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Al-Ulum Vol 11, No 1 (2011): Al-Ulum
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Sultan Amai Gorontalo

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Crusade represents the war that happened between Muslims and Cristians in the past. This fight  is called Crusade, which is by Cristian people  referred as holy  war,  because the expedition of Christian military hence the Cross sign as unifier attribute and  as holy war symbol in attacking to Islamic world. According to writer analysis, the magnifier of Cristian people is understood thouroghly as religious emotion of the Cristian people. With the the Cross sign symbol, they would easily inspired the religious emotion of Cristian people. Provenly, in three period of attacks, some Cristians took a great participation in the the war. In a period of that war, winning and fail was coming exchangeably between the legion of Islam and Cristian people. -----------------------Perang Salib merupakan peperangan yang pernah terjadi antara orang-orang Muslim dan Kristen pada masa lalu. Perang tersebut disebut “Perang Salib”, yang diklaim orang Kristen sebagai perang suci karena ekspedisi militer Kristen maka tanda Salib sebagi atribut pemersatu dan sebagai symbol perang suci dalam menyerang dunia Islam. Menurut analisa penulis, penanda besar yang dipakai orang Kristen sepenuhnya dipahami sebagai emosi keagamaan masyarakat Kristen. Dengan simbol Salib, orang Kristen akan memahami sesama orang Kristen. Terbukti selama tiga periode peperangan itu, orang-orang Kristen dan orang-orang Islam menagn dan kalah silih berganti di antara dua kelompok tersebut.
RIHLAH Vol 1, No 01 (2014): Mei
Publisher : RIHLAH

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This paper reveals that the public administration of Tomanurung at Kedatuan Luwu that appeared in the XI-XV century has been implementing democracy model of government. Despite the model of that democratic government was not exactly same with democracy right now, but its interesting that people in the government as supporting traditional communities have been able to devise a system of government where the people have a hand in determining the model or system of government. Supporting community has reached the stage of thinking that people have the right communities in making decisions that can change their lives through the representation of all groups. Community of Tomanurung at Kedatuan Luwu without the outside influences hase dispensing system of democratic governance. Democracy interpreted to allow citizens to participate, either directly or through representatives in formulating and developing the system of government. So, democracy of kedatuan Luwu take the last model of democracy that democracy is understood to allow citizens to participate through representatives.
Kontroversi Pemikiran Abdul Rauf Al-Singkili Syukur, Syamzan
Jurnal Adabiyah Vol 15, No 1 (2015): Jurnal Adabiyah
Publisher : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Alauddin

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This writing explored how was the thought of Abdul  Rauf al-Singkili who lived in the 17th century. One of his intellectual position was his voiceless on the women leadership. As it was noted that Aceh Sultanate had been ever ruled by four Sultanah (women ruler), respectively till the end of 17th century, and Abdul Rauf was trusted as qadhi at the time. Abdul Rauf was considered controversial in the field of theology and mystics. He wanted to balance between syariah and hakikat (mystical philosophy). He was expert in hadis, tafsir and tasauf, thus brought him to be well known as the 17th Muslim intellectual.
PEREMPUAN DALAM LINTAS SEJARAH (Studi Atas Peran Publik Sahabiyah-Sahabiyah di Masa Rasulullah SAW) Syukur, Syamzan
MUWAZAH Vol 6 No 1: Juni 2014
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

