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Inseminasi Buatan Berbasis Semen Beku Sexing-Sperm Guna Memperbaiki Kinerja Reproduksi Sapi dan Biogas Sebagai Sumber Energi Alternatif di Desa Kuripan Karangawen Demak Achmad Buchori; Mega Novita; Dian Ayu Azhari
Journal of Dedicators Community Vol 5, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34001/jdc.v5i1.1403


Kuripan is a village in Karangawen District, Demak Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia. Based on the source of statistical data for Kuripan Village, Karangawen District, Demak Regency in 2019, people who are in the lower economy are quite high, at about 40%. Basically Kuripan Village has good potential in the livestock sector. The majority of Kuripan Village residents raise beef cattle which fill the Central Java market, around 214,830 Kg per year. Even so, they have not been able to optimize their potential to improve the welfare of their citizens. Through a program of dissemination of appropriate technology products, artificial insemination based on sexing-sperm frozen semen and a digester that produces biogas and organic fertilizers were applied in Kuripan Village. The community development method used in this work makes the community both as the subject and as the object. The result of this activity is an increase in the knowledge and motivation of the residents which ultimately increases their income
Inovasi UMKM Pendukung Rintisan Wisata Trabas Desa Polosiri Bawen Kabupaten Semarang Nila Kusumaningtyas; Sudargo Sudargo; Sutomo Sutomo; Yuris Setyoadi; Mega Novita
Journal of Dedicators Community Vol 5, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34001/jdc.v5i1.1443


Polosiri is a village located in Bawen District, Semarang Regency. Since 2019, Polosiri has been accompanied by Universitas PGRI Semarang (UPGRIS) and Universitas Darul Ulum Islamic Centre Sudirman (UNDARIS) University to pioneer a trabas-themed tourism village. But in 2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the community service activities will be focused on strengthening KWT Lestari Sejahtera as a unit that will support the trabas-themed tourism village. Even though they already have a brand product, their business management and the production capacity were yet maximized. Assistance is needed to innovate in many aspects such as product diversification, production-process innovation and marketing innovation. The method used in this work is community development which places citizens as both object and subject. Various appropriate technologies such as Bimo-CF starter the key point to make mocaf, automatic cassava cutting machine, automatic flour powder machine, continuous sealer machine are adopted
Diseminasi Teknologi Mesin Perajang Tembakau dalam Upaya Menerapkan Ekoteknologi di Desa Tumbrasanom Kecamatan Kedungadem Kabupaten Bojonegoro Mega Novita; Achmad Buchori; Ali Mujahidin
Journal of Dedicators Community Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (274.353 KB) | DOI: 10.34001/jdc.v3i2.814


The villagers of Tumbrasanom have 4 business groups, namely prosperous farmers, totaling 40 people, who do not have automatic tobacco chopper tools. In the manufacture and marketing of tobacco chopper products in the village of Tumbrasanom it is still simple. Then the marketing of its products has not been done online and there is no partner network, therefore it needs to be given a touch of appropriate technology that is environmentally friendly by using automatic tobacco chopper. The activity of disseminating technology products to the public aims to improve the welfare of citizens through increasing tobacco production capacity with automatic tobacco chopper tools using ecotechnology strategies, as well as increasing the value of sales and marketing. Outputs that have been generated from this activity include the development of a number of group members, training in the use and maintenance of automatic tobacco chopping tools, training in the use of automatic tobacco chopper tools, training in tobacco processing and good financial management training and sales and marketing of tobacco products and chopper machines automatic tobacco. The automatic tobacco chopper tool produced is 8 pieces with a capacity of 5 kg/ minute
Waste Bank Data Management Information System with Web-Based Telegram Bot Notification Feature at Mawar Garbage Bank Rahmat Robi Waliyansyah; Mega Novita
Journal of Intelligent Computing and Health Informatics (JICHI) Vol 2, No 1 (2021): March
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26714/jichi.v2i1.7930


