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Journal of Oceanography Vol 4, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Program Studi Oseanografi, Jurusan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro

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Pasang surut merupakan salah satu parameter oseanografi yang sangat berpengaruh di perairan. Pasang surut adalah fluktuasi muka air laut karena adanya gaya tarik benda-benda di langit, terutama matahari dan bulan terhadap massa air laut di bumi. Lokasi Pelabuhan Lembar berada di teluk menarik untuk dikaji mengenai karakteristik dan kondisi pasang surut, informasi mengenai pasang surut berguna untuk aktivitas pelabuhan. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada 1 Mei – 18 Mei 2014 di Perairan Lembar, Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah data pasang surut sebagai data primer dan peta batimetri sebagai data sekunder. Sedangkan metode penelitian digunakan metode diskriptif dimana hasil penelitian dianalisa dan dimodelkan dengan software DHI Mike 21 dan ArcGis 10.1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tipe pasang surut Perairan Teluk Lembar adalah pasang surut campuran condong ke harian ganda (Mixed Tide Prevailling Semi diurnal) dengan nilai formzahl 1,1981. Nilai elevasi pasang surut MSL sebesar 1,27m, HHWL sebesar 2,19m dan LLWL sebesar 0,35m. Peta Co-range pasang surut berisi informasi sebaran amplitudo pasang surut, ketika pasang gelombang amplitudo bergerak menuju ke teluk dan ketika surut gelombang amplitudo pasang surut bergerak keluar teluk. Persebaran gelombang amplitudo pasang surut memiliki nilai yang relatif sama di setiap bagian teluk sehingga aktifitas pelabuhan tidak terganggu oleh gelombang amplitudo pasang yang tinggi.
Jurnal Ilmiah Desain & Konstruksi Vol 9, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Universitas Gunadarma

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Rancangan anggaran biaya, daftar material dan jumlah personal yang dibutuhkan harusdibuat sebelum suatu proyek dijalankan. Proses ini membutuhkan analisis hati-hati danakurat. Dinas pekerjaan umum Salatiga sampai saat ini masih membuat rancangananggaran biaya secara manual. Cara manual membutuhkan waktu yang lebih lama dankurang akurat. Penelitian ini mencoba mendesain dan mengimplementasikan rancangananggaran biaya yang efisien dan akurat khususnya untuk konstruksi dan perbaikanbangunan menggunakan metode prototyping. Aplikasi dibuat menggunakan bahasa Java,hibernate, server basis data MySQL, dan fitur pengguna banyak yang bertujuan untukmeningkatkan efisiensi dan keakuratan pembuatan rancangan anggaran biaya.
al-Balagh : Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Vol 5, No 1 (2020): June 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah IAIN Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22515/al-balagh.v5i1.2169


A serving community is a strategic plan that needs to be considered by several local newspaper production in Java. This includes a newspaper in Semarang, Suara Merdeka Daily. This study determines the commitment of Suara Merdeka Daily in serving the community. Data were obtained from the analysis of internal regulatory content on editorial work and business. This study used Focus Group Discussions (FGD) to support and share data with the newspaper management team. The results showed that the editorial's internal regulations did not explicitly indicate the commitment to serve the community. This regulation has been implemented for a long time, yet it does not adjust to the relevant newspapers' actual conditions. Generally, businesses have rules that require community involvement in their programs. The management team is expected to revise the regulations to suit the public's needs and develop relevant community involvement for the local newspaper's existence.
Aplikasi Drum Terbuka dan Pipa Galvanis Untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Distilator Darmanto, Seno; Sugeng, Sunarso; Nugroho, Adi
J-Dinamika : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 5 No 1 (2020): Juni
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25047/j-dinamika.v5i1.1236


Revitalisasi instalasi distribusi air dan kondensasi melalui kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kinerja penyulingan minyak atsiri sirih dan sejenisnya. Skala prioritas pengembangan kelengkapan sarana anggota kelompok usaha bersama pada saat ini adalah menyempurnakan peralatan distribusi air dan instalasi distilasi (kondensasi). Dan untuk penyempurnaan penyulingan minyak adsiri, tim pelaksanan pengabdian menyusun langkah kerja atau kegiatan meliputi pemahaman dan pendalaman minyak atsiri, pengolahan dan perlakuan minyak atsiri, rancang bangun instalasi distribusi air untuk mendukung mekanisme kondensasi minyak adsiri, rancang bangun peralatan penukar kalor dan perlakuan (difokuskan pada mekanisme distilator), pelaksanaan di KUB Sumber Rejeki dan monitoring/evaluasi. Unit kondensor pada prinsipnya terdiri dari pipa minyak adsiri, bak penampung air dan instalasi distribusi air. Instalasi pendingin air pada prinsipnya terdiri dari bak sumur, pompa, pipa dan sambungan, tower penampung air. Modifikasi tungku permanen  dengan kontruksi bangunan (bata, pasir, semen dan bahan penguat lain) akan meningkatkan efisiensi pembakaran bahan bakar
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI TECHNOSCIENTIA Technoscientia Vol 6 No 1 Agustus 2013
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian & Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34151/technoscientia.v6i1.543