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Abstract: The tradition of pre-Islamic Arabian society known as the position of women as imperior. Prophet as a feminist fight for equality derarat (egalitarian) between men and women. The struggle of the Prophet raise the dignity of women is very opposite to trasidi Arab society. Many traditions and fi'li qauli recommending that treat women well. Even at the time of the Prophet women taking a role in the public sphere-sphere were previously considered taboo for women. As in politics known Aisha, Umm Salama, Safia Bint Abdul Muttalib and others, in the field of education known in economics Aisha and Khadija bint Khuwalid known. Abstrak : Tradisi masyarakat Arab pra-Islam yang dikenal sebagai posisi perempuan sebagai imperior. Nabi sebagai pertarungan feminis untuk kesetaraan derarat (egaliter) antara laki-laki dan perempuan. Perjuangan Nabi mengangkat harkat dan martabat wanita sangat berlawanan dengan trasidi masyarakat Arab. Banyak tradisi dan qauli fi'li merekomendasikan bahwa memperlakukan wanita dengan baik. Bahkan pada saat perempuan Nabi mengambil peran dalam masyarakat lingkup-lingkup yang sebelumnya dianggap tabu bagi perempuan. Seperti dalam politik dikenal Aisha, Ummu Salamah, Safia Binti Abdul Muthalib dan lain-lain, di bidang pendidikan yang dikenal dalam ilmu ekonomi Aisha dan Khadijah binti Khuwalid dikenal.
Umar bin Khattab's Governance: a Paradigm of Intellectual Renewal Alamshah, Anisah; Syukur, Syamzan; Rahmawati
Rihlah : Jurnal Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Vol 10 No 01 (2022): History and Culture
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/rihlah.v10i01.42319


Umar ibn Khattab, one of the illustrious four rightly guided caliphs, is celebrated not only for his legendary tales of valor and unyielding determination but also for his imposing character. His reputation in this regard often eclipses the recognition of his impactful political endeavors on the Muslim community. This modest research endeavor seeks to unveil the innovations and pioneering ideas introduced by Umar al-Faruq, which encompass a wide spectrum of political, economic, and socio-communal ijtihad (independent reasoning). Employing a qualitative research methodology, the study draws upon primary sources, including hadiths and the wisdom of the Prophet's companions, historical texts, and supplements this with secondary sources like scholarly journals, articles, and preceding research works. The amassed data will be meticulously dissected and presented descriptively. The research unearths Umar's audacious overhaul of existing systems while steadfastly upholding the principles delineated in the Quran and the Prophetic tradition. His reforms resulted in the evolution of modern ijtihad, the codification of the Quran, the eradication of land ownership by non-indigenous landlords, and a comprehensive metamorphosis of the defense mechanisms within the Islamic caliphate. These far-reaching reforms have left an enduring impact on the development of the Muslim community, with their reverberations still palpable in contemporary times. Keywords: umar ibn khattab, caliphs, ijtihad, intelectual renewal, governance
Metode Penulisan Sejarah Kitab Tarikh Al-Umam Wa Al-Muluk Karya Al-Thabari: Indonesia Alamshah, Anisah; Pababbari, Musafir; Syukur, Syamzan
Rihlah : Jurnal Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Vol 11 No 01 (2023): History and Culture
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/rihlah.v11i01.42403


Tarikh al-Umam wa al-Muluk, also known as Tarikh al-Rusul wa al-Muluk, is a significant work in Islamic historiography.While it is widely acknowledged as a primary source in classical Islamic studies, it has been criticized for its perceived lack of systematic and interpretative style. Consequently, there has been a preference for Orientalist works that are deemed more rational and critical. This research study uses a descriptive-analytical approach to delve into the life and writings of Al-Thabari, a prominent scholar of the Abbasid era. The study suggests he was born in 225 AH and died in 310 AH, with his work heavily influenced by his socio-political context. Tarikh al-Umam wa al-Muluk" is recognized as one of Al-Thabari's major achievements, covering human history before and after Islam's rise. The book is divided into two periods: pre-Islamic and Islamic eras, discussing topics like Prophet Muhammad's life, Mecca and Medina, wars, the Rightly Guided Caliphs, Umayyad Dynasty, and Abbasid Dynasty. Al-Thabari employed a chronological approach, relying on narrations, chains of transmission, and various sources. However, criticisms exist, including its alleged omission of important events, like the Umayyad Dynasty's rule in Andalusia. The book is seen as lacking objectivity due to its descriptive-narrative nature and the inclusion of fictional stories. Therefore, a critical and rational historical approach is essential to evaluate the accuracy of the narratives presented in the book. Keywords: Tarikh wa al-muluk, al-thabari, traditional Islamic historiography, criticism, writing method.
Benteng Rotterdam: Alih Fungsi Benteng Rotterdam Pasca Perjanjian Bongaya Sri Rezky Meiliana, Sri Rezky Meiliana; Mastanning; Syukur, Syamzan
Rihlah : Jurnal Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Vol 11 No 02 (2023): History and Culture
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/rihlah.v11i02.42992


