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Uji Keamanan Dan Uji Aktifitas Sitotoksik Minyak Kayu Manis (Cinnamomum burmannii) untuk Menghasilkan Fitofarmaka Antikanker Herdwiani, Wiwin; Leviana, Fransiska; R, Sari; Yolanda, Yolanda; Rica, Rica; Zahra, Zahra; Ikawati, Zullies; Hertiani, Triana
Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Vol 1, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2089.838 KB) | DOI: 10.15416/ijpst.v1i2.7513


Kanker adalah penyakit mematikan dan angka kejadiannya di Indonesia sangat tinggi. Data di Departemen Kesehatan didapati angka 1,8 per 100 ribu penduduk. Ironisnya saat ini belum ditemukan antikanker yang efektif dan aman. Minyak kayu manisyang diperoleh dari tanaman kayu manis (Cinnamomum burmannii) diduga memiliki aktivitas antikanker. Penelitian sebelumnya  bertujuan untuk isolasi, standarisasi minyak kayu manis sudah dilakukan. Saat ini penelitian dilanjutkan terhadap uji aktifitas serta keamanan minyak kayu manis untuk  mendapatkan fitofarmaka antikanker. Pengujian aktivitas antikanker  dengan menguji kemampuan penghambatan sel kanker terhadap sel line kanker WiDr (kanker kolon). Keamanan minyak kayu manisditentukan dengan melakukan uji toksisitas sub kronis terhadap mencit putih jantan.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa minyak kayu manis memiliki aktifitas sitotoksik terhadap kultur sel WiDr dengan IC50=13,70µg/ml.  Pemberian minyak kayu manis kepada hewan uji Tikus selama 1 bulan tidak memberikan perubahan biokimia darah BUN kreatinin, SGPT dan SGOT, serta hematologi Darah. Hasil histopatologi terhadap hepar dan ginjal juga tidak memberikan kerusakan sel kecuali pada dosis 0,04ml/200 g BB. Kata kunci:Minyak kayu manis, antikanker, WiDr, toksisitas
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia Vol 11, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35617/jfi.v11i2.668


Baligo is native of tropical regions in Indonesia known as a large gourd or pumpkin. Baligo among others contain carbohydrates, glycosides, alkaloids, phytosterols, gums and mucilago, saponins, proteins and free amino acids, and flavonoids. Chemical constituents in seed baligo which is thought to have anti-diabetic activity of flavonoids and saponins. This study aims to determine the hypoglycemic effect of ethanolic extract of baligo seeds (Benincasa hispida (Thumb.) Cogn.) and find out what the larger dose of ethanolic extract of baligo seeds (Benincasa hispida (Thumb.) Cogn.) the greater hypoglycemic effect on white male rats strain wistar with alloxan induction. This study used a method in which alloxan induced rats were divided into five treatment groups that each group consisted of five rats. Group I as a negative control (CMC 0.5%), Group II as a positive control (glibenclamide) at a dose of 0.09 mg/200 g BB rats, and Group III, IV, V given doses of ethanol extract of seeds baligo 4.10 mg/200 g BB rast, 8.21 mg/200 g BB rats, 16.42 mg/200 g BB rats. All groups alloxan induced on day 0 (after fasting 16 hours) intraperitoneally. Examination of blood sugar levels performed on days 4 and 8 after administration of the test preparation. Statistical analysis showed that the greater the dose of ethanolic extract of baligo seeds (4.10 mg/200 g BB rats, 8.21 mg/200 g BBrats, 16.42 mg/200 g BB rats) was not the greater hypoglycemic effect on white male rats wistar strain with alloxan induced 
Analisa Pengendalian Persediaan Dengan Metode EOQ, JIT dan MMSL DiInstalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit XXX Kota Mojokerto Doso, Tri; Sunarni, Titik; Herdwiani, Wiwin
Jurnal Farmasi Sains dan Terapan Vol 7, No 2 (2020): Oktober
Publisher : Jurnal Farmasi Sains dan Terapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33508/jfst.v7i2.2793


