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Journal : Aurelia: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia

The Role of the State Government in Resolving Social Conflicts Between Ureng Country and Negeri Lima Raihana Kelutur; Jumiati Tuharea; Aisa Abas
AURELIA: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia Vol 1, No 2 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : CV. Rayyan Dwi Bharata

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (191.388 KB) | DOI: 10.57235/aurelia.v1i2.158


On the other hand, the diversity of the multicultural society as the wealth of the Indonesian nation is very prone to triggering conflict and division. The diversity of Indonesian society can at least be seen from its two unique characteristics. First, horizontally, marked by the fact that there are social units based on differences in ethnicity, religion, customs and regional differences. Second, vertically, marked by a sharp vertical difference between the upper and lower layers. Humans as social beings and as individuals always need interaction with others. In social interaction itself there is always conflict or cooperation between them. Thus, conflict can be said to be a natural part of human life. The purpose of this research is to find out. 1. To find out the solutions of state government in resolving social conflicts between Negeri Ureng and Negeri Negeri Lima. 2. To find out the inhibiting factors of state government in resolving social conflicts between Negeri Ureng and Negeri Negeri Lima. The type of research used in this study is descriptive qualitative, namely a systematic factual and accurate description of the factors in the field that are related to matters in the field. The data in this study were collected using observation and documentation methods. Data Analysis Techniques. The data obtained from the results of this study were compiled and analyzed qualitatively, then the data was described descriptively in order to obtain a clear and directed picture of how to answer the problem. The results of the research on the Role of Community Leaders in Resolving Social Conflict in Negeri Ureng and Negeri Lima are very important as, the conflict between these two countries has been going on for so long, so the role of these community leaders is very important because they become pawns to prevent conflict between the two countries, by him it is necessary to further increase the capacity and strengthen the position holders as people who are influential in occupying existing positions in this country so that when there is an issue from these two countries the role of community leaders is very helpful in resolving the conflict.
Sasi as a Lingat Village Government Strategy for the Preservation of Taripang in the Tanimbar Islands Yohekbet Dorkas Wally; Titus Gaite; Jumiati Tuharea
AURELIA: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia Vol 2, No 2 (2023): July 2023
Publisher : CV. Rayyan Dwi Bharata

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57235/aurelia.v2i2.653


Writing this thesis discusses "Village Government Strategy for the Preservation of Sasi Taripang in the Lingat Village Community, Selaru District, Tanimbar Islands Regency". The problems discussed in writing this thesis are: 1. government strategy and implementation in sasi dance 2. How is the sasi dance law implemented in the lingat village community 3. What is the role of the lingat village government in preserving sasi dance. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research where the data is obtained through observation and interviews. The research location was carried out in Lingat Village, Selaru District, Tanimbar Islands Regency. Where the research subjects used in this study totaled 12 people including: 3 village government officials, 1 head of a traditional institution, 1 head of the Village Consultative Body (BPD), 1 entrepreneur, 5 community members, and the village head as an informant. The results of this study indicate that the village government strategy is a benchmark for the community to preserve existing natural resources, such as sasi taripang where this sasi law has existed for a long time and is passed on from generation to generation, and is continued by the role of the village government to preserve it through Lingat Village Regulation No 05/01/DSL/I/2021 "About sasi violations, and the time for carrying out sasi" and a fine of Rp. 1,000,000.00 as a form of strategy and the government's role in maintaining the preservation of sasi taripang so that it does not extinct.
Application of Meaningful Learning by Teachers to Improve Learning Outcomes of Citizenship Education Irna Silawane; Aisa Abas; Jumiati Tuharea
AURELIA: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia Vol 2, No 2 (2023): July 2023
Publisher : CV. Rayyan Dwi Bharata

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57235/aurelia.v2i2.654


This research was conducted based on the findings of problems found in SMP N 105, Central Maluku Regency. It is known that the learning outcomes of Citizenship Education for class VII students of SMP Negeri 105 Maluku Tengah are still low for Civics subjects. This is caused because the teacher applies the lesson method which watches without change during the learning process so that there are still many who have not reached the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) that have been determined by the teacher or the school, namely ≥70. The purpose of this study was to find out the application of Meaningful learning by teachers to improve Civics learning outcomes in class VII at SMP N 7 Tehoru, Tehoru District, Central Maluku Regency. The method used in this research is a class action research (CAR). Classroom action research is research conducted by educators in collaboration with researchers, or by educators who act as researchers in the classroom or at the school where they teach, with an emphasis on perfecting or improving learning processes and practices. Data collection techniques in this study are observation, tests and documentation. The results of this study indicate that there is an increase in Civics learning outcomes by using Meaningful Learning in Class VII at SMP N 105 Central Maluku.
Utilization of Digital Libraries as a Learning Resource in Improving the Quality of Student Learning at Public Middle School 2 West Seram La Alfin Masahu; Titus Gaite; Jumiati Tuharea
AURELIA: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia Vol 2, No 2 (2023): July 2023
Publisher : CV. Rayyan Dwi Bharata

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57235/aurelia.v2i2.603


This study aims to describe the use of digital libraries as a learning resource in improving the quality of student learning at SMP Negeri 2 Seram Barat. This study uses descriptive qualitative research which aims to find out how the benefits of digital libraries as learning resources in improving the quality of student learning as well as supporting and inhibiting factors in describing the use of digital libraries as learning resources in improving the quality of student learning at SMP Negeri 2 Seram Barat. data collection techniques are used by observation, interviews, documentation studies, the results of this study indicate that there are problems in the use of digital libraries as learning resources in improving the quality of student learning