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Publisher : TERAS

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Kampung kota tidak bisa dipisahkan dari kota dan perkembangan kota, lebih-lebih bagi Bandung sebagai kota keempat terpadat di Indonesia. Pada 402 luasan hektar lahan, terdapat 205.465 penduduk. Populasi selalu memiliki keterkaitan dengan masalah perumahan, termasuk bagi kota Bandung, dari 139 kelurahan, tercatat 60 dalam kondisi buruk, hanya 17 pada kondisi yang baik. Kota selalu berkembang, sementara tanah tidak, kemudian masalah menjadi semakin rumit, terjadi invasi lahan terhadap permukiman oleh berbagai jenis fungsi. Konflik lahan selalu menjadi isu sehari-hari, juga di Kota Bandung. Ruang juga arsitektur mendapatkan gangguan , semakin buruk dari hari ke hari. Pemerintah kota memiliki wewenang untuk mengatur hal tersebut tapi masalah selalu muncul karena terjadi pembangunan sebagai Negara berkembang, meskipun suatu kota adalah kota yang terencana. Selalu terjadi kenyataan tidak seperti rencana. Mengkaji dari perkembangan kota di Negara maju, meskipun suatu kota adalah kota yang terencana, hal tersebut sulit dihindari. Terjadi peningkatan invasi lahan , yang diperebutkan adalah lokasi, lokasi dan lokasi, pengusiran selalu terjadi sementara terhadap penduduk-penduduk illegal. Pada kondisi ini hendaknya peneliti menjadi fasilitator. Terlebih penelitian mengenai aplikasi manajemen lahan masih sangat terbatas untuk kota-kota di Indonesia. Adapun penelitian ini adalah sebuah cara untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut.
Application Model Learning Scaffolding on the Subject Lesson Vocational Competence Student Yosita, Lucy; Samawati, Anisa; Maknun, Johar
INVOTEC Vol 12, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Faculty of Technological and Vocational Education-Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/invotec.v12i2.6206


The background of this study is about the lack result and motivation of student in the Building Technique Class. Meanwhile the aims to determine the difference between the learning outcomes as well as motivation of students whose learning application of the learning model scaffolding to students who are learning to apply conventional learning models. This study uses a true experimental research methods by using posttest only control group design with quantitative approach. The subjects were students of class X Building Design Technique SMKN 9 Garut totaling 40 subjects involving teacher’s vocational competence. The research instrument is 5 essay tests to measure learning outcomes, 20 questionnaires to measure the motivation to learn and research documentation. Based on the analysis of research we concluded that: a) there is a difference between learning outcomes of students whose learning applying the learning model scaffolding with students who learning without applying the learning model scaffolding (conventional). This is indicated by the acquired Sig. amounting to 2.851 1.695 b) there is a difference between students' motivation is learning to apply learning models scaffolding with students whose learning without applying the learning model scaffolding (conventional). This is indicated by the acquired Sig. amounting to 2.851 1.685
Journal of Architectural Research and Education Vol 2, No 1 (2020): Journal of Architectural Research and Education
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (966.758 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/jare.v2i1.23868


Abstract - The city development is should give positive contribution to social development, on ideal situation. However this situation is not always similar with the expectation as well as theory. Several factors are be as the push factor to the movement, and the movement can be contradictive to negative conditions: (1). The high level land invasion by private sector to community on location. (2). The lack of development as well as training program in location, by the government and others. (3). The condition of high pressure of import handycract from another country including : shoes and other handycraft from leather. The similar things happen in Cibaduyut as housing settlement based on leather industry-activity. An important thing that should be highlighted is this analysis based on the strength and the opportunity of application concept of “system approach to architecture” (Handler : (1970)), which being completed with many supporting theories. Comprehensive analysis of physical condition social as well as regulation, is as the key factor to find the best model as the design solution of redevelopment sustainable settlement as well as sustainable landscape development in research location. Hopefully the model will relevant with the planning of High Speed railway (HSRT) Bandung-Jakarta which will be finished on 2021. Keywords: Housing Layout, Housing Morphology, Transit Oriented Developmen (TOD), System Approach to Architecture, Sustainable Tourism Settlement.
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Teknologi Agroindustri, UPI (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/edufortech.v5i1.23917