The Mawar Garbage Bank needs a waste bank data management information system with a Web-based Telegram Bot notification feature on the Garbage Bank. The goal is to provide convenience to the officers of the Mawar Garbage Bank to speed up the process of managing data and delivering information in an effective and efficient manner to customers. This research uses the waterfall method. By using a MySQL database, PHP programming language and Laravel Framework. As well as diagrams used for system modeling using the Unified Modeling Language (UML). With this system, it is hoped that it can make it easier to manage data and provide information about the waste bank which is useful for the Mawar Garbage Bank. This research will be tested using Black Box, White Box and User Acceptance Test (UAT). As for the notification using a telegram bot. The notification from the telegram bot aims to make it easier for customers to find information such as balances, savings flows, and cash withdrawals. From the black box test, you get 100% results, which means that the system has met the design objectives, so this system is suitable for use. White box test results get 100% results with the resulting complexity is 2 which shows that it can meet the criteria for software engineering. The results of the user acceptance test (UAT) test get a 98% result, which means that the software is acceptable and has met the requested needs.
Sistem Pakar Penentuan Gaya Belajar Siswa Dengan Metode Forward Chaining Berbasis Web Rahmat Robi Waliyansyah; Mega Novita; Laelia Puti Aditasar
IT Journal Research and Development Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : UIR PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/itjrd.2020.vol5(1).4740


Di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Penambuhan 01 Pati gaya belajar siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal & menyerap atau mempelajari pelajaran pasti berbeda-beda. Penulis berinisiatif untuk membuat Sistem Pakar Penentuan Gaya Belajar Siswa Berbasis Web dengan Metode Forward Chaining di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Penambuhan 01 Pati untuk menentukan gaya belajar siswa yang berlainan dan bisa menumbuhkan perhatian, keinginan untuk mengetahui, mempelajari, membuktikan lebih lanjut & dapat dikembangkan melalui pendekatan pembelajaran terpadu sehingga pengajaran guru lebih kondusif & efektif supaya memperoleh hasil belajar yang lebih baik. Siswa akan menjadi merasa santai, tidak merasa tegang & santai dalam mengikuti pembelajaran. Dalam pembangunan sistem ini mamakai database MySQL & programming language PHP. Sistem tersebut dikatakan lolos pengujian dari beberapa hasil uji coba yang telah dilaksanakan, sehingga bisa dikatakan sistem tersebut dapat membantu guru menentukan gaya belajar siswa yang berbeda-beda.
Jurnal Transformatika Vol 20, No 1 (2022): July 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Teknologi Informasi Universitas Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26623/transformatika.v20i1.4542


Many things from the life sector have used the existence of technology. Where a technology is able to help various problems in various fields such as livestock and agriculture. Computers have been included in it as a tool to do a job or identify existing problems. However, sometimes as a practitioner in the field of animal husbandry, especially qurban animals, they come to the conclusion that it is often found that sacrificial animals in the market that want to be sacrificed do not meet the requirements both in syari’ah (law) and health. With the application of determining the feasibility of sacrificial animals according to the Syariah using the web-based Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method. This system is later expected to be able to determine whether or not a sacrificial animal will be sacrificed so that the community or people who sacrifice are not harmed and the reward for the sacrifice is perfect.
Pemetaan Dimensi Ketahanan Pangan berbasis Web GIS dan Metode TOPSIS Rizky Muliani Dwi Ujianti; Mega Novita; Iffah Muflihati
MATRIK : Jurnal Manajemen, Teknik Informatika dan Rekayasa Komputer Vol 21 No 3 (2022)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bumigora

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2131.495 KB) | DOI: 10.30812/matrik.v21i3.1730


Ketahanan pangan di suatu wilayah ditentukan oleh tersedianya pangan yang tepat dan memadai. Dalam memetakan dimensi ketahanan pangan ini diperlukan Web Geografhic Information System (GIS). Penelitian menggunakan mix method kualitatif dan kuantitatif yaitu kombinasi Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) dengan metode Technique For Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), metode pengembangan Web GIS menggunakan metode McCall. Data spasial yang digunakan: batas administrasi Kab. Kendal, titik lokasi kecamatan, jumlah dari beberapa variabel ketahanan pangan. Data non spasial: keterangan penjelasan tentang dimensi ketahanan, dan foto foto kegiatan. Pengumpulan data sekunder bersumber dari instansi pemerintah dan Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Kendal. Hasil penelitian dari metode TOPSIS berupa data perangkingan alternatif dimensi ketahanan pangan pada kecamatan dan peta Web GIS sesuai dengan beberapa variabel yaitu prasarana penyedia pangan yaitu rumah makan, penduduk, pengguna air bersih, jumlah tenaga kesehatan, jumlah puskesmas pembantu dan jumlah puskesmas, sedangkan hasil dari metode McCall mendeskripsikan bahwa total kualitas pengembangan WebGIS ini 61,05 yang berada dalam kategori baik. Penelitian ini dapat dikembangkan lebih lanjut berdasarkan variabel ketahanan pangan yang lain ataupun untuk pemetaan daerah lain, sehingga diperoleh penggambaran yang lebih kompleks mengenai potensi dimensi ketahanan pangan pada suatu wilayah.
Customer Relationship Management Berbasis Digital pada UMKM di Desa Tengguli, Bangsri, Kabupaten Jepara Khoirya Latifah; Rahmat Robi Waliyansyah; Nugroho Dwi Saputro; Mega Novita
Indonesian Journal of Community Services Vol 4, No 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/ijocs.4.2.185-192


