Kun Ismiyatin
Department Of Conservative Dentistry, Faculty Of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

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Internal Bleaching of a Non vital Anterior Tooth in Patient with Postural Hypotension: Pemutihan Internal Gigi Anterior Non vital pada Pasien dengan Hipotensi Postural Salicha, Ramadhani Putri; Ismiyatin, Kun; Pramita Tanjung Sari; Widjaja, Olivia Vivian; Ria Puspita Sari
Dentika: Dental Journal Vol. 23 No. 2 (2020): Dentika Dental Journal
Publisher : TALENTA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/dentika.v23i2.4095


Postural hypotension is a form of low blood pressure, characterized a 20 mmHg decrease in systolic blood pressure or a 10 mmHg drop in diastolic blood pressure when rising from a sitting or lying position. This can cause syncope. A patient who comes to a dentist with postural hypotension may be a tough case. A 48-year-old woman arrived with postural hypotension and felt dissatisfied with the discolored and unsightly condition of her upper central incisor. This clinical case shows a management of postural hypotension patient in internal bleaching technique on non-vital teeth using 35% hydrogen peroxide. This therapy is simple, safety and adequate for patients who has postural hypotension with satisfactory results.
Endodontic Retreatment in Underfilled Root Canal of Maxillary First Molar with Chronic Periapical Abscess: A Case Report Nanik Zubaidah; Kun Ismiyatin; Cinitra Anindya; Nindhira Puspita Sari; Singgih Harseno; Ahmad Afif Dzulfikar; Dian Dwi Pratiwi
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Vol. 15 No. 4 (2021): Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Publisher : Institute of Medico-legal Publications Pvt Ltd

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37506/ijfmt.v15i4.16990


Background:The failure of endodontic treatment commonly caused by imperfect obturation, periodontalperiradicularlesions, untreated root canals, and some other factors. The failure may trigger the occurrenceof secondary infections due to persistent. bacteria.One of the abnormalities that appear after endodontictreatment is a periapical abscess.Endodontic failure can be overcome by endodontic retreatment, apicalsurgery, or extraction. During an endodontic retreatment, endodontic instruments are used to remove theroot canal filling material and to repeat the steps of endodontic treatment to achieve the apical patency.Purpose: This case report presents management to overcome the failure of previous endodontic treatmentwith nonsurgical endodontic retreatment. Case: A 66 years old male patient came with a dull pain oftooth no 16 and uncomfortable when used for chewing since 2 months after endodontic treatment. Theepisodic swelling appeared since 3 months ago which then deflated.The objective examination showed apositive response to bite test and percussion test. Intraoral periapical radiograph confirmed an underfilledroot canal, and a periapical radiolucency with a diffuse border on palatal root. Case Management: Basedon the patient’s history taking, radiographic, and clinical examination,endodontic retreatment was doneand followed by porcelain fused to metal crown restoration. Conclusion: Endodontic retreatment is theappropriate treatmentoption to overcome the failure of the previous endodontic treatment that accompaniedwith a periapical lesion and to preserve its function in stomatognatic system.
The Monomer Elution of Bulk-Fill Sculptable Composite and Flowable Composite after Photopolymerization Nanik Zubaidah; Adioro Soetojo; Kun Ismiyatin; Karina Erda Saninggar; Hendri Eko Wahyudi; Sylvia; Sandra Kartika Sari
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Vol. 15 No. 2 (2021): Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Publisher : Institute of Medico-legal Publications Pvt Ltd

