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The Use of Testing, Demonstrating, Practicing, and Revising (TDPR) Technique to Improve Students' Ability in Pronouncing Plosive Consonants Rima Rahmaniah
Linguistics and ELT Journal Vol 5, No 1 (2017): June
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (243.732 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/leltj.v9i1.732


Testing, Demonstrating, Practicing and Revising (TDPR) technique is a technique which includes testing, demonstrating, practicing and revising activities to know and improve the students’ pronunciation ability. Deriving from the importance of pronunciation, the main purpose of the current study is to investigate the use of Testing, Demonstrating, Practicing and Revising (TDPR) technique to improve the students’ ability in pronouncing plosive consonants. Based on the purpose of the study, a series of classroom activities with TDPR technique was done. In gathering the data, the researcher applied a quasi-experimental research method. Pre-test and post-test were distributed to 72 students of SMKN 1 Praya Tengah. The result of the study has revealed that there was a significant difference between the mean of pre-test and the post-test, t-test 5.10 ˃ t-table 1.994, it means that the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected meanwhile alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. It proved that the TDPR technique can improve students’ ability in pronouncing plosive consonants.
The Use of Question Cards Techniques to Improve Students’ Speaking Ability at Class VII of Muhammadiyah Junior High School of Mataram Humairaa Humaira; Isnainib isnaini; Hidayati Hidayati; Rima Rahmaniah; Irwandi Irwandi
Linguistics and ELT Journal Vol 9, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/leltj.v9i1.4914


This study aims at determining the effectiveness of using "Question Cards" in improving students speaking ability at class VII of SMP Muhammadiyah Mataram. This study is part of a pre-experimental study known as a pre-test and post-test group design, in which the sample is given a pre-test before treatment and a post-test after treatment. There was no control group in this investigation; instead, only one experimental group was used. This study takes a quantitative approach to its findings. The participants in this study were seventh-graders from Muhammadiyah Mataram Junior High School, who were divided into only one class of 16 pupils. Purposive sampling is the approach used. The use of the "Question Cards" strategy in increasing the speaking skills of SMP Muhammadiyah seventh grade students can be concluded as "successful" in this study. This is demonstrated by the students' pre-test and post-test scores, namely, the t-test score is 5.313, the consultation on the t- table at 99 percent points to 2.60, and it can be concluded that the comparison of t-test and t-table is 2.60 5.313, or in other words, the student's test results exceed the minimum standard of achievement. 
The Speaking Difficulties Encountered by Non-English Students in Language Classroom Rima Rahmaniah; Asbah Asbah
Linguistics and ELT Journal Vol 6, No 2 (2018): December
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (163.83 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/leltj.v12i2.749


This research, entitled “The Difficulties Encountered by Non-English Department Students in Speaking English,” was a study at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Mataram. It was conducted to investigate difficulties encountered by Non-English Department students in speaking. The participants were 15 students from the second semester of Indonesian Department Muhammadiyah University of Mataram. It also aims to investigate the factors which are face by Non-English department students in Speaking English. This research used descriptive quantitative approach. Based on the data from test the difficulties encountered by a second-year student of Indonesian department are first was from the grammar aspect, there were 80% of students almost entirely inaccurate expect in stock phrases. Second, fluency aspect, there were 73% speech is very slow and uneven except, for short or routine sentences. Third, it is the pronunciation aspect; there were 73% of students gross error, and very heavy accent makes understanding difficult require frequent repetition. Fourth is from the vocabulary aspect there were 60% of students their vocabulary limited to basic personal and survival areas. The last it is from comprehension aspect there 55% of students understand only slow, very simple speech on common social and touristic topics; requires constant repetition and rephrasing. Factors were faced by Non-English department student in speaking English there are two factors, from internal factors and external factors. Internal factors such as they are a quiet person; they are hard to learn, difficult to remember vocabulary, difficult to pronounce the word, lack of grammatical mastery, they are lazy to memorize vocabulary, they are lack of confidence and fear of making a mistake. From external factors, they are seldom speaking English in the class, and their environment is not used English, and they prefer to use their mother tongue.
Using of “I Love You 3000” Song in Pandemic Era in Teaching English at Mining Department of Engineering Faculty Hidayati Hidayati; Muhammad Hudri; Isnaini Isnaini; Rima Rahmaniah; humaira Humaira
Linguistics and ELT Journal Vol 9, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/leltj.v9i1.4915


