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Penerapan Teknologi RFID untuk Purwarupa Pencatatan Presensi Mahasiswa di Laboratorium Komputer Robby Tan; Djoni Setiawan Kartawihardja; Ivan Christian
Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Business Intelligence Vol. 3 No. 2 (2017): October
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1124.594 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jisebi.3.2.122-128


Abstrak— Kehadiran mahasiswa merupakan salah satu bagian daripada proses akademik. Saat ini, Fakultas Teknologi Informasi masih menggunakan sistem pencatatan kehadiran mahasiswa dengan cara tanda tangan pada Daftar Hadir Mahasiswa dan Dosen (DHMD) yang kemudian setiap kehadiran mahasiswa akan dicatat kembali pada Sistem Akademik Terpadu (SAT). Proses penandatanganan DHMD ini kemungkinan dapat menyebabkan hilangnya konsentrasi mahasiswa karena diperlukan beberapa saat untuk tanda tangan sebelum kembali memperhatikan penjelasan dosen. Selain itu, sering terdapat kesalahan tanda tangan dalam arti mahasiswa menanda tangani baris presensi milik mahasiswa yang lain. Dalam menemukan solusi untuk masalah tersebut, dilakukan pembuatan purwarupa pencatatan presensi kehadiran yang tetap dapat dipantau oleh dosen sekaligus meminimalkan proses terjadinya kesalahan. Penelitian ini memanfaatkan teknologi RFID yang sudah dimiliki oleh dosen dan mahasiswa yaitu kartu dosen dan kartu tanda mahasiswa (KTM). Proses identifikasi kartu dan pembuatan proses jalannya pencatatan presensi secara digital dapat membantu proses akademik berjalan dengan baik. Simpulan dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan adalah data yang disimpan dalam RFID telah berhasil dibaca dan dibuat dalam bentuk data kehadiran secara digital.Kata Kunci— Presensi Mahasiswa, Purwarupa, RFIDAbstract—Student presence is one of many the academic process. Currently, Information Technology Faculty still uses student signature in Daftar Hadir Mahasiswa dan Dosen (DHMD) as proof of attendance. Every week, DHMD will be collected and student presence data will be inserted in Sistem Akademik Terpadu (SAT). The DHMD signing process is likely to lead to a loss of student concentration as it may take a while for the signature before returning to the lecturer's explanation. In addition, there are often signature errors in the sense that students sign other students' presences. In finding a solution to the problem, a prototype of presence attendance system is constructed so lecturer can monitor the while minimizing the process of the error occurring. This research utilizes RFID technology in form of the lecturer card and student identity card (KTM). The process of card identification and creating the flow process of capture digital presence can help the academic process work well. The conclusion of the research that has been done is the data stored in RFID has been successfully read and made in the form of digital attendance data.Keywords— Student Presence, Prototype, RFID
PERAN INFOGRAFIS SEBAGAI PENUNJANG DALAM PROSES PEMBELAJARAN SISWA Wenny Franciska Senjaya; Oscar Karnalim; Erico Darmawan Handoyo; Sulaeman Santoso; Robby Tan; Maresha Caroline Wijanto; Doro Edi
ABDIMAS ALTRUIS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 2, No 1 (2019): April 2019
Publisher : Universitas Sanata Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (323.055 KB) | DOI: 10.24071/aa.v2i1.2136


Pengembangan Pola Berpikir Sistematis Melalui Pengenalan Pemrograman Visual Pada Peserta didik Tingkat Menengah Atas Robby Tan; Maresha Caroline Wijanto; Oscar Karnalim; Setia Budi; Mewati Ayub; Diana Trivena Yulianti; Hendra Bunyamin; Sendy Ferdian Sujadi; Rossevine Artha Natasya
Altruis: Journal of Community Services Vol. 2 No. 4 (2021): Altruis
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/altruis.v2i4.18427


Systematic thinking is a process of thinking that should be introduced from early age. While developing such thinking, students will learn how to solve a task by breaking it down to smaller tasks and complete them one by one. There are many activities that can support such thinking. One of them is to program visually. Visual programming is usually featured with drop-down blocks where students are only required to choose which process or logic needed than then put them in the play board. A training of such activity was done in a high school at Bandung, Indonesia with Scratch. Students were first introduced with Scratch, a software that is expected to help them think systematically. For conducting the training itself, several stages were followed. It started with introduction, and then followed by lecture and case-based practice. To engage students with the practice, the case study is COVID-19 where students are expected to deliver relevant information creatively, such as developing a game of social distancing, spray vs virus, etc. Evaluation shows that via this training, students were able to further develop their own systematic thinking via the creation of Scratch projects. Further, they believed that this training is interesting and can help them to study in the high school.
Service Learning in Teachers and Students Mentoring for 2020 Bebras Challenge in Pandemic Era at Maranatha Bebras Bureau Christian University Mewati Ayub; Maresha Caroline Wijanto; Adelia Adelia; Billy Susanto Panca; Doro Edi; Julianti Kasih; Hapnes Toba; Risal Risal; Meliana Christianti; Robby Tan; Daniel Jahja Surjawan
Journal of Innovation and Community Engagement Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/jice.v2i2.3802


