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Aktivasi Batu Padas dengan Asam dan Pemanfaatannya sebagai Penyerap Limbah Deterjen Laksmiwati, A.A.I.A Mayun; Suarya, Putu
Jurnal Media Sains Vol 1, No 1 (2017): JURNAL MEDIA SAINS
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Dhyana Pura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (289.112 KB) | DOI: 10.36002/jms 3.v1i1.188


ABSTRAKIndustri pembuatan patung yang berkembang pesat di beberapa daerah di Pulau Bali, telah banyak menghasilkan limbah, khususnya berupa butiran-butiran batu padas. Limbah tersebut selama ini terbuang begitu saja dan keberadaannya telah mencemari lingkungan. Padahal, limbah batu padas tersebut memiliki potensi untuk dijadikan sebagai adsorben limbah cair. Melalui metode aktivasi, baik itu secara fisika maupun secara kimia, peningkatan kapasitas adsorpsi batu padas dapat tercapai. Tujuan umum dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendayagunakan limbah batu padas sisa pembuatan patung sebagai adsorben untuk mengatasi pencemaran limbah deterjen. Kemampuan batu padas untuk mengadsorpsi deterjen diuji dengan menggunakan metode Batch. Pengaruh pH dan waktu kontak adsorpsi dipelajari untuk mengoptimasi proses adsorpsi dan aktivasi batu padas secara kimia untuk mendapatkan adsorben dengan kapasitas adsorpsi optimum. Model isotermal Langmuir digunakan untuk menentukan isoterm adsorpsi ini. Hasil karakterisasi terhadap luas permukaan batu padas menunjukkan, batu padas teraktivasi asam sulfat memiliki karakter terbaik dengan luas permukaan spesifik paling besar yakni 18,2423 m2/g dibanding dengan batu padas teraktivasi asam klorida 17,0122 m2/g dan batu padas alam sebesar 16,6568 m2/g . Hasil uji adsorpsi batu padas terhadap limbah deterjen menunjukkan pada kajian variasi waktu kontak, adsorpsi optimum batu padas alam (BA) sebesar 4,6934 mg/g, batu padas teraktivasi asam sulfat (BAS) sebesar 4,9191 mg/g dan batu padas teraktivasi asam klorida (BAK) sebesar 4,9693 mg/g.Kata kunci : Aktivasi, Batu Padas, adsorpsi, limbah deterjen.ABSTRACTWaste of making sculpture in the form of granules rocks during this time wasted and presence has polluted the environment. These rocks will be used as adsorbent through the activation process, activation either physically or chemically to increase the adsorption capacity. This adsorbent is an industrial waste material in the manufacture of statues are numerous in the home industry in some areas on the island of Bali. The general objective of this study was to utilize the residual waste rocks making sculpture as an adsorbent to address waste pollution detergent. The ability of rocks to adsorb detergents tested using Batch. Effect of pH and contact time of adsorption was studied to optimize the process of adsorption and activation rocks chemically to obtain optimum adsorbent with adsorption capacity. Langmuir isotherm models used to determine the adsorption isotherm. The results of the characterization of the surface area of the rocks show, rocks activated sulfuric acid has the best character with most large specific surface area which is 18.2423 m2/g compared with limestone activated hydrochloric acid 17.0122 m2/g and a natural limestone by 16.6568 m2/g. The test results of the waste rocks adsorption detergents showed the study of variation of contact time, the adsorption optimum natural limestone (BA) of 4.6934 mg/g, rocks activated sulfuric acid (BAS) of 4.9191 mg/g and rocks activated acid chloride (BAK) of 4.9693 mg/g.Key words : Activation, Batu padas, adsorption, waste detergent
Pengaruh pH dan Konsentrasi Terhadap Enkapsulasi Metformin HCl pada Monmorillonit Teraktivasi Asam Sitrat Sitanggang, Katrin Walensky; Suarya, Putu; Simpen, I Nengah; Adhi Putra, I Made Wisnu
Jurnal Media Sains Vol 1, No 2 (2017): JURNAL MEDIA SAINS
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Dhyana Pura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (506.674 KB) | DOI: 10.36002/jms 3.v1i2.259


