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Portrait of Sexual Harassment Victims and Religious Support of the Parents in Aceh Salami Salami; Fadhilah Fadhilah; Miftahul Jannah; Inayatillah Inayatillah
Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun Vol 8 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun
Publisher : SCAD Independent

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26811/peuradeun.v8i2.470


Parental religious education is the most important thing in educating and raising children. The religious education that parents have will influence the norms and behavior of children to be educated and mature individuals. But now, even though parents understand the religious values, it is still difficult to implement these values in the family, especially in controlling the interaction of their children. This study investigated the religious value of parents in raising their children and the solution they offer to solve the problem related to sexual harassment issues faced by the children. This study used interviews, documentation, and observation, conducted in three locations namely in Bireuen district with four families, in North Aceh with three families, in Pidie Jaya with seven families, a total of all 14 families. The survey results in Bireuen showed even though their children suffered sexual harassment and rape but the parents were still able to hold their emotions because they had a strong religious education. They were happy to have children because it was assumed that they came from intact families. There is a stigma of society that their children are victims of sexual violation, whereas their parents have a good religious education. Complete intact families that still have both parents, can bring happiness, comfort, protect, and communicate well with their children. Otherwise, incomplete families whose children suffered sexual abuse victims are difficult to solve the problems being faced, especially to cheer up their children.
Psikoislamedia : Jurnal Psikologi Vol 3, No 2 (2018): PSIKOISLAMEDIA : JURNAL PSIKOLOGI
Publisher : State Islamic University (UIN) Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (177.647 KB) | DOI: 10.22373/psikoislamedia.v3i2.5625


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengalaman orang tua dalam mengasuh anak autis. Bagaimana sikap ayah dan ibu ketika mengetahui anaknya autis? Apa saja upaya yang dilakukan ayah dan ibu dalam mengasuh anak autis? Apa saja kendala yang dihadapi ayah dan ibu dalam mengasuh anak autis? Permasalahan ini berangkat dari fenomena meningkatnya jumlah anak penderita autis di Indonesia khususnya Aceh sementara pengetahuan masyarakat Aceh tentang autis masih sangat minim apalagi ketrampilan dalam mengasuh anak autis. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan lesson learned bagi orangtua yang mempunyai anak autis. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Data dan informasi dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam pada orangtua yang mempunyai anak autis di Kota Banda Aceh. Analisa data dilakukan dari sejak awal penelitian sampai dengan pelaporan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak semua orangtua mengetahui anaknya menderita autis sejak lahir. Demikian juga dengan sikap dan penerimaan orangtua beragam bentuknya ketika mengetahui anaknya menderita autis. Konsekuensi dari sikap dan penerimaan orangtua ini akan sangat mempengaruhi pola asuh orangtua terhadap anak penderita autis. Pola asuh anak autis memiliki bentuk dan cara yang spesifik karena mereka memiliki keterbatasan dalam kontak mata, pendengaran dan komunikasi sehingga orangtua dituntut untuk mampu melatih kemandirian anak dalam melakukan aktivitas kesehariannya dengan pendisiplinan dan kepatuhan serta juga dengan memperhatikan nutrisi yang boleh dikonsumsi. Untuk mengatasi beragam permasalahan terkait pola asuh anak autis maka orangtua anak autis perlu mendapat dukungan dari keluarga besar, masyarakat, dan pemerintah terkait kebutuhan informasi dan fasilitas dalam mengasuh anak autis.
Mengolah Limbah Menjadi Berkah: Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Berbasis Komunitas di Kecamatan Arongan Lambalek, Kabupaten Aceh Barat Nazaruddin Nazaruddin; Ruhamah Ruhamah; Inayatillah Inayatillah; Cut Dian Fitri
Intervensi Komunitas Vol 1 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : ITB Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32546/ik.v1i2.639


