sasaran, sehingga diperlukan uji status kerentanan Ae.aegypti di Indonesia. Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif dengan desain potong lintang. Pengambilan sampel uji (jentik Ae. aegypti) dilakukan di 102 Kabupaten/kota di Indonesia pada 100 rumah di setiap tiga wilayah kerja puskesmas. Metode uji kerentanan menggunakan bioassay test standar WHO. Hasil uji terhadap malathion 0,8% mendapatkan 86 (84%) kabupaten telah resisten, 13 kabupaten (13%) toleran dan 3 (3%) kabupaten rentan. Hasil uji terhadap temephos 0,02% menunjukkan 50 (49%) kabupaten resisten, 30 (29%) kabupaten toleran dan 22 (22%) kabupaten rentan. Hasil uji insektisida sipermetrin 0,05%, sebanyak 100 (98%) kabupaten resisten, dan 1 (1%) kabupaten toleran. Hasil uji terhadap alfa sipermetrin 0,025%, sebanyak 18 kabupaten (40%) resisten, 23 (51%) kabupaten toleran dan 4 (9%) kabupaten berstatus rentan. Hasil uji terhadap deltametrin 0,025% sebanyak 66 (65%) kabupaten resisten, 22 (22%) kabupaten toleran dan 14 (14%) kabupaten rentan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa telah terjadi resistensi terhadap insektisida golongan organofosfat dan piretroid. Disarankan untuk mengganti kedua jenis insektisida tersebut di setiap wilayah yang teridentifikasi resitensi tinggi. Kata kunci: Insektisida, resitensi, organofosfat, piretroid, aedes aegypti
KEPEMILIKAN KELAMBU DAN FAKTOR SOSIODEMOGRAFI YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN PENGGUNAAN KELAMBU ANTI NYAMUK DI WILAYAH ENDEMIS MALARIA PASCA PENDISTRIBUSIAN TAHUN 2017-2018 Rina Marina; Jusniar Ariati; Shinta Shinta; Ginoga Veridona; Doni Lasut; Asep Hermawan; Hendrik Siahaan; Roy Nusa RES; Harianto Harianto; Miko Hananto; Dasuki Dasuki; Andre Yunianto; Dian Perwitasari; Pandji W Dhewantara
Publisher : Puslitbang Upaya Kesehatan Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22435/jek.v20i2.4963


ABSTRACT The distribution of LLINs (Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets) is one of the strategies implemented by health programs to control malaria in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the sociodemographic factors associated with the use of LLINs. The research is an observational with a cross-sectional study design. Interviews using a structured questionnaire were carried out on household members from 4602 sample houses in selected villages with systematic random sampling that had been distributed malaria nets in 2017 - 2018 in 12 malaria endemic districts. The data collected were ownership of bed nets, sociodemographic data including gender, marital status, education, age, occupation, household status, and behavior of using bed nets. Data analysis used multivariate logistic regression. The results showed that 83.9% of respondents had mosquito nets and as much as 82.4% of them were obtained from the LLINs program, and the use of LLINs netting was obtained by 60.5%. Sociodemographic factors associated with the use of bed nets were gender (OR=1,12, 95%CI=1,08 – 1,20), marital status (OR=1,31, 95%CI=1,22-1,44), , educational status (OR=1,26, 95% 1,08-1,45), age (OR=1,58, 95% CI=1,40 – 1,77), occupation (OR=1,23, 95%CI=1,11 – 1,21) and status in the household (OR=1,09, 95%=1,00 – 1,19). The use of LLINs in the community is still low, so there is a need for more intensive socialization and education, so that the use of mosquito nets in the community increases. Keywords: Endemic, bed nets, LLINs, malaria, sociodemographic ABSTRAK Distribusi kelambu anti nyamuk merupakan salah satu strategi yang dilakukan program kesehatan untuk mengendalikan kasus malaria di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor sosiodemografi yang berhubungan dengan penggunaan kelambu anti nyamuk. Studi ini merupakan observasional dengan desain studi cross-sectional. Wawancara menggunakan kuisioner terstruktur dilakukan pada anggota rumah tangga, dari 4602 sampel rumah di desa terpilih secara systematic random sampling yang telah didistribusikan kelambu malaria tahun 2017 – 2018 pada 12 kab/kota endemis malaria. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah kepemilikan kelambu, karakteristik sosiodemografi meliputi jenis kelamin, status pernikahan, pendidikan, umur, pekerjaan, status di rumah tangga serta perilaku penggunaan kelambu. Analisis data digunakan regresi logistik multi variat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 83,9% responden memiliki kelambu dan sebanyak 82,4% kelambu tersebut diperoleh dari program (LLINs), dan penggunaan kelambu LLINs diperoleh sebesar 60,5%. Faktor sosiodemografi yang berhubungan dengan penggunaan kelambu adalah jenis kelamin (OR=1,12, 95%CI=1,08 – 1,20), status perkawinan (OR=1,31, 95%CI=1,22-1,44), pendidikan (OR=1,26, 95% 1,08-1,45), usia (OR=1,58, 95% CI=1,40 – 1,77), status pekerjaan (OR=1,23, 95%CI=1,11 – 1,21), serta kedudukan responden (OR=1,09, 95%=1,00 – 1,19). Penggunaan kelambu LLINs di masyarakat masih rendah, sehingga perlu dilakukan sosialisasi dan edukasi yang lebih intensif lagi, agar penggunaan kelambu di masyarakat meningkat. Kata kunci: Endemis, kelambu anti nyamuk, malaria, sosiodemografi
Indikator Entomologi dan Status Resistensi Jentik dan Nyamuk Aedes Aegypti Terhadap Insektisida Rumah Tangga Di Tiga Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Barat Dian Perwitasari
Jurnal Vektor Penyakit Vol 13 No 2 (2019): Edisi Desember
Publisher : Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Donggala, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan, Kementerian Kesehatan RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1055.955 KB) | DOI: 10.22435/vektorp.v13i2.931


