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Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat (Journal of Public Health) Vol 6, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Kes Mas FKM UAD Januari 2012
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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Background: Gender-based violence in Indonesia is that many cases occur. Since 1998,violence in dating the Rifka Annisa Womens Crisis Center is a case of the second largest afterthe violence against wives. Emotional violence in dating can lead to psychological effects, andone of the psychological effect is the occurrence of anxiety. Anxiety itself can causepsychological effects. The aimof the research to determine the relationship between violence onanxiety in dating young women in Purworejo District.Methods: Cross Sectional study design to girls at SMK SMAN 3 and 6 of Dating Violence (KDP)in Purworejo District 120.Results: The Violence of the most experienced young women is sexual violence because ofbeing kissed forcefully by 34.71%. Physical violence from being hit by 30.83%. Violenceeconomy because without the willingness to buy credit for as much as 25.83% and 17.50%experienced emotional abuse because they feel insulted about the treatment the couple whomake it a laughing stock. Age has an effect on anxiety, where anxiety is more risky in womenwho experience sexual violence against a background of 14-16 years of middle age.Conclusion: There was a significant association between dating violence and anxiety in youngwomen in Purworejo District (p=0,0014 RP= 3,1 dan 95% CI=1,5-6,3).Keywords: Dating Violence, Anxiety, Adolescent
Publisher : IPAKESPRO

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PEMANFAATAN POJOK LAKTASI DI PUSKESMAS I CILONGOKKABUPATEN BANYUMASKhusnul Khotimah, Ova Emilia,Mohammad HakimiABSTRACTBackground : Based on survey Indonesian demographic and health in 2007 that exclusive breastfeeding 38 %decrease from 39,5% in 2002-2003, child under 6 months who gets milk incease from 16,7% until 27,9% in2007. American Academy of Pediatrics (1)get recomendation baby must get exclusive breastfeeding in 6 monthuntil 2 years old. Banyumas regency are have a program to increase scope of exclusive breastfeeding by regulationof regent number 52 in 2012 about increase exclusive breastfeeding in Banyumas Regency. One of the material insocialization is about lactation room and standardization, right of women worker to breastfed in office, publicfacility.Objective : to determine factors can effected utilization of lactation room in Puskesmas I Cilongok.Methods : this study was an observational study with a cross sectional design and qualitative study or called mixmethod. Location of study in Puskesmas I Cilongok. Sample of this study is employed mother who breastfeedand visitors of Puskesmas I Cilongok in Banyumas Regency. Sampling method used sampling convinience get 41women until this study done. independent variable are attitude of breastfeed mother about lactation room andbehavior of breastfeed mother. Dependent variable is utilization of lactation room. Data analysis consisted ofunivariable analysis, bivariable analysis using chi-square test and multivariable analysis using logistic regressiontest and also qualitative analysis.Results and Discussion : there is no effect attitude of breastfeed mother about lactation room with utilization oflactation room, can we see from p = 0,247 (RP1,58; 95% CI 0,70-3,55), the similar result from dialogue thatmother have good attittude but not utilized, they say not get socialization from health worker. The good Behaviorbreastfeed mother have relation with utilization, can we see p = 0,028, RP2,35 (95% CI 1,05-5,23). Results fromdialogue mother who get bad behavior not utilized. Utilization in lactation room only just breastfeeding, neverused to pamp and saving breastmilk. People not respond that room lactation is a necessary, because withoutpolicy about room lactation, they are can breastfed in any where.Conclusion : Good attitude of breastfeed mother about lactation room can not get effect utilization of lactationroomand good behavior breastfeedmother can get effect with utilization lactation room in Puskesmas I Cilongok.Keyword: attitude breastfeed mother, behavior breastfeed mother and utilization lactation room ABSTRAKLatar