Rina Triasih
Department Of Child Health, Faculty Of Medicine, Public Health And Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada/Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, Yogyakarta, Central Java

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Risk factors of bronchiolitis I Gde Doddy Kurnia Indrawan; IB Subanada; Rina Triasih
Paediatrica Indonesiana Vol 53 No 1 (2013): January 2013
Publisher : Indonesian Pediatric Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (109.936 KB) | DOI: 10.14238/pi53.1.2013.21-5


Background Bronchiolitis peak incidence is in children aged 2 -6months. History of atopy in parents, non-exclusive breastfeeding,exposure to cigarette smoke, and infants living in crowded areasmay be risk factors for bronchiolitis. Gestational of age at birth isalso influences the mortality oflower respiratory tract infection.Objective To evaluate the following conditions as possiblerisk factors for bronchiolitis: history of atopy, non-exclusivebreastfeeding, preterm infants, exposure to cigarette smoke, and2:: 6 persons residing in the home.Methods A sex-matched case-control study was conductedby collecting data from medical records at Sanglah Hospital,Denpasar. The case group subjects met the diagnostic criteriafor bronchiolitis and were aged 1-24 months. The control groupincluded patients with diagnoses unrelated to the respiratorysystem. Data was analyzed using bivariate (Mc.N emar) andmultivariate methods (logistic regression) with 95% confidenceintervals and statistical significance value of P <0 .05.Results There were 96 subjects in our study, consisted of 48subjects in the case group and 48 in the control group. Thecase and control groups were similar in baseline characteristics.The presence of history of atopy (OR 34.7; 95%CI 3 to 367,P=0.003), non-exclusive breastfeeding (OR 4.3; 95%CI 1.4 to13, P=0.010), exposure to cigarette smoke (OR 3; 95%CI 1 to9.2, P=0.047), and 2:: 6 persons living in the home (OR 7.9;95%CI 2.6 to 24, P<0.0001) were found to be significant riskfactors for bronchiolitis, while the preterm infants seem notsignificant as a risk factor of bronchiolitis (OR3; 95%CI 0.31 to78.99, P=0.625).Conclusion History of atopy, non-exclusive breastfeeding,exposure to cigarette smoke, and 2:: 6 persons living in the homeare found to be risk factors, while preterm infants seem not a riskfactor for bronchiolitis.
Mother’s health care-seeking behavior for children with acute respiratory infections in a post-earthquake setting Yulinar Wusanani; Djauhar Ismail; Rina Triasih
Paediatrica Indonesiana Vol 53 No 3 (2013): May 2013
Publisher : Indonesian Pediatric Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (114.341 KB) | DOI: 10.14238/pi53.3.2013.144-9


Background Delayed health care-seeking behavior is a causeof high mortality in children due to acute respiratory infections(ARis). Factors that may affect health care-seeking behavior aresocioeconomic status, maternal age, maternal education, parents'perception of illness, child's age, number of children under fiveyears of age in the family, and occurrence of natural disasters. The2006 Central Java earthquake damaged homes and health carefacilities, and led to increased poverty among the residents.Objective To assess the relationship between socioeconomicstatus and mother's health care-seeking behavior for childrenunder five years of age with ARis in a post-earthquake setting.Methods This cross-sectional study used secondary data obtainedfrom the Child Health Need Assessment (CHNA) survey. Logisticregression test was used to analyze variables that may affectmother's health care-seeking behavior for children under fiveyears of age with ARis.Results Of the 665 infants surveyed, 442 infants (66.5%)had ARis. Health care-seeking behavior was good (81.7%)in the majority of mothers. We observed that socioeconomicstatus did not affect maternal health care-seeking behavior forchildren under five with ARis (OR 1.33; 95%CI 0.79 to 2.24;P= 0.26). Maternal age, maternal education, child's age andgender, number of children under five in the family, parents'perceptions of illness and severity of house damage caused by theearthquake also had no effect on maternal health care-seekingbehavior for children with ARis.Conclusion After the 2006 earthquake, we find that socioeconomicstatus, maternal age, maternal education, child age, child gender,number of children under five in the family, parents' perceptionsof illness, and severity of house damage have no effect on mother'shealth care-seeking behavior for their children with ARis.
The first 24-hour bilirubin level as a predictor of hyperbilirubinemia in healthy term newborns Rina Triasih; Ekawaty L Haksari; Achmad Surjono
Paediatrica Indonesiana Vol 43 No 3 (2003): May 2003
Publisher : Indonesian Pediatric Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (413.271 KB) | DOI: 10.14238/pi43.3.2003.85-90