Penelitian ini memanfaatkan limbah kulit lemon yang sebelumnya hanya sebagai sampah yang tidak ada nilai jualnya menjadi berharga atau mempunyai nilai jual dengan menjadikannya minyak atsiri untuk diaplikasikan dalam pembuatan sabun cair. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi pelarut pada proses ekstraksi minyak atsiri dan jenis kulit lemon lokal terhadap rendemen dan karakteristik sabun cair. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan dua faktor, yaitu jenis kulit lemon segar atau kering dan konsentrasi pelarut metanol yang digunakan yaitu 100%, 85%, dan 70%, kemudian dilakukan dua ulangan setiap perlakuan. Adapun pengujian yang dilakukan adalah jumlah rendemen pada minyak atsiri, uji pH sabun cair, uji stabilitas busa, dan uji organoleptik hedonik yang meliputi aroma sabun cair, warna sabun cair, kejernihan sabun cair, dan viskositas sabun cair. Pada penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa perbedaan interaksi antara jenis bahan dan konsentasi pelarut metanol tidak berpengaruh nyata (signifikan) pada taraf 5% dan 1% terhadap seluruh pengujian. Perbedaan jenis bahan memberikan pengaruh sangat nyata (signifikan) pada 1% terhadap rendemen minyak dan nyata 5% pada pH sabun cair,serta perbedaan konsentrasi pelarut metanol yang berpengaruh nyata (signifikan) pada 1% terhadap rendemen dan kejernihan, serta pada nyata 5% pada pH dan aroma sabun cair. Perlakuan terbaik didapatkan oleh B1C3 dengan karakteristik rendemen 283.35%; pH 9.82; tinggi busa 69.2%; aroma 1.54; warna 1.76; kejernihan 1.92; dan viskositas 1.67.
Jurnal Arsitektur ZONASI Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Vol. 4 Ni. 1 (2021): Jurnal Arsitektur Zonasi Februari 2021
Publisher : KBK Peracangan Arsitektur dan Kota Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Pendidikan Teknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jaz.v4i1.27898


