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Implikasi Pendidikan dari Surat Al-Kahfi Ayat 71-82 terhadap Komunikasi Interaksional Putri Maryam F; Mujahid Rasyid; Heru Pratikno
Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Agama Islam Volume 3, No. 1, Juli 2023, Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Agama Islam (JRPAI)
Publisher : UPT Publikasi Ilmiah Unisba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/jrpai.v3i1.1826


Abstract. Humans are social creatures which means they need other humans. Humans cannot control their own lives in everyday life. As a result, humans need the help of other humans. Islam has established rules and moral values for each of its adherents, including those related to social life that guarantee happiness for every Muslim. However, based on what is currently happening, Muslims themselves are far from the principles set by Islam. Neighbors are part of one form of socialization of life. As social beings, everyone has the desire to have neighbors. The reason is, without neighbors, the living environment will not be comfortable. However, having neighbors who don't know manners is also one of the causes of an uncomfortable place to live. The purpose of this study is to find out the opinion of the Mufassir about QS. An-Nisa verse 36, knowing the Essence of QS. An-Nisa verse 36 according to the Mufassir, knowing the opinion of Education experts on Neighbor Ethics, knowing the Educational Implications of QS. An-Nisa verse 36 concerning Neighboring Ethics Against Efforts to Cultivate Neighborhood Ethics in the Family. This study uses a qualitative approach. Research is carried out by looking at certain sources, searching, studying books, articles or others related to the title. The type of research used is good neighbor literature which is a source of happiness. Abstrak. Manusia adalah makhluk sosial artinya membutuhkan manusia lainnya. Manusia tidak dapat mengontrol kehidupannya sendiri dalam sehari-hari. Akibatnya, manusia membutuhkan bantuan manusia lain. Islam telah menetapkan aturan serta nilai moral bagi setiap pemeluknya, termasuk yang berkaitan dalam kehidupan sosial yang menjamin kebahagiaan bagi setiap muslim. Namun, berdasarkan apa yang terjadi saat ini, umat Islam sendiri jauh dari prinsip-prinsip yang sudah ditetapkan oleh Islam. Bertetangga merupakan bagian dari salah satu bentuk sosialisasi kehidupan. Sebagai makhluk sosial, setiap orang memiliki keinginan untuk mempunyai tetangga. Alasannya, tanpa adanya tetangga, lingkungan tempat tinggal tidak akan nyaman. Akan tetapi, memiliki tetangga yang tidak tahu sopan santun jua menjadi salah satu penyebab tidak nyamannya tempat tinggal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengetahui pendapat para Mufassir tentang QS. An-Nisa ayat 36, mengetahui Esensi dari QS. An-Nisa ayat 36 menurut para Mufassir, mengetahui pendapat para pakar Pendidikan tentang Etika Bertetangga, mengetahui Implikasi Pendidikan dari QS. An-Nisa ayat 36 tentang Etika Bertetangga Terhadap Upaya Penanaman Etika Bertetangga di Keluarga. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mencermati sumber tertentu, mencari, menelaah buku-buku, artikel atau lainnya yang berkaitan dengan judul. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kepustakaan tetangga yang baik merupakan sumber kebahagiaan.
Bahasa Indonesia sebagai Pembentuk Kepribadian Mahasiswa di Perguruan Tinggi Islam Heru Pratikno
Pendekar: Jurnal Pendidikan Berkarakter Vol 6, No 3 (2023): September
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/pendekar.v6i3.16466


Dalam perkembangannya, bahasa Indonesia sangatlah berperan sentral di dunia pendidikan tanah air. Sebagai buktinya, bahasa Indonesia selalu dijadikan bahasa pengantar dalam pembelajaran; bahasa Indonesia sebagai alat pengembangan ilmu dan teknologi. Namun, apalah artinya itu jika penggunanya, terutama generasi muda, yakni mahasiswa tidak memedulikan bahasanya sendiri. Selain itu, capaian perkuliahan yang diinginkan pun masih jauh dari harapan untuk membentuk karakter dan kepribadian yang luhur. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini, penulis ingin mengetahui perihal keterkaitan mata kuliah bahasa Indonesia dengan pembentukan kepribadian mahasiswa di perguruan tinggi Islam. Di samping itu, penulis berupaya menelusuri hambatan dan mencarikan solusinya dalam membentuk pribadi mahasiswa yang baik. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi langsung secara virtual terhadap perilaku mahasiswa saat berkuliah bahasa Indonesia. Yang salah satunya adalah dengan tingkat partisipasi dan kedisiplinan mengikuti perkuliahan. Selain itu, metode angket pun digunakan sebagai bukti otentik. Strategi membentuk pribadi yang baik kepada mahasiswa melalui perkuliahan bahasa Indonesia adalah dengan cara membuat suasana belajar yang menyenangkan, kolaboratif, dan partisipatif. Perwujudan pembentukan karakter mahasiswa tidak hanya mengandalkan mata kuliah bahasa Indonesia, tetapi harus didukung oleh nilai-nilai keislaman.
DEVELOPMENT OF DIGITAL LEARNING BASED INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS Panji Adam Agus Putra; Yuda Dharma Putra; Maman Surahman; Heru Pratikno; M Zidan Al Insyani; Intan Nurapriliani; Nurbani Syifa
International Journal of Educational Review, Law And Social Sciences (IJERLAS) Vol. 3 No. 5 (2023): September