Background Early discharging healthy term newborns results ina difficulty to recognize hyperbilirubinemia.Objective The aim of this study was to determine the value of thefirst 24-hour total and unbound bilirubin levels in predicting hyper-bilirubinemia in healthy term newborns.Methods The first 24-hour and the 5 th day total and unboundbilirubin levels were measured in 84 healthy term newborns. Thetotal bilirubin level was measured spectrophotometrically, whereasunbound bilirubin level was determined by peroxidase-oxidationmethod. Hyperbilirubinemia was defined as serum total bilirubin of>12.9 mg/dL or serum unbound bilirubin of >0.5 mg/dL after 24hours of life.Results A correlation between the first 24-hour and the 5 th daytotal bilirubin levels was found (r= 0.53) with a regression equa-tion: Y (total bilirubin on day 5) = 4.69 + 1.15X (total bilirubin in thefirst 24 hours). In unbound bilirubin (r=0.31), the regression equa-tion was Y (unbound bilirubin on day 5) = 0.13 + 0.95X (unboundbilirubin in the first 24-hours). The relative risk for developing hy-perbilirubinemia in newborns whose TB 1 was >4.5 mg/dL was 12(95% CI 2.9;48.4), whereas newborns whose UB 1 was >0.09 mg/dL was 9.5 (95% CI 1.2;77.4).Conclusion Total bilirubin level of >4.5 mg/dL in the first 24 hourscan predict the development of hyperbilirubinemia in term new-borns in the first week of life. Newborns with such level of totalbilirubin need a longer stay or should visit the hospital on day 5-7
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran, Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Keperawatan UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jkr.12654


EVALUASI KEPATUHAN PETUGAS DALAM TATALAKSANA PNEUMONIA DI KABUPATEN TOLITOLIAbd Rahman1, Mohammad Hakimi2, Rina Triasih3ABSTRACTBackground: The infant mortality rate in Central Sulawesi Province is 52 per 1000 live births, which isthe fifth highest in Indonesia. The high rate of morbidity and mortality of acute respiratory infection andpneumonia in children under five in Tolitoli District in past year related to the implented efforts triandsARI eradication program. This is indeed related to how officers comply with pneumonia managementcorrectly.Objective: To evaluate officers’ compliance in implementing pneumonia manager Tolitoli Distric.Method: This was an observational study with cross-sectional study design, using quantitative approach,Data were collected through observation and interview using standardized questionnaire by tramednurses. Officer who handled pneumonia program in Tolitoli District and those in Publich Health Centreswere recruited as subjects.Result and Discussion: One hundred and nineteen subjects were recruited to this study. The percentaseof officers who complied with pneumonia management was 69%. The result of multivariate analysis thatwas training increased officers’ compliance in pneumonia management which was adjusted to education,knowledge and length of work had a significant relationship (PR: 1.79; 95% CI: 1,38 – 2,33) and theincreased value R2 of 6.3%, it mean.Conclusion: Trained officers were more compliant than untrained officers with the prevalence risk of1.79 times. Education, knowledge, and length of working service were related to officers’ compliance inpneumonia management.Keywords: training, officers’ compliance in pneumonia managementABSTRAKLatar belakang: Angka kematian bayi di Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah sebesar 52 per 1000 kelahiran hidupdan menempati urutan kelima tertinggi di Indonesia. Tingginya angka kesakitan dan angka kematian balitaakibat pneumonia di Kabupaten Tolitoli dalam beberapa tahun terakhir tidak terlepas dari seberapa jauhupaya program pemberantasan penyakit ISPA telah dilaksanakan. Hal ini sangat terkait dengan bagaimanakepatuhan petugas dalam melakukan tata laksana pneumonia secara tepat.Tujuan: Diketahuinya kepatuhan petugas dalam melakukan tatalaksana pneumonia di Kabupaten Tolitoli.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian observasional dengan rancangan cross sectional denganmenggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi dan wawancara dengan subyekpenelitian dengan menggunakan lembar observasi dan kuesioner.Hasil dan Pembahasan: Sebanyak 119 subyek diikutkan dalam penelitian ini. Rata-rata petugas yang patuhterhadap tata laksana pneumonia sebesar 69%. Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa variabelpelatihan dan kepatuhan petugas dalam tatalaksana pneumonia dengan mengikutsertakan variabel pendidikan, pengetahuan dan masa kerja untuk dianalisis secara bersama mempunyai hubungan yangsignifikan ((RP;1,79, IK 95%; 1,38 – 2,33) dan peningkatan nilai R2 sebesar 6,3%Kesimpulan: Petugas yang telah dilatih lebih patuh dibanding petugas yang belum dilatih dengan risikoprevalensi 1,53 kali. Faktor pendidikan, pengetahuan dan masa kerja berhubungan secara bermaknadengan kepatuhan petugas dalam tataksana pneumonia.Kata kunci: pelatihan, Kepatuhan petugas tatalaksana pneumonia1 Tolitoli Faculty of Medicine and Health Science2 Maternal and Child Health-Reproductive Health Graduate Program, FK-UGM3 Pediatric Department, Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, Yogyakarta
Limitations of the Indonesian Pediatric Tuberculosis Scoring System in the context of child contact investigation Rina Triasih; Stephen M. Graham
Paediatrica Indonesiana Vol 51 No 6 (2011): November 2011
Publisher : Indonesian Pediatric Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14238/pi51.6.2011.332-7