ABSTRAKMonmorillonit telah banyak digunakan sebagai pembawa beberapa jenis obat. Dalam penelitian ini, metformin HCl dienkapsulasi pada monmorillonit alam pada pH yang berbedabeda(3 ? 10) dan konsentrasi larutan metformin HCl yang bervariasi (50 ? 500 mg/L). Sebelumenkapsulasi, monmorillonit alam diaktivasi terlebih dahulu menggunakan asam sitrat 1 N. Spektrofotometer FTIR, diffraktometer sinar-X, and N?Sorption Analyzer digunakan untukmengkarakterisasi material hasil aktivasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jumlah metformin HClyang terenkapsulasi secara maksimum terjadi pada pH 7.? Uji pengaruh konsentrasi larutan awalmenunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi konsentrasi larutan, semakin banyak metformin HCl yangterenkapsulasi pada monmorillonit teraktivasi. Jumlah maksimum metformin HCl yangterenkapsulasi teramati pada konsentrasi larutan 500 mg/L. Luas permukaan dan volume porimonmorillonit alam ditemukan menurun setelah aktivasi menggunakan asam sitrat. Analisis 2menggunakan FTIR menunjukkan pergeseran puncak-puncak serapan monmorillonit setelahaktivasi dengan asam sitrat. Pergeseran puncak difraksi tidak teramati pada pola difraksi sinar-Xyang mengindikasikan kristalinitas monmorillonit tetap terjaga meskipun setelah diaktivasidengan asam sitrat.Kata kunci: monmorillonit, metformin HCl, pH, konsentrasi awal, enkapsulasi, sistem penghantar obat?ABSTRACTMontmorillonite has been widely used as a carrier of several drugs.? In this research, metformin HCl was encapsulated on natural monmorillonite on various pH (3 ? 10) andconcentration of metformin HCl (50-500 mg/l). Natural montmorillonite was activated by citricacid 1 N prior to encapsulation process. FTIR Spectrophotometer, X-ray diffractometer, and NSorption Analyzer were used to characterize the materials. The results showed that the highestamount of metformin HCl encapsulated on natural monmorillonite was occurred at pH of 7. Theeffect of initial concentration showed that the higher the concentration of metformin HCl, the greater the amount of drugs encapsulated on activated monmorillonite. The maximum amount of drug encapsulated was occurred at initial concentration of 500 mg/L. The surface area andpore volume of natural monmorillonite were found to be decrease after activation using citricacid. Analysis using FTIR confirmed the dislocation of absorption peaks after activation withcitric acid. However, the dislocation of diffraction peaks are not observed in XRD pattern,indicated the there were no changes in the crystallinity of monmorillonit after activation. Key words: monmorillonite, metformin HCl, pH, initial concentration, encapsulation, drug delivery system.
Modifikasi Lempung Menjadi Adsorben dan Pemanfaatannya sebagai Penyerap Limbah Deterjen Suarya, Putu; Suirta, I Wayan
Jurnal Media Sains Vol 1, No 1 (2017): JURNAL MEDIA SAINS
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Dhyana Pura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (257.985 KB) | DOI: 10.36002/jms 3.v1i1.189


ABSTRAKSelektifitas lempung alam sebagai adsorben dapat diperbaiki melalui proses modifikasi lempung dengan proses aktivasi dan interkalasi. Modifikasi lempung akan diawali dengan proses aktivasi lempung menggunakan asam sulfat, yang bertujuan untuk membersihkan permukaan dan menghomogenkan kation antarlapis dari lempung. Selanjutnya proses interkalasi surfaktan akan menjadi lebih mudah terjadi apabila kation antar lapis telah homogen. Hasil karakterisasi terhadap lempung menunjukkan bahwa lempung yang telah dimodifikasi memiliki karakter yang lebih baik dilihat dari peningkatan luas permukaan spesifik dan keasaman permukaannya. Hasil peneltiannya menunjukkan terjadi peningkatan jumlah situs aktif dari lempung alam (A0) sebesar 3,9823 x 1020 atom/gram menjadi 10,947 x 1020 atom/gram pada lempung teraktivasi asam sulfat 2 M (AA) dan pada lempung teraktivasi asam sulfat 2 M dan terinterkalasi BKC 3% (AAB) sebesar 11,320 x 1020 atom/gram. Hasil uji kemampuan adsorpsinya terhadap limbah deterjen menunjukkan bahwa pada kajian variasi waktu adsorpsi, adsorben A0 mempunyai waktu kontak optimum 15 menit sedangkan AA dan AAB sampai dengan waktu 60 menit masih menunjukkan peningkatan daya adsorpsi terhadap limbah deterjen.Kata kunci : Modifikasi, Lempung, Montmorillonit, adsorpsi, limbah deterjen.ABSTRACTSelectivity of natural clay as an adsorbent can be improved