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SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan Vol 4, No 1 (2020): November
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (317.366 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jpmb.v4i1.3356


ABSTRAKIkan terbang merupakan salah satu sumberdaya perikanan yang melimpah dan memiliki nilai sosial ekonomi cukup penting karena salah satunya dijadikan sebagai usaha pengasapan ikan di Provinsi Sulawesi Barat. Program Kemitraan Masyarakat Melalui Penerapan Teknologi Pengasapan Ikan Terbang Di Kelurahan Mosso, Kabupaten Majene, Provinsi Sulawesi Barat, bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan keterampilan masyarakat tentang cara produksi ikan asap yang baik. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni 2020 di Kelurahan Mosso, Kecamatan Sendana, Kabupaten Majene, Provinsi Sulawesi Barat. Mitra kelompok yang menjadi sasaran utama pengabdian ini yaitu kelompok usaha pengasapan ikan terbang “Siamasei Lestari”. Metode yang digunakan pada kegiatan pengabdian ini Penyuluhan dan praktek cara produksi ikan asap yang baik serta introduksi teknologi alat pengasapan ikan. Hasil yang dicapai dari kegiatan ini antara lain meningkatnya kemampuan dan keterampilan masyarakat tentang cara produksi ikan asap yang baik dan adanya alat pengasapan ikan yang dapat digunakan untuk pengembangan usaha mitra program kemitraan masyarakat. Beberapa keuntungan dari penggunaan alat pengasapan ikan antara lain efisiensi penggunaan asap sehingga produk cepat matang, kualitas yang seragam dan warna yang lebih menarik, kuantitas produk lebih banyak, produk akhir yang lebih higienis, menghemat biaya produksi karena efisiensi bahan bakar yang digunakan optimal dan produk akhir yang lebih higienis karena proses produksi tidak terkontaminasi.   Kata kunci: Ikan terbang; pengasapan; program kemitraan masyarakat; sulawesi barat; teknologi ABSTRACTFlying fish is one of the abundant fisheries resources and has quite important socio-economic value because one of them is used as a fish smoking business in West Sulawesi Province. The community development program through the Application of Flying Fish Smoking Technology in Mosso Village, Majene Regency, West Sulawesi Province, the aims to improve the capacity and skills of the community on good smoked fish production methods. This activity was carried out in June 2020 in Mosso Village, Sendana District, Majene Regency, West Sulawesi Province. The group partner who is the main target of this service is the flying fish smoking business group "Siamasei Lestari". The method used in this service activity provides counseling and practice of good smoked fish production methods as well as the introduction of smoking equipment technology. The results that were achieved from this activity included the improvement of the community's abilities and skills on how to produce smoked fish properly and the existence of a fish smoker that can be used for business development of community partnership program partners. Some of the advantages of using fish smoking equipment include the efficient use of smoke so that the product ripens quickly, uniform quality and more attractive color, more product quantity, more hygienic final products, saving production costs due to optimal fuel efficiency and final product. which is more hygienic because the production process is not contaminated. Keywords: flying fish; smoked;  community development program; west sulawesi;  technology
Efek Perbedaan Lama Waktu Pengkayaan HUFA pada Nauplius Artemia Terhadap Perkembangan Larva Kepiting Bakau Scylla tranquebarica Fadila; Tenriware; Muhammad Nur Ihsan
SIGANUS: Journal of Fisheries and Marine Science Vol 3 No 2 (2022): SIGANUS: Journal of Fisheries and Marine Science
Publisher : Universitas Sulawesi Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31605/siganus.v3i2.1561


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama waktu pengkayaan HUFA (W-3 Highly Unsatured Fatty Acid) pada nauplius artemia terhadap perkembangan larva kepiting bakau (Scylla tranquebarica). Metode Penelitian ini didesain dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan masing-masing 3 kali ulangan sehingga dibutuhkan wadah sebanyak 12 unit dengan perlakuan: A) Nauplius artemia diperkaya dengan HUFA selama 1 jam (Kontrol), B) Nauplius Artemia diperkaya dengan HUFA selama 3 jam, C) Nauplius artemia diperkaya dengan HUFA selama 6 jam D) Nauplius Artemia diperkaya dengan HUFA selama 9 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efek perbedaan lama waktu pengkayaan HUFA pada Nauplius artemia terhadap perkembangan larva kepiting bakau (Scylla tranquebarica) tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0,05). Jumlah larva kepting bakau yang bertahan sangat sedikit pada perlakuan lama waktu pengkayaan HUFA pada nauplius artemia. ABSTRACT The present study aimed to determine the effect of the length of time enrichment of HUFA (W-3 Highly Unsaturated Fatty Acid) in Artemia nauplius on the development of mangrove crab (Scylla tranquebarica) larvae. A completely randomized design with 4 treatments with 3 replications were applied for experimental design, with the following treatments: (A) Nauplius artemia enriched with HUFA for 1 hour; (B) Nauplius Artemia enriched with HUFA for 3 hours; (C) Nauplius artemia was enriched with HUFA for 6 hours. (D) Nauplius Artemia was enriched with HUFA for 9 hours. The results indicated that the effect of differences in the length of time for HUFA enrichment in Nauplius artemia on the development of mud crab (Scylla tranquebarica) larvae showed no significant effect (P>0.05). Only a few mangrove crab larvae survived during treatment of HUFA enrichment time in Artemia nauplius.
Conservation-Based Management of Children's Character Education on Barrang Lompo Island, Makassar City Muhtazib Muhtazib; Khaerul Umam Junaid; Muhammad Nur Ihsan; Roswiyanti Roswiyanti; Alpiani Alpiani
JURNAL AGRIKAN (Agribisnis Perikanan) Vol 15 No 2 (2022): Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52046/agrikan.v15i2.1260