tuberculosis (TB) was developed to address the problem of overdiagnosis. The implementation of this scoring system in children who have household TB contacts has not been evaluated.Objective To evaluate the performance of the Indonesian pediatric tuberculosis scoring system in the context of contact investigation.Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted in the Yogyakarta municipality, between August 2010 and March 2011. Subjects were children under the age of 15 years, living in the same house with an adult who had pulmonary TB. Subjects underwent history taking, physical examinations, tuberculin skin tests (TST) and chest X-rays. Sputum smear was performed in symptomatic children. We compared outcomes of the Indonesian pediatric TB scoring system to that of rigorous clinical assessment.Results A total of 146 eligible children of 82 source cases were recruited into the study. Sixty-eight (47%) children had positive TST tuberculin skin tests. Using the scoring system, 47% of the subjects were diagnosed to have TB disease, while only 10% were diagnosed with TB using rigorous clinical assessment. With rigorous clinical assessment, 40% of the subjects were diagnosed as having latent TB infection (LTBI), while none of the subjects were diagnosed as LTBI using the scoring system.Conclusion The use of the Indonesian pediatric TB scoring system in children with household TB contact may lead to overdiagnosis of TB disease.
Factors associated with insulin-like growth factor-1 in children with thalassemia major Muhammad Riza; Sri Mulatsih; Rina Triasih
Paediatrica Indonesiana Vol 59 No 2 (2019): March 2019
Publisher : Indonesian Pediatric Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (292.514 KB) | DOI: 10.14238/pi59.2.2019.72-8