through modification of clay with activation and intercalation process. Modification of clay will be preceded by the activation process using sulfuric acid, which aims to clean the surface and homogenizes the interlayer cations of clay. Selejuynya surfactant intercalation process will become easier to occur when cations between layers have been homogeneous. The results showed that the characterization of clay that has been modified to have better characters seen from the increase in specific surface area and the acidity of the surface. The Results showed that an increase in the number of active sites of natural clay (A0) of 3.9823 x 1020 atoms / gram to 10.947 x 1020 atoms / gram on activated clays 2 M sulfuric acid (AA) and the activated clay sulfuric acid 2 M and intercalated BKC 3% (AAB) amounted to 11.320 x 1020 atoms / gram. The test results on the adsorption ability of detergent waste shows that the study of time variation of adsorption, the adsorbent A0 have optimum contact time of 15 minutes while the AA and AAB up with 60 minutes still showed an increase in the adsorption capacity of the waste detergent.Key words : Modification, clay, montmorillonite, adsorption, waste detergent
CAKRA KIMIA (Indonesian E-Journal of Applied Chemistry) Vol 6 No 1 (2018): Volume 6, Nomor 1, 2018
Publisher : Magister Program of Applied Chemistry, Udayana University, Bali-INDONESIA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (498.881 KB)


ABSTRAK: Zat warna rhodamin B adalah salah satu zat warna yang terdapat dalam limbah yang berasal dari industri tekstil/pencelupan. Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk menangani pencemaran lingkungan perairan oleh adanya zat warna ini adalah adsorpsi dengan arang aktif. Arang aktif yang terbuat dari batang gumitir dan diaktivasi dengan asam fosfat telah dilaporkan dapat menurunkan kadar Cu dan Pb dalam air limbah pencelupan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kapasitas adsorpsi arang aktif yang dibuat dari batang gumitir teraktivasi asam fosfat (H3PO4) 15% terhadap zat warna rhodamin B. Optimasi kondisi penyerapan dilakukan dengan menentukan waktu setimbang, isotherm adsorpsi dan pengaruh pH dalam mengadsorpsi zat warna rhodamin B. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi adsorpsi yang optimum terjadi pada waktu kontak selama 90 menit (jumlah maksimum adsorbat yang teradsorpsi 2,3437 mg/g), pH 3 (jumlah maksimum yang diserap adsorben 2,2778 mg/g) dengan konsentrasi isotherm adsorpsi sebesar 120 mg/L. Kapasitas adsorpsi pada kondisi optimum ini adalah 2,6320 mg/g. Proses adsorpsi arang aktif dari batang gumitir dalam penelitian ini tergolong kemisorpsi dengan energi adsorpsi sebesar 27,7338 kJ/mol (mengapa negatif)dan mengikuti model isotherm adsorpsi tipe Langmuir dengan nilai koefisien linier (R2) 0,8906. Kata kunci: adsorben, arang aktif, kapasitas adsorpsi, rhodamin B ABTRACT: Rhodamine B colorant is one of the dyes present in the waste coming from the textile/dyeing industry. One way that can be done to handle the pollution of the aquatic environment by the presence of this dye is adsorption with activated carbon. The phosphoric acid activated carbon made from marigold stem has been reported to be usefull in decreasing Cu and Pb from dyeing wastewater. This study aimed to determine the adsorption capacity of phosphoric acid (15% H3PO4) activated carbon made from marigold stems to rhodamine B dye. The optimization of absorption conditions was done by determining the equilibrium time, adsorption isotherm and the effect of pH in adsorpting Rhodamine B. The results showed that the optimum adsorption conditions occurred at contact time for 90 minutes, in which the maximum adsorbate adsorped was as much as 2.3437 mg/g, pH 3 with an adsorption isotherm concentration of 120 mg/L, in which an amount of 2.2778 mg ansorbate was adsorped by a gram of adsorbent. The adsorption capacity at the optimum conditions was of 2.6320 mg/g. The adsorption process of the activated carbon in this study was classified as chemisorpsi with an adsorption energy of 27.4113 kJ/mol and followed the isotherm adsorption of Langmuir model with the linear coefficient (R2) of 0.8906.