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37506/ijfmt.v15i2.14853


Introduction: Composite resins have excellent mechanical properties, including fast polymerization,aesthetic quality, easy handling, and the ability to adhere to the enamel surfaces. However, there are alsosome disadvantages from this material, one of them is residual monomers. Bulk-fill composite resins areavailable in sculptable (solid) and flowable (liquid) form. Most composite resin matrix is aromatic oraliphatic acrylates. Bis-GMA, UDMA, and TEGDMA are the matrix monomers that are commonly used butshow a high cytotoxicity level. They also have poor mechanical properties such as wear resistance, hardness,tendency to change color, and may cause pulp reactions. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate thenumber of residual monomers in bulk-fill sculptable and flowable composites in the submersion of 75%ethanol solution (10 minutes, an hour, and 24 hours). Methods: Sculptable and flowable composites wereused in this study. Samples (4 mm thick, 5 mm diameter) were prepared and polymerized for 10 secondswith an intensity of 1025 mW / cm2 of a light emitted diode (LED). After the sample was made, each samplewas immediately immersed in a 75% ethanol solution as an extraction liquid and stored in amber-coloredbottles at room temperature. Samples were taken as many as 7 cc at intervals of 10 minutes, an hour, and 24hours. Samples were analyzed by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The data obtainedwere analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis Test, Independent T-Test and Mann-Whitney Test at a significancelevel of p <0.05. Result: The amount of elusion remaining monomers of the bulk-fill flowable compositewas higher than bulk-fill sculptable composite. UDMA composite of bulk fill flowable submersed in 75%ethanol solution for 24 hours was the highest among other monomers. Conclusion: Residual monomerseluted inside bulk-fill composite resins in all time periods and the amount of eluted monomers increaseswith time.
Tensile bond strength of hydroxyethyl methacrylate dentin bonding agent on dentin surface at various drying techniques Kun Ismiyatin
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 43 No. 2 (2010): June 2010
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga https://fkg.unair.ac.id/en

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (205.22 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v43.i2.p54-57


Background: There are several dentin surface drying techniques to provide a perfect resin penetration on dentin. There are two techniques which will be compared in this study. The first technique was by rubbing dentin surface gently using cotton pellet twice, this technique is called blot dry technique. The second technique is by air blowing dentin surface for one second and continued by rubbing dentin surface gently using moist cotton. Purpose: This experiment was aimed to examine the best dentin surface drying techniques after 37% phosphoric acid etching to obtain the optimum tensile bond strength between hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) and dentin surface. Method: Bovine teeth was prepared flat to obtain the dentin surface and than was etched using 37% phosphoric acid for 15 seconds. After etching the dentin was cleaned using 20 cc plain water and dried with blot dry techniques (group I), or dried with air blow for one second (group II), or dried with air blow for one second, and continued with rubbing gently using moist cotton pellet (group III), and without any drying as control group (group IV). After these drying, the dentin surfaces were applied with resin dentin bonding agent and put into plunger facing the composite mould. The antagonist plunger was filled with composite resin. After 24 hours, therefore bond strength was measured using Autograph. Result: Data obtained was analyzed using One-Way ANOVA with 95% confidence level and continued with LSD test on p≤0.05. The result showed that the highest tensile bond strength was on group I, while the lowest on group IV. Group II and IV, III and IV, II and III did not show signigicant difference (p>0.05). Conclusion: Dentin surface drying techniques through gentle rubbing using cotton pellet twice (blot dry technique) gave the greatest tensile bond strength.Latar belakang masalah: Tehnik pengeringan permukaan dentin agar resin dapat penetrasi dengan sempurna adalah dengan cara pengusapan secara halus sebanyak dua kali menggunakan bulatan kapas, yang disebut blot dry technique, dengan semprotan udara selama 1 detik atau dengan semprotan udara selama 1 detik yang dilanjutkan dengan pengusapan secara halus menggunakan bulatan kapas basah yang diperas dan kelebihan air pada kapas diserap dengan kertas hisap. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tehnik pengeringan permukaan dentin yang terbaik setelah etsa dengan asam phosphat 37% untuk mendapatkan kekuatan perlekatan tarik yang optimum antara HEMA dentine bonding agent dan permukaan dentin dengan menggunakan alat ukur Autograph. Metode: Permukaan dentin gigi sapi diasah rata, kemudian di etsa dengan asam phosphat 37% selama 15 detik. Permukaan dentin dicuci dengan 20 cc air dan kemudian dikeringkan dengan cara blot dry technique (kel. I), dengan semprotan udara selama 1 detik (kel. II) atau semprotan udara selama 1 detik dan dilanjutkan dengan pengusapan secara halus menggunakan bulatan kapas basah yang diperas dan kelebihan air pada kapas diserap dengan kertas hisap (kel. III) dan tanpa pengeringan permukaan dentin sebagai kontrol (kel. IV). Selanjutnya permukaan dentin diulasi dengan resin bonding dan diletakkan kedalam plunger dengan permukaan menghadap permukaan komposit. Setelah 24 jam dilakukan pengukuran kekuatan tarik dengan menggunakan alat ukur Autograph. Hasil: Analisis data menggunakan uji Anova satu arah dengan derajat kepercayaan 95% dan dilanjutkan dengan test LSD pada p≤0,05. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan kekuatan perlekatan tarik yang paling tinggi pada kelompok I, sedangkan yang paling rendah pada kelompok IV. Didapatkan perbedaan bermakna pada kelompok I, II, III, dan IV. Pada kelompok II dan IV, III, dan IV, II, dan III tidak didapatkan perbedaan bermakna (p>0,05). Kesimpulan: Tehnik pengeringan permukaan dentin dengan cara pengusapan secara halus menggunakan bulatan kapas sebanyak 2 kali menghasilkan kekuatan perlekatan tarik terbesar.
Shear bond strength between porcelain and nano filler composite resin with or without 9% hydrofluoric acid etching Kun Ismiyatin
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 42 No. 2 (2009): June 2009
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga https://fkg.unair.ac.id/en

