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SOIL PROPERTIES AND GROWTH PERFORMANCE OF RIZE (Oryza sativa L.) GROWN IN A FLY-ASH AMENDED SOIL Priatmadi, Bambang Joko; Saidy, Akhmad Rizali; septiana, Meldia
Publisher : The Journal is published by Graduate Programe of Lambung Mangkurat University

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Fly-ash (FA) is largely alkaline in nature and contains many essential elements for plant growth along with toxic metals.  Therefore, fly-ash is potential to be applied as soil ameliorate that may improve soil properties and plant growth.  In this experiment we studied the changes in chemical properties and rice production  of acid sulphate soils amended with fly ash.  Six different amounts of FA, viz. 0 (100% soil), 5, 10, 20, 40 and 75 tones FA ha-1 were added homogenously to 6 kg of soils in pots of PVC and then chemical properties of acid sulphate soils were observed after a 3-week of incubation. Subsequent of  the observation of soil properties, rice was planted onto the pots.  Results of study showed that fly-ash application improved soil pH and exchangeable Ca.  However, the availability of nitrogen of acid sulphate soils decreased significantly with fly-ash application.  The experiment also showed that fly-ash application to soils improved rice growth (height plant, number of tillers, dried-weight root and dried-weight shoot) and rice production. Application 20 tones FA ha-1 resulted in higher rice production than the application 0, 5 and 10 tones FA ha-1, and increasing subsequent the amount of FA application did not significantly increase the rice production. Results of this study demonstrate that low-level fly-ash application resulted in the improvements of soil chemical properties and rice production.Key words: fly-ash application; soil ameliorant; heavy metals; sub-optimal low land.
Reaksi Pemasaman Senyawa Pirit pada Tanah Rawa Pasang Surut Priatmadi, Bambang Joko; Haris, Abdul
JOURNAL OF TROPICAL SOILS Vol 14, No 1: January 2009

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5400/jts.2009.v14i1.19-24


Most of swamp soils in tidal land are Acid Sulfate Soils. Acid sulfate soils are the common name given to soils containing iron sulfides (pyrite). The soils are characterized by very low pH and high amount of soluble S and Fe, resulted from oxidation of pyrite when soils are drained.  This study was aimed to determine acidity pattern, iron and sulfate solubility as the impact of the length time of oxidized, the effect of inhibitors application to acidity rate of sulfidic materials and top soils.  The materials are: (1) soils at pyritic layer (sulfidic materials) and (2) soils at 0 – 20 cm from soil surface.  Soils is sampled at Barambai reclaimed area, Barito Kuala Regency, South Kalimantan Province.  In the laboratory soils treated with some ameliorants, that are silica, phosphate and lime applied with dosage 2 t ha-1 with 3 replications times.  The soils incubated for 2 weeks under submerged condition.  After soil incubation, soil exposed to the air for 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and 6 weeks.  Parameters of soil analysis include pH, sulfate and iron soluble. Results of this study showed that (1) soil acidity rate of  sulfidic materials more faster than upper soils when soils and sulfidic materials oxidized intensively, (2) at submerged soil condition or high soil water content, the application of ameliorants effective increasing the soil pH of the upper soils, (3) at further oxidized soil condition or lower soil water content, the application of ameliorants inhibited acidity rate of soils and sulfidic materials, and (4) at further oxidized soil condition or lower soil water content, the application of ameliorants increased iron solubility of  soils and sulfidic materials.
UPAYA PENINGKATAN PERUSAHAAN DALAM PELAKSANAAN REVEGETASI PASCATAMBANG DI PT. BINUANG MITRA BERSAMA Ahdyannor, Muhammad Isra; Kissinger, Kissinger; Priatmadi, Bambang Joko; Badaruddin, Badaruddin
EnviroScienteae Vol 17, No 3 (2021): ENVIROSCIENTEAE VOLUME 17 NOMOR 3, NOVEMBER 2021
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/es.v17i3.11757