Pengendalian persediaan (managemen inventory) obat sangat penting karena persediaan obat merupakan permasalahan yang sangat krusial dalam manajemen operasional rumah sakit. Hal ini dikarenakan pengendalian persediaan obat yang tepat dapat berdampak yang kuat terhadap perolehan kembali atas investasi agar dapat melayani pasien dengan baik. Maka persediaan perlu dikelola dengan metode diantaranya Economic Order Quantity (EOQ), Just In Time ( JIT), dan Minimum Maximum Stock Level (MMSL). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengendalian persediaan obat di Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit XXX Kota Mojokerto serta pengaruh metode EOQ, JIT, dan MMSL terhadap nilai persediaan dan Inventory Turn Over Ratio (ITOR).Rancangan penelitian ini dilakukan secara deskriptif non eksperimental dengan pengambilan data secara retrospektif di Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit XXX tahun 2016-2018. Analisa hasil dengan melakukan pengelompokan persediaan berdasarkan kategori ABC yang selanjutnya diterapkan metode EOQ, JIT, dan MMSL kemudian dibandingan nilai persediaan dan ITOR antara nilai riil dengan nilai perhitungan.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh rata-rata nilai persediaan pada tahun 2016-2018 diperoleh nilai persediaan paling efisien dengan selisih paling besar bila dibandingkan dengan nilai persediaan riil yaitu pada metode EOQ dengan nilai persediaan Rp,00. Sedangkan pada perhitungan ITOR diperoleh nilai 28,26 kali. Hal ini berarti bahwa pengendalian persediaan pada Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit XXX sudah efisien. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pengendalian persediaan obat dan alat kesehatan di Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit XXX Kota Mojokerto sudah efisien bila dibandingkan dengan menggunakan metode EOQ.
Evaluasi Kualitas Pelayanan Dan Penanganan Keluhan Terhadap Kepuasan Pasien Rawat Jalan Di Instalasi Farmasi RS Elim Rantepao Lola’ Tulak Rerung; RA. Oetari; Wiwin Herdwiani
Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan SUARA FORIKES Vol 12, No 4 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : FORIKES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/%x


Pelayanan yang berkualitas dapat membuat pasien merasa puas, percaya, dan loyal. Sebaliknya jika tidak maka dapat menimbulkan keluhan. Berdasarkan observasi awal, diketahui bahwa terdapat keluhan pasien di instalasi farmasi rawat jalan RS Elim Rantepao mengenai fasilitas ruang tunggu dan waktu tunggu obat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kualitas pelayanan pasien berdasarkan tiap dimensi servqual, customer satisfaction index, dan importance performance analysis terhadap kualitas pelayanan dan penanganan keluhan. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner terhadap 100 responden. Teknik analisis data dengan metode servqual untuk mengetahui kepuasan pasien berdasarkan tiap dimensi servqual, metode Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pasien secara keseluruhan dan Importance performance analysis (IPA) untuk mengetahui faktor apa saja yang menjadi perhatian dan harus dilakukan perbaikan. Hasil analisis gap menunjukkan bahwa tiap dimensi servqual berada pada indeks negatif yang artinya pasien belum puas dengan pelayanan yang diberikan yakni tangibles -0,24, reliability -0,13, responsiveness -0,47, assurance -0,12, empathy -0,11. Hasil analisis CSI terhadap dimensi servqual dan penanganan keluhan secara keseluruhan belum mencapai 87%
Uji Keamanan Dan Uji Aktifitas Sitotoksik Minyak Kayu Manis (Cinnamomum burmannii) untuk Menghasilkan Fitofarmaka Antikanker Wiwin Herdwiani; Fransiska Leviana; Sari R; Yolanda Yolanda; Rica Rica; Zahra Zahra; Zullies Ikawati; Triana Hertiani
Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Vol 1, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2089.838 KB) | DOI: 10.15416/ijpst.v1i2.7513


