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Jurnal Layanan Masyarakat (Journal of Public Services) Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021): JURNAL LAYANAN MASYARAKAT
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jlm.v5i2.2021.292-301


AbstractCiplukan is a wild plant with the Latin name Physalis angulata L which grows a lot in rice fields and community gardens. Ciplukan plants that grow wild everywhere, at first glance it seems that there is no price, even though besides being rich in benefits, the price of ciplukan fruit is quite fantastic Rp. 100.000,-/kg. Bondowoso has 23 sub-districts, including Maesan and Sumberwringin sub-districts. Currently, there are many youth communities emerging in the two sub-districts, including the MPK 8320 and FPS communities. The activities of the two communities include hydroponic training, plant nurseries, economic development, etc. For this reason, the Community Service Team of the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Airlangga designed an activity to combine the existing problems in community groups, namely the lack of knowledge or information about the benefits to health, economic value, and cultivation of ciplukan plants. The existence of this problem causes community members not to have the courage to cultivate ciplukan plants, the low level of income from community members makes it difficult to find sources of funds to cultivate ciplukan plants. The purpose of this activity is to increase knowledge and skills about the health benefits and cultivation of ciplukan which will have an impact on improving the economy. The solutions offered are 1. Providing counseling and promoting ciplukan as a toga plant and its health benefits. 2. As an initial stage, distributing ciplukan plants to the community around the community 3. Providing counseling about ciplukan cultivation. This activity received a very good response from the community around the community in particular and the Bondowoso community in general, even community members have hopes and aspirations for ciplukan fruit to become the "Icon" of Bondowoso city.Keywords : tanaman ciplukan, komunitas FPS, komunitas MPK 8320AbstrakCiplukan merupakan tanaman liar yang bernama latin Physalis angulata L yang banyak tumbuh diarea persawahan dan kebun warga. Tanaman ciplukan yang tumbuh liar, sepintas terlihat tidak ada harganya, padahal selain kaya manfaat kini harga buah ciplukan cukup fantastis Rp.100.000,-/kg. Bondowoso mempunyai 23 kecamatan, diantaranya adalah kecamatan Maesan dan Sumberwringin. Saat ini banyak sekali bermunculan komunitas anak muda yang berada di dua kecamatan tersebut, diantaranya adalah komunitas MPK 8320 dan FPS. Kegiatan dari kedua komunitas tersebut  antara lain pelatihan hidroponik, pembibitan tanaman, pengembangan perekonomian dll. Untuk itu Tim Pengabdian Masyarakat Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Airlangga merancang kegiatan  menggabungkan adanya permasalahan yang ada pada kelompok komunitas yaitu kurangnya pengetahuan atau informasi tentang manfaat terhadap kesehatan, nilai ekonomis dan budidaya tanaman ciplukan. Adanya permasalahan ini yang menyebabkan anggota komunitas tidak punya keberanian untuk  membudidayakan tanaman ciplukan, rendahnya tingkat penghasilan dari anggota komunitas sehingga kesulitan mencari sumber dana untuk membudidayakan tanaman ciplukan. Tujuan kegiatan ini meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan tentang manfaat kesehatan dan budidaya ciplukan yang akan berdampak pada peningkatan ekonomi. Solusi yang ditawarkan yaitu 1.Memberikan penyuluhan dan mempromosikan ciplukan sebagai tanaman toga dan manfaatnya terhadap kesehatan.2.Sebagai tahap awal membagikan tanaman ciplukan kepada masyarakat di sekitar komunitas 3.Memberikan penyuluhan tentang budidaya ciplukan. Kegiatan ini mendapat respons yang sangat baik dari masyarakat di sekitar komunitas khususnya dan masyarakat Bondowoso pada umumnya, bahkan anggota komunitas mempunyai harapan dan cita-cita agar buah ciplukan menjadi ICON  kota Bondowoso.Kata kunci : ciplukan, komunitas FPS, komunitas MPK 8320
Jurnal Layanan Masyarakat (Journal of Public Services) Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022): JURNAL LAYANAN MASYARAKAT
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jlm.v6i1.2022.15-17


