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Journal : Jurnal JSIKA

Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 7, No 5 (2018)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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Perhutani Divisi Regional Jawa Timur merupakan lembaga pemerintahan yang bergerak di bidang pengelolaan hutan di seluruh Jawa Timur. Dalam mengelola hutan, perusahaan ini menggunakan sejumlah aset untuk melancarkan kegiatannya. Namun karena jumlah aset yang dimiliki sangat banyak, sehingga terdapat sejumlah aset yang menganggur. Untuk itu perusahaan melakukan pengoptimalan manfaat aset.Dalam proses pengoptimalan ditemukan tiga permasalahan, yaitu pengecekkan jatuh tempo kontrak di waktu yang belum tepat. Hal ini mengakibatkan perusahaan kehilangan kesempatan menerima kontrak baru. Selanjutnya informasi letak aset belum secara geografis. Sehingga perusahaan mengalami ketertundaan penerimaan kontrak selama satu minggu. Permasalahan terakhir, promosi aset yang dinilai kurang maksimal. Akibat yang ditimbulkan adalah aset yang laku hanya satu dari sepuluh aset dalam satu bulan.Berdasarkan dampak dari permasalahan yang ada, perusahaan menerapkan perhitungan lower and upper spesification limit, perhitungan lama dan masa kontrak, perhitungan total nilai kontrak, perhitungan occupancy rate, serta membuat penjadwalan pengecekkan jatuh tempo kontrak dan pengecekkan kondisi aset. Dengan menggunakan metode ini perusahaan dapat memberikan informasi letak aset secara geografis dengan hasil yang variatif, sedia setiap hari dalam memproses kontrak jatuh tempo dan pengecekkan kondisi aset, dan mempromosikan aset berdasarkan perhitungan manfaat aset yang rendah. Melalui hasil pengujian yang dilakukan pada sistem informasi yang dibangun, menyatakan bahwa sistem ini telah mampu menghasilkan laporan kontrak jatuh tempo, laporan perpanjangan masa kontrak, laporan pengecekkan kondisi aset, laporan occupancy rate, dan laporan promosi aset.Kata Kunci : Manajemen Aset, Perhutani, Google Maps API, Occupancy Rate
Evaluation and Design of Production Scheduling PT. Hume Sakti Indonesia yogi, Angga wahyu prima; Widodo, Arifin Puji; Mastan, Ignatius Adrian
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 6, No 6 (2017)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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AbstractPT. Hume Sakti Indonesia is one of the poles and power lines with a production system that is used is a pull system that only do production if there is an order from the customer. In such conditions when there is a production order is entered suddenly with a relatively short deadline often Production Division more production priority orders that have a time limit shorter than the first order entered by the deadline of length, and the material used for other orders, such as cement, sand, stone and aggregate, used to serve the order suddenly with a short deadline.  This resulted in frequent delays due to the absence of production scheduling system used by the company.The design evaluations are made scheduling production at PT. Hume Sakti Indonesia which produce production scheduling based on calculations using the rules of priority are four methods that can help the Division of Production and Warehouse in getting the best scheduling for the production process.Based on the results of experiments performed together with PT. Hume Sakti Indonesia, these applications generate output results of the evaluation of the production scheduling of a calculated four methods of using the rules of priority (FCFS, SPT, EDD, and LPT), reports penjawalan, reports the buyer's order, the production schedule per the contract, the production schedule monthly, schedule of material per contract, schedule of monthly materials, production instructions.Keywords: Production Scheduling, Evaluation of Production Scheduling, Rule Priority, Production Schedule and Production Instructions.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Penjadwalan Produksi Berdasarkan Metode Terbaik Pada PT. Karunia Hosana Inpranata, Yosafat Anditya; Widodo, Arifin Puji; Setyawan, Henry Bambang
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 7, No 5 (2018)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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PT. Karunia Hosana merupakan perusahaan manufaktur yang memproduksi silica sand dan silica flour. Proses produksi yang terjadi hanya mengacu pada tanggal pengiriman dan tanggal pemesanan sehingga terjadi keterlambatan realisasi pengiriman dikarekan proses produksi yang tidak terjadwal sesuai dengan kapasitas mesin. Untuk mengejar tanggal pengiriman, bagian produksi melakukan repacking dari tipe barang yang dipesan pelanggan lain yang memiliki spesifikasi yang sama dan memiliki tanggal pengiriman yang lebih lama. Tujuan pembuatan sistem penjadwalan produksi dengan menggunakan metode terbaik adalah agar pengguna mampu menentukan metode penjadwalan sesuai dengan kriteria pengguna dengan nilai bobot yang diinputkan.Dari masalah tersebut, maka dibuatlah sistem penjadwalan produksi dengan membandingkan empat metode penjadwalan yaitu Earliest Due Date, First Come First Server, Shortest Job First, dan Longest Job First. Selain metode-metode tersebut, sistem akan mengakumulasi nilai bobot setiap parameter untuk memilih metode terbaik sesuai kriteria pengguna. Pengguna akan memilih metode sesuai dengan nilai bobot keempat parameter per mesin. Dari pemilihan metode tersebut, sistem akan menjadwalkan pesanan produksi.Hasil uji coba sistem penjadwalan ini dapat diterapkan untuk melakukan proses penjadwalan produksi dan menghasilkan hasil perhitungan metode, jadwal produksi harian, jadwal produksi periode, dan jadwal produksi per kode produksi.Kata kunci: Jadwal Produksi, Metode Penjadwalan, Master Production Schedule