Belakang:Berdasarkan data Survey Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) tahun 2007 tercatat bahwacakupan ASI eksklusif sebesar 38% menurun dari 39,5%di tahun 2002-2003, sementara jumlah bayi dibawah 6bulan yang diberi susu formula meningkat dari 16,7% menjadi 27,9% ditahun 2007. American Academy ofPediatrics (1)merekomendasikan bahwa durasi minimal ASI eksklusif menjadi 6 bulan tetapi optimal harus terusselamaminimal 2 tahun.Kabupaten Banyumas sedangmemiliki program gunameningkatkan cakupan ASI eksklusifyang dituangkan lewat Peraturan Bupati Banyumas nomor 52 tahun 2012 tentang peningkatan pemberian ASI diKabupaten Banyumas. Salah satu materi sosialisasi tersebut berisi tentang anjuran pengadaan pojok laktasibeserta standarisasinya, hak ibu bekerja yang menyusui di kantor pemerintahan, sarana pra sarana umum juga.Tujuan:Untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemanfaatan pojok laktasi di Puskesmas I Cilongok.Metode:Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis observasional dengan desaincross sectionaldan kualitatif. Tempatpenelitian Puskesmas I Cilongok. Sampel penelitian ibu bekerja menyusui dan pengunjung puskesmas memilikibayi umur 0 bulan sampai dengan 2 tahun berada di Puskesmas I Cilongok. Pengambilan sampel menggunakansampling conviniencediperoleh 41 orang selama penelitian dilakukan.Variabelindependen adalah sikap ibumenyusui terhadap pojok laktasi, perilaku ibu menyusui. Variabel dependen ialah pemanfaatan pojok laktasi.Analisa data meliputi analisis univariabel, bivariabeldengan menggunakan chi square sedangkan multivariabelmenggunakan uji regresi logistik serta analisis kualitatif.Hasil dan Pembahasan:Sikap ibu menyusui terhadap ketersediaan pojok laktasi tidakmempengaruhi pemanfaatanpojok laktasi dilihat dari nilai p = 0,247 (RP1,58; 95% CI 0,70-3,55), hasil ini didukung hasil wawancara bahwasikap baik tetapi tidak memanfaatkan pojok laktasi dengan alasan sosialisasi yang kurang dari petugas kesehatan.Perilaku ibu menyusui yang baik berhubungan dengan pemanfaatan pojok laktasi dilihat dari nilai p = 0,028,RP2,35 (95% CI 1,05-5,23). Hasil wawancara ibu yang berperilaku tidak baik cenderung tidak memanfaatkanpojok laktasi. Pemanfaatan pojok laktasi hanya untuk menyusui saja, tidak digunakan untuk memeras danpenyimpanan ASI. Rendahnya pemanfaatan pojok laktasi dikarenakan faktor kebutuhan. Masyarakat desa tidakmenganggap bahwa pojok laktasi merupakan kebutuhan, karena tanpa adanya kebijakan pengadaan pojok laktasimereka dapat menyusui dimanapun.Kesimpulan:sikap ibu menyusui terhadap ketersediaan pojok laktasi yang baik tidak mempengaruhi pemanfaatanpojok laktasi dan perilaku ibu menyusui yang baik dapat mempengaruhi pemanfaatan pojok laktasi di PuskesmasI Cilongok Kabupaten Banyumas.Kata kunci: sikap ibu, perilaku ibu, pemanfaatan pojok laktasi
Publisher : IPAKESPRO

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KEMATIAN IBU SEBELUM DAN SELAMA PELAYANAN JAMINAN PERSALINAN (JAMPERSAL) DI RSUD DR. MOEWARDI SURAKARTA TAHUN 2009 - 2013 Rustam Sunaryo1, Mohammad Hakimi2, Agung Suhadi3  ABSTRACT Background: Maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is considered to be one of the highest among South East Asia Countries. One of the main reason is access for health services cost, which leads to massive numbers of birth outside health facility. Some programs are initiated to address these issues in order to achieve Millenium Development Goals (MDG’s) with maternal mortality target of 102/100.000 live births on 2015. Jaminan Persalinan “JAMPERSAL” is one of government policy to reduce cost barrier.Objectives: To analyze the effect of Jampersal on reducing maternal mortality rate in Moewardi General Hospital, Surakarta.Methods: This was an observational Analysis with cross sectional design. Data were collected from all maternal mortality cases at Moewardi General Hospital from 1 st of January 2009 until 31stDecember 2013. Maternal mortality rate before and during Jampersal was taken into account for statistical analysis using Chi square Test.Results: Total number of births were significantly increasing, for about 3.5 times. Maternal mortality percentage was decreasing significantly during Jampersal, from 1.45% to 0.53% (p=0.000). The most frequent etiology of maternal death was preeclampsia/eclampsia (53.33% - 72.40%). For this cause, Jampersal also had a potential role on lowering case fatality rate from 5.95% to 3.64% (p=0.025, p<0.05)Conclusions: Jampersal has significantly reduce maternal mortality rate but on the other side increase number of birth in me hospital. The policy would be considerd as supportive for achieving MDG’s. Keywords: Jampersal, Maternal Mortality, cause of death  ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Angka kematian ibu di Indonesia masih menduduki tempat tertinggi di antara negara Asia Tenggara. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah biaya persalinan sehingga sebagian ibu melahirkan tidak di fasilitas kesehatan. Beberapa program dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah ini agar dapat mencapai target Millenium Development Goals (MDG’s) dengan AKI 102/100.000 lahir hidup di 2015. Jaminan Persalinan “JAMPERSAL” merupakan salah satu kebijakan pemerintah untuk mengurangi hambatan biayaTujuan: Mengananlisis pengaruh Jampersal untuk menurunkan kematian ibu di RS Moewardi, Surakarta. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan desain cross sectional. Data dikumpulkan dari semua kasus kematian ibu di RS Moewardi dari 1 Januari 2009 hingga 31 Desember 2013. Kematian ibu sebelum dan setelah dilaksanakannya Jampersal dihitung dan dianalisis dengan Chi square Test.Hasil: Jumlah total persalinan meningkat signifikan, sekitar 3,5 kali. Persentase kematian ibu menurun signifikan selama program Jampersal dilaksanakan, yaitu 1.45% hingga 0.53% (p=0.000). Penyebab kematian tersering adalah preeklampsia/eklampsia (53.33% - 72.40%). Jampersal menurunkan angka fatalitas kasus preeklamsia secara signifikan dari 5.95% menjadi 3.64% (p=0.025, p<0.05)Kesimpulan: Jampersal dapat menurunkan kematian ibu di rumah sakit secara signifikan tetapi di sisi lain meningkatkan jumlah persalinan. Kebijakan ini dianggap dapat mendukung tercapainya target MDGs. Kata kunci: Jampersal, Maternal Mortality, cause of death1 Bagian Obstetri dan Ginekologi, Fakultas Kedokteran UNS2 Bagian Obstetri dan Ginekologi, Fakultas Kedokteran UGM3 RSUD Wonosobo  
Publisher : IPAKESPRO

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PENGARUH PEMBERIAN ASI EKSKLUSIF TERHADAP KEMBALINYA MENSTRUASI PADA IBU MENYUSUI DI RS ST. CAROLUS JAKARTA Popy Irawati1, Mohammad Hakimi2, Ova Emilia3  ABSTRACT Background: Exclusive breastfeeding has benefit for both the baby and mother. The breastfeeding patterns have a close relation with return of menses. Breastfeeding practice in Indonesia is rare (27-40%) and 37,4% babies received a weaned food, and only 10% babies received six months exclusive breastfeeding. In Jakarta, most mothers realized benefit of breastfeeding for their babies and family themselves. This research is located at St. Carolus Hospital because St. Carolus is a centre of lactation in JakartaObjective: To identify the impact of exclusive breastfeeding on median time of return of menses on breastfeeding mother in St. Carolus hospital.Method: An observational study with retrospective cohort study design. Samples are a year breastfeeding’s mother in St. Carolus Hospital. The total samples are 129 respondents. The samples are available with consecutive sampling. The data were analyzed using univariable, bivariable and multivariable methods. Bivariable statistic tests were chi square, log rank and Kaplan Meier’s survival analyzed methods. The multivariable statistic test was cox regression Hazard model.Result and Discussion: Median time of the return of menses on exclusive breastfeeding group was 20 weeks, and an unexclusive breastfeeding is 12 weeks. The breastfeeding pattern and the return of menses on breastfeeding mother are significant related (HR=2,4; CI 95%=1,65-3,55 ;P<0,05). The return menses an exclusive breastfeeding mother was 2,4 times longer than unexclusive breastfeeding mother at a certain survival point. The variables of ages, parity, education, occupation, family economic status and health status are not significantly associated with the return of menses.Conclusion: There is a significant different median time of the return of menses between exclusive and unexclusive breastfeeding mothers. Keywords: exclusive breastfeeding, the return of menses, breastfeeding. ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Menyusui secara eksklusif memiliki manfaat baik untuk ibu maupun bayinya. Pola menyusui berhubungan erat dengan kembalinya menstruasi. Praktek menyusui di Indonesia relatif jarang (27-40%) dan sebanyak 37,4% bayi menerima makanan tambahan, serta hanya 10% saja yang mendapatkan ASI eksklusif selama 6 bulan. Di Jakarta, sebagian besar ibu sebenarnya menyadari manfaat menyusui untuk bayi dan keluarganya. Penelitian ini mengambil lokasi di RS St. Carolus karena St. Carolus merupakan pusat laktasi di Jakarta.Tujuan: Mengidentifikasi pengaruh menyusui eksklusif dengan nilai median kembalinya menstruasi pada ibu menyusui di RS St. Carolus.Metode: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian observasional dengan disain kohort retrospektif. Subyek penelitian adalah ibu menyusui di RS St. Carolus dalam periode 1 tahun. Jumlah total subyek sebanyak 129 responden. Subyek penelitian diambil dengan metode consecutive sampling. Data dianalisis secara univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Analisis statistik untuk data bivariat menggunakan chi square, log rank dan Kaplan Meier. Analisis multivariat menggunakan metode cox regression hazard.Hasil dan Pembahasan: Nilai median untuk kembalinya menstruasi pada ibu yang menyusui eksklusif adalah 20 minggu sedangkan pada ibu yang menyusui tidak eksklusif adalah 12 minggu. Pola menyusui dan kembalinya menstruasi berhubungan secara bermakna (HR=2,4; CI 95%=1,65-3,55 ;P<0,05). Risiko untuk kembali menstruasi pada ibu yang menyusui eksklusif sebesar 2,4 kali lebih lama dibandingkan ibu yang tidak menyusui eksklusif. Variabel usia, paritas, pendidikan, pekerjaan, status sosial ekonomi dan status kesehatan tidak berhubungan secara bermakna dengan kembalinya menstruasi. Kata Kunci: pemberian ASI eksklusif, kembalinya menstruasi, pemberian ASI1    Badan Koordinator Keluarga Berencana Nasional Pusat2,3 Bagian Obstetri dan Ginekologi, Fakultas Kedokteran, UGM          
Publisher : IPAKESPRO

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EFEK PEMANFAATAN PROGRAM PEMANTAUAN DAN PROMOSI PERTUMBUHAN TERHADAP STATUS GIZI BALITA DI KOTA CIREBONLia Nurcahyani 1, Mohammad Hakimi 2, Toto Sudargo 3ABSTRACT Background: Undernourishment is the main cause of mortality in underfives, one of which is the lack of growth monitoring and promotion program utilization. Cases of undernourishment at Cirebon Municipality exceed the provincial and national figures. In 2008, community participation in growth monitoring and promotion program increased 19% from the previous year, however cases of undernourishment also increased 0.23%.Objective: To study the effect of growth monitoring and promotion program utilization toward nutritional status of underfive.Method: The study was observational with retrospective cohort design. Subject consisted of 246 underfives of 17-59 months and mothers that met inclusion and exclusion criteria. Sampling used three stage combined with purposive and random sampling technique. Data consisted of primary and secondary data obtained from questionnaire, growth chart, nutrition registry, monthly report of underfive weighing at Cirebon Municipality in 2008, digital scale, measurement board/microtoise and 2006 is WHO anthropometric software. Data analysis used univariate, bivariate with chi square, and multivariate with logistic regression. The study was supported with qualitative data obtained from observation and indepth interview with 6 cadres and 2 nutrition staff to identify input and process indicators and constraints in the utilization of growth monitoring and promotion program.Result and Discussion: The utilization of growth monitoring and promotion program affected nutritional status of underfive significantly p<0,05. Incidence of undernourished underfives that did not utilize the program regularly was 2.7 times greater than in those utilizing the program regularly after considering the contribution of knowledge and attitude of mothers and age of underfives. Input indicator especially role of cadres in the process of growth monitoring and promotion program at Cirebon Municipality was not optimum. Constraints in program utilization consisted of individual (health reason), provider (social reason) and community (geographical reason).Conclusion: Monthly growth monitoring should be prioritized on underfives for the first 24 month. Target of growth monitoring and promotion program could be achieved when there is comprehensive support from people that received