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (88.218 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v42.i2.p86-89


Background: Reparation technique on restorations with broken or damaged porcelain which are still attached with the teeth are difficult, because it is very hard to remove the porcelain restoration without damaging it, and it needs a long time. Various ways have been developed to repair the broken porcelain, one of them is the use of composite resin as the material for the restoration of fractured porcelain. Repairing porcelain inside the mouth without removing the restoration of the damaged porcelain using light cured composite resins material seems to be an advantageous option because it is relatively simple, has low risks, good esthetically and cheap. Purpose: The objective of this study was to find out the difference of shear bond strength in porcelain reparation using nano filler composite resin with or without 9% hydrofluoric acid etching by using Autograph measuring device. Methods: Twenty pieces of the porcelain samples devided into 2 groups. Group I: etching process using 9% hydrofluoric acid, and group II : without etching process. Result: The data was analyzed using t test in a p value of 0.0001 (p≤0.05), which means there is a significant different of shear bond strength between treated group I and II. The biggest shear bond strength was in treatment group I. Conclusion: The use of 9% hydrofluoric acid on the surface of porcelain can increase the shear bond strength between porcelain and nano filler composite resin.
The effects of different 650 nm laser diode irradiation times on the viability and proliferation of human periodontal ligament fibroblast cells Kun Ismiyatin; Ari Subiyanto; Ika Tangdan; Rahmi Nawawi; Reinold C. Lina; Rizky Ernawati; Hendy Jaya Kurniawan
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 52 No. 3 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga https://fkg.unair.ac.id/en

