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Analisis Konflik Sosial Santri Reguler dan Intensif di TMI Putra Al-Amien Prenduan Munir, Muhammad
Islamic Counseling: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam Vol 3, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/jbk.v3i1.800


This article describes the conflict that occurred between Regular and Intensive santri at TMI Putra al-Amin Prenduan. The data collection method used is comparing observational data with the results of interviews with triangulation. Humans are born to know each other and socialize. But everyone also has to live in groups. Problems arise when there is a conflict of social relations between groups and a lack of social communication that occurs due to several things. The conflict that occurred among the Regular and Intensive santri at TMI Putra al-Amin Prenduan, which resulted in a lack of social communication and admonished the santri. This is due to provocative words that often arise among santri, causing emotion within themselves to be very high which results in the emergence of hostility among santri. From the data obtained, about the Regular and Intensive santri social groups there are three that cause conflicts to occur between santri, namely: the mischief of the santri, the behavior of the santri and the social interaction of the santri. While the causes of the Regular and Intensive santri conflict in TMI Putra Al-Amien Prenduan are caused by three things, namely: the factor of the older brother's doctrine, fanatics and bullying.
Komunikasi Interpersonal Santri Munir, Muhammad; Latifah, Lailatul
KOMUNIKA: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Vol 14 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (364.922 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/komunika.v14i1.2543


Interpersonal Communication can occur in place, namely in boarding schools. If Interpersonal Communication doesn’t effectively do, there will be awkwardness in Communication. The phenomenon that occurs in santri in pesantren is closed Communication with seniors. Because it is awkward that makes interpersonal Communication of students becomes inappropriate because there is a sense that is embedded in students to senior students, as well as senior students of prestige to greet and give greetings to junior students. This research approach is a phenomenological study, while this type of research is qualitative. While interviews, observations and documentation are methods of collecting data. They consisted of Al-Amien Prenduan students and An-Nurriyah Surabaya students. Because this boarding schools has a strict discipline and found the difference. While data reduction, synthesis, compiling working hypotheses are as data analysis. Triangulation and extension of participation as checking the validity of the data. The results of this study are interpersonal Communication of junior and senior santri, the social behavior of junior and senior santri, social interaction of junior santri and senior santri, the doctrine of senior santri to junior santri, fanatic of junior santri and senior santri, bullying of junior santri and senior santri. Komunikasi interpersonal dapat terjadi di manapun termasuk pondok pesantren. Jika Komunikasi Interpersonal tidak dilakukan secara efektif maka akan terjadi kecanggungan dalam berkomunikasi, umumnya fenomena komunikasi yang terjadi antar santri di pesantren adalah komunikasi tertutup. Hal ini dikarenakan rasa canggung antara santri senior dan santri junior dalam berinteraksi, santri senior gengsi untuk menyapa dan memberikan sapaan kepada santri junior. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah studi fenomenologi dengan menggunkan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan reduksi data dan sintesisasi digunakan sebagai analisis data. Selain itu menggunakan triangulasi dan perpanjangan keikutsertaan untuk pengecekan keabsahan data. Hasil dari penelitian ini menggambarkan komunikasi interpersonal santri junior dan santri senior, perilaku sosial santri junior dan santri senior, intraksi sosial santri junior dan santri senior, doktrin santri senior kepada santri junior, fanatik santri junior dan santri senior, serta bullying santri junior dan santri senior.
Pesan-Pesan Dakwah Da’i Pada Khalayak (Analisis Konten Pada Ceramah Da’i tentang Covid-19 di Youtube) Munir, Muhammad; Fauzi, Mohammad; Putra, Robby Aditya
AT-TABSYIR Vol 7, No 1 (2020): Juni 2020
Publisher : Prodi Komunikasi Penyiaran Islam Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/at-tabsyir.v7i1.7685