the service, service providers and policy makers.Keywords:  nutritional status, underfives, growth monitoring, promotion program, program utilization ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Kurang gizi adalah penyebab utama mortalitas balita, salah satunya karena kurangnya penggunaan pemantau pertumbuhan dan promosi program. Kasus kurang gizi di Kotamadya Cirebon melebih angka provinsi dan nasional. Di tahun 2008, partisipasi masyarakat dalam pemantauan pertumbuhan dan program promosi meningkat 19% dibanding tahun sebelumnya, namun kasus kurang gizi tetap meningkat 0,23%.Tujuan: Untuk meneliti efek pemanfaatan pemantauan pertumbuhan dan program promosi terhadap status gizi balita.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi observasional dengan rancangan retrospective cohort. Subyek terdiri dari 246 balita usia 17-59 bulan dan ibu yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Sampling memakai tiga tahap dikombinasikan dengan teknik sampling purposif dan acak. Data berasal dari data primer kuesioner dan sekunder, grafik pertumbuhan, register gizi, laporan bulanan berat badan balita di Kotamadya Cirebon tahun 2008, timbangan berat badan, papan pengukur/microtoise dan WHO anthropometric software 2006. Analisis data memakai univariat, bivariat dan multivariat dengan regresi logistik. Penelitian ini juga didukung data kualitatif dari hasil observasi dan wawancara mendalam dengan 6 kader dan 2 staf gizi untuk mengidentifikasi indikator input dan proses serta hambatan dalam penggunaan pemantau pertumbuhan dan program promosi.Hasil dan Pembahasan: Penggunaan pemantau pertumbuhan dan program promosi mempengaruhi status gizi balita secara signifikan p<0,05. Insidensi kurang gizi balita yang tidak memanfaatkan program secara reguler 2,7 kali lebih tinggi dibanding yang memanfaatkan. Kemungkinan kontribusi pengetahuan dan sikap ibu serta usia balita juga mempengaruhi. Indikator input terutama peran kader dalam proses pemantauan pertumbuhan dan program promosi di Kotamadya Cirebon belum optimal. Hambatan penggunaan meliputi faktor individu (alasan kesehatan), petugas kesehatan (alasan sosial) dan komunitas (alasan geografis).Kesimpulan: Pemantauan pertumbuhan balita bulanan harus diprioritaskan untuk 24 bulan pertama. Target pemantauan pertumbuhan dan promosi dapat dicapai bila ada dukungan dari sisi kebutuhan masyarakat yang menerima layanan, dukungan tenaga kesehatan dan kebijakan pengambil kebijakan.Kata kunci: status gizi, balita, pemantau pertumbuhan, program promosi, pemanfaatan program 1 Politeknik Kesehatan Cirebon, Program Kebidanan, Tasikmalaya2 Magister Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak – Kesehatan Reproduksi, Fakultas   Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada3 Magister Kesehatan dan Gizi, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada
Faktor-faktor Resiko Intoleransi Gastrointestinal pada Pasien Kritis dengan Ventilasi Mekanik Setiyarini, Sri; Hakimi, Mohammad; Pusorowati, Nunuk
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Vol 2, No 2 (2007)
Publisher : School of Nursing Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada

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GIZI INDONESIA Vol 40, No 1 (2017): Maret 2017

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36457/gizindo.v40i1.224


Period prevalence of infant pneumonia in Indonesia is 18.5 per mile. The high mortality rate due to pneumonia of 62 percent was found in 10 countries and 5 countries was located in Asia. Zinc is one of micronutrients which is reported to prevent pneumonia as   an acute phase response to infection and help to boost the body immune response. The objective of the study was to determine the impact of zinc intake as risk factor of severe pneumonia in children. A case control study was conducted among children aged 12–59  months in 2 hospitals and 6 health centres, Yogyakarta city. Thirty four children were categorized as having severe pneumonia (cases) and 102 children were categorized as having pneumonia (control).  