Kanker adalah penyakit mematikan dan angka kejadiannya di Indonesia sangat tinggi. Data di Departemen Kesehatan didapati angka 1,8 per 100 ribu penduduk. Ironisnya saat ini belum ditemukan antikanker yang efektif dan aman. Minyak kayu manisyang diperoleh dari tanaman kayu manis (Cinnamomum burmannii) diduga memiliki aktivitas antikanker. Penelitian sebelumnya  bertujuan untuk isolasi, standarisasi minyak kayu manis sudah dilakukan. Saat ini penelitian dilanjutkan terhadap uji aktifitas serta keamanan minyak kayu manis untuk  mendapatkan fitofarmaka antikanker. Pengujian aktivitas antikanker  dengan menguji kemampuan penghambatan sel kanker terhadap sel line kanker WiDr (kanker kolon). Keamanan minyak kayu manisditentukan dengan melakukan uji toksisitas sub kronis terhadap mencit putih jantan.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa minyak kayu manis memiliki aktifitas sitotoksik terhadap kultur sel WiDr dengan IC50=13,70µg/ml.  Pemberian minyak kayu manis kepada hewan uji Tikus selama 1 bulan tidak memberikan perubahan biokimia darah BUN kreatinin, SGPT dan SGOT, serta hematologi Darah. Hasil histopatologi terhadap hepar dan ginjal juga tidak memberikan kerusakan sel kecuali pada dosis 0,04ml/200 g BB. Kata kunci:Minyak kayu manis, antikanker, WiDr, toksisitas
ABDIMAS ALTRUIS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Oktober 2019
Publisher : Universitas Sanata Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (502.111 KB) | DOI: 10.24071/aa.v2i2.2543


The use of aromatherapy was very well known in the community. The best-selling and quickly accepted product was aromatherapy oil. The benefits of aromatherapy were not only for health, but also for calming the mind and relaxation. Empowerment of PKK as members of the community and still classified as productive workforce was very important to do, aiming to foster awareness and independence in doing business, while expanding employment to increase family income in an effort to achieve a happy and prosperous family. In relation to efforts to foster and develop the potential of families and regions, it can be done through various alternative activities, including training in making aromatherapy oil product. The purpose of this community service program was to empower mothers and women through training and assistance in aromatherapy oil production. The target of this activity was PKK RW 04 Mojosongo Village, Jebres District, Surakarta City. The output of this activity was improving the skills of the community to produce aromatherapy wind oil and motivating business opportunities for PKK mothers. The method used in this service was training and assistance in aromatherapy oil production.
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia Vol 12 No 2 (2015): Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Setia Budi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (280.725 KB) | DOI: 10.31001/jfi.v12i2.84


Cinnamon is plant commonly used as an aroma enhancer in cooking. Cinnamon can be used as an alternative cancer treatment. The content of cinnamon bark essential oil including, safrole, cinnamaldehyde, eugenol, tannins, flavonoids, saponins. This study aimed to examine the cytotoxic activity of ethanol extract skin cinnamon to inhibit T47D breast cancer cell activity. Ethanol extract skin cinnamon was obtained through maceration method by 96% ethanol. The content of flavonoids and cinnamaldehyde was detected by Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC). Cytotoxic test on breast cancer cells T47D used 3-[4,5-dimetilthiazol-2yl]-2,5-difeniltetrazolium bromide (MTT) method and the absorbance was read at ELISA reader. Parameter single cytotoxic test is IC50.and its cytotoxic activity was compared with doxorubicin. The result showed that ethanol extract skin cinnamon had cytotoxic effect on breast cancer T47D with IC50 71,157 μg/ml. The ethanol extract skin cinnamon has the potential to be developed as a cemoprefentive agency.
Aktivitas Sitotoksik Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Buah Pinang (Areca catechu) dan Daun Kayu Manis (Cinnamomum burmanni) Wiwin Herdwiani; Soemardji AA; Elfahmi .; Tan MI; Nabila K; Anita K
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia Vol 15 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Setia Budi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (865.926 KB) | DOI: 10.31001/jfi.v15i1.348