Indonesia Is a country that has a wealth of natural resources, the Coal Mining Commodity is one of the natural resources exploited in Indonesia. The exploitation of coal cannot be separated from environmental impacts. The environmental impacts of open-pit mining activities include: decreased soil productivity, soil compaction, erosion and sedimentation, soil movement, disruption of flora and fauna, disruption of security and health of the population, and changes in micro-climate. Reclamation is an activity carried out during the stages of a mining business to organize, restore and improve the quality of the environment and ecosystem so that it can function again. The research method in this research is to assess the success of the implementation of reclamation in accordance with the Permenhut Nomor P.60 Menhut-II/ 2009. In assessing the success of reclamation implementation, the stages of activities carried out are surveys, reference studies, sampling, scoring and weighting, and analysis. The implementation of reclamation at PT Binuang Mitra Bersama can be concluded that it is known that the Achievement of Land Arrangement based on the weight value obtained a figure of 28.5 from a maximum weight value of 30, Achievement of Erosion and Sedimentation Control based on the weight value obtained a number of 10 from a maximum weight value of 20, Planting achievement based on the weight value obtained a number of 26 from the maximum weight value of 50. The total value calculation is obtained by a value of 63.5 which indicates that the results of the reclamation implementation are included in the Medium criteria or the results of the reclamation implementation are accepted, provided that improvements are needed to reach a value of> 80.
Influence of type and amount of organic matters on the iron sorption of acid mine drainage onto reclaimed-mining soils Akhmad Rizalli Saidy; Bambang Joko Priatmadi; Meldia Septiana
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management Vol 8, No 4 (2021)
Publisher : Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15243/jdmlm.2021.084.2985


Mining activity may potentially produce acid mine drainage (AMD), which has relatively high acidity and dissolved heavy metal concentrations. Constructed wetlands is one of the AMD management methods in which organic matter (OM) plays a very important function in reducing the concentration of heavy metals in AMD through absorption and precipitation processes. Three types of OM (empty fruit bunches of oil palm, chicken manure and water hyacinth) and five levels of OM (0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 Mg ha-1) were applied to reclaimed-mining soils (RMS) in an incubation study. A batch experiment was then performed to measure the effect of OM application on the maximum sorption capacity (Qmax) of iron (Fe) from the AMD onto the mixed soil-OM. The application of OM resulted in increases in soil pH, carboxylic groups, and total functional groups, in which these increases varied based on the types and amounts of OM application. This study also revealed that OM application resulted in increasing Fe sorption. The application of OM increased Qmax values from 2077 to 2348-3259 mg kg-1 (water hyacinth), to 2607-3635 mg kg-1 (chicken manure), and to 2219-2992 mg kg-1 (empty fruit bunches of oil palm). Increasing these Qmax values may ascribe to increasing functional groups of the RMS with OM application. The results prove the importance of OM in controlling the sorption of Fe from AMD onto soils.
The sorption and desorption of organic carbon onto tropical reclaimed-mining soils with coal fly-ash application Akhmad Rizalli Saidy; Bambang Joko Priatmadi; Meldia Septiana; Afiah Hayati
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management Vol 8, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15243/jdmlm.2021.082.2643


Coal fly ash, resulted from coal combustion in power plants, with relatively high amounts of aluminium, iron, calcium, and magnesium oxides may modify the sorption capacity of soils. A batch experiment was conducted to examine the capacity of reclaimed mining soils (RMS) to adsorb organic carbon (OC) in response to coal fly ash application. Extraction of dissolved OC was carried out from dried albizia shoot residue and reacted with the RMS at dissolved OC concentrations varying from 0 to 175 mg C L-1 at pH 5.5. The results showed that the sorption capacity of the RMS for OC increased significantly with coal fly ash application, which may relate to increasing the contents exchangeable Ca and Mg, dithionite- and oxalate-extractable aluminium and iron, and surface areas of soils. Desorption experiment indicated that only 5-23% of the OC initially sorbed onto soil-coal fly ash interactions was freed using a single extraction step, suggesting that most of the OC is strongly sorbed to the mineral surfaces. Results of the study indicate an important role of fly ash in increasing OC sorption capacity of soils and reducing the percentage of OC sorption from the RMS-coal fly ash association.
Simulasi Aliran Air Asam Tambang Herniwanti Herniwanti; Bagyo Yanuwiadi; Bambang Joko Priatmadi; Soemarno Soemarno
Indonesian Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development Vol 3, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Graduate Program