All sample’s mothers completed a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire during March-April 2014. Data analysis was performed  using Mantel-Haenszel test and conditional logistic regression, α = 0,05. Results of the study showed that there were 41.2 percent cases and 56.9 percent control were exclusively breast-fed. The  proportion of cases who had inadequate zink intake was higher than control group. There was no difference between inadequate zinc intake and the severe pneumonia (OR 1,08 and  95% CI 0,5-2,3). There was a statistically significant correlation between low-zinc intake and severe pneumonia if second  disease exist (OR 3,8  and 95% CI 1,4 -10,8). As an conclusion, Inadequate zinc intake affected severe pneumonia when the secondary diseases exist in children with pneumonia. ABSTRAK Period prevalence pneumonia balita di Indonesia adalah 18,5 per mil. Angka kematian yang tinggi akibat pneumonia sebesar 62 persen terdapat di 10 negara dan 5 negara di antaranya merupakan negara di Asia. Defisiensi seng menyebabkan penurunan kekebalan sel sehingga meningkatkan kerentanan terhadap penyakit pneumonia. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis asupan seng yang kurang sebagai faktor risiko keparahan pneumonia pada anak. Desain penelitian case control pada 136 anak usia 12-59 bulan yang diperoleh dari 2 RS dan 6 puskesmas di Kotamadya Yogyakarta. Sampel terdiri dari 34 anak menderita pneumoni berat (kasus) dan 102 anak menderita pneumonia sebagai kontrol. Ibu sampel melengkapi data asupan seng melalui frekuensi makan semi-kuantitatif pada bulan Maret-April 2014. Sejumlah 45 makanan dicantumkan pada kuesioner frekuensi makan. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji Mantel-Haenszel dan regresi logistik bersyarat dengan α =0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sejumlah 41,2 persen kelompok kasus dan 56,9 persen kontrol mendapat air susu ibu (ASI) eksklusif. Proporsi kasus yang asupan sengnya kurang ternyata lebih tinggi dari kelompok kontrol. Tidak ada perbedaan antara asupan seng dan keparahan pneumonia (OR 1,08 dan 95% CI 0,5-2,3). Ada korelasi yang signifikan  antara asupan seng yang kurang dan keparahan pneumonia jika disertai penyakit penyerta (OR 3,8 dan 95% CI 1,4 -10,8). Kurangnya asupan seng berpengaruh terhadap terjadinya keparahan pneumonia jika disertai adanya penyakit penyerta pada anak-anak penderita  pneumonia usia 12-59 bulan. Kata kunci: asupan seng, pneumonia, faktor risiko, anak usia 12-59 bulan
Pengaruh pemberian makanan tambahan (PMT) pada ibu hamil terhadap berat lahir bayi Zulaidah, Hana Shafiyyah; Kandarina, Istiti; Hakimi, Mohammad
Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia Vol 11, No 2 (2014): Oktober
Publisher : Minat S2 Gizi dan Kesehatan, Prodi S2 IKM, FK-KMK UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (165.374 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/ijcn.18998


Background: Anemia causes fetal growth disorders that affect birth weight. Antenatal care (ANC) coverage and provision of high Fe if not followed by a decrease in the incidence of anemia can result indirectly in the risk of low birth weight. Supplementary feeding is expected to resolve the issue.Objective: To assess the effect of supplementary feeding on the third trimester of pregnancy on birth weight.Method: This was a quantitative study with a study design of quasi-experiment and non-equivalent control group. The given intervention was fish-processed feeding for 30 days. The study population was pregnant women in the third trimester in all health centers in the City of Yogyakarta and the samples were 104 pregnant women in some health centers with convenience sampling technique. The subjects were divided into two, namely the treatment group (PMT) and the comparison group (non-PMT). Birth weight was weighed immediately after the baby was born. Statistical analysis used t-test and logistic regression. Results: The mean birth weight of infants in the treatment group and the comparison group was 3248 g and 2974 g, respectively, so that the difference in the mean birth weight of both groups was 274 g (p=0.0002; 95%C:131-416). Thus, supplementary feeding was shown significantly affect the birth weight. The extraneous variables that significantly influenced birth weight were pregnancy interval. Other extraneous variables were age, mid-upper-arm circumference (MUAC), education, occupation, economic status, parity, protein intake, compliance of Fe tablet intake, antenatal care, gestational age at delivery and anemia status were not proven statistically significant to affect birth weight. Conclusion: Supplementary feeding effect on birth weight.
