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Jurnal Pengajaran Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Vol 16, No 1 (2011): Jurnal Pengajaran MIPA
Publisher : Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18269/jpmipa.v16i1.279


Low mastery of physics concepts due to lack of process skills which it was trained in the learning process. The observation result that the failure to achieve mastery of concepts in physics due to some subject-oriented learning process in practice only a matter of course in learning cognitive aspects. Learning model problem based learning with inquiry approach is able to train and involve students process skills to solve a problem through the stages of the scientific method. This study aims to measure the increase in the mastery of concepts and science process skills after application of the learning model are compared with the conventional model. The design used in this study is to pretest and posttest control group study with a sample of students grade XI IPA-6 and XI IPA-7 in high school one of Bandung, which is determined by purposeful sampling technique. The results showed that the significant influence the implementation of the learning model to increase mastery of the concept of elasticity in the experimental class with high category (<g> = 0.77) higher increase than the control class who were categorized (<g> = 0.50), the existence of significant influence implementation of the learning model of science process skills enhancement with high category (<g> = 0.87) higher increase than the control class increased with category (<g> = 0.59). And the linear correlation (Ftc=3,2<F(0,99.(5⁄33)=3,635) positive improvement of science process skills to increase after application of the concept of mastery learning model is categorized high (0.508<ρ<0.887). Keywords: problem based learning, model learning approach inquiry, science process skills, mastery concept.
Learning solar system using PhET simulation to improve students’ understanding and motivation Prima, Eka Cahya; Putri, Aldia Ridwani; Rustaman, Nuryani
Journal of Science Learning Vol 1, No 2 (2018): Journal of Science Learning
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jsl.v1i2.10239


This research investigated the implementation of PhET simulation on students’ understanding and motivation in learning the Solar system. The method used in this research was quasi-experimental with matching pretest-posttest group design. The research conducted in one of private Junior High School located at Padalarang, Indonesia with a number of students (n=42). The sampling technique used was the purposive sampling to determine experimental group with PhET simulation in the learning science and control group without PhET simulation. The quantitative data of this research was obtained through the objective test on the mastery concept Solar system, while the qualitative data was detected through motivation rubric and questionnaire. The result shows that the students who learn the Solar system with PhET simulation have higher both improvement in conceptual understanding and motivation than without PhET simulation as teaching media. According to the analysis result, there is a moderate correlation between conceptual understanding and motivation with the learning Solar system in the use PhET simulation.
Using Physics Education Technology as Virtual Laboratory in Learning Waves and Sounds Maulidah, Shopi Setiawati; Prima, Eka Cahya
Journal of Science Learning Vol 1, No 3 (2018): Journal of Science Learning
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jsl.v1i3.11797


This research was intended to analyze the use of Physics Education Technology (PhET) as a virtual laboratory in learning waves and sounds. The analysis was in terms of the implementation of waves on a string student activity as a lesson plan, the profile of students’ cognitive, and the profile of science laboratory environment. The method which is used in this research was a descriptive method with methodological triangulation as the research design. The sample was taken on the convenient situation at grade 8 in an international school in Bandung. According to the analysis of the result, the waves on a string student activity can be adopted as the lesson plan with several recommendation to be improved such as in part A, changing some sentences in the data table, changing some settings in obtaining data activity, and adding clear example in determining the base and peak point in measuring the height of wave at start and at the end. Moreover in part B, adding clear instruction on how to use the ruler to measure the wavelength, and changing the picture to obtain the data of wavelength with the picture of simulation with the instructed setting are important. In part C, it needs to add the instruction to do the practice session together with the teacher and to add the instruction to make the starting point in counting the wave similar in each trial. The use of Physics Education Technology (PhET) as a virtual laboratory in learning waves and sounds shows the favorable result on both the cognitive aspect and science laboratory environment.
Learning Electricity using Arduino-Android based Game to Improve STEM Literacy Yasin, Alifa Irna; Prima, Eka Cahya; Sholihin, Hayat
Journal of Science Learning Vol 1, No 3 (2018): Journal of Science Learning
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jsl.v1i3.11789