Abstract: Jatinangor Superblock is an integrated superblock complex located in the strategic area of Jatinangor education province. This design is based on the significant growth of the city in recent years. The development of satellite cities (hinterland) is one of the wise urban development concepts in overcoming the growth problems of the city of Bandung. Sumedang City as one of the hinterland cities, is trying to solve the development problem by providing increased development in the aspects of city facilities and infrastructure, settlements, offices, industry, worship, transportation and especially education. Jatinangor is one of the areas that has experienced significant regional development in Sumedang City. With the construction of the superblock in the Jatinangor sub-district it can encourage the growth of various activities in an integrated manner in an adequate container. This design aims to determine the facilities and facilities needed so that the occupants' activities can be well accommodated, Determine a good building layout in designing the Jatinangor Superblock, design the Jatinangor Superblock area which can be a solution to the problem of minimal land and mixed-used areas in urban areas and be a comfortable area and able to participate in building the surrounding area. In addition, this design also aims to resolve issues related to inadequate infrastructure so that they can be equipped so that the creativity and needs of building users can be fulfilled. The superblock design uses the High Tech Architecture theme. The application of the High Tech Architecture theme is quite flexible and can adjust the four functions contained in the Jatinangor superblock. With this planning and design, it is hoped that it will set a design precedent related to the superblock function. Keywords: Superblock, Jatinangor, High Tech Architecture Abstrak: Superblok Jatinangor merupakan kompleks superblok yang terintegrasi dan terletak di kawasan strategis provinsi pendidikan Jatinangor. Perancangan ini didasari dengan pertumbuhan kota yang signifikan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Pembangunan kota-kota satelit (hinterland) merupakan salah satu konsep pembangunan kota yang bijaksana dalam mengatasi permasalahan pertumbuhan kota Bandung. Kota Sumedang sebagai salah satu kota hinterland, berusaha mengatasi masalah pembangunan tersebut dengan memberikan peningkatan pembangunan pada aspek sarana dan prasarana kota, permukiman, perkantoran, industri, ibadah, transportasi dan terutama pendidikan. Kecamatan Jatinangor merupakan salah satu daerah yang mengalami perkembangan kawasan yang signifikan di Kota Sumedang. Dengan dibangunnya superblok di kecamatan jatinangor diharapkn dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan kegiatan yang variatif secara terpadu dalam suatu wadah secara memadai.  Perancangan ini bertujuan Menentukan fasilitas-fasilitas dan sarana yang dibutuhkan sehingga aktivitas penghuni dapat terwadahi dengan baik, Menentukan tata letak bangunan yang baik dalam merancang Superblok Jatinangor, merancang kawasan Superblok Jatinangor yang mampu menjadi solusi permasalahan minimnya lahan dan kawasan mixed-used di area perkotaan dan menjadi kawasan yang nyaman dan mampu turut membangun kawasan sekitarnya. Selain itu perancangan ini juga bertujuan untuk menyelesaikan isu isu yang berkaitan dengan sarana prasarana yang kurang memadai agar dapat dilengkapi sehingga kreatifitas dan kebutuhan dari pengguna bangunan dapat tercukupi. Perancangan superblok ini menggunakan tema High Tech Architecture. Penerapan tema High Tech Architecture cukup fleksibel dan dapat menyesuaikan empat fungsi yang terdapat di dalam superblok Jatinangor. Dengan perencanaan dan perancangan ini diharapkan agar menjadi preseden desain terkait fungsi superblok. Kata kunci: Superblok, Jatinangor, High Tech Architecture
Revitalization Skywaklk Bandung 2021 Reviving The Urban Area “Urban Space” in Bandung Nurcahya, Yan; Hadiansyah, Tantan; Yosita, Lucy; Akbar, Adha Syahidil; Allatif, I Gilang Miftah; Hilmayani, Syalwa Linda
Journal of Architectural Research and Education Vol 3, No 2 (2021): Journal of Architectural Reseach and Education
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (8265.728 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/jare.v3i2.35802


Abstract - Skywalk Bandung is well known as a well-known city icon and as a new tourist area in the city of Bandung. Completed and inaugurated 2017 Skywalk Bandung is a mandatory destination for tourists to visit, because it was developed in the Cihampelas area which is an official tourist destination in Bandung. After 2 years of inauguration, the Bandung skywalk has experienced a decline in visitors since its inauguration. Changing the Cipaganti road to one lane, the adjacent Cihampelas road into one lane is the same as Cihampelas making an alternative for tourists to Bandung, changing through the Cihampelas street after traveling to the Lembang area. lane transfer to Jl. Cipaganti being a single lane, helping to deal with congestion and reducing tourists to Jl. Cihampelas, so the construction of the skywalk is less useful than its original purpose. Through the journal that we convey today, it is hoped that it can become a reference method that can be used by the Bandung city government to be able to revive the city facilities that are not functioning properly with the initial plan targeted by the Bandung City Government. Such projects require special attention and, as explained at the beginning, an integrated approach due to the need to manage a large number of urban structures and significant financial investments. The construction of the Skywalk phase II, which is still unfinished, is the main problem that results in the neglect of the initial target development goals of the Skywalk, the neglect of completion of the construction is a major part of the revitalization that must be done.
The Contribution of Online Assistance for Student Learning Outcome During Distance Learning to The Technical Drawing Subject at Public Vocational High School 6 (PVHS 6) in Bandung Adila, Mutiara; Permana, Asep Yudi; Yosita, Lucy
Journal of Architectural Research and Education Vol 3, No 2 (2021): Journal of Architectural Reseach and Education
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (534.824 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/jare.v3i2.42208


