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Jurnal Dedikasi Pendidikan Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Januari 2020
Publisher : Center for Research and Community Service (LPPM) University of Abulyatama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30601/dedikasi.v4i1.385


Setiap kegiatan yang dilakukan tidak bebas dari kesulitan, demikian juga dalam kegiatan belajar siswa. Kegiatan belajar siswa termasuk mata pelajaran biologi ditemui juga kesulitan, terutama di SMA Negeri 1 Krueng Barona Jaya Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Berkenaan dengan hal itu telah dilakukan penelitian dengan judul analisis faktor penyebab kesulitan belajar mata pelajaran biologi siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Krueng Barona Jaya Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui  faktor penyebab dan faktor yang mendominasi kesulitan belajar pada mata       pelajaran biologi siswa kelas X SMA N 1 Krueng Barona Jaya. Populasi dan sampel penelitian seluruh siswa kelas X MIA 1 dan MIA 2 berjumlah 59 orang (total sampel/penelitan populasi). Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei dengan instrumen penelitiannya angket. Penelitian didesain satu kali tanpa pengulangan. Data dianalisis dengan teknik skala Guttman dan teknik persentase (%).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Krueng Barona Jaya mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar mata pelajaran biologi, faktor penyebab kesulitan belajar terdiri atas faktor alat pelajaran, faktor metode/strategi mengajar guru, faktor lingkungan sekolah, faktor orang tua, faktor  motivasi, faktor intelegensi, faktor media pembelajaran, faktor kesehatan, faktor minat, dan faktor perhatian siswa, dan faktor dominan penyebab kesulitan belajar terdiri atas faktor alat pelajaran, metode/strategi mengajar guru, lingkungan sekolah, dan orang tua
Hubungan Pengetahuan Lingkungan Terhadap Sikap Siswa pada Pengelolaan Kebersihan di Rahmi Muliana; Syarifah Farissi Hamama; Zamzami Zamzami
Jurnal Dedikasi Pendidikan Vol 2, No 1 (2018): Januari 2018
Publisher : Center for Research and Community Service (LPPM) University of Abulyatama

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The aims of this study was to investigate the relationship between students’ environmental knowledge and their behaviour in maintaining environmental cleanliness at school. This study was conducted at SMK Negeri 1 Mesjid Raya Aceh Besar with a total of 220 students from grade 8 and 9. The sample that used in this reseach were 69 students. Students’ knowledge were collected by using questioner, and question about students’ knowledge. The method which used in this research is descriptive design. Data analysis was performed with quantitative techniques, then processed using Product Moment correlation statistic. The result showed that the average value of students’ environmental knowledge at 78 in high category. On the other hand, students’ behaviour in environmental cleanlines at 58 in low category. Based on the result, it concluded that there were no relationship between student’s knowledge toward the management of cleanliness school environmental ( rhitung = 0.094 < rtabel = 0,235).
Enjoyfull Learning dan Explicit Intruction Sebagai Alternatif Model Pembelajaran dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Zamzami Zamzami; Zulkarnaini Zulkarnaini
Jurnal Dedikasi Pendidikan Vol 3, No 1 (2019): Januari 2019
Publisher : Center for Research and Community Service (LPPM) University of Abulyatama

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Learning model is a systematic method or presentation technique used by educators in organizing the learning process both individually and in groups to achieve learning goals. The purpose of this study is to compare the percentage of the students learning outcomes through Enjoyfull Learning with Explicit Instruction. The research subjects were 50 high school students. This research uses quasi-experimental methods with a quantitative approach. Data collection was collected through giving tests and analyzed by SPSS. The results showed that the students' ability to understand learning after the application of the Enjoyfull Learning model was 81.64 in the pre-test and 82.58 in the posttest, for the students learning outcomes, the pre-test was 85.18 and 86.44 in the post-test. While the results of the students' ability to understand learning by applying Explicit Intruction learning model was 79.54 in the pre-test and 80.22 in the post-test, for student learning outcomes, the pre-test wais 81.44 and 82.44 in the post-test . Thus it can be assumed that the Enjoyfull Learning model is preferred by students so that it is more appropriate to be applied to improve the students learning outcomes, but still pay attention to certain adjustments in order to obtain maximum learning outcomes.
Jurnal Dedikasi Pendidikan Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Januari 2021
Publisher : Center for Research and Community Service (LPPM) University of Abulyatama