Design of Sales Information Systems and Receivable Control at UD Eka Wiradana, I Made Dhira; Widodo, Arifin Puji; Sutanto, Teguh
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 7, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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UD Eka is a manufacturing company that sells goods as well as raw materials for footwear manufacture such as soles and heels. The products will be sold to several distributors, while for the sale of basic raw materials the manufacture of footwear is marketed to the craftsmen outside the company. In conducting sales activities to customers, UD Eka has problems in providing credit limit to customers who have bad credit record. So that will result in stalled credit payments by customers in the future. In addition, the company also experienced the problem of lack of good oversight of the company's receivables. Based on the problems currently problem, then made a system that can solve these problems. From these transactions can generate accounts receivable age, maturity receivable report, maturity receivable report, customer contribution report, product contribution report, customer sales trend report, and product sales trend report. From the test results, applications that have been made to generate reports related to sales and control of receivables that are expected to assist companies in making decisions related to the number of bad debts.
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Penentuan Harga Pokok Produksi pada UD Eka Bujana, Dwiki Andhika Satria; Widodo, Arifin Puji; Sutanto, Teguh
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 6, No 10 (2017)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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UD Eka is a manufacturing company who produces shoes and sandals, also footwear raw materials like soles and heels. UD Eka was established in 1990 and located in Krian Sidoarjo. Currently, the company does not calculate production costs, the company only estimates the cost of production for charged to each product. There is no calculation of production costs, making the company has no fixed basis in setting the selling price. Based on thats problems, this research result is make the application of the determination of cost of goods manufactured that can produce information on raw material costs, direct labor costs, factory overhead costs and cost of production. The method of determining the cost of production in this application is use full costing method. This method is chosen because this method concerns all production costs both fixed and variable in calculating the cost of production. So, the cost of production produced reflects the actual costs incurred in production activities and can determine the selling price in accordance with the desired profit. Based on the test results, the applications that have been built can generate direct material costs, direct labor costs, fixed overhead costs, variable overhead costs and cost of production.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Akademik Berbasis Intranet Pada MTsN Pandaan Rilando, Alde Mohammad; Widodo, Arifin Puji; Sukmaaji, Anjik
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 6, No 3 (2017)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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Academic information system is a web-based system that can give a student's academic activity reports periodically. Information needed MTsN Pandaan is the start of recruitment of new students until graduation. The problem that occurs is summarizing data they use sheets of paper stored in the main book, which can cause data loss, when it occurred in the reporting of academic data of each period, the information generated will not actual data recap the process becomes inefficient.One of the best solutions is to build a web-based academic information system to facilitate the school in determining the information and manage the data well and up to date. This system can perform maintenance and management of data into useful information to the school about the academic activities of students in the school.The Results by using this system is to reduce errors in the input data, and manage the data well and minimize data loss.
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Penentuan Harga Jual Berdasarkan Metode Full Costing Pada UD. Surya Mandiri Nusantara Wardana, Dwi Kusuma; Widodo, Arifin Puji; Sukmaaji, Anjik
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 6, No 8 (2017)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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UD. Surya Mandiri Nusantara is currently producing and selling non cholesterol duck. In the process of production and sales is no process of determining the cost of production and selling price determination, but have difficulty in determining the selling price because there is no knowing whether the calculations for this with his own method right. Based on the above problems, the proposed Design Build Applications Selling Price Method Based Full Costing At UD. Surya Mandiri Nusantara which can process data production and sales as appropriate. Applications built to display reports the cost of production, calculation of ROI (return of investment as), the expected profit, sales price calculation appropriately using the full costing method. 