CAKRA KIMIA (Indonesian E-Journal of Applied Chemistry) Vol 6 No 2 (2018): Volume 6, Nomor 2, 2018
Publisher : Magister Program of Applied Chemistry, Udayana University, Bali-INDONESIA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (277.517 KB)


ABSTRAK: Penelitian mengenai modifikasi silika gel dengan difenilkarbazon melalui reaksi heterogen telah dilakukan. Modifikasi silika gel dilakukan melalui tiga tahapan yaitu aktivasi silika gel dengan HCl 4M (SiA), sintesis silika gel termodifikasi kloropropiltrimetoksisilan (Si-CPTS) dengan merekasikan SiA dengan kloropropiltrimetoksisilan, dan sintesis silika gel termodifikasi difenil karbazon dengan merekasikan Si-CPTS dengan difenilkarbazon. Variasi rasio jumlah silika gel dan difenilkarbazon dan waktu reaksi modifikasi dipelajari. Semua silika gel dianalisis dengan Spektroskopi IR untuk menentukan gugus fungsi dan analisis kehilangan berat dengan pemanasan pada 600 oC untuk mengetuahi jumlah modifier yang terikat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan interpretasi spektra IR dan data kehilangan berat, sintesis silika gel termodifikasi difenilkarbazon melalui reaksi heterogen telah berhasil dikerjakan. Kondisi optimum modifikasi terjadi pada rasio difenilkarbazon dan silika gel 5 mL difenikarbazon 4% (b/v) dan 1 gram silika gel, dengan waktu optimum reaksi adalah 8 jam Kata Kunci : difenilkarbazon, kloropropil trimetoksisilan, reaksi heterogen, modifikasi silika gel. ABSTRACT: Modification of silica gel with diphenylcharbazone using heterogeneous reactions has been done. The modification of silica gel was carried out by three stages which were activation of silica gel with HCl 4 M (SiA), synthesis of chloropropyl trimethoxysilane-modified silica gel (Si-CPTS) by reacting the SiA with chloropropyl trimethoxysilane, and synthesis of diphenylcharbazone modified silica gel by reacting the Si-CPTS with diphenylcharbazone. The effects of the different ratio in the amount of silica gel to diphenylcharbazone and the reaction time for the modification were studied. All types of the silica gel were analyzed by IR spectroscopy to determine their functional groups and weight loss analyzes due to the heating process at 600 ° C to determine the amount of bonded modifiers.The results showed that the synthesis of diphenylcarbazon-modified silica gel using heterogeneous reaction has been successfully completed. The optimum ratio was 5 mL 4%(w/v) of diphenylcharbazone to 1 gram of silica gel, and the optimum reaction time was 8 hours.