Artikel ini membahas tentang pemberdayaan ekonomi melalui pembuatan pupuk organik bagi kelompok warga yang bertujuan untuk mengeluarkan mereka dari lingkaran kemiskinan. Kegiatan pengabdian ini akan difokuskan pada peningkatan ketrampilan hidup warga masyarakat yang hidup pada garis kemiskinan dengan menggunakan pendekatan partisipatif dalam menentukan kegiatan dan program pelatihannya. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan Community-Based Research yang melibatkan semua pihak yang relevan dalam meneliti secara aktif dan bersama-sama menyusun desain tindakan sebagai solusi dari permasalahan yang dihadapi. Kegiatan ini terbagi dalam 5 (lima) tahapan yaitu tahapan visitasi, observasi, dan kajian kebutuhan, tahapan pemetaan dan perancangan program, tahapan pelaksanaan program, tahapan pendampingan, monitoring, dan evaluasi, dan tahapan refleksi dan rencana aksi lanjutan. Artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa program pengabdian masyarakat berbasis riset ini telah mampu membantu masyarakat yang menjadi kelompok sasaran mengidentifikasi potensi sumberdaya alam desa yang dapat dijadikan sebagai usaha untuk meningkatkan ekonomi masyarakat. Bahkan kegiatan ini dapat mengubah pola pikir masyarakat tentang tumbuhan gulma dan limbah yang pada awalnya tidak memiliki nilai manfaat sama sekali namun setelah mengalami proses pengolahan, limbah dan gulma dapat menjadi sumber pendapatan baru bagi masyarakat.
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Teungku Dirundeng Meulaboh Aceh Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47498/tadib.v14i1.1064


One of the tangible results of implementing the points of the Lamteh Pledge is the establishment of a Darussalam education complex with two Islamic universities and one public university. This article will then examine aspects of the role of the lamteh pledge and how the development of the three universities in the education complex will be. Using the descriptive-analytic method on historical literature found several research results including. First, the main point of the Lamteh Pledge regarding religion, development, and prosperity has the same breath in education development. Second, Darussalam is a legendary achievement from a pledge that has so far revealed the joints of Acehnese people's lives. Third, Islamic universities in Darussalam have become the "heart of the heart" as well as being part of the marker of the Acehnese nation in the global arena. Fourth, there are 2 religious universities that developed in Kopelma Darussalam after the lamteh pledge, namely UIN Ar Raniry and the Teungku Chik Pante Kulu Islamic College.
REPRESENTASI NILAI BUDAYA ACEH PADA FILM HIKAYAT TERAKHIR Inayatillah Inayatillah; Junaidi Junaidi; Mariani Mariani
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Teungku Dirundeng Meulaboh Aceh Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47498/bidayah.v13i1.1076


Film is one of the effective and popular media in presenting the cultural values ​​and life of a region or nation. The film that is used as the object of this research is the film "Hikayat Terakhir". This film is an interesting study material because it explains about the saga culture that exists in Aceh. The purpose of this research is to find out the representation of Acehnese cultural values ​​which is shown in the film Hikayat Terakhir. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The data analysis technique used in this research is semiotic analysis using the Charles Sanders Pierce approach. The results of the study show that in this film there is a lot of data showing the cultural values ​​of Aceh which are depicted through the film's scenes and dialogues. Acehnese cultural values ​​which are shown through the signs depicted in the film include the use of language, attitude of responsibility, kinship, clothing, traditional houses, traditions, values ​​of manners, and religious values. These cultural values ​​can be seen in the data findings that have been described in this study
Acehnese Women in Public Spaces: Theirmovement and Political Participation Inayatillah Inayatillah
Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun Vol 11 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun
Publisher : SCAD Independent

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26811/peuradeun.v11i1.823


Aceh has the most enduring legacy of successful female leaders in the world. The situation has changed during the past few decades, as fewer women hold crucial government positions. This paper traced the history of women and their role in Aceh through colonial and post-colonial contexts from the early years of this century to the present day. This study also examined the role and contributions made by the Acehnese women through the women's movement and their participation in political life, as well as the reasons for the lack of women appointed as policymakers, as indicated by multiple studies on this topic. A qualitative library research method was employed, and the data from text documents were analyzed using critical discourse analysis. The research showed that women in Aceh continued to play an essential role in the public domain and made significant contributions through the movement. However, The lack of opportunity for women to occupy their position as policymakers were influenced by diverse issues ranging from the patriarchal culture in Aceh, the inability of a political party to cadre women, to the misconception of people in interpreting religious belief that women should not be allowed to be a leader.