Adioro Soetojo
Department Of Conservative Dentistry, Faculty Of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Published : 24 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Found 24 Documents

The Monomer Elution of Bulk-Fill Sculptable Composite and Flowable Composite after Photopolymerization Nanik Zubaidah; Adioro Soetojo; Kun Ismiyatin; Karina Erda Saninggar; Hendri Eko Wahyudi; Sylvia; Sandra Kartika Sari
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Vol. 15 No. 2 (2021): Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Publisher : Institute of Medico-legal Publications Pvt Ltd

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37506/ijfmt.v15i2.14853


Introduction: Composite resins have excellent mechanical properties, including fast polymerization,aesthetic quality, easy handling, and the ability to adhere to the enamel surfaces. However, there are alsosome disadvantages from this material, one of them is residual monomers. Bulk-fill composite resins areavailable in sculptable (solid) and flowable (liquid) form. Most composite resin matrix is aromatic oraliphatic acrylates. Bis-GMA, UDMA, and TEGDMA are the matrix monomers that are commonly used butshow a high cytotoxicity level. They also have poor mechanical properties such as wear resistance, hardness,tendency to change color, and may cause pulp reactions. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate thenumber of residual monomers in bulk-fill sculptable and flowable composites in the submersion of 75%ethanol solution (10 minutes, an hour, and 24 hours). Methods: Sculptable and flowable composites wereused in this study. Samples (4 mm thick, 5 mm diameter) were prepared and polymerized for 10 secondswith an intensity of 1025 mW / cm2 of a light emitted diode (LED). After the sample was made, each samplewas immediately immersed in a 75% ethanol solution as an extraction liquid and stored in amber-coloredbottles at room temperature. Samples were taken as many as 7 cc at intervals of 10 minutes, an hour, and 24hours. Samples were analyzed by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The data obtainedwere analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis Test, Independent T-Test and Mann-Whitney Test at a significancelevel of p <0.05. Result: The amount of elusion remaining monomers of the bulk-fill flowable compositewas higher than bulk-fill sculptable composite. UDMA composite of bulk fill flowable submersed in 75%ethanol solution for 24 hours was the highest among other monomers. Conclusion: Residual monomerseluted inside bulk-fill composite resins in all time periods and the amount of eluted monomers increaseswith time.
Effects of different saliva pH on hybrid composite resin surface roughness Nirawati Pribadi; Adioro Soetojo
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 44 No. 2 (2011): June 2011
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (192.741 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v44.i2.p63-66


Background: Currently, hybrid composite resin is the mostly used filling material to restore esthetic and function. During function, this material is in contact with various pH from food consumption, which is acidic and alkali which may effect the physical properties of composite resin, including surface roughness. Purpose: The research was conducted to determine the effect of pH in saliva on surface roughness of hybrid composite resin. Methods: This research used artificial saliva and composite resin samples divided into 3 groups based on different pH of immersion (pH 4, pH 7 and pH 10) for 30 days. Results: There were significant differences (p > 0.05) among those three treatment groups of hybrid composites soaked in artificial saliva with different pH for 30 days. And, with LSD test it is also known that there were significant differences between the artificial saliva with pH 4 and pH 7, whereas there was no significant difference between pH 4 and pH 10 and between pH 7 and pH 10. Conclusion: It can concluded that the changes of salivary pH affect the surface roughness of the hybrid composite resin. Acidic pH has increase the surface roughness of hybrid composite resin, whereas alkaline pH has no effects on the surface roughness of hybrid composite resin.Latar belakang: Saat ini tumpatan komposit merupakan bahan tumpatan yang paling sering digunakan untuk memperbaiki estetik dan fungsi. Dalam rongga mulut, bahan ini kontak dengan berbagai macam pH dari konsumsi makanan, baik asam maupun basa yang dapat mempengaruhi perubahan sifat fisik resin komposit, diantaranya yaitu kekasaran permukaan. Tujuan: Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tentang efek pH saliva terhadap kekasaran permukaan tumpatan resin komposit hybrid. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan saliva buatan yang dibagi dalam 3 kelompok sampel yaitu masing-masing dengan perendaman pH yang berbeda (pH 4, pH 7 dan pH 10)selama 30 hari. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna (p > 0,05) antara kelompok perlakuan komposit hybrid yang telah direndam saliva buatan dengan berbagai pH selama 30 hari. Uji LSD menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan antara perendaman pada saliva buatan antara pH4 dengan pH 7, sedangkan perbedaan yang tidak signifikan antara pH4 dengan pH 10 dan pH 7 dengan pH 10. Kesimpulan: Dapat disimpulkan bahwa perubahan pH saliva berpengaruh terhadap kekasaran permukaan resin komposit hybrid, pH asam meningkatkan kekasaran permukaan resin komposit hybrid, sedangkan pH basa tidak berpengaruh terhadap kekasaran permukaan resin komposit hybrid.
The application of methacrylate resin and the derivation as restorative material of damaged tooth tissue Adioro Soetojo
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 40 No. 4 (2007): December 2007
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (201.539 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v40.i4.p181-185