POTRET DIRI WANITA MUSLIMAH (Studi Fenomenologi Wanita Pekerja Karet di Kuala Mandor B Kabupaten Kuburaya) Munir, Muhammad; Adawiyah, Dwi Putri Robiatul
An-Nisa' : Jurnal Kajian Perempuan dan Keislaman Vol. 13 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : LP2M IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/annisa.v13i2.33


extreme work was done by Muslim women, their courage in doing slicing the bark of rubber tree to get the latex (noreh) alone in the middle of the night located in the forest.This work really made the researchers amazed.It was interesting to be adopted by all women moslem that they can learnin and understand the life of a Muslim woman that happened in the village clearly. The method of the study uses descriptive qualitative research and the approach is Phenomenology Study, using data collection methods: interviews, observation and documentation, which include Muslim women, rubber workers, and including the people in the village. The location of this study is in the district of Kaula Mandor B, Kuburaya Regency by snowball regardingMuslim women plays an important role in family such as parenting children, obeying their husbands and their parents. While in data analysis, researchers would analyze, explore data. Data analysis is directed at research questions, data reduction, and synthesis. Triangulation and extension of participation is used as checking the validity of the data. The results of this study are the role of Muslim women, the courage of Muslim women, the upbringing of Muslim women, and self-portraits of Muslim women in Islam. Pekerjaan yang ekstrim yang dilakukan oleh wanita muslimah, keberanian mereka dalam melakukan pekerjaan melukai pohon karet untuk mendapatkan getahnya (noreh) sendirian di tengah malam yang berlokasi di hutan, pekerjaan ini sangat membuat peneliti kagum sehingga menarik untuk di angkat dalam sebuah penelitian ini agar semua wanita muslimah memahami begitu berat kehidupan seorang muslimah yang terjadi di desa tersebut. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dan pendekatannya Studi Fenomenologi, dengan menggunakan metode pengumpulan data: wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi, yang meliputi wanita muslimah, wanita pekerja karet, serta termasuk masyarakat yang ada di desa tersebut. Adapun lokasi penelitian ini bertempat di kecamatan Kaula Mandor B Kabupaten Kuburaya dengan cara snowball. Dengan pertimbangan wanita muslimah berperan penting dalam berkeluarga seperti pola asuh anak, taat kepada suami dan kepada orang tuanya. Sedangkan dalam analisis data peneliti akan menganalisis, mengeksplorasi data. analisis data diarahkan pada pertanyaan penelitian, reduksi data, sintesisasi. Triangulasi dan perpanjangan keikutsertaan sebagai pengecekan keabsahan data. Hasil dari penelitian ini ialah Peran Wanita Muslimah, Keberanian Wanita Muslimah, Pola Asuh Anak Wanita Muslimah, Potret diri wanita muslimah dalam Islam
Dakwah Harmoni Sebagai Solusi Problem Agama dan Modernisme Perspektif Djohan Effendi Munir, Muhammad Munir; Ahmad Muqaffi
Ishlah: Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin, Adab dan Dakwah Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020): Juni
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin, Adab dan Dakwah IAIN Kerinci

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32939/ishlah.v2i1.7


Harmony is the need of all people in this world, so in making a growing exchange and interaction between religions and a stronger tendency towards religious diversity will present a new opportunity and challenge for harmony in religious relations. As a result, exchanges between various religions occur more frequently, more opportunities are provided for religions to conduct joint learning and strengthen cooperation. In the experience of all mankind, especially in several countries and regions in the east, from various events that occur gathered a lot of experience and wisdom in terms of cultural diversity, In this study will be discussed about how the propagation of harmony exemplified by Djohan Effendy, to make this research more specifically then, in this issue we are interested in describing and identifying the thought of the propaganda of harmony Djohan Effendi. This study aims to find the propaganda of harmony in social life. This research is a library research that aims to understand and apply the propaganda exemplified by Djohan Effendi. The focus is his thoughts on the da'wah hormoni. The approach used is a historical method. This approach is used to observe and trace the process of forming ideas and thoughts of a character based on the socio-cultural context of his life. The results of this study found 1) The Concept of Religious Pluralism as a Solution of Harmony Harmony According to Djohan Effendi, 2) Da'wah Harmoni Djohan Effendi.
MENGHITUNG PERKALIAN JARI TANGAN DI MI 02 KEMBANG KERANG Munir, muhammad munir; hijriati, Hijriati Sholehah; Lisnawati, Lisnawati; Tarmizi, Muh. Tarimizi Tahir
Jurnal Empowerment: Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Pondok Jurnal-LP2M STAI Darul Kamal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1211.261 KB) | DOI: 10.51700/empowerment.v1i2.257


