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The Impact of Futures Price Volatility to Spot Market : Case of Coffee in Indonesia Anis Erma Wulandari; Harianto Harianto; Bustanul Arifin; Heny K Suwarsinah
Jurnal Organisasi Dan Manajemen Vol 15 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (556.323 KB) | DOI: 10.33830/jom.v15i1.5.2019


Indonesia is the world 4th largest coffee producer after Brazil, Vietnam and Colombia with export potential and higher national consumption concluded in 2017 while the coffee production was relatively stagnant. This was led the producer to not only the production risk but also the price risk which then emphasize the importance of futures markets existence as price risk management. This study is performed to examine the impact of futures price volatility to spot market using ARCH-GARCH toward primary data of coffee futures and spot prices of 1172 trading days starting from January 2014 to June 2018. The ARCH-GARCH analysis result indicates that futures price volatility and monetary variables are impacting the volatility of spot price. Arabica spot price volatility is impacted by volatility of Arabica futures price, inflation and exchange rate while Robusta spot price is impacted by Robusta futures price volatility and exchange rate. This is confirming that futures market plays dominant role in spot price discovery. Local futures and spot prices are also found to be significantly influenced by volatility of offshore futures prices which indicates that emerging country futures market is actually influenced by offshore futures market which the price itself used as price reference.
BASIR BELIAN Harianto Harianto
Joged Vol 9, No 2 (2018): OKTOBER 2018
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (254.301 KB) | DOI: 10.24821/joged.v9i2.2545


Basir Belian merupakan judul karya tari yang terinspirasi dari upacara Berayah, yaitu sebuah ritual pengobatan suku Dayak Jalai yang menganut kepercayaan Kaharingan yang dipimpin oleh seorang Belian. Basir berarti laki-laki yang menjadi seorang Belian. Jadi, Basir Belian dipilih sebagai judul karya agar dapat mewakili rangkaian dari upacara ritual itu sendiri, serta sosok pemimpin atau Belian Bancir yang juga diartikan sebagai seorang Basir, juga seorang Belian dalam ritual pengobatan. Karya Basir Belian menyampaikan beberapa hal yaitu fenomena keperempuanan dalam sebuah upacara ritual yang dilakukan oleh Belian Bancir dan aktivitas yang dilakukan Belian Bancir dalam upacara ritual.Gerak dasar dalam karya tari ini banyak terinspirasi dari gerak-gerak tradisi Kalimantan Tengah dengan kualitas gerak keras sebagai penggambaran sisi maskulin laki-laki Dayak dan kualitas gerak lembut visual dari roh gaib yang memiliki sifat feminin. Motif vibrasi dan stakato yang dipadukan dengan beberapa gerak tradisi Kalimantan Tengah menghasilkan beragam motif gerak baru yang memperkaya garapan ini. Selain itu aktivitas yang terjadi dalam sebuah upacara ritual melengkapi dramatisasi yang dibangun dari awal hingga akhir tarian.Karya tari Basir Belian disajikan dalam garap koreografi kelompok besar, sembilan penari laki-laki dengan format musik live music dipentaskan di proscenium stage Jurusan Tari ISI Yogyakarta. Tata rias dan busana merupakan hasil kreasi penata yang tetap mengacu pada bentuk asli dari tata rias dan busana yang dikenakan Belian Bancir pada saat upacara ritual.
JURNAL EKONOMI DAN KEBIJAKAN PEMBANGUNAN Vol 1 No 1 (2012): Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pembangunan
Publisher : IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (831.795 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jekp.1.1.2012.43-61