Background Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) deficiency is the major cause of growth disorders and delayed puberty in children with thalassemia. Hence, identifying factors contributing to IGF-1 deficiency in thalassemia is of importance. Objectives To evaluate the correlation between IGF-1 level and nutritional status, ferritin level, pre-transfusion hemoglobin, thyroid, as well as alanine transaminase level. Methods We conducted a study in children aged 2 to 18 years with thalassemia major who visited outpatient clinics at two hospitals in Indonesia, Dr. Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta and Dr. Moewardi Hospital, Surakarta, Central Java, from July to December 2015. Clinical, laboratory, and demographic data were reviewed from medical records. IGF-1 levels were measured using an immunochemiluminiscent method. Results A total of 48 children were recruited into the study. Subjects mean IGF-1 level was 109.28 ng/mL (SD 90.26) ng/mL. Seventy-five percent of the children had IGF-1 level < -2SD. Subjects mean ferritin, pre-transfusion hemoglobin and ALT levels were 3.568 (SD 2131.31) ng/mL; 7.97 (SD 0.85) g/dL and 49.7 (SD 43.1), respectively. Most of the children (91.7%) was eutyroid, with a mean of TSH and FT4 level was 2.7 (SD 1.5) nmol/L and 12.3 (SD 7.1) μIU/ml, respectively. Ferritin level had no significant correlation with IGF-1 level (r=-0.794; P=0.431). However, a strong, positive correlation was documented between pre-transfusion hemoglobin level and IGF-1 level (r=2.380; P=0.022). Multivariate linear regression analysis revealed that factors with significant correlations to IGF-1 level were pre-transfusion hemoglobin level <8 g/dL (β=-0.090; 95%CI -0.002 to 0.182; P=0.056) and undernutrition (β=0.077; 95%CI 0.045 to 0.109; P<0.001). Conclusion Low pre-transfusion hemoglobin level and undernutrition are significantly correlated to low IGF-1 level in children with thalassemia major.
Fluid overload and length of mechanical ventilation in pediatric sepsis Winda Paramitha; Rina Triasih; Desy Rusmawatiningtyas
Paediatrica Indonesiana Vol 59 No 4 (2019): July 2019
Publisher : Indonesian Pediatric Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (374.875 KB) | DOI: 10.14238/pi59.4.2019.211-6


Background Children with sepsis often experience hemodynamic failure and would benefit from fluid resuscitation. On the other hand, critically ill children with sepsis have a higher risk of fluid accumulation due to increased capillary hydrostatic pressure and permeability. Therefore, fluid overload may result in higher morbidity and mortality during pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) hospitalization. Objective To evaluate the correlation between fluid overload and the length of mechanical ventilation in children with sepsis admitted to the PICU. Methods Our retrospective cohort study included children aged 1 month-18 years with sepsis who were admitted to the PICU between January 2013 and June 2018 and mechanically-ventilated. Secondary data was extracted from subjects’ medical records. Data analyses used were independent T-test and survival analysis. Results Of 444 children admitted to the PICU, 166 initially met the inclusion criteria. Of those, 17 children were excluded due to congenital heart disease. Subjects' median age was 19 months and median PELOD-2 score was 8. Eighteen children (12.1%) had positive fluid balance in the first 48 hours. Median mechanical ventilation duration was 5 days. Fluid overload was significantly correlated with length of mechanical ventilation (P=0.01) and PICU mortality (RR=2.06; 95%CI 2.56 to 166; P=0.001). Neither length of PICU stay nor extubation failure were significantly correlated to fluid overload. Conclusion Fluid overload was significantly correlated with length of mechanical ventilation and may be a predictor of mortality in children with sepsis in the PICU.
Use of Xpert MTB/RIF for diagnosis of pediatric tuberculosis in Indonesia Rina Triasih; Amalia Setyati; Dwikisworo Setyowireni; Titik Nuryastuti; Rachma Dewi Isnaini Putri; Emi Rusdiyati
Paediatrica Indonesiana Vol 60 No 4 (2020): July 2020
Publisher : Indonesian Pediatric Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14238/pi60.4.2020.198-204