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The use of drinking water in plastic packaging is very high in the community, including in the Abulyatama University cafeteria. This happens because the behavior of everyone does not want to be a bother and has the ability to buy it. Such habits will have an impact on the production of very high plastic waste in the environment. Research on developing the behavior of biology education students in minimizing plastic waste on the Abulyatama University through the use of reusable bottles for their drinking water needs was carried out in March 2020. The research aims to determine the level of knowledge and behavior of biology education students in an effort to minimize plastic waste on the Abulyatama University. With the use of a reusable bottle for drinking water needs. The research subjects were all students of Abulyatama University Biology Education, 32 students. The method used is a survey method with the research instrument was a questionnaire. The results showed that students' knowledge of plastic and its problems were in good category (average percentage 68), students’ behavior in using reusable bottles for their drinking water needs were in good category (average percentage 67), and there was a correspondence between student knowledge and behavior. In minimizing plastic waste on the Abulyatama University Campus by using reusable bottles for drinking water needs.
Pemberdayaan Komite Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kecamatan Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh Sakdiah Sakdiah; Zamzami Zamzami
Jurnal Dedikasi Pendidikan Vol 2, No 1 (2018): Januari 2018
Publisher : Center for Research and Community Service (LPPM) University of Abulyatama

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The problems of school-based management in terms of improving the quality of education that has not been solved at this time is one of them related to the empowerment of the school committee. Ideally the school committee should be a parallel partner for the principal and teachers in adopting policies for improving the quality of education. The purpose of this study was to determine the empowerment of school committees in improving the quality of education at Syiah Kuala State Elementary School in Banda Aceh. The method used in this research is descriptive method with qualitative approach. Technique research data of this research is interview, observation, and documentation. The subjects of this research are principals, school committees, and teachers of Syiah Kuala State elementary school in Banda Aceh. The conclusion of the research shows that the effort done by the school in empowering the school committee is to make regular meetings every three months, and to make a meeting at the end of each semester. It was at this meeting that the principal and the school committee discussed important matters concerning improving the quality of education quality improvement and other matters deemed necessary. The involvement of school committees in formulating work programs generally can be said to run well. In every work program preparation, the school always involves school committees and teachers so that each work program is really known by the school committee. The authority of the school committee is not the same as the principal, including in managing school finances. School committees have limited authority to provide certain inputs or considerations regarding school programs. Thus, the authority of the school committee is not yet optimal, especially in financial management..
PENGGUNAAN MEDIA PROMOSI FILM ANIMASI DALAM PENINGKATAN PENGETAHUAN TENTANG COVID-19 PADA SISWA/SISWI KELAS II & III SDN 50 BANDA ACEH Ambia Nurdin; Muhammad Muhammad; Zamzami Zamzami; Bukhari Bukhari; Murtadhahadi Murtadhahadi; Mohd Isa T Ibrahim; Mahyuddin Mahyuddin
Jurnal Dedikasi Pendidikan Vol 7, No 1 (2023): Januari 2023
Publisher : Center for Research and Community Service (LPPM) University of Abulyatama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30601/dedikasi.v7i1.3555


