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Hubungan Derajat Merokok Dengan Derajat Eksaserbasi Asma Pada Pasien Asma Perokok Aktif di Bangsal Paru RSUP DR. M. Djamil Padang Tahun 2007 - 2010 Syandrez Prima Putra; Oea Khairsyaf; Julizar Julizar
Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas Vol 2, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jka.v2i3.163


AbstrakPrevalensi asma dan perokok aktif di Indonesia semakin meningkat. Penyakit asma dapat menurunkan kualitas hidup dan menimbulkan kematian terutama pada perokok aktif jika eksaserbasi asma berat terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana hubungan antara derajat merokok dengan derajat eksaserbasi asma pada pasien asma perokok aktif. Penelitian analitik telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan data deskriptif di Bangsal Paru RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang pada bulan Desember 2011 sampai Januari 2013. Data yang dikumpulkan berasal dari catatan rekam medik pasien asma di Bangsal Paru sejumlah 228 orang. Sampel ditetapkan dengan menggunakan teknik total sampling sehingga didapatkan sampel sebanyak lima puluh orang. Untuk melihat hubungan antara derajat merokok dengan derajat eksaserbasi asma digunakan uji korelasi Spearman. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan 51 dari 228 dari pasien asma (22,4%) adalah perokok aktif. Secara umum pasien memiliki derajat merokok sedang (41,18%) dan derajat eksaserbasi asma sedang (78,43%). Berdasarkan analisis statistik didapatkan nilai p = 0,275 (p<0,05) yang berarti tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara derajat merokok dengan derajat eksaserbasi asma.Kata kunci: merokok, eksaserbasi, asmaAbstractPrevalence of asthma and active smokers in Indonesia has increased. Asthma can reduce quality of life and lead to death especially in active smokers if the severe asthma exacerbation occur. This study aims to look at how the correlation between the degree of smoking by the degree of asthma exacerbation in active smoker patients with asthma. Analytic studies have been conducted using the descriptive data in Pulmonary Ward of RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang in December 2011 to January 2013. Data collected from the medical records of patients with asthma history in Pulmonary Ward for 228 people. The samples were appointed by using total sampling technique, so obtained the samples about fifty people. Spearman correlation test was used to examine the relationship between the degree of smoking by the degree of asthma exacerbation. The results of this study showed 51 of 228 of the patients with asthma (22.4%) were active smokers. In general, patients had a moderate degree of smoking (41.18%) and moderate degree of asthma exacerbations (78.43%). The statistical analysis was obtained p-value = 0.275 (p<0,05) which means there is no significant correlation between the degree of smoking by the degree of asthma exacerbation.Keywords: smoking, exacerbation, asthma
PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT DI NAGARI LUMPO KABUPATEN PESISIR SELATAN Yusrawati Yusrawati; Yulizawati Yulizawati; Lusiana El Sinta Bustami; Aldina Ayunda Insani; Vaulinne Basyir; Hudila Rifa Karmila; Feni Andriani; Erda Mutiara Halida; Fitrayeni Fitrayeni; Uliy Iffah; Miranie Safaringga; Laila Rahmi; Rafika Oktova; Ulfa Farah Lisa; Muhammad Iqbal; Rahmat Syawqi; Syandrez Prima Putra; Liganda Endo Mahata; Elfira Yusri
Publisher : LPPM (Institute for Research and Community Services) Universitas Andalas Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (451.712 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/bina.v2i4.130