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Pengelolaan Air Asam Tambang dengan menggunakan metoda fitoremediasi memerlukan desain kolam rawa buatan yang tepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui debit air asam tambang dan kemiringan yang tepat sehingga dapat merubah karakteristik air asam tambang menjadi lebih baik dan memenuhi kriteria Baku mutu air limbah penambangan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di daerah penambangan batubara di Kalimantan selatan. Contoh air  asam tambang digunakan untuk penelitian simulasi skala laboratorium dengan memvariasi debit dan kemiringan aliran.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa debit air asam tambang lebih besar dengan saluran yang miring dapat memperbaiki kualitas air asam tambang. Kata Kunci: air asam tambang, simulasi aliran, debit air.
BUANA SAINS Vol 14, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (142.761 KB) | DOI: 10.33366/bs.v14i2.334


The use of fly ash as a material for amelioration has been applied in some countries. Fly ash is amorphous compound of silicate-aluminum-iron that contains essential nutrients for plants. Fly ash has a pH of about 8.5 and has chemical properties that can be used as a source of neutralizing acidity in the soil. This study aims to determine the effect of fly ash as a soil ameliorant of soil on dry land and paddy soil in Kalimantan Selatan . Soil samples on dry land were taken from Sungai Riam, Tanah Laut Regency. Soil samples on paddy soils were taken from Sungai Rangas, Banjar Regency. Six kilograms of each soil samples placed on 8-L pots. Fly ash is added to each pot with a dose of 0, 25, 50 and 75 tons ha-1. All treatments were made in four replicates using completely randomized design. Data were collected for soil pH, total-N, total-K, total-P, and cation exchange capacity. The results showed that only the soil pH and soil CEC significantly affected by the addition of fly ash. Application of fly ash by the number 50 - 75 tons per hectare compare 25 tons per ha does not provide a significantly difference to pH and CEC
Kajian Tingkat Kesejahteraan Penambang Intan, Dan Alternatif Pilihan Pekerjaan Baru Apabila Area Penambangan Di Kecamatan Cempaka, Kota Banjarbaru Ditutup Pemerintah Bayu Wijokongko; A. Rahmansyah; Soemarno Soemarno; Bambang Joko Priatmadi
EnviroScienteae Vol 16, No 2 (2020): EnviroScienteae Volume 16 Nomor 2, Agustus 2020
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/es.v16i2.9646


Diamond miners in kec. Cempaka Banjarbaru city has long been a mainstay and provides livelihood for traditional diamond miners. However, the income and life of traditional diamond mining communities is still economically low, compared to the profits of capital owners and borrowing mining equipment. On the other hand diamond mining that ignores environmental sustainability has damaged the environment both flora and fauna, the formation of holes and ponds former mine, muddy and polluted ground water, and moderate damaged plant land so that the cause of diamond mining in Cempaka was immediately closed by the Banjarbaru municipal government. The purpose of this study is to examine: 1) analyzing the effect of activities as diamond miners on the level of welfare of the miner's family, 2) the type of new work the miner wants, and 2) the reason for the miner to move to a new job. This research was carried out for six months, located in three diamond mining areas including Ujung Murung, Lokaas and Plumpung villages in kec. Cempaka. This location was chosen because it is a community diamond mining area that represents the profile of community diamond miners in the suburbs of Banjarbaru. The research method uses a combination of survey and quantitative methods. The selection of diamond mining villages was carried out in three selected villages including Ujung Murung, Lokaas and Plumpung villages, while respondents were selected by purposive sampling 30% of the population of the village community with a total of 90 respondents consisting of 45 miners and 45 non-miners. The parameters observed were: a)) The type of new work chosen by the miners when the mining of people's diamonds was closed by the Banjarbaru local government, and b) The reason for moving to a new type of work. The results showed that the activities as diamond miners did not significantly affect the welfare of miners' families, and did not provide decent results in increasing and increasing the welfare of diamond miners. The most desirable alternative work alternatives and selected respondents respectively were chicken farming by 37.78%, followed by duck farming, rice / crops and tilapia businesses respectively by 15.56%, and the lowest was the goat raising business and fruit cultivation by 2.23%. Meanwhile the reasons respondents chose chicken raising business as the type of business most in demand or were chosen with the reasons that are: a) easy to get seeds, b) not big capital, c) easy maintenance, and d) easy and fast marketing results.
PENGARUH PEMBERIAN KOMPOS DAN POSISI LERENG TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN SENGON (Paraserianthes falcataria) DI LAHAN REVEGETASI BEKAS TAMBANG BATUBARA Achmad Syauqie; Gt. Muhammad Hatta; Bambang Joko Priatmadi; Kissinger Kissinger
EnviroScienteae Vol 15, No 2 (2019): EnviroScienteae Volume 15 Nomor 2, Agustus 2019
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (350.379 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/es.v15i2.6943