Vocabulary is one of the English components or sub-skill that must be taught to the students. The vocabulary has the role to develop the four language skills, they are listening, reading, writing and speaking. Many vocabularies that the students have, is the easier for them to develop it, especially in the pandemic era because of COVID-19, the teacher have to use a media like an English song to enrich the students at Mining Department of Engineering Faculty vocabularies. In order that, the purpose of this study was to investigate the use of song as a media whether it is effective or not in teaching vocabulary. The total population of this study involved 92 students but the sample of by using the purposive technique sampling got 20 students in A class as a control and 20 students at B for experimental class. The instrument of this study used multiple choice tests which consist of 20 items. The data was collected by using pre-test and post-test, then followed by analyzing the data based on Arikunto’s theory using descriptive design. As well as the manual computation the result also showed that the score of the t-test was 4.741. The researcher compare that t-table at the degrees of freedom (df) (Nx + Ny)-2 . df = 20 + 20 – 2 = 38. The degree of freedom of 38 is at the competence interval of 0.05 (95%) is 2.024 and 0.01 (99%) is 2.711. the comparison is done between t-test formulated with t-table in which results is 4.741 it is to found that the t-table of “t” indicated: t-test 4.741 > t-table. It means that the mean score of the experimental class was higher than control class. So, the researcher concluded that the use of song “I Love You 3000” is effective in teaching learning English at Mining Department in academic year 2018/2019 and it means that the use of song as an alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted.
Paedagoria : Jurnal Kajian, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kependidikan Vol 6, No 1 (2015): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/paedagoria.v6i1.94


Abstrak:Pendidikan sebagai suatu tugas dan kewajiban pemerintah dalam mengembangkan aspirasi rakyat harus mencerdaskan dan menuju kearah tercapainya masyarakat yang mampu menyaring budaya asing. Oleh karena itu maka tujuan penelitian ini adalah adakahperan keluarga dalam mengantisipasi pengaruh budaya asing pada siswa SDN 1 Pendem, Janapria. Metode yang dipergunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah observasi, angket dan dokumentasi sehingga dirapkandengan metode ini maka analisi yang diperbunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan analisis korelasi productmoment. Adapun metode penelitiannya adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka analisis korelasi product moment di atas diperoleh nilai (r) sebesar 0,621. pada taraf kepercayaan (signifikan) sebesar 5% atau 0,05 dengan df/db N-2 (44-2) =  42 orang, maka diperoleh (r) tabel sebesar 0,304 darihasil tersebut bahwa nilai r lebih besar dari (r)tabel yaitu (0,621>0,304). Maka dapat dikatakan bahwa hipotesiskerja (Ha) diterima atau terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara peran keluarga terhadap pengaruh  budaya asing, sedangkan hipotesis nilai (Ho) yang berbunyi tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara peran keluarga terhadap pengaruh budaya asing di SDN 1 Pendem Kecamatan Janapria Kabupaten Lombok Tengah tahun akademik 2013/2014 adalah ditolak. Sehingga kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat peran keluarga dalam Mengantisipasi Pengaruh Budaya Asing pada Siswa SDN 1 Pendem, Janapria Tahun Akademik 2013/2014. Abstract: Education as a duty and obligation of the government in developing the aspirations of the people must educate and towards the achievement of a society capable of filtering foreign culture. Therefore, the purpose of this study is the role of a family in anticipating the influence of foreign culture on the students of SDN 1 Pendem, Janapria. The method used to collect data is observation, questionnaire and documentation so that this method is applied, the analysis used is quantitative with productmoment correlation analysis. The research method is quantitative research method. Based on the result of the research, the correlation analysis of the product moment above is obtained (r) value of 0,621. at the level of confidence (significant) of 5% or 0.05 with df / db N-2 (44-2) = 42 people, then obtained (r) table of 0.304 from the result that r value is greater than (r) (0,621> 0,304). It can be argued that the hypothesis (Ha) is accepted or there is a significant relationship between the role of the family to the influence of foreign culture, while the hypothesis of the value (Ho) which reads there is no significant relationship between the role of the family towards the influence of foreign culture in SDN 1 Pendem District Janapria Academic year 2013/2014 is rejected. So the conclusion of this research is that there is role of family in Anticipating the Influence of Foreign Culture on Student SDN 1 Pendem, Janapria Tahun Akademik 2013/2014.
Paedagoria : Jurnal Kajian, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kependidikan Vol 10, No 2 (2019): September
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/paedagoria.v10i2.1085