Abstract – The Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia has issued a Circular Letter Number 4 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Education Policy in the Emergency Period of Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) that teaching and learning activities are carried out from home. Learning in distance is a solution from the government to execute learning activities then they can continue to run during the pandemic period, by utilizing the online media. Distance learning also occurs in productive subjects in vocational high schools, such as technical drawing subject. The technical drawing subject during distance learning is limited by time, even though this technical drawing subject requires a very long time because it requires quite high accuracy. Thus online assistance became one of the solutions to guiding students outside the technical drawing hour’s lesson during distance learning through online media such as computer, television, radio, telephone, internet, video, etc. Assistance usually with face-to-face, one of its aims is helping the learning process of students who are having difficulty of understanding the material and build students to achieve the learning goals, but during distance learning assistance is carried out online. The obstacles found in the online assistance, they are the students’ devices, teachers’ communication with students, teachers are difficult to drawing checking, and students are difficult to understand the material. The method used in this research is a quantitative descriptive method with a number of samples is 46 involve the class of first grade students in Modeling and Building Information Design Program (MBID) at PVHS 6 in Bandung. Data collection techniques use two ways, they are questionnaire techniques with a 39 number of questions grains on online assistance variables and documentation techniques on learning outcomes by referring to student’s value on the task of the technical drawing subject. Before data analysis, an instrument test was using the validity and reliability test. Then, perform the analysis of the level of respondents to find out the general description of the variables. Furthermore, data analysis was carried out by the normality test, correlation test, regression test, and hypothesis test. The results of the research obtained were known that the achievement level of online assistance with fairly good category. Also the achievement level of students learning outcome with fairly good category. While the acquisition of online assistance contribution to learning outcomes is 9% by determination analysis and the correlation coefficient is equal to 0.300 which means the relationship category is weak. Therefore, the hypothesis (Ha) is accepted, there are positive contributions between online assistance to learning outcomes.Keywords – Online Assistance, Technical Drawing, Learning Outcome, Distance Learning. 
Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE Vol 2, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE Juli 2018
Publisher : Prodi Arsitektur UNIVERSITAS KEBANGSAAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (886.789 KB) | DOI: 10.31848/arcade.v2i2.29


Abstract: Problem of housing in Indonesia is still as a complex problem, with many problems of: land acquisition, backlog 13,8 million of housing need  and high price of house. All of that problems is crucial which need the best and faster solution, therefore analysis and problem solving for this is necessary. In this paper will describe about analysis about public housing in Japan (Danchi) to complete the housing literature study in Indonesia to understand many positive aspects from that. From this analysis can be known that Danchi has many positive aspects, there are : (1). The role of government is as main keyword on Danchi Program by subsidy and totality application, (2). The role of government on  land acquisition is also as the second factor (the justice on right of the land), (3). The simple layout and design is also significant factor to get the price being affordable, (4). The system of payment is based on affordability of community, different salary can be possible to buy/rent housing  (5). The building maintenance is keep on high quality, therefore the age can be longer and the quality can be better.  Keyword: Public Housing, Danchi, Backlog of housing needs Abstrak: Masalah perumahan di Indonesia masih merupakan masalah yang kompleks, dengan aneka masalah yakni: permasalahan tanah, backlog kebutuhan rumah sebanyak 13,8 juta, dan tingginya harga rumah. Semua masalah ini adalah masalah penting yang masih memerlukan solusi yang terbaik dan paling efisien, maka dari itu analisis dan pemecahan masalah adalah sangat penting. Dalam telaah literatur ini akan menganalisis dan membahas mengenai nilai-nilai positif mengenai perumahan di Jepang (Danchi) untuk melengkapi kajian literarur mengenai perumahan dan permukiman di Indonesia. Dari analisis dapat diketahui bahwa : (1). Pranata dan prosedur penanganan pihak pemerintah yang konsisten dan berkeadilan, (2). Penataan lahan, (3). Layout dan desain yang sederhana dan efektif, (4). Sistem pembayaran dan penyewaan sesuai dengan tingkat kemampuan (level of payment) dan (5) Pemeliharaan bangunan secara high quality, adalah prasyarat untuk usia dan kualitas bangunan yang lebih baik.Kata Kunci: Perumahan massal (public housing), Danchi dan Kebutuhan perumahan (housing needs)
Lentera Karya Edukasi Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Jurnal LENTERA KARYA EDUKASI: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Pusat Pengembangan dan Kajian Sarana dan Prasarana Pendidikan (P2K Sarprasdik)