Penerapan algoritma proses asuhan gizi terstandar berbasis skrining gizi Susetyowati, Susetyowati; Hadi, Hamam; Asdie, Ahmad Husein; Hakimi, Mohammad
Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia Vol 11, No 1 (2014): Juli
Publisher : Minat S2 Gizi dan Kesehatan, Prodi S2 IKM, FK-KMK UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (208.607 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/ijcn.18880


Background: Malnutrition is one common problem for hospitalized patient, estimated between 20-60%. American Dietetic Association (ADA) recommends a standardized Nutrition Care Process (SNCP) that ensures services and outcomes in the quality management of nutrition care to all patients based on an individual basis and scientific facts. In Indonesia was developed nutrition screening tool, namely the Simple Nutrition Screening Tool (SNST) which was valid and reliable.Objective: The study was to determine the effect of SNCP based on screening to improve nutrient intake and nutritional status.Method: The method using a 2x2 factorial design, with 4 groups which are: screened with Nutritional Risk Screening (NRS) and get hospital-based SNCP (A1B1); screened with NRS and algorithm SNCP (A1B2); screened with SNST and get hospital-based SNCP (A2B1); screened with the SNST and get algorithm SNCP (A2B2).Results: Nutritional screening interventions using NRS and SNST method can increase the energy and protein intake also Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC). There is no relationship between algorithm SNCP with nutrient intake and nutritional status, although the average intake of energy, protein, MUAC and albumin was better in the algorithm SNCP than in hospital-based SNCP. The interaction between the SNST and algorithm SNCP have better mean intake of energy, protein and MUAC changes than other groups. The size of the effect of energy intake, protein intake, and MUAC was 129 kcal; 4.6 g; and 0.35 cm, respectively.Conclusion: Interaction between an SNST and algorithm SNCP have a better average intake of energy, protein, and MUAC compared with other groups.
Pengaruh suplementasi tablet fe mingguan dan harian terhadap kepatuhan minum tablet Fe dan perubahan kadar hemoglobin pada ibu hamil di Kabupaten Bantul Yogyakarta Susetyo, Dwi; Hakimi, Mohammad; Hadi, Hamam
Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia Vol 2, No 2 (2005): November
Publisher : Minat S2 Gizi dan Kesehatan, Prodi S2 IKM, FK-KMK UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3971.894 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/ijcn.17400


Background: In Indonesia, in 1995, 50.9% pregnant women suffer from Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA).Objective: To compare the effect of weekly iron/folate vs standard daily iron/folate supplementation in pregnant women on compliance and hemoglobin level.Methods: The study was a quasi-experimental, non-equivalent control group design. Pregnant women with 20-28 week gestation were enrolled in this study in Bantul District. They were divided into two groups. One group (n=70), in Pajangan and Sewon Sub District, was given 120 mg iron/0,50 mg folate once a week, and the second group (n=65), in Bambang Lipuro and Pundong Sub District, received 60 mg iron/0,25 mg folate per day. Compliance with supplementation was assessed by the women self-reporting, pill count, and stool test. To measure hemoglobin level, the cyanmethemoglobin method was conducted.Results: Compliance was significantly higher in the weekly group (84.69% compared with 71.94%, p=0,004). A multiple logistic regression analysis indicated odds ratio 6.605, it means that in the weekly group compliance was 6,6 times higher than in the daily group. Hemoglobin level increased in both groups. There was no significant difference between groups for changes in hemoglobin. Initial haemoglobin values for the weekly (m=11.61 g/dl) and daily (m=11.27 g/dl) groups as well as final hemoglobin values (11.99 g/dl and 11.83 g/dl, respectively) did not differ significantly between the two groups.Conclusion: Supplementation on a weekly basis is as effective as daily supplementation in improving iron status in pregnant women. In the weekly group, compliance can be ensured.