Background The Xpert MTB/RIF assay demonstrated a better diagnostic value than sputum smear for TB in adults and children. Objective To evaluate the use of Xpert MTB/RIF for TB diagnosis in children. Methods We conducted a prospective study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, involving 19 primary health centers (PHCs) and one provincial hospital. Children aged 0-14 years with suspected TB who visited the study sites were screened. Subjects underwent history-taking, physical examination, tuberculin skin test, chest X-ray, as well as sputum induction for Xpert MTB/RIF assay, sputum smear, and TB culture. The diagnosis of TB was made by doctors based on the results of investigations, as follows: certain TB (bacteriological confirmation), probable TB, and possible TB. Results Of 80 subjects, 21 (26%) were diagnosed with TB disease (4 certain TB and 17 probable TB). Sputum induction was successfully performed in 79 children. None of the children had positive sputum smears. Mycobacterium tuberculosis was detected by Xpert MTB/RIF in 4 children, accounting for 5% of all children with suspected TB, or 19% among children with TB disease. The 4 Xpert MTB/RIF-positive subjects had severe TB disease and were rifampicin-sensitive. Conclusion Xpert MTB/RIF may improve case finding among children with severe TB disease with negative sputum smear.
Modifying the PELOD-2 score to predict mortality in critically ill patients Melda Melda; Rina Triasih; Nurnaningsih Nurnaningsih
Paediatrica Indonesiana Vol 61 No 2 (2021): March 2021
Publisher : Indonesian Pediatric Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14238/pi61.2.2021.61-8


Background The PELOD-2 score, which has been widely used to predict multiple organ dysfunction, may be used to predict mortality. Nevertheless, blood gas analyses (BGA) and lactate measurements required for the PELOD-2 cannot be performed in most limited resource settings. Objective To evaluate the performance of modified PELOD-2, without BGA and lactate, to predict mortality in critically ill children. Methods This retrospective cohort study in critically ill children admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU), Dr. Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta, was undertaken from January to December 2018. The modifications to the PELOD-2 score were PELOD-2A (without BGA), PELOD-2B (without lactate), and PELOD-2C (without BGA and lactate). The modified PELOD-2 scores were evaluated using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve for discrimination, and Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test for calibration. Results Of 130 subjects, 68 (52.3%) died. A PELOD-2 score cut-off of 6.5 and modified PELOD-2A, 2B, and 2C had sensitivities for predicting mortality of 73.5%, 67.7%, 70.6%, and 63.2%, respectively, and specificities of 75.8%, 77.4%, 77.4%, and 79%, respectively. The area under curve (AUC) of the PELOD-2 score was 78.3 (95%CI 70.5 to 86.2). The AUCs of the modified PELOD-2 scores ranged from 76.8 (95%CI 68.7 to 84.9) to 77.9 (95% CI 69.9 to 85.8). The positive predictive values of PELOD-2 and modified PELOD-2A, 2B, 2C were 76.9%, 76.7%, 77.4% and 76.8%, respectively. The Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test showed good calibration for PELOD-2 (x2=8.74; P=0.27) and modified PELOD-2A (x2=4.91; P=0.67). Conclusion The PELOD-2A, modified without BGA, can still predict mortality well in critically ill PICU patients when using a cut-off score ≥ 6.5.
Exhaled carbon monoxide in children with asthma and allergic rhinitis Yulia Fatma Wardani; Rina Triasih; Amalia Setyati
Paediatrica Indonesiana Vol 62 No 2 (2022): March 2022
Publisher : Indonesian Pediatric Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14238/pi62.2.2022.115-9


Background Exhaled carbon monoxide has been related to the degree of inflammation. An easy, inexpensive, and non-invasive test to measure exhaled CO levels (eCO) may help in supporting the diagnosis of asthma and allergic rhinitis (AR) in children. Objective To compare the eCO levels in children with asthma, AR, or both asthma and AR, to children without asthma or AR. Methods This was a cross-sectional study involving 450 children aged 13-14 years in Yogyakarta. Asthma and AR were determined according to the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) study criteria, while eCO level was examined using a Smokerlyzer®. The levels of eCO between groups were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests. Results Of 450 children, 48 (10.67%) had asthma only, 91 (20.22%) had AR only, 67 (14.89%) had both asthma and AR, and 244 (54.22%) had neither asthma nor AR. The eCO levels of children with asthma or AR were not significantly different compared to those without asthma and AR (P=0.33 and P=0.19, respectively). However, children with both asthma and AR had significantly higher eCO level compared to children without asthma and AR (P< 0.001). Conclusion The levels of eCO in children with asthma only or AR only are similar to those without both diseases. Children with both asthma and AR have significant higher eCO compared to healthy children.