Relational database system (RDBMS-Relational Database Management System) is a database system that has a very strong mathematical foundation and has many advantages, so it is generally accepted by almost vendor. Basically, there is nothing 'wrong' with a relational database system. However, with the emergence of a variety of Web applications today that require the higher performance of query, relational data base system was showing the queries performance that do not fit the user’s needs and expectations, because relational database system, for generate specific queries, often have to join data from two or more tables that relate. This process require relational database server to perform a data search (lookup) in the tables must be joined. These data searches require computing resources (processor performance and memory usage) that relatively high, so the performance of a relational database server typically decreasesas more data should be joined. This problems trying to be addressed by several vendor. Google with its BigTable, Amazon with its Dynamo, Yahoowith its PNUTS, and Facebook with its Apache Cassandra for example, using the non-relationaldata storage (Data Store) approach. The purpose of this paper is to introduce Apache Cassandra that is one of the very large non-relational systems, then compare to relational database systems.
JETA (Journal of English Teaching and Applied Linguistic) Vol 1 No 1 (2020): JETA (Journal of English Teaching and Applied Linguistic)
Publisher : LPPM STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2020/jeta.v1i1.462


The impact of globalization has caused so many changes in our social life. One of the impacts is technology that we must be familiar with. Moreover, the influence of technology has encompassed in almost all aspects. As the technology improves, recently comes up the term to manifest the era of technology that we know as revolutionary of 4.0. The revolution 4.0 has brought a challenge to all countries to have capability to compete not only within their own country but also with the whole world. Therefore, every country needs to produce appropriate human resource who is capable with it otherwise they will be left behind. That is why, it is hoped that each country need to be well prepared in facing this technology era or the revolution 4.0. One of the countries that have made its own preparation is Indonesia. Indonesia is one of the biggest countries in the south East Asia that has 17.508 islands with the total of the wide is about 1.9 million km2 and achieves as the fourth most populous in the world. This huge amount of Indonesia make the government realize that Indonesia needs to well prepare. One of the apects that is concerned by the govenment of Indonesia is education. Since education becomes the door of the successful of youth generation future, it is a must that the government has to take a step. That is why, the growing of level research project in Indonesia is quite significance. Thus, the government asks univeristy as the spearhead of education to design a curriculum relateted to revolution 4.0. Therefore, writing becomes one of the main concerned in realizing this project. By producing a lot of of writing text, a country will gain much knowledge from the result of the text itself ad so do the people of the country. Unfortunatly, it is quite difficult to plant the spirit of writing in Indonesian. Since we know that Mahatma Gandhi is a famous and good writer from India who is able to drive out the colonisation of Britain from India, not by violence but by his idealism and thought that set forth in his writing and speech imitates Mahatma Gandhi’s spirit of writing in his era might be increased the Indonesian’s spirit in producing a text. Moreover, in this technological era the writing activity can be done much easier and fun through some devices and web writing that can be access in internet freely and easily. As a conclusion, Gandhi’s spirit in writing and the ease of access through the writing field may overcome the Indonesians writing spirit and also make Indonesia able to face the challenge in the revolution 4.0.
Challenges and Support to HIV Care and Treatment of Female Sex Workers Living with HIV in Indonesia: A Mixed Method Study Andriyani, Lia; Arina, Arina; Widihastuti, Asti; Nugroho, Adi
Unnes Journal of Public Health Vol 10 No 2 (2021): Unnes Journal of Public Health
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) in cooperation with Association of Indonesian Public Health Experts (Ikatan Ahli Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (IAKMI))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ujph.v10i2.40037


This study aims to describe the experience of female sex workers (FSWs) living with HIV in Indonesia during the care and treatment cascade, including the challenges and support associated with them. It was initiated by a trained community study team from OPSI, a national network for FSW community in the country. A mixed-method design was used, consisting of a cross-sectional survey and qualitative interviews conducted in four large cities in May and June 2019. Quantitative data were collected from 80 FSWs living with HIV, while qualitative interviews were conducted for 9 FSWs previously involved in the survey. Most of the FSWs were diagnosed with HIV at facility-based HIV testing services. While most FSWs delayed initiating their treatment, majority eventually commenced it. Overall treatment retention was fairly good, but some were being inconsistent or even stopped. However, individuals that have access to viral load test was low, leading to a small number of those confirming their viral suppression status. Conclusively, interventions directed to strengthen individuals’ literacy in HIV treatment and stigma management is recommended, as well as identification of maximum potential support systems around the FSWs.
Optimasi Pembuatan Scaffold dengan Struktur Pori-Pori Beraturan Menggunakan Metode Response Surface Method Hutama, Adhi Setya; Nugroho, Adi
JMPM (Jurnal Material dan Proses Manufaktur) Vol 4, No 1 (2020): JUNI 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jmpm.v4i1.8819