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v52.i3.p142-146


Background: Endo-perio lesions are clinical manifestations of inflammation in the periodontal and pulp tissue. Damage to the periodontal ligament can inhibit its ability to regenerate. Therefore, laser therapy use is expected to improve the prognosis with regard to healing lesions. Unfortunately, the duration of irradiation during laser diode therapy can influence the viability and proliferation of human periodontal ligament fibroblast (hPDLF) cells. Purpose: This study aims to determine the effects of different irradiation exposure times of the 650 nm laser diode of the pulsed mode type on the viability and proliferation of human periodontal ligament fibroblast cells. Methods: This study constituted a laboratory experiment on hPDLF cells using 650 nm laser diode irradiation. Six groups formed the research subjects in this study, namely; two control groups, two radiation groups respectively subjected to irradiation exposure of 15 seconds and 35 seconds duration followed by 24-hour incubation, and two radiation groups exposed to irradiation for 15 and 35 seconds respectively followed by 72-hour incubation period. The viability and proliferation of those cells were subsequently calculated by ELISA reader, while the data was analyzed by means of one-way ANOVA and Tukey tests. Results: The significance value of the viability scores between the 15-second irradiation group and the 35-second irradiation group was less than 0.05, indicating that there was a significant difference between these treatment groups. Similarly, the significance value of proliferation scores between the 15-second irradiation group and the 35-second irradiation group was less than 0.05, again indicating a significant difference between these treatment groups. Conclusion: Irradiation using a 650 nm laser diode 15 seconds and 35 seconds in duration can induce an increase in the viability and proliferation of hPDLF cells.
Efficacy of topical hydrogel Epigallocatechin-3-gallate against neutrophil cells in perforated dental pulp Kun Ismiyatin; Ari Subiyanto; Michelle Suhartono; Paramita Tanjung Sari; Olivia Vivian Widjaja; Ria Puspita Sari
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 53 No. 2 (2020): June 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga https://fkg.unair.ac.id/en

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v53.i2.p88-92


Background: One cause of pulpitis is mechanical trauma such as pulp perforation. The emergency treatment of pulpitis in a clinic uses eugenol. Eugenol in a high concentration causes cytotoxicity, which causes local necrosis and inhibits the recovery process, while in lower doses it can cause oral mucosal hypersensitivity. Due to these side effects, it is worth considering other biocompatible materials with minimal side effects, such as epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) which is found in green tea. As a polyphenol, EGCG has a radical scavenging ability, which has an effect on reducing the number of neutrophils. The application of EGCG is expected to reduce neutrophils on the second day after injury so the rehabilitation process is completed more quickly and ongoing inflammation and pulp necrosis is prevented. Purpose: To analyse the efficacy of topical hydrogel EGCG in reducing the number of neutrophils after 48 hours in the perforated dental pulp of Wistar rats. Method: 20 Wistar rats were divided equally into four groups, which were designated control (C) and treatment groups (T1, T2, T3). The upper first molar teeth of each rat were perforated and then T1, T2, and T3 were given 60 ppm, 90 ppm and 120 ppm hydrogel EGCG respectively. On the second day, the rats were sacrificed. HPA preparations were made to calculate the number of neutrophils in each group. Data was analysed using Kolmogorov–Smirnov, Levene’s, one-way ANOVA and Tukey HSD test (p<0.05). Results: There were significant differences between T2 and T3 compared with C and T1 (p<0.05), but no significant differences in the comparison of T1 with C and of T2 with T3 (p>0.05). Conclusion: 90 ppm hydrogel EGCG is effective in reducing the number of neutrophils in the perforated dental pulp of Wistar rats.
Management of Non-Vital Teeth Discoloration with the Internal Bleaching : A Case Report Dewi Fitria Anugrahati1 , Rizky Ernawati1 , Windi Irsya1 , Yulianti Kartini Sumur1, Sukaton2 , Kun I
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Vol. 15 No. 1 (2021): Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Publisher : Institute of Medico-legal Publications Pvt Ltd