The ability to count is one of the important abilities in everyday life, it can be said that all activities of human life require this ability. this is a separate problem for teachers considering that learning at the primary and secondary education levels has differences where teachers in primary schools must master various materials from all subjects. The training method used is lecture, discussion, practice, and question and answer methods. Based on data, about 83.3% of teachers are enthusiastic about participating in the training and 16.7% of teachers who are not very enthusiastic about participating in the training. This shows that PKM activities with multiplication training using fingers are responded well and are in demand by teachers. There are several obstacles related to counting using finger media, namely errors in calculating line segments, distinguishing multiplier numbers and multiplied numbers. Therefore, we hope that teachers will often repeat or practice themselves by looking at the guidelines that have been given so that there are no mistakes in teaching students.
Upaya Kepala Sekolah dalam Menunjang Profesionalisme Guru di MTs NW 02 Kembang Kerang Hidayat, Nur Anwar; Mashun, Mashun; Munir, Muhammad
Jurnal Manajemen dan Budaya Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Manajemen dan Budaya
Publisher : STAI Darul Kamal NW Kembang Kerang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (656.767 KB) | DOI: 10.51700/manajemen.v1i1.106


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Upaya Kepala Sekolah dalam Menunjang Profesionalisme Guru di MTs NW 02 Kembang Kerang. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi dengan menitik beratkan sumber data informan : Kepala sekolah, Wakil Kepala Sekolah, Staf Tata Usaha dan Guru untuk mengokohkan keabsahan data yang diperoleh. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan tiga temuan yaitu : (1) Sudah ada Upaya Kepala Sekolah dalam Menunjang Profesionalisme Guru di MTs NW 02 Kembang Kerang dengan mengirimkan guru untuk mengikuti pelatihan, memnerikan surat tugas dan sertifikat pendidikan (2) Sudah ada Langkah-langkah Kepala Sekolah dalam Menunjang Profesionalisme Guru di MTs NW 02 Kembang Kerang dengan membimbing, membina, bekerja sama, dan supervisi dalam Upaya Kepala Sekolah dalam Menunjang Profesionalisme Guru di MTs NW 02 Kembang Kerang (3) sudah ada usaha Kepala Sekolah untuk penyelsaian Kendala-kendala dalam Menunjang Profesionalisme Guru di MTs NW 02 Kembang Kerang.
De Fermat : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019)
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Matematika, FKIP, Universitas Balikpapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (431.048 KB) | DOI: 10.36277/defermat.v2i2.51


Salah satu model yang paling cocok dengan pendekatan saintifik adalah model problem based learning (Marsigit,2013).Problem based learning pada intinya memberikan masalah kepada siswa sebagai ganti materi/isi pembelajaran, dan dalam prosesnya, siswa bisa memcahkan masalah tersebut. Sama halnya dengan pendekatan saintifik, dalam problem based learning juga menjadikan guru sebagai fasilitator dalam proses pembelajaran. Sebagai fasilitator, guru harus mempuyai strategi yang baik sehingga tujuan pembelajaran bisa tercapai secara optimum.Menurut Cindy and Barrow (2006), dengan strategi yang terukur, guru dapat memfasilitasi siswa untuk menggunakan penalaran yang efektif dalam proses pemecahan masalah.Sehingga penggunaan PBL yang baik, dapat meningkatkan kemampuan penalaran matematika siswa dalam menemukan konsepnya sendiri
Inovasi Fisika Indonesia Vol 4 No 3 (2015)
Publisher : Jurusan Fisika FMIPA Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (460.9 KB) | DOI: 10.26740/ifi.v4n3.p%p