Pesisir Selatan Regency is one of the districts with 15 sub-districts with the largest population in IV Jurai District. The number of deaths per year on the South Coast fluctuates. In 2015 the number of infant deaths increased from 6 to 42 people (male 29 and 13 female) from the previous year, AKABA of 47 from 18 in the previous year. There were 16 toddlers with herniated nutrition and many pregnant women, namely around 273 pregnant women. Based on a preliminary study conducted by the activity implementation team at the Lumpo Public Health Center, IV Jurai District, Pesisir Selatan Regency, it is known that there is no ultrasound examination facility in pregnancy and prenatal yoga facilities at the Lumpo Puskesmas, besides that there are no similar activities carried out at SD Negeri 016 and MTsN. Nagari Lumpo which is included in the work area of Lumpo Puskesmas. Several tests can be done during pregnancy as an effort to detect early and prevent complications and growth disorders in the fetus. Among others, by monitoring weight gain during pregnancy, conducting general examinations (vital signs), physical examinations that focus on the breasts, abdomen, genitalia with inspection, palpation, auscultation, and percussion, ultrasonography (USG) examinations, and performing supporting examinations in the form of laboratory examination (hemoglobin examination). The result of this activity is an increase in each target group's quality of life by the stages of life after this activity.
Upaya Pencegahan Kanker Serviks melalui Vaksinasi dan Skrining Human Papillomavirus Syandrez Prima Putra
Majalah Kedokteran Andalas Vol 44, No 2 (2021): Online July 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/mka.v44.i2.p125-133.2021


Kanker serviks masih menjadi salah satu penyebab kesakitan dan kematian tertinggi pada perempuan secara global akibat keganasan. Infeksi human papillomavirus (HPV) risiko tinggi (high-risk HPV/ hrHPV) terutama HPV 16 dan 18 merupakan penyebab etiologis terjadinya kanker serviks. Pemanfaatan vaksin HPV baik bivalen, quadrivalen, dan generasi terbaru 9-valen dinilai efektif untuk mencegah terjadinya kanker serviks di negara-negara maju, sementara di negara-negara berkembang masih terkendala dengan sumber daya yang terbatas. Disamping vaksinasi, skrining kanker serviks masih penting untuk dilakukan untuk preventif. Deteksi dini secara sitologis menggunakan Pap smear merupakan metode konvensional dengan sensitifitas dan spesifisitas yang tinggi, namun sulit diterapkan di negara-negara berkembang. Inspeksi visual asam asetat (tes IVA) menjadi alternatif pemeriksaan sitologis yang lebih murah, namun akurasinya untuk identifikasi lesi prakanker masih diperdebatkan. Tes DNA HPV saat ini menjadi pilihan pencegahan kanker serviks terbaru yang uji sensitiftas dan spesifisitasnya mampu menyamai Pap smear pada kasus neoplasia intraepitelial serviks (CIN) +2 dan +3. Jadwal skrining yang lebih sedikit dan adanya peluang untuk melakukan pengambilan sampel secara mandiri membuat tes HPV sangat ideal untuk dimasukkan pada program pencegahan primer pada negara berkembang. Tinjauan ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan kondisi terbaru mengenai epidemiologi kanker serviks dan upaya preventif terkini yang lebih efektif.
Correlation Of Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio And Platelet Lymphocyte Ratio With Severity Of COVID-19 Fadil Ahmadhia Warman; Dwi Yulia; Husnil Kadri; Roza Mulyana; Elfira Yusri; Syandrez Prima Putra
Majalah Kedokteran Andalas Vol 46, No 9 (2024): Supplementary Januari 2024
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/mka.v46.i9.p1361-1375.2024


The neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet lymphocyte ratio (PLR) tests are simple tests can be done before a COVID-19 patient hospitalized. This examination is useful for determining the diagnosis and prognostic of the patient. The aim of the study was to determine the correlation between NLR and PLR with the severity of COVID-19. This research was an analytical study with a cross-sectional approach using secondary data from 289 medical records of patients with confirmed COVID-19 for the period June-August 2021. The total sampling technique was used and processed with the chi-square test. Most of the research subjects were in the range of 26-45 years (28.4%). More than half of the subjects were female (61.6%). There were 99 patients (34.3%) with severe conditions. Less than half of the patients had abnormal leukocyte and platelet examination results, namely 64 (22.1%) and 56 (19.4%). Patients with abnormal NLR and PLR examinations were 135 (46.7%) and 123 (42.6%). There was a significant correlation between NLR and the severity of COVID-19 inpatients (p<0.001, OR=9.452). There is a significant correlation between PLR and the severity of COVID-19 inpatients (p<0.001, OR=7.268). This study concludes a significant correlation between NLR and PLR with the severity of COVID-19.