Covid-19 (corona virus) can infect anyone, but the effect will be more dangerous or even fatal if it attacks the elderly, pregnant women, smokers, sufferers of certain diseases such as asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus and cancer sufferers. Because this disease is easy to transmit, there is also a high risk of infecting medical personnel who treat Covid-19 patients. In addition, the groups at risk of being exposed to Covid-19 are children, this is because the majority of Covid-19 sufferers are children aged 6-11 years. The purpose of the study was to determine the use of animated film promotion media in increasing knowledge about Covid-19 in class II and III students of SDN 50 Banda Aceh City in 2021. This research method is Correlative Descriptive with Random Sampling technique with a total sample of 71 students. . The time of this research was carried out on October 22-23, 2021. The results showed that of the 71 respondents before giving animated films, most of them had little knowledge about Covid-19 as many as 43 respondents (60.6%), while after giving animated films, most of them Most have good knowledge about Covid-19 as many as 53 respondents (74.6%). The conclusion is that before giving animated films, most of the students have less knowledge, while after giving animated films, most of them have good knowledge. It is hoped that respondents will increase their knowledge about Covid-19and continue to apply health protocols properly.
Efektifitas Pengetahuan Ibu Balita Terkait Gizi Seimbang Balita Untuk Mencegah Stunting Melalui Penyuluhan Di Gampong Kiran Krueng Jangka Buya Pidie Jaya Ambia Nurdin; Nurhaliza Nurhaliza; Zamzami Zamzami; Amiruddin Amiruddin; Zakiyuddin Zakiyuddin; Ricky Dear Fitria; Fauzi Aldina; Hendra Cipta; Muhammad Haikal
Jurnal Ilmu Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Indonesia Vol. 3 No. 3 (2023): November : Jurnal Ilmu Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Indonesia
Publisher : Amik Veteran Porwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jikki.v3i3.2229


Fulfillment of nutrition is very important for the growth and development of children, especially in the first 1000 days of life (HPK). Family, especially mothers play an important role in providing balanced nutrition, therefore mothers must have good knowledge about it. The purpose of this activity is to increase the knowledge of mothers of toddlers about balanced nutrition in toddlers. This activity was carried out in the village of Kiran Krueng. This study used a pre-experimental design method with the type of one group pretest-posttest design. The target in this study were the women of Kiran Krueng Village, Jangka Buya District, Pidie Jaya Regency. The questionnaire in this study was used to examine the effect of providing counseling about stunting on increasing the knowledge of women in Kiran Krueng Village, Jangka Buya District, Pidie Jaya Regency. The number of samples taken was 20 mothers. It is known that most of the respondents were female as many as 20 respondents with a percentage of 100%, while most of them were aged 25-30 years as many as 12 respondents with a percentage of 60%. The highest level of knowledge of mothers before being given counseling was in the moderate category, 7 people (35%). The highest level of knowledge of mothers after being given counseling was in the high category, 20 people (100%). The average level of knowledge of mothers before being given counseling was 2,05 and after being given counseling, it was 1,00. From these results it can be concluded that there were positive results from the counseling process carried out.
Efektifitas Pengetahuan Ibu Balita Terkait Gizi Seimbang Balita Untuk Mencegah Stunting Melalui Penyuluhan Di Gampong Kiran Krueng Jangka Buya Pidie Jaya Ambia Nurdin; Nurhaliza Nurhaliza; Zamzami Zamzami; Amiruddin Amiruddin; Zakiyuddin Zakiyuddin; Ricky Dear Fitria; Fauzi Aldina; Hendra Cipta; Muhammad Haikal
Jurnal Ilmu Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Indonesia Vol. 3 No. 3 (2023): November : Jurnal Ilmu Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Indonesia
Publisher : Amik Veteran Porwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jikki.v3i3.2229


