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Pengaruh Kemandirian Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa Kelas XI di SMA Negeri 11 Kota Jambi Endah Febri Setiya Rini; Gunawan Wibisono; Auliya Ramadhanti; Nadia Natalia Simamora; Diki Chen
Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika dan Teknologi (JPFT) Vol 6 No 2 (2020): Juli-Desember
Publisher : Department of Physics Education, Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jpft.v6i2.2211


This study aims to determine the relationship and effect of independent learning on student achievement in physics class XI MIA at SMA Negeri 11 Kota Jambi. This research uses quantitative research and the method used in this research is the survey method. The data analysis technique used the SPSS application, by performing the normality test, correlation test, and simple linear regression test. From the results of the tests that have been done, it is obtained that the Pearson correlation is 0.936 which means that it is included in the very strong correlation category. Then, based on the simple linear regression test, the regression equation Y = -52,165 + 1,283 X was obtained. From the analysis, it was found that t hit = 18,420 and t table = (0.05 / 2: nk-1) = (0.05 / 2: 50-1-1) = 2,011. From these results it can be seen that the t hit> t table, namely 18,420> 2,011. So, it can be concluded that learning independence in physics has an effect on student achievement. Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the independent attitude of students in learning physics has a correlation and is very influential on student achievement, especially in the cognitive aspect.
Analisis Minat Belajar Peserta Didik dalam Pembelajaran Fisika Menggunakan Website sebagai Media Pembelajaran di SMAN 8 Tanjung Jabung Barat Shintya Azzahra; Nuri Istifah Khasanah; Dwi Agus Kurniawan; Maison Maison; Gunawan Wibisono; Devi Permata Sari; Okta Senira Mamora Nasution
Publisher : Pusat Publikasi Ilmiah, STKIP Taman Siswa Bima

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37630/jpm.v12i2.557


Fisika pada kenyataannya menjadi mata pelajaran yang dianggap sulit dipahami dan membosankan sehingga membuat kurangnya ketertarikan minat belajar fisika pada peserta didik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis ketertarikan peserta didik dalam pembelajaran fisika menggunakan website sebagai media pembelajaran di SMAN 8 Tanjung Jabung Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode survey. Subjek penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas XI di SMA Negeri 8 Tanjung Jabung Barat pada tahun ajaran 2021/2022. Dengan sampel yang digunakan adalah peserta didik kelas XI MIPA 1 SMA Negeri 8 Tanjung Jabung Barat dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 25 responden. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini yaitu nilai standar deviasi lebih kecil dari pada mean (2,58972 < 10,9600) atau data dapat dikatakan valid. Hasil lain berdasarkan pengkategorian angket, bahwa terdapat 4% peserta didik yang tidak tertarik terhadap website sebagai media pembelajaran fisika, 20% peserta didik dikategorikan biasa saja, 56% peserta didik dikategorikan tertarik, dan 20% peserta didik dikategorikan sangat tertarik. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa peserta didik kelas XI MIPA 1 di SMAN 8 Tanjung Jabung Barat memiliki ketertarikan terhadap website sebagai media pembelajaran fisika dengan persentase keseuruhan yaitu sebesar 76%. Hasil analisis ini diharapkan mampu menjadi dasar bahan rujukan bagi peneliti lain.
Identification of Science Process Skills Students of Junior High School Batang Hari Jambi In Science Lessons Ricky Purnama Wirayuda; Riska Fitriani; Gunawan Wibisono; Nisaul Afifah
IJIS Edu : Indonesian Journal of Integrated Science Education Vol 4, No 2 (2022): July 2022
Publisher : UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/ijisedu.v4i2.6018


The purpose of the research conducted by the researcher was to find out how the description of students' science process skills in science subjects at SMPN 6 Batang Hari Jambi Regency. The method used in this research is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. This research was conducted in Batang Hari Regency, precisely at SMPN 6 Batang Hari. The subjects of this research were 134 students of class VIII. The instruments used in this study are (1) Observation sheets, and (2) open interviews. The results of observations and interviews show that the achievement of students' science process skills is still low, in general, which is related to teaching and learning activities carried out. This is due to several factors, including Students are not required to be active in exploring their own knowledge in the learning process. The physics learning process rarely uses investigation and experiment activities. Learning activities carried out are mostly lectures by teachers to students