An industry in Islamic Economics is required to compete perfectly regardless of its market structure. How to ensure this rule being implemented in reality, however, has been neglected either in literatures or by industry supervisors. This paper is aimed at proposing a systematic procedure to test the industry compliance toward islamic competition rules. The advance of  theory and empirics of New Empirical Industrial Organization is used to formulate the procedure. There are two conditions to satisfy for an industry to have an islamic competition. The first and necessary condition is rejecting the Traditional Hypothesis which is based on collutive bahaviour of dominant banks. The second and sufficient condition is, the perfect competition is driven more by the intention of syariah compliance rather than due to the pressure of contestability.         Keywords: SCP Paradigm, Perfect Competition, Contestable Market, Traditional Hypothesis, New Empirical Industrial Organization, Islamic Competition, Structural Approach, Nonstructural Approach, Panzar and Rosse Model
Analisis Implementasi Transformasi Bisnis Peternakan terhadap Kinerja PT Berdikari (PERSERO) Anna Muslikhah Jamil; Harianto Harianto; Sahara Sahara
Jurnal Manajemen dan Organisasi Vol. 10 No. 1 (2019): Jurnal Manajemen dan Organisasi
Publisher : IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (660.489 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jmo.v10i1.28856


PT Berdikari (Persero) was transformed into an Animal Husbandry State Owned Company (SOE) in 2012 through the letter of State-Owned Enterprises Minister Number S-211/D1.MBU/2012 to support Government’s policies on providing animal food supply. This business transformationchanges core competencies from trading agribusiness commodities (rice, sugar, meat, platantion commodities, fertilizer, insurance, etc.) to animal husbandry. It becomes corporate transformation phase that cause financial performance anomalies. This study aims to identify the effect of business transformation towards financial performance of PT Berdikari (Persero) using statistical hypothesis testing by T-test to explore the existence of financial performance impact before and after business transformation practice. Based on State-Owned Enterprises Minister Regulation Number 1000/MBU/2012 about SOE performance assessment, there are eight indicators for assessing SOEs’ financial performance: Return on Equity (ROE), Return on Investment (ROI), Inventory Turn Over, Colection Period, Cash Ratio, Current Ratio, Total Turn Over and Capital to Total Assets Ratio. The result of hypothesis testing with 95percent degree of significance found that there are differences of ROE and Inventory Turn Over PT Berdikari (Persero) before and after transformation. Company profit was decreased and operating expenses was increased. Low level of sales revenue drives ROE, especially after business transformation. This low level of sales caused Inventory Turn Over to increased since inventories in the warehouse was cumulated.
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Ekonomi Pertanian Vol. 2 No. 1 (2008): Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics Journal
Publisher : Departemen Agribisnis, FEM-IPB

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The objective of this study is to evaluate whether rice farming in Indonesia has been efficient in utilizing production inputs. This study also analyzes whether the farmers are responsive to the changing on output and inputs prices. The rice farming is taken as a case study because up to present rice is still an important and strategic commodity in Indonesia. Rice is also a commodity that poses lots of government intervention.Data used in this study were data at household level that have been collected through Patanas (National Farmers Panel) project. Based on data analysis, it showed that efficiency of rice farming in Indonesia needs to be improved more. Farmers applied too much labor for their rice farming, especially women labor. Farmers showed a significant responsiveness to the changing of output and inputs prices. As a result, this study suggests the needs to increase the non-agriculture job opportunities in rural area, such as rural industrialization programs, in order to absorb the surplus labor forces.
PERBANDINGAN DAYA SAING PRODUK GONDORUKEM DI PASAR INTERNASIONAL Achmad Fachrodji; Ujang Sumarwan; Endang Suhendang; Harianto Harianto
Jurnal Manajemen & Agribisnis Vol. 6 No. 2 (2009): Vol. 6 No. 2 Oktober 2009
Publisher : School of Business, Bogor Agricultural University (SB-IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (717.35 KB) | DOI: 10.17358/jma.6.2.140-151