The application of methacrylate resin and the derivation (composite resin and dentin bonding) in clinical conservative dentistry has been widely developed. This material could be used to restore class I-V cavity with good aesthetic due to the compatible color with tooth. Composite resin adhesion hydrophobically in enamel that is due to mechanic retention in the form of resin tags which penetrates into enamel porosity. Meanwhile hydrophilic dentin bonding adhesion due to the chemical reaction between functional groups of amino collagen with carbonyl in dentin bonding forming amide binding. In addition mechanical retention in which dentin bonding penetrating into nano inter fibrilar cavity then polymerized. The success of methacrylate resin adhesion restoration is decided by enamel porosity, wetting character of resin, wetting contact angle, good etching acid, optimal humidity of tooth surface, the accuracy of dentist during filling is done etc.
The difference of tensile bond strength between total etch and self etch dentin bonding on dentin surface Adioro Soetojo
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 40 No. 3 (2007): September 2007
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (113.288 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v40.i3.p123-126


Total etch dentin bonding agents had been used extensively in operative dentistry. These materials were used on dentin surfaces before application of the resin adhesive restorative. The purpose of this research was to prove the difference of tensile bond strength between total etch and self etch dentin bonding agent on dentin surface. The manner of preparing total etch dentin bonding agent was : bovine dentin as sample was grounded to give flat surface which was then etched with 37% phosphoric acid for 15 seconds, washed with 20 ml water and dried with blot dry technique. Sample was placed in a desiccator for one hour 60% humidity covered with bonding agent and put into tensile tool plunger and stored at room temperature (± 28 °C) for 24 hours. Sample was tested using Autograph instrument. The manner of preparing self etch dentin bonding was equal with total etch manner but without acid etching, washing and drying. The data analyzed using One-Way ANOVA test at α = 0.05 and followed Tukey HSD test. The result indicated that the tensile bond strength of total etch was higher than self etch dentin bonding at 60% humidity (p ≤ 0.05). In conclusion, the total etch dentin bonding agent with acetone solvents have a higher tensile bond strength compared with self etch dentin bonding agent also with dentin bonding in alcohol solvents.
Study of chemical bond strength of methyl methacrylate (MMA) based bonding agent on type I dentin collagen at various humidity Adioro Soetojo
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 40 No. 2 (2007): June 2007
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (202.283 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v40.i2.p89-93


One of the basic agents used in dentin bonding solution is methyl methacrylate (MMA). This bonding agent is widely used in dentistry. It have been proved that the adhesion between dentin bonding agent and collagen fibril is chemically bond; though the chemical bonding contribution is smaller than physical mechanical bond. The purpose of the research was to examined the chemical bonding strength of MMA based dentin bonding on type I dentin collagen at various humidity. Samples of treatment group were put into desiccator with 60%, 70%, 80%, and 90% humidity, while for control groups at room humidity (65%). Chemical bond of pure MMA and MMA mixed with collagen were measured by FTIR. The lower the value of MMA carbonyl, the higher absorbance band speak of chemical bond strength between MMA and collagen. Data was statistically analyzed with One-Way ANOVA at 95% confidence level continued with Tukey-HSD test. The result showed that the highest chemical bond strength was at 65% humidity (p ≤ 0.05). In conclusion, many esther carbonyl MMA molecules reacted with amino collagen at 65% humidity. This can be shown by the lowest peak's value of the MMA carbonyl absorbance at FTIR.
The fractographic analysis of three dentin bonding agents on tooth surface Adioro Soetojo
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 39 No. 4 (2006): December 2006
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (128.397 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v39.i4.p151-155