Anxiety is a normal response that often occurs and is experienced by everyone when faced with something that is considered threatening, anxiety can affect a person's behavior. One form of anxiety that is often found in society is dental anxiety. Dental anxiety is a tendency to feel afraid and anxious about dental and oral care. This anxiety does not only occur in pediatric patients, even adult patients also experience dental anxiety. One form of anxiety in dental and oral health care and the most common anxiety is tooth extraction, a growing belief in society that pulling teeth, especially in the maxillary teeth, can affect eye health and can even cause blindness. The myth that developed regarding blindness can occur as a result of the disconnection of the eye nerve when the tooth is being extracted, it could also be due to anesthetic fluid entering through the eye nerve. In fact, if we look at the facts and research, the optic nerve is not related to the dental nerve because there is no direct relationship between the eye nerve and the dental nerve, so it is necessary to educate the public that extraction cannot cause blindness after extraction. The solutions offered in this community service activity include education and the provision of digital literature on retraction, anesthetic procedures, and the connection with the innervation of the eye.
MAKING DENTAL AND ORAL CARE LITERACY DURING A PANDEMIC AS COMMUNITY SERVICE Rini Devijanti Ridwan; Devi Rianti; Mahela Sefrian Luthfimaidah; Dimas Rudianto Fardha
Jurnal Layanan Masyarakat (Journal of Public Services) Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022): JURNAL LAYANAN MASYARAKAT
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jlm.v6i1.2022.87-90


Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) has been spread fast so World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 as a pandemic. In Indonesia, data from the first patience until October 2021, this pandemic has infected more than four million Indonesians citizen, soon after government made policies for people to stay at home if there is no urgent need to leave the house. Transmission of COVID-19 which is through droplets and airborne causing contact from people to other should be limited if it is not necessary, as well as in conditions of fulfilling dental and oral care needs. The main transmission conditions through droplets like this cause health workers, especially the dentistry sector to be at high risk for infected by COVID-19, because dentists must have direct contact with the patients oral cavity who may also have become carriers of COVID-19, this can be done through direct contact with saliva, patient's blood and can also be caused by touch a tool or object which surfaces has been contaminated by this virus. Although it is recommended not to go to dentist for treatment, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) still give recommendations to patient to be treated for emergency cases. So education and literacy are needed to increase public knowledge about what cases included to an emergency cases, how to go or get treatment in dental and oral health needs during the pandemic, so that people can still get treatment if they are in a condition that is really needed.
Jurnal Layanan Masyarakat (Journal of Public Services) Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022): JURNAL LAYANAN MASYARAKAT
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jlm.v6i1.2022.212-218


The coffee husk waste has not been utilized optimally by farmers. Coffee skin waste, which has been considered as a leftover material from the production of ground coffee, turns out to have many benefits and uses in life. Based on the results of research by experts, coffee husk waste is useful in agriculture, animal husbandry and fisheries, namely as compost, protein nutrition and additional fiber in animal feed. This solid waste of coffee rind has high levels of organic matter and nutrients that can improve soil structure. One of the efforts that can be done to handle the increasing amount of coffee husk waste is by processing coffee skin waste into compost. The by-products in the form of coffee skins range from 50-60 percent of the harvest. If the yield is 1000 kg of fresh coffee, then about 400-500 kg of coffee beans will be produced and the rest is a by-product in the form of coffee husks. The advantage of this coffee skin compost is that its nitrogen content is quite high, around 6% so that it can substitute for fertilizers containing nitrogen. The problem is that the C/N ratio is high enough that it takes a long time to decompose or the solution is to add nitrogen sources and a decomposer to speed up decomposition. This community service activity was carried out in collaboration with the community in the Bondowoso district, namely the KAPAS Community in Sumbergading Village, Sumberwringin District and the TSS community in Sukosari Lor Village, Sukosari District. In the Bondowoso area, there are many youth communities with various activities aimed at advancing people's lives and improving the socio-economic status of the area. Coffee husk waste is very common in the area, so far, coffee skin waste has not been used optimally, so its benefits cannot be obtained. The solutions offered in this community service activity include: Provide an understanding of the importance of utilizing existing coffee husk waste for communities and communities in the Bondowoso area, Provide training on making fertilizer from coffee husk waste as an innovation in making fertilizer to increase agricultural yields in the Bondowoso area, Exploring and empowering the natural potential that exists in the community environment so that it can be put to good use, Initiate the business of making fertilizer from coffee husk waste as an innovation in making fertilizer for cost efficiency in agriculture Keywords : waste, coffee husk, innovation, fertilizer, health DAFTAR PUSTAKA Dzung NA., Dzung TT.,Khanh VTP.,2013. Evaluation of Coffe Husk Compost for Improving Soil Fertility and Sustainable Coffee Production in Rural Central Highland of Vietnam. Resources and Environment, 3(4), 77-82 Abdoellah, S dan A.Wardani. 1993. Impact of Cocoa Development on Marginal Land to Farmers Income: A Case in Gunung Kidul Regency, Indonesia. Pelita Perkebunan, 9(3), 97 – 104 Bressani, R.1979. The by-products of coffee berries.dalam coffee pulp: composition, technology, and utilization. Editor J. E. Braham and R. Bressani. Ottawa: Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama. Berlian, Z., Syarifah, dan Sari DS., 2015. Pengaruh Pemberian Limbah Kulit Kopi (Coffea robusta L.) terhadap Pertumbuhan Cabai Keriting (Capsicum annum L.). Jurnal Biota, 1(1), 22-32. Sahputra, A., Barus A., dan Sipayung R., 2013. Pertumbuhan dan produksi bawang merah (Allium ascalonicum L.) terhadap pemberian kompos kulit kopi dan pupuk organik cair. Jurnal Online Agroekoteknologi, 2(1), 26-35. Maruli, A. 2010. Limbah kopi antar mahasiswa ke jerman. 27334/limbah-kopi-antarmahasiswake jerman/2017.07.18. Afrizon, 2015. Potensi Kopi Sebagai bahan Baku Pupuk Kompos Di Propinsi Bengkulu. AGRITEPA, 2(1). 1, 21-32 Novita E., Fathurrohman A., Pradana HA.,2018. Pemanfaatan Kompos Blok Limbah Kulit Kopi sebagai Media Tanam. Jurnal Agrotek, 2(2), 61- 72 Muryanto, 2004 Muryanto. (2004). Potensi Limbah Kulit Kopi Sebagai Pakan Ternak. Jurnal Lokakarya, 1, 112-114. Triawan DA., Banon C., Adfa M., 2020. Biokonversi Kulit Kopi Menjadi Pupuk Kompos Pada Kelompok Tani Pangestu Rakyat Kabupaten Rejang Lebong. Jurnal Pengabdian Al-Ikhlas, 5(2), 159-165
Study of adhesin from Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans local isolate on alveolar bone destruction in aggressive periodontitis disease Rini Devijanti Ridwan; Tuti Kusumaningsih; Sidarningsih Sidarningsih; Soetjipto Soetjipto
Publisher : The East Java Biological Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (500.894 KB) | DOI: 10.23869/75


