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Pengaruh Pekerjaan, Promosi, Rekan Kerja, Atasan, Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Studi Kasus Di Pt. Primissima Medari Sleman Yogyakarta Fx Pudjo Wibowo; Fidellis Wato Tholok
Sains: Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol 11, No 2 (2019): Juni
Publisher : FEB Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (384.517 KB) | DOI: 10.35448/jmb.v11i2.6060


The purpose of this paper is to determine the extent of the influence of work, promotion, co-workers, superiors and work environment on employee work productivity at PT. PRIMISSIMA MEDARI SLEMAN Yogyakarta. Validity and reliability tests show that all question items are from work variables (X_1), promotions (X_2), coworkers (X_3), supervisors (X_4) and work environment (X_5), all valid and reliable questions, t value calculated jobs 1.987 , the value of promotion t count is 2.326, the value of the worker's t count is 4,870, the value of the t count of the boss is 7,597 and the value of the t count of work environment is 2,363 which all shows greater than t table 1,984, so this hypothesis states that work (X_1), promotion (X_2) , coworkers (X_3), superiors (X_4) and work environment (X_5) partially positive effect on employee work productivity at. PT. PRIMISSIMA MEDARI SLEMAN Yogyakarta. F count is 142,920 with a significance value of 0,000 so that the value of F count> F table or 142,920> 2.46 or the level of significance (sig) 0,000 <0.05, then it can be concluded that simultaneously (together) between work (X_1), promotion (X_2 ), coworkers (X_3), superiors (X_4) and work environment (X_5), towards work productivity of employees at PT. PRIMISSIMA MEDARI SLEMAN Yogyakarta and the results of the coefficient of determination show that work (X_1), promotion (X_2), coworkers (X_3), boss (X_4) and work environment (X_5) contribute 88, 4% to Employee Productivity at PT. PRIMISSIMA MEDARI SLEMAN Yogyakarta.
Pengaruh Penanganan Komplain Dan Komunikasi Efektif Terhadap Kepuasan Mahasiswa Pada Biro Administrasi Akademik Universitas Buddhi Dharma (Survei Mahasiswa Program Studi Manajemen) Suhendar Janamarta; Tjong Se Fung; Fidellis Wato Tholok
Primanomics : Jurnal Ekonomi & Bisnis Vol 17 No 1 (2019): Primanomics : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Publisher : Fakultas Bisnis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (432.495 KB)


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh penanganan komplain dan komunikasi efektif Biro Administrasi Akademik berpengaruhterhadap kepuasan mahasiswa Universitas Buddhi Dharma Tangerang. Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah dengan menyebarkan kuesioner, sedangkan untuk metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif. Dalam melakukan penelitian ini penulis menggunakan Analisis koefisien korelasi, Analisis regresi linear berganda dan uji F serta uji t. Dari analisis di peroleh hasil sebagai berikut. Dari analisis linier berganda diperoleh persamaan Y = 5.888 + 0.526 X1 + 0.358 X2 dimana artinya setiap peningkatan atau penurunan penanganan komplain sebesar 1 point maka kepuasan mahasiswa akan mengalami peningkatan atau penurunan sebesar 0.526. Pada komunikasi efektif, setiap peningkatan atau penurunan 1 point maka kepuasan mahasiswa akanmengalami peningkatan atau penurunan sebesar 0.358. Dari analisis hubungan koefisien korelasi ditunjukkan oleh nilai koefisien korelasi penanganan komplain0.750 mendekati 1, dan nilai koefisien korelasi komunikasi efektif 0.805 mendekati 1, maka hubungannya sangat kuat dan memiliki hubungan positif terhadap kepuasan mahasiswa. Dari hasil uji F model 1 didapat nilai 126.212 dan untuk model 2 adalah 89.509 dimana ke dua nilai tersebut lebih besar dari Ftable sebesar 3.09 dengan demikian Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Pada uji t diketahui hasil, Pada kolom t diketahui bahwa t hitung untuk penanganan komplain (X1) adalah sebesar 8,253 sedangkan thitung untuk komunikasi efektif (X2) adalah 4,862 dengan menggunakan tabel distribusi normal t dan menggunakan tingkat esalahan (α) sebesar 5% serta derajat kebebasan (degree of freedom), maka diperoleh nilai distribusi tabel t adalah 1,984. Oleh karena thitung penanganan komplain dan komunikasi efektif > dari tabel t yaitu 1,984, maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima.
Application of Marketing Mix to Improve Consumer Purchasing Decisions on Culinary in The Old Market Sugandha Sugandha; Fidellis Wato Tholok; Suhendar Janamarta
Primanomics : Jurnal Ekonomi & Bisnis Vol 20 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Primanomics : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Publisher : Fakultas Bisnis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31253/pe.v20i2.966