The STEM is an interdisciplinary approach provided learning atmosphere where students can use science, technology, engineering and math in daily life. The aim of the STEM is educating the students to be STEM Literate. This research goal was to implement STEM learning on electricity using Arduino-Android Game based experiment to 8th-grade students. STEM Learning was chosen as an approach in this research by the consideration that it was developed through Android Game, YWRobot, and Arduino Uno experiment lesson plan and worksheet. The analysis of this research was focused on the effect of STEM learning implementation through lesson plan and worksheet to 8th-grade students’ STEM Literacy on electricity topic. The method used in this research was pre-experimental with one group pretest-posttest design. The data of this research was obtained from the STEM Literacy objective test (pretest and posttest) based on Allan Zollman. Then the data were analyzed based on each aspect of STEM Literacy such as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The result shows that the value of  from students’ STEM Literacy pretest-posttest are -0.06, -0.12, -0.06, -0.87 for science, technology, engineering and mathematics literacy respectively. The result implies that STEM Learning implementation was less optimal to improve science, mathematics, technology and engineering literacy. The reason was because STEM Learning implementation was not implement in continuously. Therefore, science, technology, engineering, and technology literacy regarding electricity topic are emphasized less optimally.
Analisis Hukum Kekekalan Momentum Model Tumbukan Kelereng dengan Gantungan Ganda menggunakan Analisis Video Tracker Utari, Setiya; Prima, Eka Cahya
Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika dan Keilmuan (JPFK) Vol 5, No 2 (2019)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/jpfk.v5i2.4145


Pengajaran sains tidak hanya terfokus pada apa yang harus siswa ketahui, tetapi dengan tantang era saat ini pengajaran sains lebih menekankan pada mengajarkan bagaimana cara mengetahui. Dengan tantangan ini maka yang penting bagaimana pembelajaran sains memberikan fasilitas untuk melatihkan cara mendapatkan pengetahuan dan cara menggunakan pengetahuan untuk menyelesaikan masalah, cara-cara ini yang kita kenal sebagai kompetensi literasi saintifik. Artikel ini memberikan gambaran tentang cara-cara membangun konsep Impuls dan momentum serta menggunakan teknologi untuk mendapatkan data yang berkualitas pada eksperimen tumbukan menggunakan analisis video tracker. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan analisis video tracker dengan menggunakan kit model tumbukan kelereng dengan gantungan ganda ini diperoleh eror yang cukup baik sebesar 0,01. Untuk model tumbukan lenting sempurna diperoleh nilai koefisien restitusi 1.01, model tumbukan lenting sebagian dengan nilai koefisien restitusi e=0,64, dan model tumbukan tidak lenting dengan nilai koefisien restitusi e=0,001. Kit pembelajaran ini merupakan terobosan terbaru untuk menguji hukum kekekalan momentum yang sangat cocok untuk pembelajaran fisika di SMP dan SMA dengan pemasangan yang mudah, sederhana, serta menghasilkan kontak pusat massa yang sangat baik.
Enhancing Students’ Critical Thinking through NASA Science as Interactive Multimedia in Learning Solar System Al Mar'ati, Nurul Azizah; Prima, Eka Cahya; Wijaya, Agus Fany Chandra
Journal of Science Learning Vol 4, No 4 (2021): Journal of Science Learning
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jsl.v4i4.27563


Science and technology advancement in the 21st Century requires several life skills that everyone must learn; critical thinking is one of them. Critical thinking is often defined as a process of metacognition that increases the chances of solving a problem. This research attempted to implement NASA Science as Interactive Multimedia to enhance students' critical thinking in learning Solar System. Interactive Multimedia is student-centered, allowing students to play an active role in learning to promote students' critical thinking skills. This study used a pre-experimental method with one group pretest-posttest design. The sampling used was convenience sampling, which participated in 42 7th grade students of a private school in Bandung. The Objective Test was used as a research instrument for both pretest and posttest. These test items were designed according to Facione's indicators of Critical Thinking Skills. Based on the analysis result, the value of g is 0.48. According to the Wilcoxon test, the hypothesis in this research is accepted. The value of Asymp. sig. (2-tailed) is 0.00, with a sig. α = 0.05. Thus, this research shows that: There is an enhancement of students' critical thinking after using NASA Science in learning Solar System.
Jurnal Pengajaran MIPA Vol 16, No 1 (2011): JPMIPA: Volume 16, Issue 1, 2011
Publisher : Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18269/jpmipa.v16i1.36009