HIDROLISIS BATANG JAGUNG SECARA ENZIMATIK DARI TANAH HUTAN MANGROVE Ni Nengah Kartini Asih; Putu Suarya; Ida Bagus Putra Manuaba; I Nengah Wirajana
CAKRA KIMIA (Indonesian E-Journal of Applied Chemistry) Vol 6 No 2 (2018): Volume 6, Nomor 2, 2018
Publisher : Magister Program of Applied Chemistry, Udayana University, Bali-INDONESIA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (483.249 KB)


ABSTRAK: Tanah hutan mangrove merupakan salah satu sumber selulase. Aktivitas selulase pada tanah hutan mangrove pantai suwung kauh dengan substrat sekam padi telah dilakukan pada penelitian sebelumnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui waktu hidrolisis optimum dan aktivitas selulase dari tanah hutan mangrove dengan substrat batang jagung tanpa dan dengan delignifikasi. Tanah hutan mangrove Pantai Suwung Kauh Denpasar Bali digunakan secara langsung sebagai sumber selulase. Batang jagung tanpa dan dengan delignifikasi masing – masing dicampur dengan tanah hutan mangrove dan diinkubsi pada suhu 30oC dan pH 7,0 dengan variasi waktu inkubasi 0, 3, 5, 7, 9, dan 11 hari. Gula pereduksi hasil hidrolisis ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode Nelson – Somogyi yang absorbansinya diukur dengan spektrofotometer UV-Vis pada panjang gelombang 540 nm. Aktivitas selulase ditentukan berdasarkan penambahan produk gula pereduksi yang dihasilkan dalam rentang waktu inkubasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa waktu hidrolisis optimum pada sampel tanpa delignifikasi terjadi pada waktu inkubasi selama 5 hari, dengan konsentrasi gula pereduksi 4.5285 mg/mL. Sedangkan, waktu hidrolisis optimum pada sampel dengan delignifikasi terjadi pada waktu inkubasi selama 3 hari (B1), dengan konsentrasi gula pereduksi 16.2340 mg/mL. Aktivitas selulase tertinggi pada sampel tanpa delignifikasi dari hari ke-3 sampai ke-5 sebesar 2.6729 U/mL; dan pada sampel delignifikasi dari hari ke-1 sampai ke-3 sebesar 5.4328 U/mL. Hasil ini mengindikasikan bahwa tanah hutan mangrove memiliki aktivitas selulase untuk menghidrolisis substrat batang jagung dan proses delignifikasi berpengaruh terhadap aktivitas selulase. Kata kunci : batang jagung, delignifikasi, tanah hutan mangrove, selulase ABSTRACT: Mangrove forest soil is one of the sources of cellulase. Cellulase activity in mangrove forest soil from coast of Suwung Kauh Denpasar Bali with rice husk substrate has been carried out in previous studies. The purpose of this study is to determine the optimal hydrolysis time and cellulase activity of mangrove forest soil with corn stalks substrate with and without delignification. The mangrove forest soil from coast of Suwung Kauh Denpasar Bali was directly as a source of cellulase. The corn stalks with and without delignification were mixed with mangrove forest soil and incubated at 30oC and pH 7.0 with incubation times of 0, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 days, respectively. The reducing sugar of hydrolysis results was determined by using the Nelson-Somogyi method that the absorbances were measured by the spectrophotometer UV-Vis at wavelength 540 nm. The cellulase activities were determined based on the concentration of reducing sugar that resulted in the incubation period. The results showed that the optimum hydrolysis time in the sample without delignification occurred at an incubation time of 5 days, with a concentration of reducing sugar 4.5285 mg/mL. Whereas, the optimum hydrolysis time in the sample with delignification occurred at the incubation time for 3 days, and with a concentration of reducing sugar 16.2340 mg/mL. The highest cellulase activity in the sample without delignification was from days 3 to 5 of 2.6729 U / mL; and in the delignification sample was from days 1 to 3 of 5,4328 U / mL. The results of this study were that mangrove forest soil had the cellulase activity to hydrolyze substrate and delignification process had a effect on the cellulase activity.