The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of the Marketing Mix Strategy (Product, Price, Place and Promotion) of Tangerang Old Market Culinary in Increasing Consumer Purchase Interest partially (alone) or simultaneously (together). The research was conducted by distributing questionnaires. , while the research method using Simple Random Sampling. The independent variables in this study are price, location, promotion and service, while the dependent variable in this study is the decision to stay. The data collection method was used by distributing questionnaires directly to the Tangerang Old Market Culinary Consumers. The analytical method used in this research is the analysis of the coefficient of determination, multiple regression analysis of the F test and the t test, using SPSS Version 25.00 which is based on data from 100 Culinary Consumers at the Old Market Tangerang. positive and significant (product t-count value is 6369. > ttable 1.985 and .0000 <0.05 to (Consumer Purchase Interest) At Tangerang Old Market, Price Variable (X2) partially has a positive and significant effect (t-value calculated price is 3559. > ttable 1.985 and. Tangerang , Promotional Variable (X4) partially positive and significant effect (t value of Promotion 4.648. > ttable 1.985 d an .0000 < 0.05 with respect to (Consumer Purchase Interest) at the Tangerang Old Market, and for the F test results obtained results for the calculated F value of 178,855 with a significance value of 0.000 so that the calculated F value > F table or 178,855 > 2.70 or the level of significance (sig) 0.000 <0.05, it can be concluded that there is a simultaneous (together) effect between product, price, place, promotion on consumer buying interest in Tangerang Old Marketand the adjusted R2 value in this study means that the variance in consumer buying interest can be explained by Promotion, Place, Product, Price through the model of .883% and the remaining 11.7% comes from other variables outside of promotion, place, product and price variables. Or in other words, the amount of contribution / contribution of .883 to Consumer Purchase Interest is 88.3%, the remaining 11.7% comes from other variables outside the variables of Promotion, Place, Product, Price
Pengaruh Kepercayaan, Kemudahan, Kualitas Informasi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Secara Online Pada Situs Jual Beli Tokopedia (Studi Kasus Wilayah Tangerang) Melinda Agustina; Fidellis Wato Tholok; Handry Handry
Primanomics : Jurnal Ekonomi & Bisnis Vol 17 No 3 (2019): Primanomics : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Publisher : Fakultas Bisnis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (473.568 KB) | DOI: 10.31253/pe.v17i3.184


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Kepercayaan, Kemudahan, Kualitas Informasi terhadap Keputusan Pembelian secara online pada situs jual beli Tokopedia (studi kasus wilayah Tangerang). Populasi penelitian adalah konsumen yang pernah melakukan pembelian secara online di situs Tokopedia. Sampel berjumlah 100 orang dengan metode purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda dengan menggunakan program SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Kepercayaan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Keputusan Pembelian, Kemudahan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Keputusan Pembelian, Kualitas Informasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Keputusan Pembelian. Berdasarkan hasil uji hipotesis diperoleh bahwa Fhitung adalah 54.919 dengan probabilitas 0.000, jika dibandingkan dengan Ftabel dengan tingkat signifikan 0.05 diperoleh nilai sebesar 2.70, sehingga Fhitung > Ftabel ( 54.919 > 2.70). Dengan demikian Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima, artinya terdapat hubungan antara variabel Kepercayaan, Kemudahan, Kualitas Informasi terhadap Keputusan Pembelian secara online pada situs jual beli Tokopedia
Influence Of Work Health Safety And Work Environment On Employee Satisfaction At PT. Indonesia Toray Synthetics Giovanni Savio; Pujiarti Pujiarti; Fidellis Wato Tholok; Suhendar Janamarta
Primanomics : Jurnal Ekonomi & Bisnis Vol 18 No 1 (2020): Primanomics : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Publisher : Fakultas Bisnis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (302.433 KB)