Abstrak Terdapat berbagai macam bahan peredam suara yang telah digunakan oleh masyarakat umun, seperti bahan peredam suara dengan bahan dasar sintesis(soft plaster, glass wool, dan lain sebagainya). Namun bahan-bahan peredam suara sintesis ternyata bisa menyebabkan gangguan kesehatan pada pernapasan manusia. Bahkan terdapat peredam suara yang tidak makmsimal meredam suara. Pada penelitian ini digunakan styrofoam sebagai bahan dasar peredam suara alternatif yang tidak memiliki dampak buruk bagi kesehatan dan dapat memaksimalkan bunyi yang diserap dan meminimalkan bunyi yang akan direfleksikan. Styrofoam memiliki tekstur kerapatan rendah yang sesuai dengan karakteristik bahan beredam suara sesuai dengan teori, bahwa semakin rendah kerapatan suatu bahan akan menyebabkan nilai koefisien absorpsi yang semakin tinggi. Styrofoam yang digunakan pada penelitian ini memiliki 12 fluk pada permukaannya dengan diameter yang telah ditentukan. Fluk-fluk ini berfungsi untuk meningkatkan daya serap bahan styrofoam. Kemudian bahan diuji nilai koefisien absorpsi normalnya dengan menggunakan tabung impedansi di Laboraturium Akustik dan Fisika Bangunan Jurusan Fisika FMIPA ITS. Untuk mengetahui kelayakan fluk pada bahan styrofoam sebagai bahan peredam suara alternatif yang dapat digunakan masyarakat umum. Pada penelitian ini diperoleh nilai koefisien absorpsi bahan styrofoam dengan fluk dengan rentan frekuensi 125 Hz sampai 2000 Hz sebesar 0,223 – 0,633. Dengan demikian bahan styrofoam dengan fluk dapat dikatakan layak digunakan sebagai salah satu bahan penyerap bunyi dikarenakan bahan ini tidak mempunyai dampak buruk bagi kesehatan serta dengan harga yang lowcost dan nilai koefisien bahan sudah memenuhi syarat untuk peredam suara sesuai dengan klasifikasi koefisien serap bising (αw) minimal sebesar 0,15. Sehingga fluk pada bahan styrofoam dapat digunakan sebagai peredam suara alternatif karena nilai koefisien absorpsi bunyi normal yang setara bahkan lebih bagus dari nilai koefisien absorpsi bahan peredam lain yang sudah ada. Kata kunci : Styrofoam, koefisien, absorpsi. Abstract There are various sound silencer material had been used by the public, such as synthesis basic material (soft plaster, glass wood, and many more). However, synthesis silencer materials in fact able to cause health disturbances on human respiration. Even there is sound silencer does not maximal can be silencing the sound. In this research used Styrofoam as alternative basic of sound silencer material it have no bad impact on healthy and be able to maximize sound absorption and minimize reflected sound. Styrofoam have low density texture conform with sound silencer material characteristic theory, lower density of material will result in higher absorpsi coefficient value. Styrofoam that used in this research has 12 fluxes over the surface with determined diameter. These fluxes functioned to increase Styrofoam absorb material. Then material tested its normal absorpsi coefficient value by using impedance tube in Acoustic and Construction Physic Laboratory Majoring Physic FMIPA ITS. To recognize the flux feasibility on Styrofoam material as alternative sound silencer material that can be used by the public. In this research gain absorpsi coefficient value with flux by frequency vulnerability 125 Hz to 2000 Hz as 0,223-0,633. Thus flux Styrofoam material can be said feasible used as one of sound absorption material due to it does not have bad impact for healthy as well as low cost and coefficient value of material already eligible to sound silencer appropriate with noise absorption coefficient (αw) minimal as 0,15. Afterward flux on the Styrofoam material can be used as alternative sound silencer cause normal sound absorption coefficient value is equal or even better than another material silencer absorption coefficient value that exist. Keywords : Styrofoam, absorption, coefficient
Elementeris : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar Islam Vol 1, No 2 (2019): Elementeris: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar Islam
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (671.981 KB) | DOI: 10.33474/elementeris.v1i2.4786


The learning process is inspiring, fun, challenging, and motivates students to participate actively, providing space for students to be creative according to their abilities. Therefore we need a learning method with an appropriate approach in order to explore student abilities in aspects of skills. Learning with discovery learning approach is one approach that can be applied to develop students' skills, namely the ability to think creatively. Learning by discovery emphasizes the activities of students to learn on their own and eventually will find results. Here the teacher is no longer a giver of knowledge but acts as a facilitator or supervisor. That is because the discovery learning approach provides opportunities for students to explore thinking skills in finding their own knowledge and building creative reasoning according to their respective abilities. Indirectly students will be directed to become a researcher who is required to have the ability to think creatively.