Low mastery of physics concepts due to lack of process skills which it was trained in the learning process. The observation result that the failure to achieve mastery of concepts in physics due to some subject-oriented learning process in practice only a matter of course in learning cognitive aspects. Learning model problem based learning with inquiry approach is able to train and involve students' process skills to solve a problem through the stages of the scientific method. This study aims to measure the increase in the mastery of concepts and science process skills after application of the learning model are compared with the conventional model. The design used in this study is to pretest and posttest control group study with a sample of students grade XI IPA-6 and XI IPA-7 in high school one of Bandung, which is determined by purposeful sampling technique. The results showed that the significant influence the implementation of the learning model to increase mastery of the concept of elasticity in the experimental class with high category (g = 0.77) higher increase than the control class who were categorized (g = 0.50), the existence of significant influence implementation of the learning model of science process skills enhancement with high category (g = 0.87) higher increase than the control class increased with category (g = 0.59). And the linear correlation (Ftc=3,2F(0,99.(5⁄33)=3,635) positive improvement of science process skills to increase after application of the concept of mastery learning model is categorized high (0.508ρ0.887).
Aloe Vera as an Alternative Energy Source Sihombing, Dewa Alvario; Yulianti, Lisna; Prima, Eka Cahya
Indonesian Journal of Multidiciplinary Research Vol 1, No 1 (2021): IJOMR: VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1, 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (765.007 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/ijomr.v1i1.33680


Energy is a basic human need. In Indonesia, fuel oil (BBM) is the most widely used energy source in meeting national energy needs. The composition of Indonesia's national energy consumption in 2015, namely BBM: 52.50%; Gas: 19.04%; Coal: 21.52%; Water: 3.73%; Geothermal: 3.01%; and New Energy: 0.2% (Kholiq, 2015). To reduce the use of non-renewable energy, we are trying to find a solution to overcome this problem, namely by using Aloe vera as a source of electrical. This research focuses on the type of circuit and the number of sets of electrodes to produce an optimal source of electrical energy. In this research, we are using an experimental method that aims to determine whether Aloe vera can be an alternative renewable energy source. The first condition is one leaf, series circuit. The second condition, two leaves with a parallel circuit. The third condition, three-leaf with a parallel circuit. The results of this study are that the more electrodes, the more voltage is generated. By assembling in parallel, the resulting current is greater. From our study, we hope Aloe vera has potential as an alternative energy source and it can reduce the use of non-renewable energy.
Biogas Effectiveness Test from Household Waste (Vegetable Waste) with Cow Dung Starter and EM4 Mukti, Rizka Nurfarida; Salsabilla, Adinda; Muamar, Aina Salsabila; Prima, Eka Cahya; Hana, Muhammad Nurul
Indonesian Journal of Multidiciplinary Research Vol 1, No 1 (2021): IJOMR: VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1, 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (892.331 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/ijomr.v1i1.33779


This research focuses on finding solutions to get around the energy crisis. This study aimed to know the effectiveness of household waste (vegetable waste) biogas using a starter mixture of cow dung and EM4. What is new from this research is the use of household waste as biogas energy. The research method used is the study of literature from various journals and articles, accurate and reliable. Various journals and conceptual articles were obtained from google scholar and the website page. From the experimental results, the more the composition of vegetable waste, the higher the pressure, but the less the flame. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that biogas made from vegetable waste alone is quite effective to be used as a solution to the energy crisis problem (to replace LPJ gas, to be precise) because of the large amount of methane produced. However, if we are want to be an innovation for successful village development, biogas from household waste (vegetable waste) can be used by adding cow dung as the main ingredient. So that methane is produced in large quantities according to the amount of material used.
Development of Android-based Interactive Multimedia to Enhance Critical Thinking Skills in Learning Matters Hamdani, Salma Almira; Prima, Eka Cahya; Agustin, Rika Rafikah; Feranie, Selly; Sugiana, Ahmad
Journal of Science Learning Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Journal of Science Learning
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jsl.v5i1.33998


The advancement in science and technology in the 21st Century necessitates improving critical thinking skills in students. Implementing digital technology such as interactive multimedia in the learning process can encourage quality learning and teaching. This study aims to create Android-based interactive multimedia that will help students improve their critical thinking skills in learning matters. This research aims to develop android-based interactive multimedia to enhance critical thinking skills in learning matters. This research employed a developmental method that included analysis, design, development, implementation, and one group pretest-posttest to assess students' critical thinking skills. The participants were 30 students from Private Junior High schools in Bandung Barat. The instruments used were the expert's judgment rubric, students' questionnaire, and objective test. With an overall score of 88.25%, the experts' judgment score was classified as very good. Moreover, the average score of students' impressions was 84.56%, classified as very good. Based on the data analysis, the value of g is 0.52, which is classified as a medium enhancement. This finding indicates that students' critical thinking skills improve after applying Android-based interactive multimedia.