Adhesion is a powerful survival mechanism as well as a virulence mechanism for bacterial pathogens. Bacterial adhesin is a media for bacteria to invade the host. Bacterial adhesin,is a medium for bacteria to invade the host. Baterial adhe-sion, moreover, is depend on the ligand interaction as a signaling mediator that will influence the invasion process and increase pro and anti-inflammatory due tob the influence of the receptors of innate immune response. Aggregatibacter actimycetemcomitans (A.actinomycetemcomitan) have many virulence factors that may result in tissue and alveolar bone damage. One of the virulence factors is adhesin that can be isolated from the fimbriae. This research purposed to analyze the ability of adhesin protein from A.actinomycetemcomitan that cause the destruction of alveolar bone. Thus, the number of osteoblasts and osteoclasts as well as osteocalcin expression can be used as a marker of damage on the alveolar bone of Wistar rats. The research was conducted through several processes. First, the adhesin of A.actinomycetemcomitan with a molecular weight (MW) of 24 kDa is induced into Wistar rats. Next, to determine the number of osteoblasts and osteoclasts performed, hematoxylin eosin staining is conducted. Meanwhile, to determine osteocalcin expression performed, immunohistochemical techniques is used. This research shows the decreasing of the number of osteoblasts and increasing of the number of osteoclasts in the treatment groups induced by adhesin proteins, A. actinomycetemcomitans + adhesin protein, and A.actinomycetemcomitan compared those in the control group. It also shows the increasing of osteocalcin expressions on the alveolar bone of Wistar rats in the groups induced by adhesin proteins, A. actinomycetemcomitans + adhesin protein, and A. actinomycetemcomitans than those in the control group. It can be concluded that the adhesin protein of A. actinomycetemcomitans plays an important role in the destruction of alveolar bone through the reduction of the number of osteoblasts, the increasing of the number of osteoclasts and oste-ocalcin expression in aggressive periodontitis.
The expression of TLR-2 and NOD-2 in gingival epithelium of rat after probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri supplementation to inhibit Streptococcus mutans growth Tuti Kusumaningsih; Subijanto Marto Sudarmo; Retno Indrawati; Rini Devijanti Ridwan; Sidarningsih Sidarningsih
Publisher : The East Java Biological Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (574.642 KB) | DOI: 10.23869/91