A high value non-wood product which is currently highly demanded in the local and international market is the Gondorukem (Gondorukem), produced from heating the pine’s tree gum (Pinus merkusii Junk). The constraint that we deal with is the fluctuation Gondorukem’s price which is triggered by the behavior of the Chinese industrialist since China is the biggest producer of Gondorukem. This research is aimed to compare the Gondorukem’s competitive advantage point a view from the industry, enterprises and countries’ among China, Brazil and Indonesia. The study is not only about comparing the Pine forest as a natural resource and measuring its productivity per hectare, but also observing the productivity and efficiency of the workers in each country. The analysis of industrial competitiveness is measured by using RCA# index, and the production cost and profit margin ratio is used to measure competitiveness among the enterprises. It can be concluded that China has the largest area of sap-tapped pine forest and Brazil is the highest for its forest productivity and workers’ efficiency, however Indonesia has the highest ratio of production cost and profit margin among the other countries. In term of the value of RCA# during the year of observation 2001 up to 2008, China exceeded Indonesia and Brazil. It’s expected by this research that Indonesia will be able to intensify the currently sap-tapped areas and expand the production area (extensive efforts) by utilizing the pine forest outside Java. It’s also proposed to increase the production by working on research about pine tree which produces more sap, performing comparative study to Brazil and raising up the wage of the sap-tapped workers.
Jurnal Manajemen & Agribisnis Vol. 12 No. 2 (2015): Vol.12 No. 2, Juli 2015
Publisher : School of Business, Bogor Agricultural University (SB-IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (928.987 KB) | DOI: 10.17358/jma.12.2.79


Implementation of  Integrated Crop Management (ICM) on maize farming is expected to increase  the productivity and efficiency. This study aims to: 1) analyze the productivity, technical, allocative, and economic efficiency of maize farming with uder ICM implementation program in lowland and highland agroecosystems; 2) identify factors  that  influence the technical inefficiency  of  maize  farming with under ICM  implementation  program. The study was conducted in maize production center at Gorontalo regency. Sampling was done by stratified random sampling method is applied to survey 160 farmers in 2015. The production analysis function is estimated method using Cobb-Douglas stochastic frontier; while. Allocative and economic efficiencies were analyzed using  the input side approach with frontier dual cost function. The results showed that the productivity of ICM maize farming 61% higher than the non-ICM in the lowland and 31% higher in the highland. The level of technical efficiency, allocative and economical increased by 4% to 35% higher than the non-ICM in both agroecosystems. Factors causing technical inefficiency were educational level, frequency of extension, participation in farmer groups and credit access. Increasing the efficiency can be done through: increased access to inputs, capital, technology, market and institutional strengthening.Keywords: ICM, productivity, farm efficiency, maize, cobb-douglas stochasticABSTRAKPenerapan Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu (PTT) pada usaha tani jagung diharapkan mampu meningkatkan produktivitas dan efisiensi usaha tani. Penelitian ini bertujuan 1) menganalisis produktivitas, efisiensi teknis, efisiensi alokatif, dan efisiensi ekonomi usaha tani jagung dengan penerapan PTT pada dua agroekosistem berbeda yaitu lahan kering dataran rendah dan lahan kering dataran tinggi; dan 2) mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi inefisiensi teknis usaha tani jagung dengan penerapan PTT. Penelitian dilakukan di sentra produksi jagung Provinsi Gorontalo, yaitu Kabupaten Gorontalo. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode stratified random sampling terhadap 160 petani pada tahun 2015. Metode analisis produksi menggunakan fungsi produksi Cobb-Douglas Stochastic Frontier. Efisiensi alokatif dan ekonomis dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan dari sisi input dengan fungsi biaya dual frontier. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produktivitas usaha tani jagung PTT 61% lebih tinggi dibanding non PTT pada dataran rendah dan lebih tinggi 31% pada dataran tinggi. Tingkat efisiensi teknis, alokatif dan ekonomis meningkat sebesar 4% sampai 35% lebih tinggi dibanding non PTT pada kedua agroekosistem. Faktor-faktor penyebab inefisiensi teknis yaitu pendidikan petani, frekuensi penyuluhan, keikutsertaan dalam kelompok tani dan akses kredit. Peningkatan efisiensi usaha tani dapat dilakukan melalui peningkatan akses terhadap input, modal, teknologi, pasar dan penguatan kelembagaan.Kata kunci: PTT, produktivitas, efisiensi usaha tani, jagung, cobb-douglas stochastic
Analisis Angkutan Sedimen Floodway Sedayu Lawas Di Bengawan Solo 10 Tahun Pasca Pelaksanaan Sarwono Sarwono; Harianto Harianto; Ibnu Suprianto
Publisher : Pusat Litbang Sumber Daya Air, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2202.648 KB) | DOI: 10.32679/jth.v3i2.271