Sistem Informasi Pengadaan Bahan Baku Berdasarkan Hasil Perhitungan MRP pada UD Eka Herdeawan, Ahmad Syuyuth; Widodo, Arifin Puji; Wardhanie, Ayouvi Poerna
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 6, No 10 (2017)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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UD Eka is a manufacture company that produce slippers, soles, and shoes. The procurement process of raw materials can be done if the amount of raw materials stock in the warehouse has reached the minimum stock or running out. The company does not do definite calculation in determining quantity of raw materials that have to be ordered.  Problems that often experienced by the company is out of raw materials stock at the time of the production process takes place. It might be happen because the absence of raw material requirement plan to avoid the mistake of the amount of raw materials that have to be ordered. Therefore, to overcome the problems, the raw material procurement information system based on the calculation of material requirement planning (MRP) was made. The application can calculate the net requirement of raw material or item (Netting), determine the quantity of raw material or item that will be ordered (Lot Sizing), determine when order must be done (Offsetting), and calculate requirement of raw material or item at lower level. Based on the experimental result conducted by PPIC Managers, this application can be used to plan raw materials and procurement of raw materials. Moreover, this application can generate MRP action reports, raw material requirements reports, raw material acceptance reports, raw material expenditure reports, raw material inventory cards, and supplier performance reports based on actual average leadtime.
Aplikasi Penentuan Harga Pokok Produksi Standar Pada PT. Sinar Baja Hutama Pambudi, Muhammad Sigit; Widodo, Arifin Puji; Sutanto, Teguh
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 6, No 7 (2017)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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PT. Sinar Baja Hutama merupakan perusahaan manufaktur yang bergerak di bidang produksi alat–alat berat, seperti peralatan kereta api, peralatan perawatan jalan, alat–alat pertanian dan perkebunan, Stone / Coal Crusher Plant & Mobile, Batching Plant, Mining Processing, Conveyor System, dan Dradger Pontoon.  Dalam menentukan harga pokok produksi setiap produk, manager produksi tidak melakukan identifikasi terhadap biaya overhead pabrik.  Padahal dari biaya overhead pabrik tersebut, terdapat biaya yang seharusnya dijadikan unsur perhitungan dalam menentukan harga pokok produksi, misalnya biaya tenaga kerja tidak langsung, biaya penggunaan mesin, biaya listrik, dan biaya lain yang belum dimasukkan dalam perhitungan.  Dampaknya, perusahaan sulit untuk mengetahui nilai pasti dari keuntungan yang didapatkan dari pesanan suatu produk dikarenakan perhitungan yang digunakan tidak mampu menghasilkan perhitungan harga pokok yang tepatBerdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, maka dibuatlah suatu aplikasi yang mampu menentukan harga pokok produksi standar dengan menghitung semua komponen biaya yang ada.  Komponen biaya tersebut yakni biaya bahan baku standar, biaya tenaga kerja standar, serta biaya overhead pabrik standar.  Aplikasi ini dapat membantu perusahaan untuk menentukan harga standar untuk setiap biaya dan meminimalisir kesalahan perhitungan harga pokok produksi.Berdasarkan hasil uji coba, aplikasi yang dibuat mampu menghasilkan biaya bahan baku standar, biaya tenaga kerja standar, serta biaya overhead pabrik standar. Dengan  adanya aplikasi tersebut, perusahaan dapat menghitung harga pokok produksi yang tepat, yang nantinya dapat digunakan sebagai dasar dalam menetapkan harga jual produk.Kata Kunci :  Biaya, Overhead Pabrik, Harga Pokok Produksi Standar