This research discusses the function of Fort Rotterdam which has changed several times, starting from Fort Rotterdam as a defense base which is the main function of the establishment of a fort especially during the kingdoms, to the fort which has changed and added functions tailored to the needs and interests of certain control. The results of this study indicate that the function of Fort Rotterdam experienced a transition and addition of functions in each period of control starting from the control of the Kingdom of Gowa, after the Bongaya agreement the fort was under the control of the Dutch, Japanese to the time after independence.
Ijtihad Umar Ibnu Al Khattab Supratman, Supratman; Syukur, Syamzan; Harisa, Rahmawati
Jurnal Sarjana Ilmu Budaya Vol. 4 No. 03 (September) (2024): Jurnal Sarjana Ilmu Budaya
Publisher : Departemen Sastra Asia Barat, Fakultas Ilmu budaya, Universitas Hasanuddin

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This paper discusses the ijtihad of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab, the second caliph after Prophet Muhammad SAW, who is known as one of the most influential companions in Islamic history. Umar played a crucial role in strengthening and expanding Islam through his various ijtihad in the fields of law, social affairs, politics, and economics. This study highlights several significant decisions made by Umar, including the compilation of the Qur'an after the Battle of Yamama, the enforcement of congregational tarawih prayers during the month of Ramadan, and the expansion of the Masjid al-Haram and the Prophet's Mosque. Additionally, this paper illustrates Umar's efforts in the development of Islamic cities, the establishment of an efficient governance system, and the creation of Baitul Mal for state financial management. Umar is known as a firm, just, and innovative leader, whose contributions continue to be respected and studied by subsequent generations.
Menelusuri Sejarah Islam di Pakistan: Eksplorasi Ide Pembaharuan Muhammad Ali Jinnah Barella, Yusawinur; Kholifatun, Umi Nur; Hasaruddin, Hasaruddin; Syukur, Syamzan
Intizar Vol 29 No 2 (2023): Intizar
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Penerbitan Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/intizar.v29i2.20079


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelusuri sejarah Islam di Pakistan dan mengkaji ide-ide reformasi yang diusung Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Dalam melakukan penelitian ini, peneliti mengkaji visi Muhammad Ali Jinnah tentang negara Islam modern, serta gagasan reformasi sosial, politik, dan budaya yang dianutnya. Peneliti menganalisis dampak ide-ide tersebut terhadap perkembangan Pakistan sebagai negara Islam. Metode penelitian yang digunakan meliputi tinjauan pustaka, pemetaan sejarah, analisis dokumen, dan interpretasi data. Investigasi ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pemahaman mendalam tentang sejarah Islam di Pakistan dan kontribusi Muhammad Ali Jinnah terhadap modernisasi dan reformasi di negara tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan peran besar dari Muhammad Ali Jinnah dalam sejarah Islam di Pakistan, dan memberikan relevansi dan implementasi gagasan reformasi dalam membentuk identitas bangsa. Kajian ini juga bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik mengenai tokoh dan peristiwa berpengaruh dalam sejarah dan perkembangan Islam di Pakistan.
Fort Rotterdam's Contribution to The Development Of Cultural Heritage Sri Rezky Meiliana, Sri Rezky Meiliana; Syukur, Syamzan; Mastanning
Al-Hikmah Journal for Religious Studies Vol 25 No 02 (2023): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/al-hikmah.v25i02.42769


This research aims to examine the role of Fort Rotterdam as a cultural heritage development in people's lives. This research is qualitative research using library research and field research. The steps in historical research are heuristics, source criticism, interpretation and historiography. The establishment of Fort Rotterdam was initiated by King Gowa IX Tumaparisi Kallonna as a royal defense base and continued by his son Karaeng Tunipalangga. The results of this research show that Fort Rotterdam continues to experience changes in function in each period. The role of Fort Rotterdam as a post-independence cultural heritage development in people's lives can be seen in several aspects of society's social, economic and political life. The role of Fort Rotterdam as a source of increasing understanding regarding history and culture, a means of building social relations, a means of maintaining the local identity of the Makassar community, and improving the community's economy.