Abstract: Smart card  as a medium of teaching language is regarded as central elements of the approach because it can be used as media to attract the young learners interest in learning language especially English language. The writer try to adopt this media in the classroom, especially by using a smart card to make  the  lesson  more easier and  interesting for the young learners to build their vocabulary in english. In relation, the purpose of this research is to investigate does the use of smart card has effect in building vocabulary in english to MBS DayCare learners. The researcher applied true exprimental research design as the methodology with 20 young learners as the population and all of them taken as a sample by using rubric and t-test formula theory according Hughes. The researcher collect the data by using testing method. The result of this research showed that mean score of experimental group 8 and mean score of control group 7. Based on t-test, it showed that t- value 3,782 and after cosulting to t-table, the t-value was higher than t-table. The smart card in vocabulary learning process is more effective to enrich the learners’ vocabulary, this can be seen from the results of test score that the experimental class which was given treatment using smart card media got higher score than control class without taught by used smart card  media. The writer concluded that smart card has an effect in building vocabulary in english at Daycare learners in Muhammadiyah Boarding School (MBS) Sang Surya. Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki apakah penggunaan kartu pintar berpengaruh dalam membangun kosa kata dalam bahasa Inggris untuk pelajar MBS DayCare. Peneliti menerapkan desain penelitian exprimental sejati sebagai metodologi dengan populasi 20 siswa sebagai populasi dan semuanya diambil sebagai sampel dengan menggunakan teori rumus rubrik dan uji-t menurut Hughes. Peneliti mengumpulkan data dengan menggunakan metode test. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa skor rata-rata kelompok eksperimen adalah 8 dan skor rata-rata kelompok kontrol adalah 7. Berdasarkan uji-t, menunjukkan bahwa nilai t-hitung sebesar 3,782 dan setelah korelasikan dengan t-tabel, t-hitung lebih tinggi daripada t-tabel. Kartu pintar dalam proses pembelajaran kosakata lebih efektif untuk memperkaya kosakata peserta didik, hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil skor tes bahwa kelas eksperimen yang diberi perlakuan menggunakan media kartu pintar mendapat skor lebih tinggi daripada kelas kontrol tanpa diajar dengan menggunakan media kartu pintar. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa kartu pintar berpengaruh dalam membangun kosa kata dalam bahasa Inggris.
Paedagoria : Jurnal Kajian, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kependidikan Vol 7, No 2 (2016): September
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/paedagoria.v7i2.27


The purpose of this study is to know the students problemsin translating English into Indonesian proverbs. The writer took the population consist 1 teacher and taken theentire sample that consist of 13 students. The research method applied was a qualitative method by translating proverbs text which is consist 20 items. The result shows that there were eight kinds of problems on  the translation of English proverb into Indonesian, they are (1) the meaning error on using article, (2)  plural, (3) participle, (4) modal auxiliary, (5) demonstrative, (6) gerund, (7) adjective, and (8) comparative degree. This also describe that the students of SMA Muhammadiyah Mataram still have difficulties in translating skill. The students made the grammatical errors in translating English proverb because they have different point of view from the researcher, they are overloaded with many different tasks, they do not think that grammar point is important, the point is more difficult for them than it seems, and they do not know the function of certain grammar.
JCES (Journal of Character Education Society) Vol 4, No 3 (2021): Juli
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jces.v4i3.5656


Abstrak: Duolingo masuk ke kategori aplikasi edukasi, tapi cara penggunaannya, layaknya bermain game sehingga mahasiswa juga dapat menggunakannya secara santai tanpa tekanan, dan dalam penggunaannya pula sangat mudah diterima dan diserap karena fleksibilitasnya. Aplikasi ini bertujuan untuk membantu dan mengembangkan kemampuan berbahasa, oleh karena itu, dengan melibatkan mahasiswa semester III (tiga) S1 Teknik Pertambangan Fakultas Teknik maka kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini menggunakan Duolingo application atau aplikasi Duolingo sebagai media pembelajaran elektronik untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kosakata berbahasa Inggris. Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini telah dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan metode observasi dan metode tindakan sehingga hasilnya adalah bahwa mahasiswa secara langsung dilatih untuk selalu mengingat apa arti kata yang telah disebutkan tersebut lewat soal-soal yang diberikan pada setiaplevel sehingga mereka akan terus mengingat kosakata tersebut dengan menggunakan beberapa gambar, games dan lainnya dengan menampilkan bahasa inggris yang sering dipergunakan sehingga mahasiswa dapat belajar dengan lebih mudah. Mahasiswa juga dapat memanfaatkan teknologi internet, dalam hal ini penggunaan aplikasi Duolingo untuk kegiatan pembelajaran bahasa khususnya bahasa inggris yang lebih kreatif, menarik, dan inovatif serta memahami konsep media pembelajaran beserta fungsi media pembelajaran sehingga aplikasi Duolingo ini memberikan peningkatan kosakata bahasa Inggris karena metode dan bentuk yang berbeda sehingga mahasiswa tidak merasa terbebani dalam pelaksanaannya.Abstract: Duolingo is the educational application category like playing a game, so the students can also use its casually without pressure, and also easy to accept and absorb because of flexibility. This application aims to help and develop the language skills, therefore, by involving third semester students of Mining Engineering Faculty of Engineering, as the community service activity uses the Duolingo application as an electronic learning medium to improve their English vocabulary skills. This community service activity has been carried out using the observation and classroom action, so, the result is the students are directly trained to always remember about the word means through the questions given at each level by using several pictures, games and others. Students can also take advantages of internet technology, in this case the use of the Duolingo application for language learning activities, especially English which is more creative, interesting, innovative and they have to understand the concept of learning media and the functions of learning media so that this Duolingo application provides an increase in English vocabulary because of its methods and forms in its implementation.
JCES (Journal of Character Education Society) Vol 4, No 4 (2021): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jces.v4i4.6620