The results of processing the data obtained by multiple linear regression equation Y = 2,937 + 0,485X1 + 0,415X2, meaning that any increase or decrease in the occupational health safety variables by 1 point, then the level of job satisfaction of employees at PT. Indonesia Toray Synthetics will increase or decrease by 0.485 and any increase or decrease in the working environment variable by 1 point, then the level of job satisfaction of employees at PT. Indonesia Toray Synthetics would have increased or decreased by 0.415. In addition, the authors also calculate the influence between variables. Correlation between occupational health safety and job satisfaction is equal to 0.661, and the correlation between the work environment and job satisfaction of employees amounted to 0.613. It can be concluded that the relationship between these three variables is strong and has a positive influence. From the test results F, model 1 obtained value of 76.187 with a significance level of 0.000, and model 2 obtained value of 50.841 with a significance level of 0.000. The results are greater than the value of which amounted to 3.09 Ftabel, then H0 is rejected and Ha accepted. While the results of the t test can be calculated at 5.205 occupational health safety and working environment t value is 3.845. Both values ​​are greater than the value that is equal to 1.98447 ttable. That is, there is a significant relationship between occupational health and environmental safety work on employee job satisfaction.
Pengenalan Strategi Digital Branding Untuk Meningkatkan Penjualan Umkm Pada Komunitas Umkm Desa Gelam Jaya, Kabupaten Tangerang Sonny Santosa; Rini Novianti; Tri Angreni; Elizabeth Elizabeth; Fidellis Wato Tholok; Etty Herijawati; Andre Gustriandi
Abdi Dharma Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Abdi Dharma: Optimasi penyediaan internet, Literasi keuangan, Pajak koperasi, K
Publisher : LP3kM Universitas Buddhi Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (295.847 KB) | DOI: 10.31253/ad.v1i2.707


This is the time for us to see the positive side caused by pandemic. Even though not everybody agrees to this, the pandemic going on not only in Indonesia but also in all over the world has given us a chance for ‘adaptation’ over changes in business. Nowadays, business concept is not only affected by markets, companies, competitors but also by changes. Every individual, even a big company must acknowledge this. In order to maintain the side of people’s ‘economy’, various studies reviewing alternatives for good marketing strategies have been carried out. These studies are especially aimed at Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). This is because SMEs have been the part of creative economy. Based on these circumstances, the researcher was encouraged to study which strategy of digital branding dominantly carried out by the SME players. This research applied factor analysis to find out the basic attribute grounding SME players to survive their businesses, which were initiated either before or after pandemic. The method used was non-probability sampling. Here the questionnaires were distributed in order to find answers from five determined spots. There were 169 respondents as samples in this research. In the pre-test, before questionnaires distributed, there were at least 9 attributes used as references for the main players of SMEs in applying digital branding. Results of factor analysis test showed that there were at least two main factors developed. In these two factors, it is agreed that strategy of Search Engine Optimization was the most ideal to apply in order to survive their business. This is because it has big dominant value, which was 0.823 (82% for first group) and 0.790 (79% for the second group).
Momentum Imlek : Preferensi Konsumen Untuk Berbelanja Di Kawasan Kuliner Pasar Lama Tangerang Fidellis Wato Tholok
eCo-Buss Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020): Building a Customer-Centric Service Culture
Publisher : Komunitas Dosen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32877/eb.v2i2.129


