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Journal : JCES (Journal of Character Education Society)

SINERGITAS KAMPUS DAN SEKOLAH DALAM RANGKA MEWUJUDKAN MERDEKA BELAJAR Usti Fatimah Sari Sitorus Pane; Firahmi Rizky; Fifin Sonata; Zaimah Panjaitan; Rini Kustini
JCES (Journal of Character Education Society) Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Januari
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jces.v5i1.6989


Abstrak: Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini di latar belakangi dari masih bingungnya siswa kelas 12 Sekolah Menengah Atas dalam memilih langkah sesudah lulus sekolah nantinya, apakah melanjutkan kuliah, bekerja, kursus atau membuka lapangan kerja sendiri. Maka perlu adanya sosialisasi tentang Merdeka Belajar se-bagai bentuk memberikan pandangan kepada siswa 12 di Yayasan Pendidikan Kesuma LKM. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan metode seminar dan Talk Show. Merdeka belajar memberikan konsep bagaimana peserta didik bebas berkreasi sesuai bakat dan minat masing-masing. Jika melanjutkan kuliah, akan diberikan ma-gang 3 semester kuliah di perguruan tinggi diluar kampus tempat kuliah. Namun jika lulusan Sekolah Menengah Atas tidak mampu melanjutkan ke jenjang perguruan tinggi karena beberapa faktor, mereka dapat mengikuti pelatihan yang difasilitasi oleh Kemenaker dengan website yang disediakan. Dengan kegiatan PKM ini disambut positif oleh siswa dan pihak sekolah dimana output yang didapatkan, siswa ke-las 12 sudah dapat gambaran akan kemana sesudah lulus sekolah. Mereka dapat menentukan pilihan sesuai minat dan bakat masing-masing.Abstract:  This Community Service Activity (PKM) is motivated by the confusion of grade 12 high school students in choosing what steps to take after graduating from school, whether to continue studying, work, take courses or open their own jobs. So there is a need for socialization about Merdeka Learning as a form of giving views to stu-dents at the Kesuma LKM Education Foundation. Activities are carried out using seminar and talk show methods. Freedom to learn provides the concept of how stu-dents are free to be creative according to their respective talents and interests. If you continue to study, you will be given an internship of 3 semesters of study at a col-lege outside the campus where you are studying. However, if high school graduates are unable to continue on to higher education due to several factors, they can take part in training facilitated by the Ministry of Manpower with the website provided. With this PKM activity, the students and the school received a positive response. The output obtained was that the 12th graders had an idea of where they were going after graduating from school. They can make choices according to their respective interests and talents.