Alternatif Model Usahatani Konservasi Tanaman Sayuran di Hulu Sub-DAS Cikapundung Nana Sutrisna; Santun RP Sitorus; B Pramudya; Harianto Harianto
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 20, No 3 (2010): September 2010
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jhort.v20n3.2010.p%p


ABSTRAK. Hulu Sub-DAS Cikapundung merupakan lahan kering dataran tinggi. Penggunaan lahan yang tidaksesuai dengan kesesuaian, menyebabkan lahan mengalami degradasi. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah merancangalternatif model usahatani konservasi tanaman sayuran di hulu Sub-DAS Cikapundung, sedangkan tujuan antara ialah(1) mengevaluasi kesesuaian penggunaan lahan existing sesuai dengan kesesuaian lahannya, (2) mengarakterisasiusahatani existing, dan (3) menganalisis komponen yang paling berpengaruh pada subsistem usahatani konservasi.Penelitian menggunakan metode survei. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelas kesesuaian penggunaan lahanexisting di hulu Sub-DAS Cikapundung tergolong sesuai marginal (S3) dengan faktor pembatas pH, KB, KTK,ketersediaan oksigen, dan lereng. Kegiatan usahatani yang dilakukan petani di hulu Sub-DAS Cikapundung sudahberorientasi agribisnis, sehingga penggunaannya sangat intensif, namun belum sepenuhnya menerapkan teknologikonservasi. Komponen yang paling berpengaruh pada subsistem usahatani adalah jenis tanaman, sistem penanaman, danpenggunaan bahan amelioran, sedangkan pada subsistem konservasi adalah konservasi mekanik dan penggunaan mulsa.Lima alternatif model usahatani konservasi tanaman sayuran di hulu Sub-DAS Cikapundung yang diperoleh, yaitu (1)model A: sistem usahatani konservasi teras bangku, bedengan memotong lereng, menggunakan pupuk kandang+kapur,sistem penanaman sayuran tumpangsari/tumpang gilir kelompok I+III atau II+III, (2) model B: sistem usahatanikonservasi teras bangku, bedengan memotong lereng, menggunakan pupuk kandang, dipasang mulsa plastik, sistempenanaman sayuran tumpangsari/tumpang gilir kelompok I+III atau II+III, (3) model C: sistem usahatani konservasiteras bangku, bedengan memotong lereng, menggunakan pupuk kandang+kapur, dipasang mulsa plastik, sistempenanaman sayuran tumpangsari/tumpang gilir kelompok I+III atau II+III, (4) model D: sistem usahatani konservasiteras gulud, bedengan searah lereng, menggunakan pupuk kandang+kapur, sistem penanaman sayuran tumpangsari/tumpang gilir kelompok I+III atau II+III, dan (5) model E: sistem usahatani konservasi teras gulud, bedengan searahlereng, menggunakan pupuk kandang+kapur, dipasang mulsa plastik, sistem penanaman sayuran tumpangsari/tumpang gilir kelompok I+III atau II+III. Model A, B, dan C diarahkan untuk dapat diterapkan pada lahan dengankemiringan 16-25%, sedangkan model D dan E diarahkan pada lahan dengan kemiringan 8-15%. Untuk mempercepatpenerapan model usahatani konservasi oleh petani diperlukan kelembagaan penunjang usahatani konservasi.ABSTRACT. Sutrisna, N., Santun R.P. Sitorus, B. Pramudya, and Harianto. 2010. The Alternative ConservationFarming System Model on Vegetable Plants in Upstream Areas of Subwatershed Cikapundung. The upstreamarea of Subwatershed Cikapundung are located in the dry highland. Inappropriate land usage that doesn’t utilize itsland suitability causes land degradation. The main objective of this research was to design the alternative conservationfarming system model on vegetable plants in upstream areas of subwatershed Cikapundung. The other objectives were(1) to analyze suitability of existing land utilization, (2) to characterize existing farming system, and (3) to analyzethe most effective component of the conservation farming system. This research was conducted by using a surveymethod. The results showed that