Lactobacillus reuteri is probiotic from Gram positive bacteria which has specific molecular structure, consisted of peptidoglycan (PG) and lipotheihoic acid (LTA). These structure have potential in pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) activation, such as TLR-2 and NOD-2 that are the up stream of beta defensin-2 (BD-2) signaling cascade. BD-2 is antimocrobial peptides naturally produced in mouth cavity that can against Streptococcus mutans effectively. This study was aimed to prove that probiotic L. reuteri supplementation can increase the expression of TLR-2 and NOD-2 in gingival epithelium. Experimental design in this study was randomized control group post test only design. Study was carried on 24 white rat (Rattus norvegicus) Wistar strain which divided into 4 groups. Positive control was rats that induced with S. mutans, while rats in negative control group were not induced. Group I was rats that suppelemented with L. reuteri for 14 days (day 1-14) and induced with S. mutans for 7 days (day 8-14). Group II was rats that supplemented with L. reuteri and induced with S. mutans simustaneously for 14 days (day 1-14). Concentration of bacterial suspension was 108 cfu ∕ml for L. reuteri and 1010 cfu/ml for S. mutans. Both of these two bacteria was given orally to rats. TLR-2 and NOD-2 expressions were evaluated with immunohistochemistry technique. Significant differences of protein expression between each treatment groud was analyzed with ANOVA (p=0.001). TLR-2 and NOD-2 expressions were higher than negative control. It can be conclude that L. reuteri supplementation as probiotic could increase the expression of TLR-2 and NOD-2 in gingival epithelium of rat.
A.actinomycetemcomitans adhesi protein increasing IL-8 titre in heart of wistar rat with aggressive periodontitis (Protein adhesin dari A.actinomycetemcomitans meningkatkantiter IL -8 di dalamjantungtikuswistar denganperiodontitis agresif) Rini Devijanti Ridwan; Retno Indrawati
Journal of Dentomaxillofacial Science Vol. 13 No. 2 (2014): Formerly Jurnal Dentofasial ISSN 1412-8926
Publisher : DiscoverSys Inc.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15562/jdmfs.v13i2.392


Cardiovascular and periodontal diseases are common inflammatory conditions in the human population. Tlymphocytesparticipateinthepathogenesis and inflammatory events of atherosclerosis. These immune cells enter theinflamed artery wall and join macrophages via a number of interferon-c-inducible chemokines. Chemokines (IL-8),cytokines, and growth factors also participate in this process. The interaction between interleukin- 8 and its receptor,CXCR2, can also contribute to lesion formation in mice. The main causes of aggressive periodontitis isActinobacillusactinomycetemcomitans. Previous studies have proven that adhesin protein with 24 kDa molecular weight from A.actinomycetemcomitans is a specific adhesin, this adhesin proteins play a role in the adhesion process on host. thiskind adhesion in the epithelial attachment would lead to colonization and invasion ofA.actinomycetemcomitans thatwill stimulate the host immune response. This study aimed to analyze the influence of induction 24 kDaA.actinomycetemcomitans adhesin protein to the titre of IL-8 in heart of Wistar rat with aggressive periodontitis usingElisa method to measure and analyze the titre of IL-8. After analyzed with analysis of variance, showed significantdifferences of IL-8 titre in the control group and the group with the induction byA.actinomycetemcomitans,A.actinomycetemcomitans plus 24 kDa A.actinomycetemcomitans adhesin protein, and only with 24 kDaA.actinomycetemcomitans adhesin protein. It can be concluded that A.actinomycetemcomitans adhesin protein with 24kDa molecular weight has a role in increasing of IL-8 titre in heart wistar rat with aggressive periodontitis.
Epigallocatechin gallate Mucoadhesive Gingival Patch as Potential Biomaterial to Regulate Macrophage and Lymphocyte Cells in Periodontitis: A Review Sidarningsih Sidarningsih; Indeswati Diyatri; Reinaya Tifa Pratiwi; Jihan Hijriya Nabilla; Yuliati Yuliati; Rini Devijanti Ridwan
Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): January - June
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/ijdm.v5i1.2022.32-36


Background: Periodontitis is a periodontal disease that affects more than 743 million peopleworldwide and causes damage to the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone. One of the bacteriathat can cause periodontitis is Porphyromonas gingivalis (P.gingivalis). P. gingivalis has virulence factors that can damage the periodontal tissue. Treatment of periodontitis is in the form of non- surgical therapy such as scaling and root planning and some cases, doxycycline can be given as adjunctive therapy after scaling and root planing. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is one of the catechins found in green tea and has anti-bacterial properties. Purpose: The study aimed to describe the potency of the mucoadhesive gingival patch with EGCG green tea against the number of macrophage cells and lymphocyte cells during periodontitis through narrative review. Review: Mucoadhesive gingiva patch loaded with EGCG has the advantages such as maintaining drug bioavailability, non-invasive, and optimizing drug distribution. Using a mucoadhesive gingiva patch with EGCG can reduce macrophage and lymphocyte cells by inhibiting lipopolysaccharide, a virulence factor of P. gingivalis. Inhibited lipopolysaccharide will inhibit pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α and IL-6. Macrophage and lymphocyte cells will reduce due to the inhibition of pro inflammatory cytokines. Conclusion: Mucoadhesive gingiva patch with EGCG green tea potentially to decreased macrophage and lymphocyte cells in periodontitis.