Reclamation activities are efforts to repair or restore damaged land and vegetation in order to function optimally in accordance with its designation (Government Regulation Number 76 of 2008). The important component in reclamation is revegetation or replanting. Improvements in the quality of land in revegetation need to be done to improve the success of revegetation. Giving organic material is the main key to improving soil layers. This study aims to determine the effect of compost on the growth of Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) plants located on peaks, slopes, and valleys. The analytical method used is a randomized block design (RBD) of two factors. The first factor is the topographic position of the peaks, slopes, and valleys. The second factor is the fertilizer dose consisting of a dose of 1 kg, a dose of 2 kg and a dose of 3 kg. The growth assessed is the size of the diameter and height of the plant. Fertilizers used compost. The treatment of compost dosing and slope position significantly affected the increase in the diameter and height of the plant. The dominant compost dose affects the increase in diameter and height of Paraserianthes falcataria.
Pemberian Arang Aktif Dari Cangkang Kelapa Sawit Terhadap Penyerapan Logam Berat Kadmium (Cd) Dan Tembaga (Cu) Pada Air Asam Tambang Irwansyah Noor; Bambang Joko Priatmadi; Fatmawati Fatmawati; Kissinger Kissinger
EnviroScienteae Vol 16, No 2 (2020): EnviroScienteae Volume 16 Nomor 2, Agustus 2020
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/es.v16i2.9653


One of the solutions for solving the acid mine drainage problem of heavy metal like cadmium (Cd) and cooper (Cu) is by using activated charcoal from palm oil shell and activating H3PO4 to enlarge pores of charcoal surface, then it can adsorp maximum amount of heavy metal. The purposes of this research are for analyzing the characteristic of activated charcoal from palm oil shell by activating H3PO4, analyzing the effect of applicated charcoal with or without activating H3PO4 for heavy metal like Cd, Cu and pH in acid mine drainage, and analyzing the variations of the most effective dose of heavy metal adsorption like Cd, Cu and pH enhancement. This research using the experiment method for testing the ability of activated charcoal from palm oil shell for cadmium (Cd) and cooper (Cu) heavy metal adsorption in acid mine drainage using Completely Randomized Design Non Factorial using one factor of treatment and difference of activated charcoal doses are 5 g, 10 g, 20 g dan 30 g with three times of repetitions. The result of this research showing that the characteristic of charcoal from palm oil shell can be used as an ingredient for making the activated charcoal that fulfill the quality of activated charcoal accordance with the standart of SNI 06-3730-95, the application of activated charcoal from palm oil shell by activating H3PO4 which iseffected for Cd and Cu heavy metal and pH of acid mine drainage, the application of activated charcoal from palm oil shell with or without activating H3PO4 is effected for pH of acid mine drainage with a little difference that activated charcoal has better result than the unactivated charcoal, and the most effective dose of variations of activated charcoal by using H3PO4 is 5 g for adsorpting Cd and Cu and the most effective dose for enhancing pH is 30 g.