 Cedera yang diakibatkan kecelakaan lalu lintas dapat menyebabkan korban menderita patah tulang, cacat tubuh, hingga kematian. Korban yang mengalami kerusakan tulang dapat disembuhkan dengan restorasi tulang, yaitu dengan menanamkan tulang buatan pada jaringan tulang yang rusak. Salah satu contoh metode implan adalah dengan membuat scaffold yang terbuat dari biomaterial hidroksiapatit (HA). scaffold dirancang bersarkan pada ukuran kerusakan tulang, dan dicetak dengan mesin cetak 3D ABEF (Aqueous-based extraction fabrication). Penelitian terkait pengoptimalan pembuatan scaffold dilakukan menggunakan Response Surface Method, dengan menggunakan grafik kontur plot dan response optimizer. Parameter pembuatan scaffold yang dioptimasikan adalah kecepatan gerak sumbu, kecepatan ekstrusi, dan diameter nozzle. Analisis ini bertujuan untuk menemukan nilai kesalahan terkecil dari pembuatan scaffold, sehingga didapatkan bentuk scaffold yang optimal dari dimensi scaffold dan ukuran rongga. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, optimasi pembuatan scaffold menggunakan Response Surface Method menghasilkan kombinasi parameter pembentuk scaffold, dengan kecepatan ekstrusi 30 mm / s, kecepatan sumbu 30 mm / s, dan diameter nozzle 0,8 mm. Injuries caused by traffic accidents can cause victims to suffer broken bones, disability, and even death. Victims who have bone damage can be cured by bone restoration, which is by implanting artificial bone in damaged bone tissue. One example of an implant method is to make a scaffold made from hydroxyapatite (HA) biomaterials. The scaffold is designed based on the size of the bone damage, and is printed with a 3D ABEF (Aqueous-based extraction fabrication) printing machine.Research related to optimizing scaffold making is done using the Response Surface Method, using plot contour graphs and response optimizers. Optimized scaffold manufacturing parameters are the axis of movement speed, extrusion speed, and nozzle diameter. This analysis aims to find the smallest error value from making scaffold, so we get the optimal form of scaffold from scaffold dimensions and cavity size. Based on the research results, optimization of scaffold making using the Response Surface Method produces a combination of scaffold forming parameters, with an extrusion speed of 30 mm / s, an axis speed of 30 mm / s, anda nozzle diameter of 0.8 mm
Analisis Dampak Penggunaan Portable Sealer Terhadap Jumlah Drop Out Component di Lini Produksi Surface Mounting Technology Nugroho, Adi; Muchid, Abdul
TEKNIK Vol. 42, No. 2 (2021): August 2021
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/teknik.v42i2.33816


The study aims to reduce the drop out of components that occur in the surface-mounting technology production line of PT. TEC Indonesia. This effort is carried out by designing a portable sealer product to glue the cover tape and carrier tape component products made in the line. In order to obtain the best value indicator for product design, this study uses a quantitative factorial design technique to determine value reduce drop out of components in the surface mounting technology (SMT) production of the parameter combination use of adhesive strength produced by the product. Information on study data obtained through the concept of experimental design (DOE) using temperature and treatment time parameters resulting from the product's design. Results of the tests have been carried out. Information on the adhesive strength reaches standard is rated at a temperature 1200 C for one two and three seconds, which can produce adhesion of 0.029 Kgf (the standard value is at 0.02-0.07 Kgf). In addition, the number of drop-out components produced after using the product has decreased significantly to zero, which previously reached an average of two to three components that were damaged or defective (test data).
Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Menggunakan Metode Service Quality dan Model Kano Nugroho, Adi; Suparto, Suparto
Jurnal SENOPATI : Sustainability, Ergonomics, Optimization, and Application of Industrial Engineering Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Jurnal SENOPATI Vol.3 No.1
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31284/j.senopati.2021.v3i1.1733


Perkembangan era globalisasi berdampak besar bagi bidang industri dan dunia usaha. Hal ini akan mendorong persaingan pada tingkat industri maupun pada tingkat individu untuk memberikan hasil yang maksimal baik dari segi kualitas produk maupun bentuk pelayanan purna jual, sehingga konsumen akan merasakan kenyamanan pada suatu produk serta pelayanannya. Melihat perspektif dan keinginan konsumen, Samsung Electronic Indonesia (SEIN), menggandeng PT. Graha Service Indonesia (GSI) agar selalu dapat meningkatkan tingkat kepuasan konsumen.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada kesenjangan antara layanan yang dipersepsikan oleh pihak manajemen dan harapan pelanggan. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan Metode Servqual, terdapat lima dimensi kualitas jasa yaitu Reability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, dan Tangible, diketahui bahwa masih terdapat kesenjangan, ditunjukkan dengan nilai servqual yang negatif. Berdasarkan hasil pengintegrasian Metode Servqual dan Model Kano, diketahui kriteria yang harus diprioritaskan terlebih dahulu adalahkriteria yang termasuk dalam kategori must-be yang memiliki nilai servqual negatif terbesar, yang terdapat pada variavel R3 (pelayanan service tepat waktu), E2 (karyawan melayani pelanggan dengan penuh perhatian), T3 (memiliki peralatan yang memadai), E3 (perusahaan mengutamakan kebutuhan konsumen), dan T1 (memiliki area parkir yang luas).