Fulfillment of nutrition is very important for the growth and development of children, especially in the first 1000 days of life (HPK). Family, especially mothers play an important role in providing balanced nutrition, therefore mothers must have good knowledge about it. The purpose of this activity is to increase the knowledge of mothers of toddlers about balanced nutrition in toddlers. This activity was carried out in the village of Kiran Krueng. This study used a pre-experimental design method with the type of one group pretest-posttest design. The target in this study were the women of Kiran Krueng Village, Jangka Buya District, Pidie Jaya Regency. The questionnaire in this study was used to examine the effect of providing counseling about stunting on increasing the knowledge of women in Kiran Krueng Village, Jangka Buya District, Pidie Jaya Regency. The number of samples taken was 20 mothers. It is known that most of the respondents were female as many as 20 respondents with a percentage of 100%, while most of them were aged 25-30 years as many as 12 respondents with a percentage of 60%. The highest level of knowledge of mothers before being given counseling was in the moderate category, 7 people (35%). The highest level of knowledge of mothers after being given counseling was in the high category, 20 people (100%). The average level of knowledge of mothers before being given counseling was 2,05 and after being given counseling, it was 1,00. From these results it can be concluded that there were positive results from the counseling process carried out.
Students’ Misconception in Animalia Kingdom Silvi Puspa Widya Lubis; Putri Dini Meutia; Zamzami Zamzami; Samsuar Samsuar; Syarifah Rahmiza Muzana; Asih Winarty
Jurnal Ilmiah Iqra' Vol 17, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : IAIN Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30984/jii.v17i2.2754


Students’ Misconception in Animalia Kingdom. This study aimed to identify the misconception of Grade X students on the concept of animalia kingdom dan to find out the percentage of the students who had misconceptions. This study is quantitative descriptive research. The research instruments used written tests in the form of open-ended multiple-choice tests using the CRI technique. The sample of this research was the students of Grade X IA1 and X IA5 SMA Abulyatama Aceh. The sample was 62 students. Based on the result, it was found that more students “Understand the Concept” than those who experience “Misconceptions,” the percentage of students who experience misconceptions about the concept of animal diversity is 27% and that is in the “moderate” category. The students experienced partial misconception which caused them unable to justify and express inappropriate arguments. This is reflected in several students’ answers who did not provide the reason for their answer choice and some students misinterpreted the reason. In this research, the students usually experience misconceptions caused by associative thinking. The students use false experiences as conceptions, and inaccurate reasons, and draw conclusions based on what they see
PELATIHAN ECO-PRINT TEKNIK POUNDING PADA ANAK-ANAK GAMPONG BARO KEC. MESJID RAYA Silvi Puspa Widya Lubis; Sri Fitri; Putri Dini Meutia; Riki Musriandi; Meri Yulizar; Jalilah Azizah Lubis; Zamzami Zamzami; Ulfa Azriani
Martabe : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 6, No 11 (2023): Martabe : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31604/jpm.v6i11.4191-4197


Eco-print merupakan salah satu produk tekstil yang ramah lingkungan. Eco-print merupakan Teknik yang menggunakan daun, bunga dan buah yang dapat mengeluarkan warna. Kegiatan pengabdian Masyarakat ini memberikan sumbangsih berupa pelaksanaan kegiatan eco-print yang memanfaatkan potensi alam di lingkungan Gampong Baro. Sasaran PKM ini adalah anak-anak di lingkungan Gampong Baro, sehingga mereka dapat mengetahui bahaya bahan pewarna sintetis dan bahan pewarna alami serta menumbuhkan literasi lingkungan. Metode yang diterapkan pada kegiatan PKM ini yaitu dengan melatih langsung anak-anak Gampong Baro dalam melakukan kegiatan eco-print secara langsung. Kegiatan ini dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan anak-anak Gampong Baro. Luaran PKM ini adalah menumbuhkan literasi lingkungan anak-anak. Eksplorasi eco-print Teknik pounding dengan memanfaatkan daun jati, daun jarak, daun papaya, daun singkong, daun jambu biji, dan daun mangga sebagai motif utama. Eksplorasi eco-print ini akan menghasilkan karya yang unik dan mempunyai nilai kebaharuan yang tinggi. Eco-print menggunakan prinsip ekologis untuk mengurangi dampak pencemaran lingkungan akibat industri tekstil. Selain itu teknik eco-print dapat melestarikan tumbuhan dan juga alam. Dengan mengenalkan dan juga mempraktikkan eco-print melalui pelatihan pembuatan eco-print yang diikuti oleh anak-anak akan dapat meningkatkan kreativitas, keterampilan serta menumbuhkan literasi lingkungan.