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Abstract: An economic increase in a city that is getting better, has an impact on visiting tourist areas in a city and its surroundings. Bandung city which has many tourist destinations, making the tourist destination increase tourists and increase the activity and the need for consumptive products including agro products. through the activities carried out, we convey how to process flower waste owned in the Cihideung village area with agro-industrial techniques into solid soap, so that flower waste can be utilized properly.Abstrak: Peningkatan ekonomi yang semakin meningkat, berdampak pada kunjungan Kawasan wisata di suatu kota dan sekitarnya. Kota bandung yang memiliki banyak tujuan wisata, menjadikan wisatawan dan aktifitasnya berdampak pada konsumsi indsutri termasuk produk agro. Melalui kegiatan yang kami lakukan, kami memberikan pembelajaran pengolahan limbah bunga yang dimiliki petani di Kawasan Desa Cihideung dengan Teknik agro industry menjadi sabun padat, sehingga limbah bunga yang tersedia dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik.Keywords:  Training, Bandung City, Tourist Area, Agro-industrial Techniques, Solid Soap, Flower waste Kata Kunci:  Pelatihan, Kota Bandung, Kawasan Wisata, Teknik Agro Industri, Sabun Padat, Limbah Bunga
AGORA:Jurnal Penelitian dan Karya Ilmiah Arsitektur Usakti Vol. 19 No. 2 (2021): RUANG PUBLIK ERA COVID 19, DESAIN DIGITAL DAN TEKNO-KONSERVASI BANGUNAN
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (743.445 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/agora.v19i2.9894


Hotel memerlukan strategi real estat untuk pengembangan dan perencanaan. Persaingan yang ketat, menuntut inovasi hotel dalam memaksimalkan pelayanan dan fasilitas yang tersedia. Selain itu, penambahan ornamen, suasana, dan penegasan tema hotel berguna untuk semakin menarik minat pengunjung. Brand Hotel Sutan Raja sudah terkenal malang melintang di berbagai daerah dan kota di Indonesia. Berdasarkan penelitian perencanaan dan pengembangan pada kawasan yaitu diantaranya minimarket dan coworking space dapat memberikan pelayanan hotel pada hotel Sutan Raja Soreang lebih maksimal. Adanya kebutuhan sarana prasarana tersebut dikarenakan tautan lingkungan yang cukup jauh dengan minimarket terdekat sehingga harus keluar kawasan hotel dan karena hal itu pada perencanaan desain lebih berpotensi untuk dibangun minimarket. Dari perumusan strategi ini, kami dapat memberikan saran-saran sebagai masukan bagi Hotel Sutan Raja Soreang diantaranya perlu adanya peningkatan kualitas di semua aspek internal Hotel Sutan Raja Soreang, agar sumber daya yang dimiliki dapat dimanfaatkan dengan optimal. Pihak manajemen Hotel Sutan Raja perlu meningkatkan perhatian dalam hal pengawasan disiplin dan efektivitas kerja karyawan dalam rangka menciptakan sumber daya yang berkualitas.