Abstrak: Pendampingan pembelajaran  bahasa Inggris ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan secara teoritis dan praktis penggunaan bahasa Inggris dasar, expresi ekspresi serta kosakata yang digunakan. Kegiatan pelatihan ini melibatkan para santri ponpes Nurul Islam. Mentor dalam kegiatan ini melibatkan dosen-dosen bahasa Inggris yang memiliki keterampilan dan penguasaan bahasa Inggris yang baik. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pendampingan bertempat di ponpes Nurul Islam, Kekalik Sekarbela, Mataram.  Pelatihan ini diadakan untuk untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris siswa. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa para siswa sangat antusias dalam mengikuti pembelajaran yang dapat dilihat dari keaktifan dan kehadiran mereka selama mengikuti kegiatan. Dari kegiatan pelatihan ini diharapkan meningkatnya kemampuan Bahasa inggris para siswa.Abstract: This English learning community service aims to provide theoretical and practical knowledge of the use of basic English, expressions and vocabulary used. This training activity involved the students of the Nurul Islam Islamic Boarding School. Mentors in this activity were English lecturers who have good English skills and mastery. The implementation of the mentoring activities took place at the Nurul Islam Islamic Boarding School - Kalik Sekarbela, Mataram. This training was held to improve students' English language skills. The results of the activity showed that the students were very enthusiastic to participate in the learning activity which could be seen from their activeness and presence during the mentoring. From this training activity, it is hoped that the students' English skills will increase.
CREATIVE FUNDRAISING AS A DISASTER FUNDRAISING EFFORT BY STUDENTS Rima Rahmaniah; Hidayati Hidayati; Irwandi Irwandi; Yudhi Lestanata; Sintayana Muhardini; Hijril Ismail
JCES (Journal of Character Education Society) Vol 4, No 3 (2021): Juli
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jces.v4i3.5668


Abstrak: Fundraising adalah sebuah seni yang bisa dipelajari oleh siapapun termasuk seorang pemula. Dalam kerangka fundraising, substansi fundraising berupa program yaitu kegiatan dari implementasi visi dan misi lembaga yang jelas sehingga masyarakat mampu tergerak untuk melakukan perbuatan filantropinya.secara kreatif. Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat yang dilakukan tim dosen Prodi PBI FKIP UMMAT dengan melibatkan mahasisiwa Prodi PBI atau HMPS PBI atau ESA sebanyak 15 orang dengan menggunakan metode observasi dan metode tindakan dalam pelaksanaannya di lapangan. Adapun hasil dan temuan dari kegiatan ini adalah a) meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang creative fundraising dan contoh metode kreatif yang telah dilaksanakan untuk menumbuhkan jiwa kreatif dan inovatif dalam diri mahasiswa umumnya dan jiwa kewirausahaan pada khususnya, b) mengembangkan kreasi, daya cipta dan pengalaman mereka untuk menggunakan creative fundraising sebagai cara atau metode dalam penggalangan dana bencana, c) dapat mengaplikasikan metode lainnya untuk kegiatan berikutnya untuk mengembangkan semua potensi yang dimiliki mahasiswa yang lebih melekatkan dasar kearah perkembangan sikap, pengetahuan, dan ketrampilan untuk menyesuaikan diri dan peka dengan kondisi lingkungan bencana yang sedang berlangsung di seluruh wilayah Indonesia, dan d) tumbuhnya sikap tepo seliro dan awareness atau sikap peduli sesama sehingga menimbulkan dampak psikologis yang bermanfaat bagi para mahasiswa selama masa pandemi ini.Abstract: Fundraising is an art that can be learned by anyone, including a beginner. In the framework of fundraising, the substance of fundraising is in the form of programs, namely activities of implementing a clear vision and mission of the institution so that the community can be motivated to do creative philanthropic deeds. Community service activities carried out involve 15 students of PBI or HMPS PBI or ESA study programs using observation and action methods in their implementation. The results and findings of this activity are a) increasing knowledge and understanding of creative fundraising and the examples of creative methods that have been implemented to foster a creative and innovative spirit in general and entrepreneurial spirit in particular, b) develop their creations, creativity and experience in raising funds for disasters, c) can develop all the potential of students who are more attached to the basis for the development of attitudes, knowledge, and skills to adapt and be sensitive to the conditions of the ongoing disaster environment in all regions of Indonesia, and d) the growing attitude of tepo seliro and awareness or a caring attitude towards others, which will have beneficial psychological effects for students during this pandemic.