Abstract High data on cases of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) every year is the reason for continuing to monitor the breeding sites of Aedes sp., to knowing entomological indicators, and identifying the level used of resistance of insecticides The aim of the study was to observed entomological indicators, the presence of larvae in mosquito breeding sites and insecticide resistance to adult mosquitoes. This study uses a multicenter descriptive method with a cross-sectional approach. Data collection was carried out in 2015 in three districts/cities (Padang, Bukit Tinggi, and Pesisir Selatan) of West Sumatra Province. The results of the entomological indicators monitored are still in the moderate category. Mosquito breeding habitats including controllable containers with larvae positive containers so that the potential as a source of transmission is 90.27% and disposable containers which contain positive larvae of 9.94%. Insecticides used by the community, deltamethrin still showed the results of susceptible and alphacypermethrin conditions showing tolerance, whereas malathion, lamdacyhalothrin, and cypermethrin were resistant. The results of the temephos test as a larvacide used for the elimination of larvae are resistant to occur in two districts, namely Pesisir Selatan and Bukit Tinggi. Regular monitoring is needed in mosquito breeding habitats and encourages people to always care about environmental cleanliness. It is also necessary to look for alternative insecticides that are safe for the community. Abstrak Data kasus Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) yang tinggi setiap tahun menjadi alasan untuk terus melakukan pemantauan tempat perindukan nyamuk Aedes sp., mengetahui indikator entomologi, dan mengidentifikasi tingkat resistensi insektisida yang digunakan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi indikator entomologi, keberadaan jentik di tempat perindukan nyamuk, dan resistensi insektisida terhadap jentik maupun nyamuk dewasa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan potong lintang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan pada tahun 2015 di tiga kabupaten/kota (Padang, Bukit Tinggi, dan pesisir selatan) Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Hasil penelitian untuk indikator entomologi yang dipantau masih dalam kategori sedang. Habitat perkembangbiakan nyamuk yang termasuk controllable containers dengan kontainer positif jentik sehingga berpotensi sebagai sumber penularan sebesar 90,27% dan dispossable containers yang positif jentik sebesar 9,94%. Insektisida yang digunakan oleh masyarakat, deltamethrin masih menunjukkan hasil rentan dan alphacypermethrin menunjukan toleran, sedangkan malathion, lamdacyhalothrin dan cypermethrin sudah resisten. Hasil uji temephos sebagai larvasida yang digunakan untuk pengendalian jentik sudah resisten terjadi di dua kabupaten yaitu Pesisir Selatan dan Bukit Tinggi. Diperlukan pemantauan berkala di habitat perkembangbiakan nyamuk dan mendorong masyarakat untuk selalu peduli terhadap kebersihan lingkungan. Diperlukan juga mencari alternatif insektisida yang aman untuk masyarakat.
The Investigation of Significant Leptospirosis Hotspots during the Initial COVID-19 Pandemic in the City of Jakarta, Indonesia Andre Yunianto; Dian Perwitasari; Dasuki Dasuki; Pandji Wibawa Dhewantara
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Vol. 16 No. 3 (2022): Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Publisher : Institute of Medico-legal Publications Pvt Ltd

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37506/ijfmt.v16i3.18254


Leptospirosis is a common bacterial infection caused by pathogenic Leptospira tropical region, including inIndonesia. During the first year of COVID-19 pandemic, Jakarta reported a significant increase in leptospirosis cases.A study was conducted to analyze the distribution of leptospirosis and to identify hotspots of the leptospirosis.Leptospirosis notifications for the period of January to December 2020 were collected from the online surveillancedatabase provided by the Provincial Health Office of Jakarta. Global and local spatial clustering at the villagelevel across Jakarta was examined using Moran’s I and local indicators for spatial association (LISA). In 2020,total of 207 people infected by Leptospira spp. The highest number was recorded in January (n=142), accountingfor 68.5% of the total reports over the period studied. The incidence was geographically dissimilar at village-levelwith the highest rates was observed in the west of the city. Moran’s I analysis demonstrates that leptospirosisincidence was significantly clustered (I = 0.191, p-value = 0.001). Total of 19 high-risk clusters in 9 sub-districtswere identified and approximately 891,202 people were at higher risk of leptospirosis during the year of 2020. Thefindings suggest needs an improved disease surveillance to support spatially targeted interventions to controlleptospirosis transmission.