the category in accordant to existing land use was belong to marginally suitable(S3). The limited factors were pH, base saturation, CEC, drainage, and slope. The most influence component of theconservation farming system were kinds of vegetation, cropping system, ameliorant, conservation techniques, andplastic mulch. There were five alternative models of conservation farming system that can be used in upstream areas ofsubwatershed Cikapundung. Those were (1) model A: conservation farming system bench terraces, the embankmentcrosses the slope, uses of organic matter and lime, and planting of vegetables cropping system with categoriesI+III or II +III, (2) model B: conservation farming system bench terraces, the embankment crosses the slope, usesorganic matter, uses mulch, and planting of vegetables cropping system with categories I+III or II+III, (3) model C:conservation farming system bench terraces, the embankment one-way the slope, use organic matter and lime, usesmulch, and planting of vegetables cropping system with categories I+III or II+III, (4) model D: conservation farmingsystem gulud terraces, the embankment one-way the slope, uses organic matter and lime, and planting of vegetablescropping system with categories I+III or II+III, and (5) model E: conservation farming system gulud terraces, theembankment one-way the slope, uses organic matter and lime, uses mulch, and planting of vegetables cropping systemwith categories I+III or II+III. The alternative models A, B, and C can be used at sloping land 16-25%, meanwhilethe alternative models D and E at sloping land 8-15%. To accelerate the implementation of farming system modelby farmers, the supporting institution of conservation farming system is required.
ANALISIS MANFAAT INSENTIF PAJAK PENGHASILAN DAN PENGARUHNYA PADA KEPATUHAN WAJIB PAJAK Studi tentang Kepuasan Wajib Pajak terhadap insentif pajak pada perusahaan PMA Agribisnis Tahun 2000 s.d 2007 Sutrisno Ali; Bunasor Sanim; Harianto Harianto; Setiadi Djohar
Jurnal Telaah dan Riset Akuntansi Vol 4, No 1 (2011): Jurnal Telaah & Riset Akuntansi
Publisher : Program Magister Akuntansi Unsyiah

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Tax incentives are demanded by both tax payers and government to facilitate the business climate in the right way.  From the government point of view, tax incentives are government’s sacrifice to promote investments in the certain industry or locations; on the other hand, from taxpayer’s point of view, it is an opportunity to develop their business as more funds are available from less tax liabilities. Government should be careful to give tax incentives since target tax revenue has become larger and larger.  On the other hand, taxpayers are skeptic with the tax incentives whether there are any benefits for their business.      The answer to the skepticism depends on taxpayer’s satisfaction on the tax incentives received.  Based on the result of this research to the agribusiness foreign investor’s samples, the degree of satisfaction from the tax incentives is varied.   It depends on the type of tax incentive, business characteristic of tax payer and the countries of investors. In micro economics theory, satisfaction to a firm’s product usually leads to the loyalty to the product itself and furthermore leads to sales increasing.  In line with the economic theory, tax payer’s satisfaction to a tax incentive will lead to the tax compliance and in a democratic country, the voluntary tax complience is the best foundation to increase tax collectibility..  This research noted that there are correlation between tax satisfaction to a tax incentive and taxpayer’s compliance. Keywords: Tax incentives, investment,  tax satisfaction,  voluntary tax complience