Marine pollution is a major threat that can harm human social, economic, and cultural activities. Marine pollution is caused by human activities that do not pay attention to the health of the environment. Marine pollution can be prevented and minimized by employing conservation. The formation of conservation-based children's character is very influential on the sustainability of conservation. Children's character can be formed through education in the family, home, and community environment. The first and foremost environment in forming the foundation of a child's character is the family. Families make a very big contribution to the strength of the foundation of the character of child conservation. Thus, it is necessary to study the management of children's character education in coastal communities that are also direct beneficiaries of marine resources. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of conservation-based children's character education management in coastal communities and to find out the effectiveness of conservation-based children's character education in coastal communities. Knowing the management and effectiveness of the management of children's character education in the family environment. This research method uses a quantitative approach with SPSS 25 data analysis. The results obtained from this study are that the character education of children greatly influences the attitude of conservation of children on Barrang Lompo Island. The better the conservation character education management carried out by the family, the stronger the child's conservation attitude will be.
Pelatihan Manajemen Usaha Produksi Pengasapan Ikan Terbang Di Kelurahan Mosso, Provinsi Sulawesi Barat: Flying Fish Smoked Production Business Management Training in Mosso Village, West Sulawesi Province Muhammad Nur; Muhammad Nur Ihsan; Wulan Ayuandiani; Fahrul; Tikawati
VIVABIO: Jurnal Pengabdian Multidisiplin Vol. 5 No. 3 (2023): VIVABIO: Jurnal Pengabdian Multidisiplin
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35799/vivabio.v5i3.51328


Mosso Village is the center for processing flying fish in West Sulawesi. One of the government's efforts to maximize this potential is by establishing a flying fish processing center in the Somba area. One type of processing of flying fish is smoking. Even though people in this center have long used flying fish as their main source of income, their income and welfare are still very low. The main objective of this activity is to provide training to business groups to increase knowledge about production management, marketing management, and simple financial analysis. Community service activities were carried out on Saturday, August 26 2023 at the Sendana District Head Office Hall. The method of this activity is production management training for groups of flying fish-smoking business partners. The participants in this activity were the Siamasei Group which consisted of 20 group members. The results of this service activity show an increase in skills and knowledge regarding how to produce smoked flying fish by Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Standard Sanitation Operational Procedures (SSOP) so that the flying fish that will be produced are of good quality. Apart from that, the fumigation group also gained knowledge related to production management, marketing management, and financial analysis so that they were able to run their business optimally. Keywords:  Flying fish; Public; Training; Smoked fish; West Sulawesi ABSTRAK Kelurahan Mosso merupakan sentra pengolahan ikan terbang di Sulawesi Barat. Salah satu upaya pemerintah memaksimalkan potensi tersebut adalah dengan mendirikan sentra pengolahan ikan terbang di Lingkungan Somba. Salah satu jenis pengolahan ikan terbang adalah pengasapan. Meskipun masyarakat di sentra ini telah lama memanfaatkan ikan terbang sebagai sumber penghasilan utama, namun pendapatan dan kesejahteraannya masih sangat rendah. Tujuan utama dari kegiatan ini adalah memberikan pelatihan kepada kelompok usaha untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang manajemen produksi, manajemen pemasaran dan analisis keuangan secara sederhana. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilaksanakan pada Hari Sabtu, tanggal 26 Agustus 2023 bertempat di Aula Kantor Camat Sendana. Metode kegiatan ini adalah pelatihan manajemen produksi kelompok mitra usaha pengasapan ikan terbang. Peserta pada kegiatan ini adalah Kelompok Siamasei yang beranggotan 20 orang anggota kelompok. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian ini menunjukkan peningkatan keterampilan dan pengetahuan terkait cara produksi ikan terbang asap sesuai dengan Standar Operating Procedur (SOP) dan Standar Sanitation Operational Procedur (SSOP) sehingga ikan terbang yang akan diproduksi memiliki kualitas yang baik. Selain itu kelompok pengasapan juga memperoleh pengetahuan terkait manajemen produksi, manajemen pemasaran dan analisis keuangan sehingga mampu menjalankan usahanya dengan maksimal. Kata Kunci:  Ikan terbang; Masyarakat; Pelatihan; Pengasapan; Sulawesi Barat.