The areca plant (Areca cathecu) and cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmannii) haveanticancer properties. The aim of this research is to know the cytotoxic effect of Areca catechuof ethanol extract on T47D breast cancer cell culture and Cinnamomum burmannii leaves ofethanol extract on WiDr colon cancer cell culture.The obtained simplicia macerated to obtain ethanol extract of pinang peel and cinnamonleaves. The method used in testing cytotoxic activity was MTT (3- [4,5-dimethylthiazol-2yl] -2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) to obtain IC50 values.The results showed that ethanol extract of pinang peel and cinnamon leaf did not havecytotoxic effect on T47D culture with IC50 467,34 μg/mL and on WiDr culture with IC50 405,69μg/ml.
Perbandingan Efek Afrodisiaka Infusa dan Ekstrak n-Heksana Kuncup Bunga Cengkeh (Syzygium aromaticum L.) pada Tikus Putih Jantan Galur Wistar ARIKA WIDYARINI; YUL MARIYAH; WIWIN HERDWIANI
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia Vol 9 No 1 (2012): Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Setia Budi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1007.418 KB) | DOI: 10.31001/jfi.v9i1.713


Clove (Syzygium aromaticum L.) flower bud is one of medicinal plant that is used as aphrodisiac. The study was aimed to find out the aphrodisiac effect of infuse and n-hexane extract of clove flower buds on climbing frequency of white male rats wistar strain and to know a higher aphrodisiac effect between infuse and n-hexane extract of clove flower buds. The test animals used were divided into four test groups. Group I (negative control) was given CMC 1%. Group II (positive control) was given Dji Wo capsul dose of 9 mg/200 g BW. Group III was given the n-hexane extract dose of 350 mg/200 g BW. Group IV was given the infuse dose of 350 mg/200 g BW. All preparations were given orally twice a day (morning and evening) for 5 days. At day-5, climbing frequency was observed and making vaginal smear to observe the male rat sperms. The climbing frequency data was analyzed using two ways Anova followed by Dunnett T3 test at 95% confidence. The result showed that infuse and n-hexane extract of clove flower buds had aphrodisiac effect on white male rat wistar strain and the infuse of clove flower buds had aphrodisiac effect similar with n-hexane extract.
Uji Efek Tonikum Infusa Batang Pasak Bumi dan Campuran Batang Pasak Bumi, Rimpang Jahe Merah dan Buah Cabe Jawa terhadap Mencit Putih Jantan MELINDA WIDIANINGRUM; - SUHARTINAH; WIWIN HERDWIANI
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia Vol 9 No 1 (2012): Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Setia Budi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1006.577 KB) | DOI: 10.31001/jfi.v9i1.721


Eurycoma longifolia Jack. stem, Zingiber officinale Rosc. Var. Rubrum rhizome and Piper retrofractum fruits are traditional medicine plants, one of which is to overcome fatigue (tonic). This aim of the experiment was: first to find out whether infuse formula of single Eurycoma longifolia Jack. stem powder and infuse formula of a mixture of Eurycoma longifolia Jack., Zingiber officinale Rosc. rhizome, and Piper retrofractum fruit had tonic effect on male white mouse; the second, to obtain the most effective formula as tonic on for male white mouse. In this study the test animals were divided in 5 groups, and each group consisted of 5 male white mice, i.e. Group 1 F1 was Eurycoma longifolia Jack. stem, group II F2 was a mixture of (2:1:1), group III F3 was a mixture (1:1:1), group IV was positive control (caffeine), group V was negative control (distilled water). The study was conducted by making the orally given male white mice to swim, and then the exhausted times were observed and recorded before and after the treatment. The experiment concluded that first: infusa of single Eurycoma longifolia Jack. stem powder and infuse of a mixture of Eurycoma longifolia Jack., Zingiber officinale Rosc. rhizome, and Piper retrofractum fruit had tonic effect on male white mouse; the second, infuse of formula 3 (1:1:1) to have the best tonicum effect.