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Rancang Bangun End-Effector Pada Robot Pemetik Buah Tomat Berbasis Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ Purwiyanti, Sri; Ali, Ibrahim; sumadi, Sumadi; Setyawan, FX. Arinto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32502/jse.v5i1.2786


In this modern era, technology is used to facilitate human activities in various fields, as well as in agriculture. This study aims to design an end-effector of  robotic arm to assist the tomato harvesting process. Thus, it can enable farmers to get good quality crops and is more efficient in terms of time and human labor. The robot is built using a camera to detect and determine the position of ripe tomatoes, then the data information is forwarded to the raspberry pi which will process the data. Based on the data received, the raspberry pi then sends a signal that will regulate the movement of the horizontal servo motor, vertical servo, forward servo, and gripper servo to move according to the coordinates of the tomato position. Based on test data, it is found that this robot is able to work well at a distance between 14 cm to 20 cm with a height between 10 cm to 21 cm and a light intensity of 164 Lux.
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Sakai Sambayan Vol 5 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jss.v5i2.291


Salah satu permasalahan yang ditemui pada industri rumah tangga produsen black garlic di Nunyai, Rajabasa adalah belum adanya peralatan produksi yang memadai, sehingga black garlic yang dihasilkan sedikit dengan kualitas yang kurang baik. Selama ini proses produksi dilakukan menggunakan rice cooker dengan suhu yang tidak tepat, tanpa pengatur waktu, dan kapasitas yang sedikit. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan peralatan produksi berupa oven fermentasi listrik yang dilengkapi dengan pengatur suhu, pengatur waktu, dan dengan kapasitas lebih dari 5 kg. Kegiatan ini menyasar industri rumah tangga yang terdiri dari ibu-ibu rumah tangga di Nunyai, Rajabasa, Bandar Lampung. Kegiatan terbagi menjadi 5 tahap, yaitu tahap survei, tahap pemberian peralatan produksi, tahap pelatihan dan penyuluhan, serta tahap evaluasi. Penyuluhan akan mencakup materi edukasi tentang cara bagaimana meningkatkan kualitas black garlic yang diproduksi. Hasil yang didapatkan dari kegiatan ini adalah dapat meningkatkan produksi black garlic dengan kualitas yang baik, sehingga dapat menghasilkan peningkatan penghasilan bagi ibu-ibu rumah tangga pelaku industri rumah tangga sasaran.
Modeling and Simulation of Fuzzy Logic based Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) for PV Application Ahmad Saudi Samosir; Herri Gusmedi; Sri Purwiyanti; Endah Komalasari
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol 8, No 3: June 2018
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (400.733 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v8i3.pp1315-1323