Bebras Challenge is a competition for elementary to high school students to educate informatics and computational thinking, followed by sixty countries all over the world. Bebras Indonesia Community in coordination with the International Bebras Committee holds the challenge yearly. Indonesia has participated in the Bebras Challenge since 2016. Faculty of Information Technology Maranatha Christian University as a Bebras Bureau has also been involved in the challenge since 2016. To prepare students for Bebras Challenge, Maranatha Bebras Bureau holds a teacher workshop yearly. The Teacher Workshop supports teachers to strengthen students in practicing Bebras tasks. Data on students who participated in the Bebras Challenge at Maranatha Bebras Bureau indicates increasing numbers from 2016 until 2020. This paper describes a service learning for mentoring teachers and students in the Bebras Challenge, which was held in the pandemic year 2020. Teacher mentoring was using a service learning approach, where the lecturers provided training to the teachers and then the teachers would share their knowledge back to their students. There were advantages and disadvantages of the execution during the pandemic. Although in a distance learning condition, teachers and students were still enthusiastic to participate in Bebras Challenge. The number of students who followed the 2020 Bebras Challenge nearly five times compared to 2019 in the Maranatha Bebras Bureau. The scores of elementary school students who followed the challenge showed very good results. On the other side, the results of junior and senior high school students were not as good as the scores of elementary school students.
PENGENALAN DESIGN-THINKING MENGGUNAKAN CANVA PADA SISWA SEKOLAH MENENGAH TINGKAT ATAS Robby Tan; Oscar Karnalim; Maresha Caroline Wijanto; Diana Trivena Yulianti; Risal Risal; Doro Edi; Teddy Marcus Zakaria; Sendy Ferdian Sujadi; Rossevine Artha Nathasya
Abdimas Siliwangi Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Juni 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/as.v5i2.9707


Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) dalam dunia pendidikan mempengaruhi proses penyampaian dan cara belajar siswa. Pola pembelajaran yang dahulu merupakan teacher-centered learning bergeser ke student-centered learning. Salah satu bagian dari pergeseran pola belajar ini adalah semakin dalamnya integrasi (TIK) dalam pendidikan. Pengajar akan menggunakan TIK dalam menjelaskan materi-materi yang diberikan dan siswa akan menggunakan TIK untuk membuat tugas-tugas yang diberikan. Canva merupakan salah satu kakas yang dapat digunakan sebagai media dan penyampaian pembelajaran dengan konsep design-thinking. Konsep pembelajaran tersebut diusung dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang ditujukan untuk siswa sekolah menengah tingkat atas (SMA). Pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan secara daring secara paralel untuk tujuh kelas tingkat XI yang diawali dengan penyampaian materi kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pembuatan proyek Canva secara berkelompok. Tema yang diusung pada pembuatan proyek ini adalah pengembangan budaya wisata dan kuliner yang ada pada daerah masing-masing anggota kelompok. Melalui proyek ini, siswa diajak untuk saling berkolaborasi secara daring untuk menggabungkan ide dan kreativitas sehingga menghasilkan sebuah karya yang dengan memperhatikan target dan point-of-view audiensi. Evaluasi dari kegiatan yang dilaksanakan menunjukkan bahwa materi yang diberikan dapat menarik minat siswa untuk mengembangkan kemampuan yang dapat berguna selama proses pembelajaran di sekolah.
Sistem Manajemen Restoran X Berbasis Rich Internet Application Fania, Stella; Tan, Robby
Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi Vol 1 No 1 (2015): JuTISI
Publisher : Maranatha University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1457.851 KB) | DOI: 10.28932/jutisi.v1i1.565


A restaurant is inseparable from the role of information systems. Restaurant X needs a system for displaying menu interactively, ordering foods, payment, table reservation, etc. The system is required to minimize errors and maintain coordination between the waiters, chefs, and cashiers. Users for this system are owners of the restaurant, customers, waiters, chefs, and cashiers. This system is made in two different platforms. Dekstop version will be used by owners, customers, chefs, and cashiers while the mobile version will be used by waiters. Adobe Flex is used for implementing Rich Internet Application (RIA) for this system while MySQL is used for storing its datas. Implementation of this system is proven to improve the quality of care and minimize human error in the restaurant X. Keywords: Menu, Order, Restaurant
Analisis dan Perancangan Aplikasi Penyusunan Jadwal Mengajar Sesuai Jadwal Kesediaan Mengajar Dosen Di Fakultas Teknologi Informasi (Studi Kasus : Jurusan Teknik Informatika) J., Meliana Christianti; Tan, Robby; Karnalim, Oscar; Imandha, Egie; Cahyadi, Tendy
Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi Vol 1 No 2 (2015): JuTISI
Publisher : Maranatha University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/jutisi.v1i2.580