Jurnal Kimia (Journal of Chemistry) Vol. 8, No. 1 Januari 2014
Publisher : Program Studi Kimia, FMIPA, Universitas Udayana (Program of Study in Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University), Bali, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (253.381 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JCHEM.2014.v08.i01.p15


This research was carried out to determine the total metal concentrations of Cu and Zn in soil and inorganic fertilizer, as well as their bioavailabilities in the soil agricultural of Bedugul area. This study aims to determine the total metals and bioavailability of Cu and Zn in agricultural land in Bedugul. Analysis of the heavy metal contents of Cu and Zn in soil samples was started with the process of digestion the samples in a mixture of HNO3 and HCl (3:1) with an ultrasonic bath for 45 minutes at 60°C, followed by heating on a hotplate for 45 minutes at 140oC. Total metal concentrations of Cu and Zn in solutions resulted from digestion, extraction, and fertilizer samples were analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). The concentrations of Cu and Zn were calculated using a standard calibration method. Bioavailabilities of Cu and Zn were determined by comparing the results of a single extraction with HCl and EDTA to the total metal concentrations. The results obtained from 3 types of soil samples which were analyzed for determination of total Cu and Zn concentrations, showed that the highest Cu content was found in the land planted with tomatoes vegetables, 49.6437 mg/kg, while the highest total Zn contained in the land of carrot, i.e. 137,1457 mg/kg. TSP fertilizer contained Cu and Zn 29.3143 mg/kg and 186,2156 mg/kg respectively, whereas NPK fertilizer contained 16.9527 mg/kg of Cu and 168,3549 mg/kg of Zn. The percentage of Cu and Zn extracted by EDTA was the highest in the land of cabbage, followed by tomatoes land, and lastly carrots land, while Cu and Zn extracted by HCl in order of tomatoes land > cabbage land > carrot land.
Jurnal Kimia (Journal of Chemistry) Vol. 9, No. 2 Juli 2015
Publisher : Program Studi Kimia, FMIPA, Universitas Udayana (Program of Study in Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University), Bali, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (89.199 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JCHEM.2015.v09.i02.p06


The research was conducted to study photodegradation of congo red textile dyes by using photocatalyst ZnO-activated carbon and UV light. The parameters observed were optimum quantity of the photocatalyst ZnO-activated carbon, optimum pH, optimum radiation time, reaction rate constant, and the effectivity of photodegradation congo red. Photocatalyst ZnO-activated carbon was synthesized using sol-gel method with the ratio of ZnO : activated carbon 5:1. The results showed that the optimum condition of photodegradation congo red required 50 mg of photocatalyst ZnO-activated carbon, pH 4, and 5 hours exposured to UV light radiation. The photodegradation rate constant of congo red using photocatalyst ZnO-activated carbon was 0.1745 hours-1 and without photocatalyst was 0.0200 hours-1.  The photocatalyst ZnO-activated carbon in its optimum conditions was effective to reduce congo red textile dyes with 91.81 ± 1.24 percentages of degradation.
Jurnal Kimia (Journal of Chemistry) Vol. 10, No. 1 Januari 2016
Publisher : Program Studi Kimia, FMIPA, Universitas Udayana (Program of Study in Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University), Bali, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (144.227 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JCHEM.2016.v10.i01.p09


This paper reports the examination of Tukad Yeh Poh river in terms of several parameters namely temperature, total suspended solids (TSS), electric conductivity, pH, dissolve oxygen demand (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), phosphate, Pb, Cu, fecal coliform and total coliform. Water sampling was done at three sampling stations, namely the upstream, midstream and downstream. The results of the water sample measurements were compared to the environmental quality standards and standard criteria of environmental damage by Bali Governor Regulation No. 8 in 2007. The results showed the presence of some parameters whose values exceeded the threshold of class II water quality standard. Those parameters were TSS, BOD, COD, phosphate, Pb, and Cu. The STORET assessment results of Tukad Yeh Poh upstream has a total score of -27 that was categorized as being polluted, while in the middle and downstream, -37 and -49 respectively, which were categorized as heavily polluted.
Jurnal Kimia (Journal of Chemistry) Vol. 7, No. 1 Januari 2013
Publisher : Program Studi Kimia, FMIPA, Universitas Udayana (Program of Study in Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University), Bali, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (457.479 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JCHEM.2013.v07.i01.p08


Modification of silica gel from rice husk ash by diphenylcarbazone ligand have been conducted. This study included synthesis of silica gel from rice husk ash, determination of the optimum ratio of ligand/silica gel, optimum time of silica gel modification The results showed that the modification of silica gel from rice husk ash with diphenylcarbazone has been successfully synthesized, indicated by appearearance of characteristic absorbances of Si-O-Si, Si-OH, -NH, Ar-H, C=O functional groups on the infra red spectra at 1096, 910-830, 3330, 3242, cm-1, and 1660 cm-1, respectively. The optimum of ligand/silica is 0,5 mmol : 0,5 g or 1mmol ligand 1g silica gel, with the modification time of 4 hours.