This paper presents modeling and simulation of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) used in solar PV power systems. The Fuzzy logic algorithm is used to minimize the error between the actual power and the estimated maximum power.  The simulation model was developed and tested to investigate the effectiveness of the proposed MPPT controller. MATLAB Simulink was employed for simulation studies. The proposed system was simulated and tested successfully on a photovoltaic solar panel model. The Fuzzy logic algorithm succesfully tracking the MPPs and performs precise control under rapidly changing atmospheric conditions. Simulation results indicate the feasibility and improved functionality of the system.
Rancang Bangun Camera Trap Pengirim Video Real-Time Berbasis Video Sender Sri Ratna Sulistiyanti; F.X. Arinto Setyawan; Sri Purwiyanti; Minhajjul Abidin Jaya
Jurnal EECCIS Vol 13, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Indonesia merupakan negara yang kaya akan satwa, namun diantara beberapa satwa masuk dalam kategori terancam punah. Pemerintah telah melakukan berbagai upaya konservasi untuk melindungi keberadaannya. Salah satunya adalah dengan melakukan pengamatan terhadap keberadaan hewan tersebut. Pengamatan secara langsung sulit dilakukan karena beberapa spesies merupakan satwa elusif. Karena sifat tersebut maka satwa-satwa ini memiliki daerah teritorial yang terpencil dan sulit diakses yang menyebabkan pengamatan secara langsung kurang memungkinkan. Oleh sebab itu dirancang sebuah camera trap yang merekam video secara otomatis dengan tampilan secara realtime pada user interface berbasis video sender.Camera trap ini juga mampu mengirimkan video ke pengamat yang tidak berada pada lokasi pengamatan. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa rata-rata camera trap mampu aktif selama 20,8 jam, mampu mendeteksi keberadaan objek hingga 6 meter pada sudut 0O dan maksimal 4 meter pada sudut jangkauan 90O, jarak pengiriman video sender tidak lebih dari 300 m, untuk rekaman selama 5 detik rata-rata ukuran data sebesar 505.54 kB, saat malam hari objek yang dapat terlihat dengan jelas hanya sampai jarak 3 meter.
Deteksi Objek Bergerak Pada Video Bawah Air Menggunakan Metode Frame Differencing Reza Muhamad; Titin Yulianti; Sri Purwiyanti; F.X. Arinto Setyawan
Jurnal EECCIS Vol 13, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Abstract—Fish finder is an electronic device that operated on a ship that can measure the depth of sea. The principle work of the device is by measuring the depth of the ocean by pulse of vibration sound. There is a transducer that transmits pulse vibrations vertically to the bottom of the sea, then the transducer will receive the reflection of its. To increase modern fishing technology, a technology research using other methods are needed. One idea of modern fishing technology is object detection methods. There are several methods that can be used in the detection of moving objects. One of the method is the frame differencing method. This research designed the program of underwater object detection using frame differencing method by taking pictures with moving camera. The video was recorded using action camera. There are 3 kinds of data are processed according to the time, morning, noon, and night. This method compares two frames then the difference is considered the movement of an object. The effectiveness of this method is evaluated based on the value of recall and precision. The results showed that frame differencing method successfully detected the objects of the three videos with the highest value of recall is 73% and precision around 96% and execute duration in 0.36s. Index Terms— Object Detection, Underwater Detection, Frame Differencing.  Abstrak–- Salah satu gagasan mengenai teknologi penangkapan ikan modern adalah dengan menggunakan metode deteksi objek. Terdapat beberapa metode yang dapat digunakan dalam proses pendeteksian objek bergerak. Salah satu metode yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi obyek adalah metode frame differencing. Pada penelitian ini dirancang program deteksi obyek dalam air menggunakan metode frame differencing dengan pengambilan gambar dengan kamera bergerak. Penggunaan kamera bergerak memerlukan preprocessing pada video agar latar belakang menjadi seragam dan dapat dilakukan pembandingan antar frame. Pada penelitian ini data berupa video yang direkam menggunakan action cam. Penelitian ini menggunakan 3 buah data video yang diolah sesuai waktu pengambilan gambar, yaitu pagi, siang, dan malam. Metode yang diusulkan dilakukan dengan membandingkan dua buah frame yang yang berurutan dan selisihnya dianggap pergerakan dari sebuah objek. Hasil pembandingan diberi tanda untuk menyatakan objek yang dideteksi. Efektivitas metode ini dievaluasi berdasarkan nilai recall. Precision, dan waktu eksekusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode frame differencing berhasil mendeteksi objek dengan nilai recall tertinggi sebesar 73% dan precision tertinggi sebesar 96% serta waktu eksekusi tercepat 0.36s. Kata Kunci— Deteksi objek, frame differencing, action cam, recall, precision. 
Jurnal Informatika dan Teknik Elektro Terapan (JITET) Vol 10, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (483.473 KB) | DOI: 10.23960/jitet.v10i2.2441


Detak jantung dan suhu tubuh merupakan dua parameter penting yang digunakan oleh para medis untuk mengetahui kesehatan fisik maupun kondisi mental seseorang. Pengukuran yang dilakukan saat ini masih menggunakan cara yang konvensional, cara ini akan memakan waktu yang lama dan harus dilakukan pengecekan secara berkala sehingga kurang efektif apabila ingin memantau perkembangan detak jantung dan suhu tubuh pasien dari jarak jauh. Pada penelitian ini metode yang digunakan yaitu sistem monitoring yang dirancang untuk memantau dan mengukur detak jantung dan suhu tubuh pada manusia secara otomatis. Pengukuran detak jantung dan suhu tubuh menggunakan Pulse Sensor dan sensor DS18B20 sebagai pembaca parameter. Hasil dari pengukuran kemudian ditampilkan pada LCD dan kemudian dapat dipantau pula menggunakan gawai. Indikator berupa buzzer yang akan menginformasikan keadaan pasien atau seseorang yang sedang dipantau sehingga akan ada penanganan yang dilakukan oleh staf medis. Hasil dari alat penelitian memiliki simpangan atau error suhu yang terdapat pada sensor DS18B20 sebesar 0,87%. Nilai detak jantung yang menunjukkan hasil simpangan atau error yang terdapat pada pulse sensor sebesar 1,60%. Alat ukur detak jantung dan suhu tubuh menggunakan NodeMCU ESP8266 menggunakan pulse sensor dan DS18B20 dengan memanfaatkan aplikasi blynk sebagai media dari internet of things sebagai sistem monitoring. Alat penelitian ini dapat menampilkan data suhu tubuh dan detak jantung manusia melalui blynk.
Pengendalian Suhu dan Kelembaban pada Budidaya Jamur Tiram Berbasis IoT Helmy Fitriawan; Kholid Ali Dwi Cahyo; Sri Purwiyanti; Syaiful Alam
Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung (Journal of Agricultural Engineering) Vol 9, No 1 (2020): Maret 2020
Publisher : The University of Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (247.055 KB) | DOI: 10.23960/jtep-l.v9i1.28-37


Oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus Ostreatus), such as white mushroom, chinese  mushroom, and warm mushroom, is one type of edible mushrooms. Oyster mushroom cultivation is usually done at the mushroom house (kumbung) which is mostly made of  bamboo.  Oyster mushrooms can grow optimally by controlling the temperature and humidity in the kumbung. Kumbung environment conditioning is usually done manually by spraying water on the planting medium every 8 hours.  But this is perceived as ineffective and requires high effort. For this reason, we need a technology that can monitor as well as control the environmental conditions inside the kumbung automatically and remotely. This paper describes the design of a system to monitor and control the temperature and humidity in the kumbung for oyster mushroom cultivation based on IoT (Internet of Things). This system is developed consisting of five parts, i.e sensor modules, microcontrollers, data loggers, actuators, and monitoring and control interfaces. The main result of this study is a remote monitoring and control of environmental conditions for oyster mushroom cultivation. The data of monitoring, in the form of temperature and humidity, are saved to the data logger and can be downloaded in the format (.csv). The system works functionally in accordance with the expected specifications, both in terms of sensor readings and actuator controlling.
Journal of Community Research and Service Vol 1, No 2: July 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jcrs.v1i2.9339


AbstractImplementation of good governance’s principles at Rajabasa, Bandar Lampung has not done well. It caused by the lack of communication between government (public officials) and citizens. Therefore, the purpose of this public service activity is to resolve the problem by using information technology. The activity chooses a smaller government scope, which is a neighborhood area. The activity involves two steps, which is website creation and training step. The website contains are statistic data of citizens, procedures to apply the resident documents completing with the required forms, activities announcement, interactive forum for conveying critics and suggestions between citizens and government, and promotion forum for industry players. As a result, the website successfully displays a variety of information needed by citizens, and provides a means of communication for citizens and public officials. Training step about procedure for using the website also has been done. Certainly, evaluation about the liveliness of citizens in accessing the website is still required. However, good communication, efficiency, and effectiveness can begin to form well, which leads to better implementation of good governance.Keywords: good governance, information technology, public service
Observation of Photovoltaic Effect and Single-photon Detection in Nanowire Silicon pn-junction Udhiarto, Arief; Purwiyanti, Sri; Moraru, Daniel; Mizuno, Takeshi; Tabe, Michiharu
Makara Journal of Technology Vol. 17, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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We study nanowire silicon pin and pn-junctions at room and low temperature. Photovoltaic effects are observed for both devices at room temperature. At low temperature, nanowire pn-junction devices show their ability to detect single photon. This ability was not been observed for pin devices. Phosphorus-boron dopant cluster in the depletion region is considered to have the main role for single-photon detection capability. Fundamental mechanism of dopant-based single-photon detection in nanowire pn-junction is described in details.
Observation of Tunneling Effects in Lateral Nanowire pn Junctions Purwiyanti, Sri; Udhiarto, Arief; Moraru, Daniel; Mizuno, Takeshi; Hartanto, Djoko; Tabe, Michiharu
Makara Journal of Technology Vol. 18, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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As electronic device dimensions are continuously reduced, applied bias conditions significantly change and the transport mechanisms must be reconsidered. Tunneling devices are promising for scaled-down electronics because of expected high-speed operation and relatively low bias. In this work, we investigated the tunneling features in silicon-oninsulator lateral nanowire pn junction and pin junction devices. By controlling the substrate voltage, tunneling features can be observed in the electrical characteristics. We found that the minimum substrate voltage required for tunneling to occur in pn junctions is higher as compared with pin junctions. The main cause of these effects relies in the difference between the doping profiles, since the pn junctions contain a co-doped region, while the pin junctions contain an i-layer.