The dentin bonding agent is hydrophilic resin that can strongly bind to dentin surface, both in chemical and physical-mechanical ways. The dentin surface is good for the resin bonding when the surface is in moist condition. Three types of dentin bonding agents: Voco, Prime & Bond NT and Excite were used in this research and their application methods are called as total-etched technique. The objective of this research is to examine the difference of tensile bond strength of the three bonding agents on the moist dentin surface. Bovine incisivus teeth were cut and sharpened using diamond bur then smoothened with sandpaper. Dentin surfaces were etched with 37% phosphoric acid, washed with 20 cc aquadest, and dried with blot-dry technique. The preparation teeth were inserted into desiccator with minimum humidity 60% and maximum 90% for one hour. After removed from the desiccator, the Voco agent was applied on the teeth in first group, and then followed by the Prime & Bond NT and Excite agents, respectively. The resulting sample was stored within the room temperature. After 24 hours, the tensile bond strength was tested using Autograph instrument. The results indicated that the tensile bond strength of Voco and Prime & Bond NT agents were higher than Excite both at humidity 60% and 90% (p ≤ 0.05). In conclusion, the dentin bonding agents with acetone solvents have a higher tensile bond strength compared with those with alcohol solvents.
The effect of humidity on peak value of HEMA carbonyl absorbance band Adioro Soetojo
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 39 No. 3 (2006): September 2006
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (115.623 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v39.i3.p112-115


Bond strength between 2-Hydroxyethyl methacrylate HEMA-based dentin bonding agent and dentin collagen had proved by presence of the chemical interaction. This union involved the carbonyl group on HEMA resin with amino group on dentin collagen following produce an amide chain. However, this bond strength influence by humidity condition of dentin collagen and HEMA resin. The aim of this study is to measure the effect of humidity on peak value of the HEMA carbonyl absorbance band. The bond strength between by HEMA bonding agent and dentine collagen was analyzed in different humidity, e.g. in 60%, 70%, 80%, and 90% humidity. Control experiment was done in ambient room humidity that is 65%. Chemical bond that formed between HEMA and dentine collagen was carried out by mixing pure HEMA with bovine type-I collagen which had been stored in different humidity. The esther carbonyl group of HEMA will react with the amino group of collagen, produced an amide bonding, which is observed by measuring the IR spectrum absorbance of the esther carbonyl group of HEMA in KBr method. The decrease of the carbonyl group absorbance indicates the more chemical bonds formed. By measuring the absorbance of C=O esther in different humidity, it showed that the greatest number of chemical bonds resulted when the experiment was done in 70% humidity condition.
Tensile bond strength of hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) bonding agent to bovine dentine surface at various humidity Adioro Soetojo
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 39 No. 2 (2006): June 2006
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (91.595 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v39.i2.p59-62


One factor that make bonding agent adhere to dentine surface maximally is the humidity condition around the dentine surface. The best bond strength between bonding agent with dentine surface is depending on the moist surface. It mean that the dentine surface should neither too dry or wet. The objective of this research is to know the tensile bond strength of hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) bonding agent to bovine dentine surface at various humidity. The bovine dentine was grounded to give flat surface, which was then etched with 37% phosphoric acid for 15 seconds. Dentine was washed with 20 ml water and dried with blot dry technique. The dentine, except the control group, was placed in a desiccator for one hour at difference humidity. Dentin was removed from desiccator, then covered with bonding agent and put into tensile tool plunger. Self-cured acrylic resin was applied on this bonding agent layer, which was placed on opposite-plunger. After 24 hours, tensile bond strength was measured with Autograph instrument. Data was statistically analyzed with One-Way ANOVA at 95% confidence level, continued with LSD test. Results of this study showed that 60%–90% humidity gave produce the lower of tensile bond strength of bonding agent to dentine surface (p ≤ 0.05). In conclusion, the treatment in 60% humidity gave the greatest tensile bond strength.
Anti-glucan effects of propolis ethanol extract on Lactobacillus acidophillus Ira Widjiastuti; Adioro Soetojo; Febriastuti Cahyani
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 50 No. 1 (2017): March 2017
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (484.392 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v50.i1.p28-31