Faculty of Information Technology is one of the faculties at Maranatha Christian University. Currently, scheduling is still done manually. Scheduling process takes quite a long and exhaustive, as the secretary of the department needs to ask the willingness of faculty, and compare each lecturer teaching schedule so it does not clash with other lecturers. As part of Maranatha Christian University, the Faculty of Information Technology would like to shorten its preparation time to arrange faculty teaching schedule and to adjust to the schedule provided by each lecturer. This application will be developed with Java (desktop), PHP (web) programming language, and MySQL database. 
Document Digitalization and Scoring System of Students Final Project Johan, Meliana Christianti; Tan, Robby; Suteja, Bernard Renaldy; Afiany, Nurul
Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi Vol 6 No 3 (2020): JuTISI
Publisher : Maranatha University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/jutisi.v6i3.3126


The Faculty of Information Technology is one of the faculties at Maranatha Christian University Bandung. One of the study programs in the Faculty of Information Technology is Informatics Engineering Department. Nowadays, the management of Final Project and Final Project Seminar is still managed manually. In this research, we did this research to digitalize any documents and scoring grades by using this system for student’s final project. This causes the data management process related to the process of recording and completing the final project relying only on Microsoft Excel. In this research, an analysis and application design carried out to assist the process of recording the journey of students in completing the Final Project Assignment. The result from this research is an application prototype that can be used by course coordinators to manage grades of final project and final project seminar. This application is a web-based, built using PHP with Firebase database.
Implementasi Realtime Cloud Service dalam Pengelolaan Nilai Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa Lydia Noviani Kusumo; Maresha Caroline Wijanto; Robby Tan; Yudita Royandi
Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi Vol 9 No 2 (2023): JuTISI
Publisher : Maranatha University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/jutisi.v9i2.6566


Final Project is one of the requirements that must be fulfilled by students to complete their studies at the university. In this case study in a non-technical study program at a private university, each student will be accompanied by two supervisors and will be tested by two examiners. Students will face three trials and each lecturer needs to give an assessment, both the process and the product. The grade of the product is also prioritized because this study program expects that each student can produce a product that has added value for society. With so many things involved and manual recording, it is necessary to create a final assignment grade management system. To simplify implementation, the system is created by utilizing a realtime cloud service, namely Firebase. Firebase is a service from Google to make it easier for developers to develop applications on various platforms. Data is stored in JSON and synchronized in real time to each user. This system can be accessed by Admins and Lecturers, this system is also equipped with a Dashboard as a recapitulation of existing data, trial reminders via email, and data import-export. Based on the survey conducted, it easier for Admins and Lecturers to manage final assignments.
Pelatihan Guru untuk Tantangan Bebras 2022 di Biro Bebras Universitas Kristen Maranatha Mewati Ayub; Oscar Karnalim; Robby Tan; Maresha Caroline Wijanto; Doro Edi; Hendra Bunyamin; Julianti Kasih; Diana Trivena Yulianti; Andreas Widjaja; Risal Risal; Rossevine Artha Nathasya
E-Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 14, No 3 (2023): E-DIMAS
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/e-dimas.v14i3.14326


Tantangan Bebras merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang memperkenalkan computational thinking dan informatika kepada siswa sekolah. Bebras Indonesia melalui setiap mitra biro Bebras di seluruh Indonesia menyelenggarakan Tantangan Bebras setiap tahunnya yaitu pada minggu kedua bulan November. Biro Bebras Maranatha juga mempersiapkan guru-guru yang berada di bawah naungan Biro Bebras Maranatha dalam kegiatan pelatihan pada 7 Oktober 2022 secara hybrid dan technical meeting pada 28 Oktober 2022. Pelatihan untuk tahun 2022 dimulai dengan kuis soal-soal Bebras yang diambil dari soal-soal dalam Tantangan Bebras tahun-tahun sebelumnya untuk mengukur tingkat pemahaman guru dalam computational thinking. Kegiatan pelatihan dilanjutkan dengan pembahasan soal kuis melalui diskusi, penyampaian konsep computational thinking, serta pendaftaran dan persiapan siswa untuk Tantangan Bebras 2022. Pada akhir sesi pelatihan, guru-guru peserta mengisi kuesioner untuk mengetahui sejauh mana persiapan yang sudah dilakukan untuk Tantangan Bebras 2022. Pelaksanaan kegiatan dilaksanakan secara hybrid diikuti oleh 52 guru perwakilan sekolah. Dari 52 guru yang mengikuti kuis, nilai kuis berkisar antara 0 sampai 80 di mana rata-rata nilai adalah 35. Sebanyak 79% dari guru-guru yang mengikuti pelatihan ini sudah pernah mengikuti workshop Bebras di tahun-tahun sebelumnya dan 69% dari total guru tersebut telah memanfaatkan soal Bebras untuk pembelajaran di kelas. Selama proses pembekalan Tantangan Bebras, terdapat tiga tantangan terbesar yang dihadapi yaitu kemampuan berpikir siswa, persiapan guru untuk pembekalan, dan melatih siswa dalam membaca soal.