UMKM adalah tulang punggung perekonomian di Indonesia. Saat ini pemerentah melalui visi Presiden Jokowi sedang mencanangkan program UMKM GO Digital. Rata-rata UMKM di Desa Trengguli Bangsri Jepara saat ini masih menggunakan cara-cara yang tradisonal dalam melakukan pemasaran, penjualan dan promosi sehingga hasil yang diperoleh kurang optimal. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut maka Tim Pengabdi memberikan pelatihan CRM E-Commerce untuk melatih softskill dan hardskill UMKM dalam mengembangkan inovasi digitalisasi UMKM sehingga mampu menguatkan pemasaran, penjualan dan promosi. Melalui pelatihan Customer Relationship Management (CRM) UMKM diharapkan mempunyai strategi bisnis dan pemasaran serta mampu menciptakan dan memelihara hubungan yang baik dengan pelanggan dan mengurangi kemungkinan pelanggan pindah ke kompetitor lain serta meningkatkan pelayanan kepada pelanggan. Hasil dari pelatihan ini berupa peningkatan hardskill dan softskill UMKM dalam membuat fitur CRM untuk UMKM antara lain adalah mengelola data pelangan, promosi produk-produk data penjualan dan pengelolaan layanan pelanggan yang digunakan untuk menyimpan pertanyaan customer dan mengelola review produk dari pelanggan untuk menciptakan hubungan yang baik dengan customer. Dengan beberapa fitur CRM tersebut maka diharapkan akan terjadi peningkatan dan penguatan pemasaran UMKM di Desa Bangsi Jepara. Peningkatan nilai rata-rata kemampuan dan skill peserta dalam pelatihan ini mencapai 0.58 yang artinya adalah peningkatan yang bagus. Setiap peserta pelatihan mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan pengetahuan dan skill mereka dalam melakukan penjualan online.MSMEs are the backbone of the economy in Indonesia. Currently, the government, through President Jokowi's vision, is launching the MSMEs GO Digital program. The average, MSMEs in Trengguli Bangsri Jepara Village are currently still using traditional methods of marketing, selling and promotion so that the results not optimal. One of the innovations is through marketing technology using E-Commerce CRM model. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a marketing strategy to create and maintain good relationships with customers and reduce the possibility of customers moving to other competitors. MSMEs must implement a business strategy to improve service to customers in order to add new customers by providing different services to pamper their customers. The features of this CRM for MSMEs include managing customer data, promoting product sales data and managing customer service which is used to store customer inquiries and manage product reviews from customers to create good relationships with customers. The increase in the average value of the abilities and sklills of participant in this training reached 0.58 which means a good increase. With some of these CRM features, it is hoped that there will be an increase and strengthening of MSMEs marketing in Bangsi Village, Jepara. 
Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Peserta Didik pada Pembelajaran Kimia dalam Pokok Bahasan Laju Reaksi di SMA Negeri 1 Bantarbolang Retno Setianingsih; Mega Novita; Siti Patonah
Media Penelitian Pendidikan : Jurnal Penelitian dalam Bidang Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Vol 16, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/mpp.v16i1.11806


This study aims to describe students' critical thinking skills in the subject of reaction rates. The research subjects were 180 class XI students and 36 students were taken as samples at SMA Negeri 1 Bantarbolang. In this study using qualitative methods, data were collected using 10 critical thinking skills test questions that represent 4 aspects of critical thinking, including aspects of providing explanations, building basic skills, managing strategies and tactics, and concluding. Students who have been taught this material to spell according to their abilities. Through the google form that has been sent students work on these questions. The results show that the overall thinking ability of students is 36.87 including the low category.