Co-Authors Adi, Satriyo Agus Dharmawan Ahmad Syuyuth Herdeawan Ahmad Yanu Aliffianto Alde Mohammad Rilando Ananta Raditya Murti Anggrina, Stefany Ika Anggrina, Stefany Ika Anjik Sukmaaji Annisa, Faiqotul Apriliana, Cahya Ari Oktavianto Arifin, Mochammad Ariyanti, Fitri Dwi Ariyanti, Fitri Dwi Arumsari, Farah Priminta Arumsari, Farah Priminta Avissa, Yhufti Ayouvi Poerna Wardhanie Ayouvi Poerna Wardhanie Ayu Ning Tyas Ayuningtyas Ayuningtyas Azid Malil'ula Wildan Muchollad Bhaga Yanuardo Missa Bujana, Dwiki Andhika Satria Chafida Muzdalifah Christy Mitha Renata Dani Gunawan Wibisono Dani Gunawan Wibisono Dhyaksa, Gilang Wira Dhyaksa, Gilang Wira Dhymas Octavian Hartono Diana, Raysa Machfud Diana, Raysa Machfud Didiet Anindita Arnandy Dinanta, Rangga Dio Ichwandoko Moritian Dony Purwanto Erwin Pramastya Sabatini Faiqotul Annisa Farah Priminta Arumsari Farid Akbar Arianta Farouk Kusdony Muzaki Fauzi, Ilham Eka Fauzi, Ilham Eka Franstia Wira Sukma Susilo Gilang Wira Dhyaksa Harsono, Eko Febri Hartono, Dhymas Octavian Haryanto Tanuwijaya Hayuningtyas, Rizcha Rahmawati Hayuningtyas, Rizcha Rahmawati Henry Bambang Setyawan Herdeawan, Ahmad Syuyuth Herry Susanto Kwee I Made Dhira Wiradana Ibnu Muslim Ignatius Adrian Mastan Ikhsan, Noveri Ikhsan, Noveri Ilham Eka Fauzi Imaniyah, Solechatul Imaniyah, Solechatul Inpranata, Yosafat Anditya Inpranata, Yosafat Anditya Irawan, Sari Zetari Jatmiko, Prasetyo Budi Jatmiko, Prasetyo Budi Jidny Ilma Mochamad Julianto Lemantara Kriswanto, Bagus Kwee, Herry Susanto Kwee, Herry Susanto Lengo, Elisabeth Maria Lengo, Elisabeth Maria Lidya Ike Patricia M. J. Dewiyani Sunarto Mochamad, Jidny Ilma Mochammad Arifin Mochammad Arifin Mochammad Arifin Mohammad Rizal Hidayat Muchollad, Azid Malil'ula Wildan Muchollad, Azid Malil'ula Wildan Muhammad Jefri Muslim, Ibnu Muzdalifah, Chafida Muzdalifah, Chafida Nada Evi Tamara Noveri Ikhsan Novita Hosama Novita Rahmawati, Novita Nur Afifah Handayani Oktavianto, Ari Oktavianto, Ari Pambudi, Muhammad Sigit Panca Rahardianto Patia, Romeo Patia, Romeo Patricia, Lidya Ike Patricia, Lidya Ike Prasetyo Budi Jatmiko Priyantina, Reza Amalia Priyantina, Reza Amalia Purwanto, Dony Putra, Tegar Muharyana Rahmat Ade Susilo Raysa Machfud Diana Renata, Christy Mitha Renata, Christy Mitha Reza Amalia Priyantina Rilando, Alde Mohammad Rilando, Alde Mohammad Rizcha Rahmawati Hayuningtyas Rizcha Rahmawati Hayuningtyas Romeo Romeo Rudi Santoso, Rudi Safitri, Neziha Rahma Safitri, Neziha Rahma Saputra, Resi Mairapon Saputra, Resi Mairapon Sari, Hanifa Rosyida Solechatul Imaniyah Stanly Dody Setiawan Stefany Ika Anggrina Susanto, Teguh Susanto, Teguh Tamara, Nada Evi Tamara, Nada Evi Tan Amelia Tegar Muharyana Putra Teguh Susanto Teguh Susanto Teguh Sutanto Tika Paramitha Tutut Wurijanto Valentinus Roby Hananto Vivine Nurcahyawati Wahitya Fihtra Nurani Wardana, Dwi Kusuma Wardana, Dwi Kusuma Wibisono, Dani Gunawan Wibisono, Dani Gunawan Wibowo, Imaduddin Endri Wibowo, Imaduddin Endri Wiradana, I Made Dhira Wiradana, I Made Dhira yogi, Angga wahyu prima Zulfa Ulinnuha Tritita Zulfikar Rahman Zulfikar Rahman, Zulfikar