Background: In deep dentinal caries cases, bacteria mostly found are Lactobacillus acidophilus classified as gram positive bacteria and as facultative aerobes producing glucosyltransferase (GTF) enzyme. GTF enzyme can alter sucrose into glucans. Glucan is sticky and insoluble in water. As a result, GTF enzyme can facilitate plaque formation and microorganism colonization on tooth surface. In addition, Lactobacillus acidophilus also can form acid leading to demineralization of organic and inorganic materials, resulting in dental caries. Multidrug-resistant phenomena, on the other hand, have led to the use of natural resources, one of which is propolis as an antimicrobial material and as a new anti-infective therapeutic strategy. Propolis is a resinous substances collected by worker bees (Apismellifera) from barks and leaves of plants. Propolis has a complex chemical composition and biological properties, such as antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antitumor. Purpose: This research aimed to reveal anti-glucan effects of propolis ethanol extract generated from honey bee, Apis mellifera spp on Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria. Method: Before antiglucan test was conducted, glucan-formation test was performed on Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria using SDSpage. Meanwhile, anti-glucan adhesion test on Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria was carried by culturing the bacteria at 37ºC temperature in a jar with 10% CO2. Test tubes were placed at an angle of 30º for 18 hours to review the attachment of bacteria at the glass surfaces. After the incubation, the culture of bacteria was vibrated using a mixer vortex for a few minutes, and then cultured in solid MRS A media. Bacteria grown were measured by using colony counter. Result: The ethanol extract of propolis with a concentration of 1.56% was the lowest concentration inhibiting the attachment of glucan to Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria. Conclusion: The ethanol extract of propolis with a concentration of 1.56% can be used as an anti-glucan material for Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria.
Differences in tensile adhesion strength between HEMA and nonHEMA-based dentin bonding applied on superficial and deep dentin surfaces Eresha Melati Kusuma Wurdani; Adioro Soetojo; Devi Eka Juniarti
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 50 No. 1 (2017): March 2017
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (483.517 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v50.i1.p14-18


Background: Improvement in dentistry shows some progresses, due to patients awareness on the importance of dental care. Cervical lesion is the most common phenomenon which oftenly found 46.36% in man and 38.13% in woman. Cervical lesions need composite restoration for treatment to stop the process of tissue damage. The process of adhesion of composite restoration material to the structure of the tooth is not easily separated and it needs optimal function in the oral cavity. Application of dentin bonding agents to attach the composite is needed. Selection of HEMA-based bonding material and Hema free-based bonding material which have a different solvent in their composition, as applied to the dentin superficial and deep dentin, affect the results of debonding test. Debonding test is done to measure the adhesion strength of a bonding material. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze differences in tensile bond strength of dentine bonding HEMA-based and HEMA-free based after application in superficial and deep dentine surfaces. Method: The tooth of the bovine was as samples. A superficial dentine sample was taken from 0.5-1 mm of dentino enamel junction and a deep dentine sample was taken from 0.5 mm culmination of pulp horn. Dentine surface area was equal to p x r2 = (3.14 x 22) = 12.56 mm2. Six samples of HEMA-based bonding was applied to the dentine superficial. Six samples of HEMAfree based bonding was applied to the superficial dentine. Six samples of HEMA-based bonding was applied to the deep dentine. Six samples of HEMA-free based bonding was applied to the deep dentine. Tensile strength was measured using an Autograph AG-10TE. Result: There were differences tensile bond strength of dentine bonding HEMA-based and HEMA-free based after the application on superficial (p=0.000) and deep dentine surfaces (p=0.000). Conclusion: There were differences tensile bond strength of dentine bonding HEMA-based and HEMA-free based after the application on superficial and deep dentine surfaces. The use of dentine bonding materials HEMA-free based were better than HEMA-based after application on different dentine depths.