Hari Raya Imlek atau yang biasa dikenal sebagai festival musim semi merupakan saat yang paling ditunggu-tunggu kedatangannya tidak hanya oleh masyarakat yang termasuk dalam keturunan Tion Hoa di Indonesia, tetapi juga oleh para pedagang bahkan pebisnis secara global, atsmofer Imlek yang dominan diwarnai dengan warna merah ini semakin membuat meriah akan makna yang terkandung didalam Hari Raya Imlek itu sendiri. Dengan adanya momentum Imlek, budaya berbelanja akan semakin meningkat melebihi dari hari biasanya. Bagi para pedagang, Hari Raya Imlek dan layaknya Hari Raya lainnya akan melakukan sebuah tahapan pemasaran dimana para pedagang akan menyesuaikan dan merespons perilaku konsumen yang berubah dengan cepat. Para pedagang akan senantiasa beradaptasi untuk bersaing secara efektif dengan menerapkan program menarik seperti multi year transformation untuk memberikan peningkatan jangka panjang. Berdasarkan hal diatas, maka peneliti tertarik untuk membahas sebuah preferensi konsumen yang terbentuk saat momentum imlek untuk berbelanja di kawasan kuliner pasar lama Tangerang. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis factor, dengan harapan dapat diketahui atribut dasar yang mendasari para konsumen secara garis besar alasan mereka untuk mengunjungi kawasan kuliner pasar lama Tangerang. Metode yang digunakan yaitu non probability sampling dan dalam menyebarkan kuesioner, penelitian ini pula menggunakan teknik gugus bertahap dengan harapan dapat mendapatkan jawaban yang beragam dari lima titik yang telah ditentukan. Sebanyak 169 responden dijadikan sampel dalam penelitian ini. Dalam pre test sebelum penyebaran kuesioner didapatkan hasil bahwa setidaknya ada enam atribut yang dijadikan dasar sebagai bahan preferensi utama para konsumen dalam mengunjungi Kawasan Kuliner Pasar Lama Tangerang dalam momentum Imlek yaitu Produk, Harga, Lokasi, Promosi, Atsmofer, dan Fasilitas Penunjang lainnya. Dari hasil uji analisis factor didapatkan hasil bahwa, setidaknya terdapat dua factor utama yang terbentuk, dimana dalam factor pertama, responden lebih dominan memilih variable produk (76,9%), Promosi (71,8%) dan fasilitas (54,5%), dan dalam factor kedua, responden lebih dominan memilih berbelanja di kawasan kuliner pasar lama Tangerang berdasarkan variable Lokasi (79%) dimana memang lokasi kawasan kuliner pasar lama Tangerang ini sangat mudah dijangkau lokasinya oleh kendaraan umum, Fasilitas (41,6%) dan variable produk sebesar (7,3%).
Analisis Disiplin Kerja, Kecepatan, Dan Loyalitas Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT Culletprima Setia Tangerang Sugandha Sugandha; Donny Yana; Hendra Hendra; Fidellis Wato Tholok
eCo-Buss Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): eCo-Buss
Publisher : Komunitas Dosen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32877/eb.v4i2.243


Analisis Displin kerja, Kecepatan dan Loyaitas Terhadap kinerja Karyawan PT Culletprima Setia Prima Tangerang didalam hal ini seberapa besar baik /sendiri-sendiri maupun bersama-sama antara independent variabel (displin kerja, kecepatan dan loyalitas) berpengaruh terhadap variabel dependent (Kinerja). Penelitian ini dilakukan PT Culletprima Setia Tangerang dengan menyebar kuensioner pertanyaan sedangksn sampel penelitian digunakan dengan Random Simpel Sampling Pengumpulan data dengan studi lapangan (interview, observasi, kuesioner) ditunjukkan pada karyawan PT Culletprima Setia Tangerang, Banten dengan jumlah 100 karyawan. Analisis data stastitik menggunakan uji realibilitas, validitas, normalitas, autokorelasi, heterokesdatisitas multikolinearitas, determinasi koefisien, uji sendiri-sendiri (uji-t) dan uji bersama-sama (uji-f) , dengan alat stastitik SPSS 25. Uji t menunjukkan independent variabel baik sendiri-sendiri mempunyai pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap dependent variabel) PT Culletprima Setia Tangerang dengan hasil yang diperoleh nilai t hitung disiplin kerja 10.527 lebih besar .( > ) ttabel 1,966 dan probabilitas .0000 lebih kecil (< ) 0.05, nilai t hitung kecepatan 5.247 lebih besar .( > ) ttabel 1,966 dan . probabilitas 0000 lebih kecil (< ) 0.05 dan nilai t hitung loyalitas 2.993. lebih besar .( > ) ttabel 1,996 dan .probabilitas 0004 lebih kecil (< ) 0.05. Hasil F hitung = 249.643 nilai probabilitas = 0.000 maka F hitung > F tabel (249.643 lebih besar (>) 3,09 nilai probabilitas 0.000 lebih kecil (<) 0.05, ditarik kesimpulan independent variabel, secara simultan mempunyai hubungan positif berpengaruh terhadap dependent variabel pada Kinerja PT Culletprima Setia Tangerang dan Nilai determiasi berganda R2 adalah 88,3 % dari Kinerja PT Culletprima Setia Tangerang diterangkan faktor-faktor variabel independent dan sisanya 100%-88,3% = 16,7% diluar dari faktor independent
PENGARUH BUDAYA ORGANISASI DAN LINGKUNGAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA (Studi Kasus di PT Mutiara Nusantara Globalindo) FX. Pudjo Wibowo; Sugandha Sugandha; Fidellis Wato Tholok
JURNAL EKONOMI DAN KEWIRAUSAHAAN Vol. 20 No. 3 (2020): Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kewirausahaan : September
Publisher : Universitas Slamet Riyadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (629.212 KB)