Co-Authors - Anggorowati Abd Rahman Adi Utarini Agung Suhadi Ahmad Husein Asdie Aji Setiawan Ambar Relawati, Ambar Anak Agung Istri Sri Wiadnyani Andy Muharry Anggarini, Inge Anggi Anjarwati Anjarwati, Anjarwati Anna Marie Wattie Annisa Nurrachmawati Astuti, Andari Wuri Astuti, Bariana Widitia Astuti, Dyah Puji Basri, Mubasysyir Hasan Batubara, Rini Amalia Carla R. Marchira Claudia Banowati Subarto Deny Eka Widyastuti, Deny Eka Dewanto, Agung Djauhar Ismail Donal Donal Dyah Pradnyaparmita Duarsa Eddy Tiro Elli Nur Hayati Emiliana Mariyah Fadillah Fadillah Fitriahadi, Enny Ganap, Eugenius Phyowai Hamam Hadi Hani EN, Umu Harahap, Yanna Wari Hari Kusnanto Hartono Hartono Helmyati, Siti Herta Masthalina, Herta Hidayat, Asri I Wayan Ardika Ibrahim Rahmat Irine Christiany, Irine Iswardani, Octaldina Kandarina, Istiti Khusnul Khotimah khusnul khotimah Komang Yuni Rahyani Kurnia, Arif Rahmat Kusmaryanto Kusmaryanto, Kusmaryanto Lestari, Abriana Lia Nurcahyani Luluk Rosida Lutfan Lazuardi Mappaware, Nasrudin Andi Mardjan Mardjan Mayasari, Ade Tyas Meiry Nasution, Meiry Mora Claramita Mora Claramita Mubasysyir Hasanbasri Mursyid, Muhammad Nana Diana Ninuk Sri Hartini, Ninuk Sri Nofrisa Mutia P, Nofrisa Noor Pramono Nunuk Pusorowati, Nunuk Nur Siyam Ova Emilia Ova Emilia Perwitasari Perwitasari Phyowai Ganap, Eugenius Popy Irawati Putri Hidayati Rahmansyah, Ardian Retno Heru Rina Triasih Rini Amalia Batubara Riris Andono Ahmad Risanto Siswosudarmo Rofita, Desi Rukmono Siswishanto Rustam Sunaryo Saraswati, Putu Ayu Dina Setyonugroho, Winny Shinta Prawitasari Siswanto Agus Wilopo Siswanto Agus Wilopo Siswanto Agus Wilopo Siti Solekah Soenarto Sastrowijoto, Soenarto Soerjo Hadijono Soetrisno Soetrisno Soewadi Soewadi SRI SETIYARINI, SRI Subarda, Subarda Suci Musvita Ayu Susetyo, Dwi Susetyowati Susetyowati, Susetyowati T. Ninuk Sri Hartini Titih Huriah Toto Sudargo Tri Wahyudi Umar Malinta Utami, Iis Tri Verayanti Albertina Bata Veronica Silalahi Veronika Evita Setianingrum Wahida Yuliana Wahyuni, Budi Willopo, Siswanto Agus Wisotowardono, Ossie Sosodoro Wiwin Lismidiati Yayi Suryo Prabandari Yuli Isnaeni Yuli Isnaeni Yuni Purwati Zulaidah, Hana Shafiyyah