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54443/ijerlas.v3i5.979


Collaboration programs with international organizations develop all aspects, especially in the field of education that the university has carried out. The activity was educating the elementary school teachers because it has a significant component in the educational process. The university education system has a substantial role in preparing competitive human resources. This study result findings in the form of language and cultural differences is the main issues in the implementation of the international collaboration programs. The method was used group discussions between Indonesian and Thai teachers through an innovative approach to digital learning media in a more structured and in-depth way. Group discussion case studies successfully provided practical and interactive experiences to the participants. It was concluded that mutual understanding of culture between teachers and students was fundamental and needs to be considered so that learning can be done effectively and comfortably. Educators can jointly build awareness of the effectiveness of using technology in the classroom. Technology was not only used but has a significant impact on learning processes and outcomes. The implementation of this international collaboration program aims to solve the problems faced and enhance cooperation between the two countries further.
Analisis Nilai Agama Islam pada Novel “Cinta Suci Zahrana” Karya Habiburrahman El Shirazy Ashila Asfa Nabila; Heru Pratikno
Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Agama Islam Volume 2, No. 2, Desember 2022, Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Agama Islam (JRPAI)
Publisher : UPT Publikasi Ilmiah Unisba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/jrpai.v2i2.1504


Abstract. In educational literature, including novels, there are many educational values that can be taken as learning and application in everyday life. The purpose of this study is to describe the values of Islamic education, the aspects contained in the novel Cinta Suci Zahrana by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy, and how to apply educational novels into learning values at school. The method used in this research is library research. The approach used is a qualitative approach. For data collection, a search for documentation materials will be carried out in the form of books, magazines, articles and the internet. The data collected is then analyzed using content analysis techniques. The results of the study conclude that the values of Islamic education contained in the novel Cinta Suci Zahrana by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy are the values of aqidah (faith), the value of worship, and the last is the moral value. The aspects contained in the novel Cinta Suci Zahrana by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy are educational, moral, and historical and cultural aspects. The last is how to apply educational novels into learning values at school. Related to that, the use of the Cinta Suci Zahrana novel, which is rich in Islamic educational values such as the values of faith, worship, and morals, is highly recommended for teaching materials. Abstrak. Di dalam karya sastra yang mendidik di antaranya novel banyak sekali terkandung nilai-nilai pendidikan yang dapat diambil sebagai pembelajaran maupun penerapan di kehidupan sehari-hari. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam, aspek-aspek yang terkandung di dalam novel Cinta Suci Zahrana karya Habiburrahman El-Shirazy, dan cara pengaplikasian novel yang mendidik ke dalam suatu pembelajaran nilai-nilai di sekolah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan. Pendekatan yang digunakan ialah pendekatan kualitatif. Untuk pengumpulan data akan dilakukan penelusuran bahan dokumentasi yaitu berupa buku-buku, majalah, artikel dan internet. Data yang terkumpul pada selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis isi. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam yang terkandung di dalam novel Cinta Suci Zahrana karya Habiburrahman El-Shirazy adalah nilai aqidah (iman), nilai ibadah, dan yang terakhir adalah nilai akhlak. Aspek-aspek yang terkandung di dalam novel Cinta Suci Zahrana karya Habiburrahman El-Shirazy adalah ada aspek edukatif, moral, dan aspek sejarah dan budaya. Yang terakhir adalah cara mengaplikasikan novel yang mendidik ke dalam suatu pembelajaran nilai-nilai di sekolah adalah berkaitan dengan itu pemanfaatan novel Cinta Suci Zahrana yang kaya akan nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam seperti nilai Iman, ibadah, dan akhlak ini sangat dianjurkan untuk bahan ajar.
Jurnal Bina Bangsa Ekonomika Vol. 17 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Bina Bangsa Ekonomika (JBBE)
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Bina Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46306/jbbe.v17i1.502


In the realm of marketing, promotional efforts have a crucial role in shaping consumer purchasing decisions. This research focuses on exploring the concrete impact of the use of promotional words on consumer purchasing decisions. Using a quantitative approach, we collected data from randomly selected respondents through carefully designed questionnaires. Statistical analysis was used to identify the relationship and significance of the influence of promotional words on consumer purchasing decisions. The results of this study are expected to provide deeper insights, enriching marketing practitioners' understanding of how promotional elements, especially words, can directly influence consumer purchasing decisions. The practical implications of these findings are expected to be a valuable guide in designing more targeted and effective promotional strategies
Students' Appreciation of Indonesian Language Learning During Online Pratikno, Heru; Atsani Wulansari
Jurnal Disastri (Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia) Vol 6 No 1 (2024): Jurnal Disastri: Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33752/disastri.v6i1.5153


In its development, Indonesian has played a central role in the world of education in the country, from basic education to higher education. As proof, Indonesian is used as the language of instruction in learning. In addition, Indonesian functions as a tool for developing science and technology. With the presence of such a language, it can actually become a strong capital in moving towards an even greater Indonesian nation. However, what does that mean if the users, especially the younger generation, namely students, don't care about their own language. This can be reflected when they take Indonesian language courses online. Therefore, the aim of this research is to explain what problems students have in learning Indonesian at Islamic universities. Apart from that, the author tries to find the best solution to solve this problem so that it is resolved. The method used in this paper is direct observation of the behavior of students studying Indonesian online. The hypothesis is that there is a strong correlation between lecturers and students to create a comfortable Indonesian language lecture atmosphere.