The purpose of this paper is to determine the effect of organizational culture and work environment on performance at PT Mutiara Nusantara Globalindo. In this study, research was conducted on 100 respondents of PT Mutiara Nusantara Globalindo's employees, through questionnaires. The method used in this research is descriptive and qualitative methods. Based on the answers to the questionnaire, raw data have been obtained which are then processed using SPSS version 25 so that it becomes useful data for this study. Organizational culture variables (X1) and work environment partially have a positive and significant effect (t count of organizational culture 12,592 > T table 1,984 and 0,000 <0,05) and (t count value of 2,820 work environment > t table 1,084 and 0,006 <0,05) on the performance of PT Mutiara Nusantara Globalindo while the organizational culture variable (X1) and the work environment together have a positive and significant influence F count of 260,865 with a significance value of 0,000 so that the calculated F value > F table or 260,865 > 2.46 or the level of significance (sig) 0,000 <0,05, on the performance of PT Mutiara Nusantara Globalindo and adjusted R2 Value shows that organizational culture and work environment contributed 84% to the performance of PT Mutiara Nusantara Globalindo while 16% was explained by other reasons.
Level of Satisfaction, Motivation, Teacher Profession and Providing Financial Compensation in Improving Teacher Performance (Survey Conducted on Private High School Teachers in Tangerang City, Banten Province) Sugandha Sugandha; Suhendar Janamarta; Fidellis Wato Tholok
Primanomics : Jurnal Ekonomi & Bisnis Vol. 20 No. 3 (2022): Jurnal Primanomics : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Publisher : Fakultas Bisnis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31253/pe.v20i3.1464


in this study aims to determine how big the relationship between satisfaction, motivation, the teaching profession and the provision of financial compensation partially or simultaneously on performance. The method of data collection is by distributing questionnaires to private school teachers in Tangerang City directly. The t-test shows that the magnitude of the Satisfaction Variable (X1) has a positive and significant effect (t-count Satisfaction 1.977. > ttable 1.65 and .0049 <0.05 on Performance, Motivation Variable (X2) has a positive and significant effect (t value of motivation 3519 > t table 1.65 and 0.0001 <0.05 on performance, the variable of the teaching profession (X3) has a positive and significant effect (the t-count value of the teaching profession is 3.664. > t-count) tables 1.65 and .0000 <0.05 the financial compensation performance variable (X4) has a positive and significant effect (t value 9.748 > t table 1.65 and 0.00000 <0.05 on performance and for the F test results, the results for the calculated F value are 94,925 with a significance value of 0.000 so that the calculated F value > F table or 94.925 > 3.87 or the significance level (sig) 0.000 <0.05, it can be concluded that there is a simultaneous influence between ionic satisfaction, motivation, the teaching profession and the competence of providing financial satisfaction on performance and the value of R2 y