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37506/ijfmt.v15i1.13558


Tooth discoloration due to intra coronal bleeding after trauma can cause aesthetic disturbances andappearance. Internal bleaching is a non-invasive method to restore tooth color which is performed afterendodontic treatment by placing a strong oxidizing agent in the pulp chamber. Aim of this study was toreport the success of internal bleaching procedure to restore discolored teeth due to trauma. A 44-year-oldfemale came to Conservative Dentistry Universitas Airlangga with chief complaint of the upper right insisortooth looks darker than the adjacent teeth. The patient had fallen 10 years ago from her motorcycle and hertooth had been painful and then the pain disappeared. In intra oral clinical examination, it showed that tooth11 had discoloured, vitality test of tooth 11 showed no response to electric pulp test. Radiographic viewshowed that radiolucen in periapical area and no fracture was found. At the first visit, treatment of singlevisit root canal using rotary instrument and gave dressing calcium hydroxide. A week later on the secondvisit, internal bleaching with hydrogen peroxide 35% was done. After bleaching, calcium hydroxide wasapplied to neutralize the oxidizing agent and then re-evaluated for the color. At the third visit, it showed thatthe tooth colour was obtain as desire from C3 to A3 (Vitapan Classical). The internal bleaching procedureon the traumatized tooth was the best option to restore the function and aesthetics according to the originaltooth colour and also provided benefits in terms of saving time, lower price, and maximum results.
Conservative Dentistry Journal Vol. 9 No. 1 (2019): January - June
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (976.233 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/cdj.v9i1.2019.33-39


Background. Pulp necrosis is defined as the irreversible death of pulp tissue. It clinically observed by the destruction of its own tissue. The primary etiology of pulp necrosis is irritation due to bacterial infection. The treatment for pulp necrosis is root canal treatment with a success percentage ranging from 40-93% based on cavities with minimal bacteria that can be sterilized. One method of sterilization using Antibacterial Photodynamic Therapy (aPDT), which uses laser diodes is currently being developed in the field of conservative dentistry, but there are still many differences of opinion regarding the ideal amount of time of laser radiation or photoactivation used to reduce the number of bacteria, especially in root canals. Aim. To determine the effective radiation time of the 650 nm wavelength laser diode with Methylene Blue Photosensitizer in reducing the number of bacterial colonies from necrotic root canals. Method. This research is a laboratory experimental study with 30 samples and 6 groups with different durations of irradiation namely 45, 60, 75 and 90 seconds. Results. It was found that there was a decrease in the number of mixed bacterial colonies within necrotic root canals with the obtained p-value of the ANOVA test results being <0.05. This shows that there is a significant difference between the amounts of mixed bacterial colonies from necrotic root canals in each treatment group. Conclusion. Diode laser radiation with a wavelength of 650 nm with duration of 90 seconds of radiation and Methylene Blue Photosensitizer is an effective time in reducing the number of bacterial colonies from necrotic teeth compared to the duration of radiation of 45, 60 and 75 seconds.
Effect of 405 nm Diode Laser with Varying Irradiation Time on BHK-21 Fibroblast Viability Kun Ismiyatin; Leidy Herlin Rumbiak; Widya Saraswati; Sri Kunarti; Anuj Bhardwaj
Conservative Dentistry Journal Vol. 9 No. 1 (2019): January - June
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (450.356 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/cdj.v9i1.2019.13-18


Background: Laser is a device that emits light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation; it can be used for surgery, detoxification, bio stimulation and antibacterial. However, lasers have Biphasic Dose Response (BDR), which is bio stimulation and bio inhibition. To determine if 405 nm laser diode is biocompatible, viability test is necessary before these lasers can be labeled as viable to use in dental therapy. Aim: To prove the variation of radiation time of the 405 nm laser diode radiation can cause bio stimulation and bio inhibition response that affects the viability of BHK-21 fibroblast cells. Method: Viability test was carried out using BHK-21 fibroblast cells which were inserted into 96-well microplate, then radiated with 405 nm laser diode with varying irradiation time of 30s, 60s, 120s, 240s and 480s. After radiation, the cells are then incubated for 24h. Cytotoxicity was observed using MTT assay and ELISA reader. Data was analyzed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Levene Test, Welch ANOVA, and Tukey HSD. Results: BHK-21 fibroblast cells radiated with 405 nm laser diode with radiation time of 30s, 60s, 120s, and 240s have the same viability as the control cell, while at 480 seconds the viability exceeds that of the control cell. Conclusion: 405 nm laser diode with radiation times of 30s, 60s, 120s, and 240s do not affect the viability of BHK-21 fibroblast cells. Meanwhile, 480s irradiation time of 405 nm laser diode causes bio stimulation response that increases the viability of BHK-21 fibroblast cells.