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Journal : Unes Law Review

UNES Law Review Vol. 5 No. 4 (2023): UNES LAW REVIEW (Juni 2023)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Ekasakti Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31933/unesrev.v5i4.492


Deforestation causes the availability of forest land for ecosystem and environmental, Forest management activities in Indonesia have been regulated in Law Number 41 of 1999 concerning. The Forestry Law states that all forests within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, including the natural wealth in them, are controlled by the state for the greatest prosperity of the people. there is an environmental law enforcement agency appointed to supervise or take action against illegal loggers as well as a forest use licensing mechanism, however, the facts on the ground show that there are still many forestry activities that damage forest ecosystems and are even increasing. This research was conducted at the Kalaena Forest Management Unit (KPH) which carried out supervision in the Protected Forest Area area, This research is Empirical Research. The data used are primary, secondary and tertiary data. All data and materials obtained from the results of the research were compiled and analyzed qualitatively and presented descriptively.
UNES Law Review Vol. 5 No. 4 (2023): UNES LAW REVIEW (Juni 2023)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Ekasakti Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31933/unesrev.v5i4.573


This article aims to examine the form of personal data protection in electronic certificates. This is a normative research with statutory and conceptual approaches. At the beginning of 2021, the Regulation of the Agrarian Affairs Ministry/Head of the National Land Agency concerning Electronic Certificates (it is referred to as Ministerial Regulation of National Land Agency Number 1 of 2021) which was issued on January 12, 2021 to modernize the land handling and services. This modernization is a form of digital transformation of the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning of National Land Agency (BPN). The digital transformation which is carried out by The Agrarian Affairs Ministry includes improving digital services and processing personal data from manual to digital, transforming conventional certificates into electronic certificates. The massive data leaks has become public concern regarding personal data. The Law number 27 of 2022 concerning the Protection of Personal Data, it can guarantee the rights of citizens by providing protection for personal data. The result of the research shows a product issued by the government with processing personal data. Based on the PDP Law, it must obtain approval from the Personal Data Protection Officer as a personal data protection form of the land rights holders.
Co-Authors Abdul Rahman As Syakir Achmad Didik Khoirudin Adi Wiranata Afida Afianingsih Afni Afni Agnes Titis Endarliani Agus Mastrianto Ainun Masyrifah Algazali Harris Ali Imron Ali Imron Ali Alidiya Mei Rini Alpina Damayanti Ambika Luhitadati Amelia Putri Amerza Fransiska Andi Nur Shabranah Anggun Puspawati Anita Resianty Anni Azizah Antonius Joko Wardoyo Aprilia Tri Aristina Arif Rahman Muhayat Asep Junairi Asmawati Elindriani Ayoe Diah Sukmawati Ayu Lukita Tiana Azizah Apriyani Beni Apriantoro Carlos Hendrawan Cheri Saputra Dany Lapeba Deka Satriya Imanda Desri Juliandri Dian Amalia Chasanah Dian Nur Pertiwi Dora Arcella Dwi Gesti Jayanti Dwi Oktavia Eben Ezer Simamora Eddy Purnomo Edi Hartono Edi Makmur Efi Yulia Emilda Rani Eni Samiasih Erlangga Andalas Sakti Ferdiana Haryani Fifi Noviasari Ganira Octa Maria Amru Gustian Agung Indrawan Hendri Wianingsih Herlina Herlina Hesty Sapitry Ida Nuryani Ika Surya Widya Astuti Ina Novianti Indah Nina Yusti Indah Sri Lestari Indrawanto Indrawanto Iskandar Syah Khairiah Khairiah Khairul Afandi Lia Ratnawati Lian Pratama Lilis Suryana Lusia Dwi Indriati Lusiana Lusiana Maretha Ghassani Mega Lestari Megi Trihandini Melisa Rifaie Miftahussa'adah Miftahussa'adah Mudinillah, Adam Muhammad Aji Wira Wardhana Muhammad Arif Rizka Muhammad Aswan Muhammad Basri Myristica Imanita Nandar Setya Nugraha ni nyoman trisna utariyani Nina Indayana Nita Noviani Nofria Yuliyanti Nova Indahyani Nur Indah Lestari Nur Maimunah Okta Darma Yudha Okta Viyanti Subing Pargito Pargito Pramudia Prastika Prihatanti Prihatanti Putri Chairia Putu Mariyanto Raisa Ayuningtyas Reki Fahlevi Rena Prasesti Resti Apriana Reza Andesta Riantimala Riantimala Rika Warda Julianti Risma M Sinaga Risma Margaretha Sinaga Ryan cahya saputra Sepka Kurnia Wahyuningsih Sevia Andriliani Sisca Devita Aprilia Siti Sopiah Arafah Sri Nurmayani Sri Sudiro Harsuno Suparman Arif Surya Pratiwi Susi Susanti Syaiful M Sylvia Farantika Tabligh Setiawan Tila Paulina Valensy Rachmedita Vivi Hardiana Wakidi Wakidi Widi Indah Yesi Yuana Putri Yoga Prima Shawalda Yuliza Sushanty Yuniar Wike Wulandari Yunita Susilawati Yuresti Yuresti Yustina Sri Ekwandari Zafran Febriadi Zahra Qurrotu’aini Zulkifli Aspan